Let's create a Movie Review List first..
ok.. Let's see.. i think i watched Failure to Launch first...
So this entry will then be devoted to only the Failure to Launch Outing!
hmmm.. Failure to Launch was hilarious.. watched it with Azi and Mel and Deena tagged along after making various phone calls to various people.. and obviously, Hidayah missed out on that... Just coz, she didnt feeling to watch movie..
what kinda excuse is that?!?! Didnt feeling.. *rolls eyes*
and obviously she, i think didnt know that we watch movie... so she was complaining about how unfair it was that we watched without her.. wahahah...
Now, the lead actress, which by now i have brilliantly forget the name, has gorgeous crystal blue eys which was enhanced by the black mascara and the black eyeliner... total gorgeousness...
Me and Deena was happily talking during the movie, which mel, nagged at us for talking.. something aong the lines of "you guys are wasting money you know that?!?!"
Notice how Azi was quiet throughout all this?? well, Azi was sick and still sick when she went out with us.. Therefore, we didnt irritate Azi at all... So Azi was comfortably seated beside Deena ignoring out chatter.. but i think she heard la.. but how we commented.. "OMG! HE'S SO CUTE!!" or something like that...
But the best part of this outing comes later on when we were at Starbucks.. WAHAHAAHAHA
So, me and deena loves starbucks... azi no longer loves it coz, there's no longer Rhumba.. and Mel only loves it when he has the money or he's feeling rich.
So, i ordered my usual starbucks, Mocha Frapp while Deena ordered her Shrimp Juice A.K.A Green Tea Frapp... But i swear it taste like those shrimp cold dish... you just blend it.. and TA-DA! You get the Shrimp Juice~!!!
But anywayz, we were crapping away at Starbucks... this was the week where the American Sailors are in town.. therefore, town was kinda filled with shining botak head fellas...
Ok, the interesting part is coming up.. so lemme adjust the fonts to make it big enough.. WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH
And that was when... Mel decided that he wanted to fart at me~!
(Pls note: we are still at Starbucks)
Mel: (turns facing the door with butt in my direction) I feel like farting! I'm going to fart at you!
Me: ASS! (at this pt i was staring out of Starbucks, a particular girl caught my eye and as i was about to turn to Deena i realised that she noticed the girl as well...) Stop trying to fart at me!!! Sicko.
We were sitting near the door la..
(At this pt, ladies and gents, the good looking caucasian girl has entered Starbucks)
Mel: (still trying to fart at me but notice the girl entering and automatically turned back at us with his eyes wide open and his breath stuck in his throat)
Me & Deena: (burst out in uncontrollable laughter)
Deena: Eh Mel, Kentut stuck?? Get sucked back in ah??
Mel: (still dumbstruck at the presence of the good looking caucasian girl merely nodded)
Azi: (stilll laughing uncontrollably)
Me: (giggling) OI! you listening to us or not?
Deena: (still laughing) Mel can you please close your mouth?? And stop staring at the girl so openly...
(Good Looking Caucasian Girl proceeds to the counter to get a drink and comes back with a big glass of PLAIN water)
Me: OMG Deen, she's just drinking plain water. So typical. (Proceeds to faint)
Deen: Huh? She is? OMG.
Mel: (Still staring at the girl coz, she's seated somewhat opposite us) What's wrong with drinking plain water?
Me&Deen: (turned to mel and shook our head)
Deen: This Michelle Chia Rox Fanatic ahhhh..
Me: Mel darling.. there are girls that come to starbucks but are against drinking coffee coz, its unhealthy and will spoil their perfect features and figure...
Mel: (turned and look incredulously at us)
Azi: (all this while still laughing) *Note: if you guys were there to see his face you'd know why no one stopped laughing*
Mel: Seriously? Omg. Like that not interested already la... Such a turn off
Me: (proceeds to faint again)
At this point, Goodlooking Caucasian girl have decided that she has had enough of Starbucks, therefore she and her friends left... but to get to the door they have to walk pass our table..
Mel: (suck in lots of air and couldn't breathe again)
Caucasian Girl: (stares at Mel as if he's an alien)
Mel: (turns somewhat pink and looks down while trying to look at her from the corner of his eyes)
Caucasian Girl: (Gives another Wat-the-stare as she walked pass us)
Us Girls: (trying to control our laughter so as not to make it obvious)
After that?
Mel is back to trying to fart at me.
so ya.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hmmm.. i've been thinking...
I think i could be one of the happiest girl alive... LOL~!
This is because...
I've realised that i've been going out nearly everyday.. and NO! Thats not the reason why i'm so happy...
The reason why i'm so happy is that.. i'm going out with the closest people... ALL OF THEM TOGETHER!!
wahahaha.. i kinda realised that when i look back at the outings list and wondering which one to type about.. LOL~!
Talk about coolness!!
I'm so contented!
Come to think of it, the senoritas met my poly friends... and now we're ALL going out together.. hehehe..
I mean.. Wat am i so happy about is that.. My 2 groups of friends have no problem with the other and kinda happy to be hanging around each other... and the 2 group have merged to become one!!! Sort of la.. i mean we do still have our separate outings la.. i mean.. aiya.. you know wat i mean.. wheeee...
Let's see when did this happen???
I remembered them meeting somewhere in October '05... And then Hally kinda joined the senoritas for our hari raya outing with my cousin... then somewhere later my cousin met my friends... then she started watching my performances, well not performanceS more like performance, since i realised she only watched SINS at Ngee Ann so far... then that was actually the start of nearly all our outings...
and also that my friends are also now my cousin's friends.. so its like.. wahahahhaa.. YAY!
ok this post is bimbotic... but i'm in love with it anyway.. wahaha...
I shall give the outings entry later on... wheeee.. when i'm less thirsty!! heee.
I think i could be one of the happiest girl alive... LOL~!
This is because...
I've realised that i've been going out nearly everyday.. and NO! Thats not the reason why i'm so happy...
The reason why i'm so happy is that.. i'm going out with the closest people... ALL OF THEM TOGETHER!!
wahahaha.. i kinda realised that when i look back at the outings list and wondering which one to type about.. LOL~!
Talk about coolness!!
I'm so contented!
Come to think of it, the senoritas met my poly friends... and now we're ALL going out together.. hehehe..
I mean.. Wat am i so happy about is that.. My 2 groups of friends have no problem with the other and kinda happy to be hanging around each other... and the 2 group have merged to become one!!! Sort of la.. i mean we do still have our separate outings la.. i mean.. aiya.. you know wat i mean.. wheeee...
Let's see when did this happen???
I remembered them meeting somewhere in October '05... And then Hally kinda joined the senoritas for our hari raya outing with my cousin... then somewhere later my cousin met my friends... then she started watching my performances, well not performanceS more like performance, since i realised she only watched SINS at Ngee Ann so far... then that was actually the start of nearly all our outings...
and also that my friends are also now my cousin's friends.. so its like.. wahahahhaa.. YAY!
ok this post is bimbotic... but i'm in love with it anyway.. wahaha...
I shall give the outings entry later on... wheeee.. when i'm less thirsty!! heee.
Which celebrity hottie are you?

Christina Aguilera
You are a strong woman! You have an awesome self confidence, and aren't afraid of what people think of you! You are independent and know how to work it!! You go gurl!!
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Hmmm.. Come to think of it.. i have no been blogging about my social life.. which seems to be never ending this time round... wahahaha... yup yup, made easier with the fact that i'm not working.. but does not help my pocket obviously.. Come to think of it.. i've been going out nearly everyday!! *Gasps*
So, i have a few things i wanna blog about.. lemme type out the stuff out first... wahaha.. as a reminder for me self..
1. Yesterday's Fish & Co. outing with Mel & Azi (14th April 2006)
2. Quotes of the day from my aunt (11th April 2006)
3. Training Experience at Singapore Exhibition Services (11th April 2006)
4. Magic Fundoshi (9th, 13th and upcoming 19th April)
5.Ice Age Outing with Deena, Hidayah and Melvyn (5th April 2006)
6.Ultraviolet with Deena, Hidayah and my mom (1st April 2006)
7. My experience at my mom office (14th & 15th April 2006, including 1st April 2006 and there might be more upcoming mom's office stories in the near future.. LOL!)
8. Lunch at Taka with Mel and Nadia (11th April 2006)
9. Outings with the senoritas
10.Failure to Launch with Azi, Mel and Deena (with hidayah whining about not asking her along) - Inclusive of exclusive story from Starbucks Wheelock. LOL
11. Ayam Penyet at Lucky Plaza
12. Outing with Mel and hidayah
13. Starbucks outings with Mel and Azi
So, i have a few things i wanna blog about.. lemme type out the stuff out first... wahaha.. as a reminder for me self..
1. Yesterday's Fish & Co. outing with Mel & Azi (14th April 2006)
2. Quotes of the day from my aunt (11th April 2006)
3. Training Experience at Singapore Exhibition Services (11th April 2006)
4. Magic Fundoshi (9th, 13th and upcoming 19th April)
7. My experience at my mom office (14th & 15th April 2006, including 1st April 2006 and there might be more upcoming mom's office stories in the near future.. LOL!)
8. Lunch at Taka with Mel and Nadia (11th April 2006)
9. Outings with the senoritas
11. Ayam Penyet at Lucky Plaza
12. Outing with Mel and hidayah
13. Starbucks outings with Mel and Azi
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
I went to the Fashion Show remember?
Yeah.. it was by MISSONI...
I'll put up the invitation card when my comp isnt like going against me by uploading it vertically when its supposed to be horizontal.

Yeah.. it was by MISSONI...
I'll put up the invitation card when my comp isnt like going against me by uploading it vertically when its supposed to be horizontal.
This was what i wore to the fashion show together with my black jeans and heels.. not too bad.. but yeah... i was very self-conscious...
anywayz, met my cousin... Who was btw, EXTREMELY late...
So off we went to the fashion show...
here's the pics from the fashion show itself.. somewhere towards the ending...

Sunday, April 02, 2006
I've been receiving very weird comments from various people...
One saying that i'm pretty...
That is one unbelieavable comment.. wahahhaa.. i nearly died laughing... LOL~! like seriously, i nearly fell off my chair... wahahhahahaha... but i did choke on my water though.. lol..
and the other is saying that i look like an indian muslim girl...
Wahahhahaha.. i'm getting it AGAIN~! haiz.. nvm, i shall get use to it... pple been calling me that since i was young anyway.. haiz...
I've been receiving very weird comments from various people...
One saying that i'm pretty...
That is one unbelieavable comment.. wahahhaa.. i nearly died laughing... LOL~! like seriously, i nearly fell off my chair... wahahhahahaha... but i did choke on my water though.. lol..
and the other is saying that i look like an indian muslim girl...
Wahahhahaha.. i'm getting it AGAIN~! haiz.. nvm, i shall get use to it... pple been calling me that since i was young anyway.. haiz...
Waaaaaaaaaaa... Its sunday already...
Went out with my mom yesterday (Saturday)
And we chilled and did the normal things... and we end up at Haagen Daz... wahahhaha.. coz, I WAS craving for ICE CREAM~! yum yum... anywayz, got my ice cream... i'm so in heaven and currently quite full.. so yea.. i'm quite contented...
Accidently had liquor in the process.. WAHAHAHAHHA... LONG STORY~! lol... but the point is that how on earth can someone drink that? sheesh.. it taste like cough syrup... Dont you guys feel like taking medicine everytime you drink it? WAHAHAHAHA... It even taste like a few of my medicine... sheesh.. *dies of medicine overdose*
No wonder someone once told me a few days ago that i wasnt missing out on anything by not being able to consume it... and yeah... i totally agree man.. sheesh...
But yes.. i'm currently awake, happily polishing this particular pair of turkish silver earrings that i bought around 3 years ago... I'm so going crazy... I cant stand it... I mean i get so happy just by seeing my silver shine again!!! WHEEEEE....
Now for my silver hoops... I better find it man... I cant believe I can misplace something that is THAT huge...
And i'm beginning to sound UTTERLY BIMBOTIC... sadded. lol.
But anywayz, i'm currently wondering what am i going to wear tomorrow... AHhhhh.. this is stressful!
Well, you see, i'm going to a Fashion Show tomorrow... you know those runway kind by this particular Italian Designer... And since my aunt was busy... actually come to think of it... i dont think she is... i think she just want us girls to go by ourselves...
Oh well.. i act as though i'm in it or something.. wahhaah.. but yeah... i think watching it will be equally exciting... hehehe...
The theme is: Artistic & Stylish
tralalalala.. wheee!!! lol~! Artistic and stylish... Yup i have something in mind.. tralallala.. i hope it will look nice though... but yeah.. I'll be wearing something that will be showing enough of my neck since we're (me and my cousin) going under my aunt's shop's name...
SO.... me and my cousin will be adorned with accessories from the shop... Yup, we are the face (so called la) of Cahaya... That is btw, the shop's name... LOL~!
And i cant wait to see the new batch of earrings that just came in... And obviously cant wait to get my hands on them... wahahaha...
Seriously, we've been like ambassadors or spokesperson of the shop... wahahaha.. we've been happily trying out accessories for the fun of it.. wahahahah...
Talk about madness..
There's another week of something else coming out soon if i'm not mistaken... with the press and all... well, i hope my aunt ask me to come for that as well coz she already suspect that i'll be so excited for it.. wahahahaha...
Well.. yeah.. i'm just too free.. finding for things to do ya know.. lOL~!
PS: HIDAYAH I WANT MY CAMMIE BACK FOR TMR!! lol... See ya tmr.. I'll be getting my cammie back from you.. muahahaha... lol
Went out with my mom yesterday (Saturday)
And we chilled and did the normal things... and we end up at Haagen Daz... wahahhaha.. coz, I WAS craving for ICE CREAM~! yum yum... anywayz, got my ice cream... i'm so in heaven and currently quite full.. so yea.. i'm quite contented...
Accidently had liquor in the process.. WAHAHAHAHHA... LONG STORY~! lol... but the point is that how on earth can someone drink that? sheesh.. it taste like cough syrup... Dont you guys feel like taking medicine everytime you drink it? WAHAHAHAHA... It even taste like a few of my medicine... sheesh.. *dies of medicine overdose*
No wonder someone once told me a few days ago that i wasnt missing out on anything by not being able to consume it... and yeah... i totally agree man.. sheesh...
But yes.. i'm currently awake, happily polishing this particular pair of turkish silver earrings that i bought around 3 years ago... I'm so going crazy... I cant stand it... I mean i get so happy just by seeing my silver shine again!!! WHEEEEE....
Now for my silver hoops... I better find it man... I cant believe I can misplace something that is THAT huge...
And i'm beginning to sound UTTERLY BIMBOTIC... sadded. lol.
But anywayz, i'm currently wondering what am i going to wear tomorrow... AHhhhh.. this is stressful!
Well, you see, i'm going to a Fashion Show tomorrow... you know those runway kind by this particular Italian Designer... And since my aunt was busy... actually come to think of it... i dont think she is... i think she just want us girls to go by ourselves...
Oh well.. i act as though i'm in it or something.. wahhaah.. but yeah... i think watching it will be equally exciting... hehehe...
The theme is: Artistic & Stylish
tralalalala.. wheee!!! lol~! Artistic and stylish... Yup i have something in mind.. tralallala.. i hope it will look nice though... but yeah.. I'll be wearing something that will be showing enough of my neck since we're (me and my cousin) going under my aunt's shop's name...
SO.... me and my cousin will be adorned with accessories from the shop... Yup, we are the face (so called la) of Cahaya... That is btw, the shop's name... LOL~!
And i cant wait to see the new batch of earrings that just came in... And obviously cant wait to get my hands on them... wahahaha...
Seriously, we've been like ambassadors or spokesperson of the shop... wahahaha.. we've been happily trying out accessories for the fun of it.. wahahahah...
Talk about madness..
There's another week of something else coming out soon if i'm not mistaken... with the press and all... well, i hope my aunt ask me to come for that as well coz she already suspect that i'll be so excited for it.. wahahahaha...
Well.. yeah.. i'm just too free.. finding for things to do ya know.. lOL~!
PS: HIDAYAH I WANT MY CAMMIE BACK FOR TMR!! lol... See ya tmr.. I'll be getting my cammie back from you.. muahahaha... lol
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