Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The Elephant in the room that everyone gingerly steps around...

What's going on with the world today? US especially. First with the pandemic, now with race wars.

I do not understand how people do not see that racism occurs on a subconscious level. 🤯 I really do not know what is so hard to understand about that.

Stop telling people to move on or get over it coz it is just how it is. The fact that people just brush it off as it is what it is as though it's something normal is not ok.

These "they should know their place" or "of course they're/he/she is that way... They're (insert race) what do you expect?" Mindsets are not ok. It is not ok to normalise someone based on their race and overlook the person behind all of that. This, unfortunately, is not exclusive to the US. It is relevant in every society.

I have called out racism my whole life. Whether it was directed toward me or someone within my vicinity. Someone like me (a minority) would have gotten multiple degrees under their belt, acknowledged by the community as leaders, given back without expecting anything, and received awards of various magnitude and it will still not be enough for someone within the majority of their country to accept them as who they are instead and overlook their background.

It is the reality of many minorities who have worked their entire life to quash stereotypes and still have to battle to prove themselves. Sometimes it does feel that with every 2 step forward, we're taking 1 step back.

Baby steps. Baby steps are not enough without the majority community recognising the issue at hand.  Withput them acknowledging the problem, change can't be affected. Coz if the majority do not see it as a problem then how could minorities push forth their voice?

I really do get upset about people belittling the little guys. I get (unfortunately for the other idiot) extremely passionate about telling them off.

More often than not, I do not care what happens to me as long as the person on the receiving end of discrimination receives the apology or justice they deserve.

Maybe it's a job hazard. But tbh, I think it's because of how I am that I chose a certain career. out of passion.

It is not ok for minorities to conclude and accept situations that are discriminatory exclusive to their community as a way of life.

If you have never needed to try very hard to be something more than you are, then you come from privilege. There's nothing wrong with coming from privilege... Just don't stay within your own little bubble and assume that the rest of the world is as sheltered as you are.

Wake up. Look around. Open your eyes to the realities that are within your communities... Speak up when you see injustice. Do the right thing even if your voice shakes when you speak.

If you are unable to support your peers or your neighbours, then who willl? If you are unable to realise that your silence in the face of injustice validates those who are discriminatory towards minorities, then it's time to re-evaluate certain things in your life.

Racism is a very real thing. Coz it's the easiest form of discrimination is it not?

Coz race is a visual. You really don't have to work very hard to discover that an individual is different from you, you just have to look at them. Let's be honest, when you look at something- be it an object or a fellow human, comments are formed in your head, positive or otherwise. "Whoa her hair so bouncy!" "Oh dear, what's with the outfit". "Why do they create something so impractical?". "Omg. That thing should never see the light of day".

These are conversations you have with yourself. Musings in your own head.
But please, refrain yourself from making conclusions and stereotyping a person just by looking. Generalising a person based on your biased views of a specific race is as shallow as you looking at an innate object going "oooo shiny!". But the difference is one is an innate object, the other is a complex individual. Allow your thoughts to see the individual for who they are instead of the colour of their skin.

It is honestly very tiring, saddening and frustrating for someone to have worked very hard to achieve remarkable things but for these individuals to be brushed off solely based on the colour of their skin.

For them to climb mountains just to get to a really simple destination. For them to push through thorns just to be heard. For them to go through an obstacle course just to get a simple job or a tiny promotion. It is not even for something big and life changing, it is a simple day to day reality for some. But its a tiring reality. No one's asking for pity.

Put yourself in the shoes of others once in awhile. That's how you learn empathy. Not by telling them "to get used to it" or "get over it" already. 

Honestly, it's the minorities that should be telling you that. "Yes, we look different, have a different skin tone.. so why don't you get over it already? Coz we're so much more than our skin colour".


Of course, I have been privileged with my social circle where I am often the token minority in my clique (both in Sg & Aust). my social surrounding has been very vocal about shutting down racist remarks and have been very respectful of my racial and religious identity. But many are not lucky enough to have such friends on their side.

Outside of my safe circle, it is also a very different reality. Of course, i do not discard the fact that this vary from country to country, and community to community. I mean, I have seen the kindness and acceptance of absolute strangers ❤️ and the warm welcoming from others 🤗. I acknowledge that fully and appreciate it wholeheartedly. But it's really not about me, it's about racism against minority as a whole.

When it's good... it's great.

But on most days...

It is no doubt disheartening to see racism prevails under the veil of multiracial cohesiveness and the minorities are the second class citizens in a country they call home.

People wonder why did it escalate to this point over on the other side of the world.

That's because when you push a person to a point where they've had enough. Where they take a stand coz they're done with all the bullshit their whole lives. This happens. We're all humans at the end of the day. There's only so much a person can take. Especially if they have to deal with it their whole lives, for generations and they've prayed everyday that their children and the future generation would live in a kinder world.

Coz when enough is enough...

Enough Is Enough.

#SpeakOutEvenWhenYourVoiceShakes #Racism

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