Thursday, May 19, 2011

Musings and Questions.

From then, till now. I'm not reall sure what you want from me. So what is it that you want from me?

Once upon a time, I believed that I'm a princess. But has anyone ever realised that there's so many types of princesses in the world?

I've always known life is hard. But has anyone ever received any warnings about its unexpected slaps and abuses?

I want to own my own empire. Build it from scratch. Layers of mortar after bricks till a great wall appears. What if I will return and continue a legacy instead?

Fear comes in many forms. But my greatest fear comes in the form of losing you, you and you. Makes me wonder, what's your fear then?

You know. people always say its best to be frank about your thoughts, candid with your words and let the other see you inside. Have anyone ever realised that its a much more dangerous situation than camping out by a nuclear reactor?

Sometimes, you care too much in life. Too much that you realise the other still puts up that wall. Flippant remarks that stabs you rheart. Its been said that a pen is sharper than a sword. Oh hell no. Words. Now, that's another story, no?

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