Monday, April 02, 2007

Sheesh! Its 2.20am and i cant sleep!

Serve me right for waking up so late today!

And i'm actually watching princess hours again... *faints* i cant believe myself sometimes. LOL! hahahaa.. Somehow, i love the show... Maybe its coz of the various issues that i could definitely relate to.. Different setting, same problems. LOL!

My grandmother is in Malaysia and most probably will be back tomorrow. heheheh... why do you think i've been enjoying myself this weekend! lol! The worst part about it was that... NONE OF MY FRIENDS WAS FREE THIS WEEKEND!

So i spent my time with my mom instead. Told her about work and all... I haven't told her much ever since i started working here... i've just been busy constantly i suppose.

Talked about work and its issues. Then i remembered how one topic which was somewhat discussed at work. Marriage.

Yes. Marriage. It saddens me how people nowadays take the issue of marriage so lightly that its just something written down on paper. I dunno why, but i just find it so insulting.

Isn't marriage supposed to be sacred? Isn't it suppose to be some unbreakable bond made by parties that's totally in love with each other that they would want to spend the rest of their lives together and waking up everyday knowing that you're not alone?

You can call me a romantic or an optimist. But marriage at the end of the day is a relationship shared between 2 individuals and like any other relationships, it needs to be worked on doesn't it?

I just can't fathom how society of this time can take marriage so lightly.

I just need to sleep for now... Gotta go! LOVE YA'LL!.

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