Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Random Point of the day

She said, "My only mistake or regret was not forcing you to take your 'A' Level. You'd definitely end with a different set of results"

She knows i work better under pressure yet she was the one who was convinced that i will never do well for 'A' levels. I was too depressed at that point of time coz of the fact that i didn't get into VJC, to be bothered about proving her wrong.

And she chose to say it out now, after 3 yrs of poly and nearly a yr after i've graduated.

Her reason? "I didn't know you would follow the crowd. Till poly happened. There's no form of pressure there... Everything was so relaxed."

And me? I was like "WTF" silently.

Ok fine, i did slack alittle. OK ok ok... maybe... ALOT.

I mean i've never scored a D or even failed a subject in my entire life till poly la..

Ok. FINE. Maybe she does have a point.

But nobody can do anything also wat now, i've graduated with a diploma.


Now? I'm just waiting to see where i'll go next, she doesn't have to rub it in lor.

*suddenly thought of food* I WANNA EAT ICE CREAM!

I'm going to sleep now!

Tmr's another working day. Have i mentioned that my boss LOVES to put me on the spot a.k.a bully me! Totally wat the hell!!

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