Conference was a blast. Honestly, 12months ago, I never would have thought that I will be attending CISA Conference again. My stint on Student Council was over and I had nothing related to students in general related to me.
No doubt I hold various other executive positions but who am I really to be sponsored to attend the conference. But hey, I got elected through a by election about 2 and half months ago as their National Equity Officer... and fast forward... here I am today.
Conference happened 3 days after I finished my exams (to the panic of my assistant - she was getting anxious with worry and not known to me then, she was having sleepless nights). I was the social events coordinator for this year's conference. LOL. Never saw that coming! It wasn't ideal but it was something we all had to deal with, especially with it being in Adelaide. A rollercoaster ride both emotionally and mentally. I will always be grateful for Rachel, who was appointed as my Executive Assistant about 4 weeks before the conference.
With the sleepless nights from conference planning, executive duties, and studying for exams; I was no doubt ready to pull my hair out. All I could think about during exams were international students and floor plans and things I need to remind my assistant about.
But the brain is a wonderful thing. Masya Allah. God's greatest creation is the human brain. I don't know how I managed to sit through an exam, write a paper that has no relation whatsoever with social events, psychology, international students, sponsors and stakeholders. I sat through a law exam distracted with so many things flowing around my head.
I got my results a couple of days back. To my absolute surprise, I cleared the subjects that I didn't think I would clear and even did way better than I expected in some of them. O God, thank you for bestowing me with one of your greatest creation. Thank you for making me from the genetic pool of people with above average intelligence. Thank you.
While I may not have the grades of some student leaders with HDs and DNs, I am still grateful of my grades despite my busy schedule running around with student involvement. It would have been picture perfect tho, wouldn't you think? With an impressive result slip, student involvement, the works. But I know myself, its not that I'm incapable of that, I am just lazy. Plain and simple. I go the distance for others but more often than not, I do not do the same for myself.
The next semester is the beginning of my final year. FINAL YEAR. soon it will be graduation again and what the future has in store for me? I do not know. Its going to be an interesting year as I have aimed to score much better to push my GPA and at the same time I have been re-elected as the National Equity Officer 2014/2015 and there's lots coming this way.
I thank god for every single thing that has come my way. The good, the bad, the regrets. Life lessons. Life sometimes teaches you the hardest lessons at the most unsuspecting times. But that's just how God works; subtle ways.