Friday, October 20, 2017


Towards the end of this journey, I met so many new wonderful individuals which will make parting even harder.

A friendship was created under the most unexpected circumstances. The care, concern and loyalty that rose from here were surprising. I never thought that i would get so much love within such a short period of time. 

is my heart heavier? yes. It is. My heart. oh my heart. Be still my heart. Be still dear one. I will overcome this. I will as I usually do with everything else. 

There were situations that occurred which made me alittle relieved that this wasn't gonna go further but as the curiosity peaked, so did my interest and, as per my suspicion, so did the other. Friends have mentioned to me before that if it were to proceed further, they would not mind it as they believe the compatibility between these 2 individuals. The mind did wonder off to it sometimes. The recent silence is now alittle past the first moon. Apparently, silence wasn't exclusive. It extended further into the other parts of its social environment leaving most in wonderment of its absence. I've been asked if issues arise from the start of a certain acquaintance. however, I, myself am unsure of the reasons behind the absence. I was even surprised that I was asked if that acquaintance resulted in a certain heartbreak that left the other in a corner. I did not realised we have arrived to such a conclusion. What were exchanged? I was curious but at the same time I halted myself from such curiosity as I myself am unsure of these inner thoughts circling within. No, curiosity ain't opportune at this instance. i do not have the luxury of such thoughts. I do not. Yet, my heart flutters alitte while my mind wanders. And then I open my eyes to reality thus refraining myself as i look back on the footprints that has been made and the blank canvas in front of me...

Thursday, August 17, 2017



Another fascinating 4-letter words. Another word so self-defining. So resolute. So final.

Sometimes, you sit here and watch as time passes you by and you don't feel a thing. You don't feel as you age unconsciously. Every single day. Every single minute.

And then you wait, for something to happen. Something life-altering. Something close to a miracle. You wait. And you take a chance on it coz you don't know when it will arrive.

Every single day. The same thing but a different time.

is it right to be where i am right now? at this time? this moment?

One wonders if i'm waiting for a miracle of sorts. A time for someone to tell me to encourage me to take that leap of faith and i'll... jump.