Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Turns out my MC really wasn't what I expected it to be. I had another attack this morning. It was so heavy, its weighing me down. The tightness was suffocating, I was ready to cry. It was a permanent lump in the chest and no amount of water could make it disappear.

I made the decision to go on half day.

I came to work. I shouldn't have.

The head was light, the chest was heavy.
The heart's beating too fast, the fingers are trembling.

Today's a bad day. Any day from now on would be.

For a half day, its been a really really long day.


Sometimes, I don't understand why when a person does his or her work fast, its assumed that one is not learning.

Yes, i've overlooked some stuff. Ok fine, i'm still getting used to it, alright? There are just some stuff that wouldn't cross my mind as something of utmost importance.

Maybe its true when a person say a woman will always look into the finer details than the bigger picture.


I'm just tired. Very tired.

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