Thursday, March 03, 2011

My entries are scarce recently... But I can't help it. I seem to be having to catch up with time. I seem to be constantly trailing behind and later on checking the time only to realise its late.

I cant sleep... Again. But this time, there's really something on my mind.

Have you ever wondered why some people refuse to tell people their past? Their backgrounds? Or maybe feel the need to hide a fraction of their ancestral identity?

Coz you can't trust people. People talk... sometimes too much. People see.. sometimes unnecessarily. People remember... sometimes too vividly. As a result? You just get disappointed with people. Especially those you never thought were capable of it.

To me, a promise is sacred. In my life, I take promises seriously. Due to circumstances in life, promises are never broken and therefore my attitude towards it gets extended to friends.

Sometimes you would think you know someone a little better, but more often than not, you're mistaken. When I make a promise with someone, I don't dismiss it easily once its broken. I am not one who gladly takes a leap of faith. When I take a leap of faith, it means the initial seeds of trust have been sowed.

At such a stage, its fragile and therefore it can be eliminated...

Just. Like. That.

Now I know why you were unaware of certain things. You were not from this life, you will not understand. Instead, you will think these are trivial matters of no importance whatsoever while they see the gravity of the matter.

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