Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Safe... I hope.

Initially, I thought I didn't care. When the news of the earthquake and tsunami plastered the papers around the world, I still didn't call to check how you were. Maybe circumstances made me this way. *shrugs* I've been hurt too much in 2010 that I don't wanna care about anyone anymore.

Mom called me to ask me if i've heard from you coz nobody could reach you not even your mom. My reply was laced with annoyance, "If no one can reach her, what makes you think i can? Its not as if we have special walkie-talkies. I'll still have to text her." When Deena asked about you and I told her.. i really didn't care.

After much persuasion, I texted you wondering how you were especially now with the nuclear plants explosion and I received an immediate reply from you telling me that things are bad but you're all well. I told you to come home, I'm sure your dad did too...

I wanted to tell you that Aikido School isn't all that worth it. I wanted to tell you just leave Japan for the time being and come home to the family that's worried about you. But what can we do if all flights out of Japan are cancelled and the transportation system within Japan isn't functioning. Besides, I wouldn't be there for you when you need me, since i'm 7000miles away from home.

At the end of the day, you're my cousin. Even though I act as if I don't care, deep down I still do. So here's to me hoping that you're safe and well and of course, very much alive.

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