Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
You can have whatever you like~ eyyyyy.
Remember I told you that I was out with my cousin last tuesday coz she needed to get her fiance a valentine's day present? Actually this valentine's day present was also like some sort of an engagement ring. Coz he said that since she have engagement ring. he also want!
Tsk. Men nowadays. *shakes head*
Hopefully, she have given Kunyit the present or else this entry will Kantoi lor seriously. But I don't think Kunyit reads my blog. So its fine... rite? LOL!
We went to various places even topshop became a target. She picked a particular ring from topman and i walked out of the shop leaving her behind. SERIOUSLY, it was hideous.
So we headed back to Calvin Klein (the worst part? she knows her fiance was eyeing rings from CK)
We ended up getting the ring below but the clear crystals instead of black. I think its damn sweet la. Looks expensive for that kinda price. I would think that... Its a well bought present! The rings from the Calvin Klein Accessories this time round is quite eye catching!
After that, she realised that she hasn't bought for me my birthday present for when I turn 23 last october! So she asked me to pick anything i liked in the accessories collection. But truthfully, I hate it when someone will ask me to do that. Coz I will feel so damn guilty~!
I like this ring I saw on Calvin Klein website but I cant seem to find it in the shops tho!
I actually thought the ring below was nice... don't you think? but my cousin didn't like it... she said it looks fake! KNS. So we put it back after trying it on...
I thought this was nice tooo.. but my cousin didn't like it as well she said that it didn't look feminine enough. Thinking back, I kinda agree now coz I think Mel's rings are mostly like this... LOL!
Then we both came to an agreement that this Calvin Klein double stacked crystal ring is nice!!!

But it didnt have my size! It was out of stock! So I ended up getting a dog soft toy for my bday instead... Which I didn't really mind... But now when I was surfing online.. this particular ring can't seem to get out of my head.

But it didnt have my size! It was out of stock! So I ended up getting a dog soft toy for my bday instead... Which I didn't really mind... But now when I was surfing online.. this particular ring can't seem to get out of my head.
I might just get it myself one day! BLEARGH~~
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dolce... And... Gabbana..
Fendi... and...
This is my new D&G Shades.
Only diff is that its black frames instead of silver!

One Week, 7 Days, 168 Hours...
Yerp. That was how long its been since my last post on valentine's day. LOL
And its been awhile since I slept properly. After my last entry about Super Junior: M, I stayed awake the whole night unable to fall asleep. What else is new rite? I should enrol myself into insomnia anonymous or something.
Is there even such a thing? hmmmm... *ponders*
But anyways, my cousins drove in from Malaysia on Sunday afternoon. Basically, its for them to see me for the last time this yr before I fly back to Australia.
So I was bought rite? Guess wat I did? Especially after being bored at home and pissed off with my grandmother about comiing home late.
Yup the same one that I made when I was in Australia. But this time round, it was PERFECTION. not bad for something made in the wee hours of the morning while being in a bad mood. LOL!
So my cousins came on sunday (14/2) and once again I had difficulty falling asleep! By then, my cheesecake is gone and buried in various people's stomach... And I ended up baking Chocolate Paradise. Its a chocolate cake and its fudgy and extremely rich that it was gone in approximately 8hrs upon completion. LOL!
Monday (15/2) came along.
And once again there was nothing to do. I mean, seriously, CHINESE NEW YEAR IN SINGAPORE? what on earth is open rite? So my cousin, Mawar, came with the intention to shop but to her dismay, I told her nothing's opened.
Me and the rest ended up at Kallang Leisure Park to ice skate. BUT. they rink was temporarily closed coz they wanted to re-iced it so while waiting we ended up in the arcade playing stupid games and creating a crowd. I'm SERIOUS! so we were so caught up in our Para - para dance moves that we didn't realise that an hour has passed and we needed to head to simpang to meet the rest of the family for dinner. BLEARGH~!
and again, we didn't get to ice skate.
Baby and Angah wanted to club but WHAT IS OPEN ON A MONDAY RITE? well if there is something open, please tell me so that I can keep it in mind for future reference. LOL.
So by the time al of us headed home it was about 1230am and we were all munching and watching King Arthur on Channel 5 when someone (i cant remember who) asked if the theatre's open!
Went online, checked and BOOOM! those who were asleep woke up and was ready in 5mins. that's a record breaker pls especially if you all see how leceh they can be each time we wanna go out.
So we head out to Grand Cathay for the 255am showing of Percy Jackson and the lightning thief.
How was it?
It was interesting la... Not bad story line, good looking casts, very harry potter-ish, you know the kind that goes like... GOOD WILL TRIUMPH OVER EVIL *cues inspiring music and lightning bolts* LOL!
Movie ended at about 530-ish and we headed to Kallang Macs for breakfast before heading home at 630am.
Woke up at about 10am on Tuesday, 16/2 coz Mawar still wanted to go shopping for valentine's day rite... Tsk. People now got fiance wat. V-day also cannot miss one. Even tho the poor cousin was dragged out. HMPH!
And we headed home at 3pm and met the family at Pastamania for lunch and they left for Melaka shortly after that.
And surprise, I left with them. It was an impromptu outing la. Very unexpeced.
SO when we reached Melaka about 8pm, headed out for dinner at Dataran Pahlawan at Old Town White Coffee, where Mawar bought me a soft toy!!!! thank you thank you!
and then proceeded to hang out with angah and baby and friends and then the siblings stayed up watching soccer - AC MILAN VS. MAN U. I surrendered at 4am and went to bed. Soccer ended at about 6am for them.
by 10am on Wednesday, 17/2, I was awake coz i wanted to go and do my hair. Since mawar needed to go back to KL on that day, Baby woke up early to drive and accompany me at the salon.
But first we ended up at a new shopping centre, AEON for lunch at Papa John's Pizza. Its not bad la... quite Ok the food. and ended up getting myself a D&G shades which cost about RM1.3k on 30% discount.
So in an attempt to pacify myself, I shall continuously tell myself that I practically made money on the shades. hmmmmmm...
Reached the salon only at about 3pm. and by the time i finished doing my hair it was about 7pm and then I made nano cut her fringe after that we headed to Dataran Pahlawan again to meet up with Angah coz he needed help to choose v-day present for his gf and then I got another soft toy present... FROM ANGAH!! WAHAHAHAHAH... so sweet! i never thought the day would come lor seriously. LOL
Met my aunt and uncle for dinner, headed home at about midnight and headed out to Pure Bar where Angah have already made plans with his friends to club. We reached there at about 130am. Club closes at 230am. Went for supper/breakfast at Hang Tuah Mall. Headed home about 430am and Angah and friends was at home watching soccer!
So I fell asleep with Baby and woke up at 9am on Thursday, 18/2 coz my bus back to singapore was at 11am. Baby decided to come back with me to singapore again with her friend, Hadi coz they wanted to get a bicycle frame. They claimed that Singapore is cheaper. I have no idea. If they say so, then maybe it is! *shrugs*
My uncle was unwell so Angah had to send him back to the hospital at 9am, came home and then send me and baby to Melaka Sentral at 1030 am together with Nano coz she needed to go for tuition and then he headed to his uni library at 12 to do his research for his FYP.
power not? LOL!
the story have yet to end.
So Baby, Hadi and I reached singapore at about 430pm on Thursday. Went to Hadi's relatives house for late lunch, came back to our house and fell aslp. Woke up at 7 or 8pm and headed downstairs for dinner, came home about 10pm and changed and headed out to Zirca. Met Mel there and the 4 of us was having the most interesting clubbing experience... ever.
We left the club at 4am, Friday 19/2, and headed to macs at Liang Court for supper/breakfast and then headed home at about 5-ish...
Woke up at 9am and bathe and woke my cousin up and her friend to get ready and called the bicycle shop. Went to bicycle shop at 1045, got the bicycle frame, called mel at 11am to wake him up coz he needed to meet his friends and then we went home, rest awhile
2pm - left the house to send my cousin to lavendar street coz their bus is at 230pm from Singapore to Melaka. Headed to Sim Lim after that to change my keyboard.
Met Tuti at 430pm at Bugis and passed her some shoes of mine as promised, did a manicure and chit chat, headed to ION after that with her and met Deena at about 7pm. Then three of us went to Far East Plaza for dinner till about 10pm.
Haizad picked me and deena up. Tuti's husband picked her up. Reached home at 1030pm, lay down on my bed and the next thing I knew it was Saturday, 20/2...
I was like... OH SHIT! WTF!
why such a reaction? coz i was supposed to call Mel at midnight to wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
sheesh~ so here goes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! You're 24. Therefore, you're old. HEH! Thursday at Zirca was just pre-bday k? We'll celebrate again once we're both back in OZ!
Your birthday pressie you wait awhile la hor? LOL!!
take care! dont scrutinize your wrinkles and fine lines! you still look fine. if everything else fails, there's still Dr. Rohan! LOL!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
As the clock strikes Midnight...
And it reflected the dawn of Valentine's day...
I chanced upon something and fell madly and hopelessly IN LOVE!!
Can you see the hearts floating above my head?
Guess wat I fell in love with?
Yup. this... *points below*

They're a Korean boyband (sub group) SUPER JUNIOR-M that was created specifically for the Chinese market and all their members are of chinese and korean descent.
If I were to have boyfriends like these guys... Want to dress up and go on date also so damn shiok. LOL!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Eyes are used for staring
Its been an interesting night.. and this is the first time i'm blogging from my phone. Yes i'm currently using the new motorola dext mb200..
I'm still at the chinese new year dinner and i've been introduced as my mom's daughter.. Obviously. And the constant reaction?
"WAH! Your daughter so big already ah? U sure this is the same one as last time? The one that always run ard with the pigtails ah?"
Me: -.-"
Haiz.. i have no idea what time this is gonna end.. i"m talking to mommy and blogging at the same time..
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Dinner tmr which I'm not exactly looking forward for. But I know, I'm the only hope left. The only source of normality he will ever have. The only one who will not be a disappointment.
Material things are important to a certain extent i suppose. But I dont really bother about them much.
When warmth have its own place and time and sometimes you just hide it away oh so well.
You wonder if you're in the right frame of mind to still be able to think and feel that way. Many wonder the exact same thing that crosses your mind... Who am I kidding anyways?
Its really time to change the keyboard... its pissing me off quite badly...
Something just crossed my mind the other day. Apart was something that have never happened to us before. What if one day it will happen? How will that be? Wouldnt that be the same as losing a limb? Or maybe, it might not be felt at all? Shadows do fade one day too rite?
Pity? Is that all i've been feeling all these while? Maybe guilt. Or maybe a sense of unconscious loyalty. There have always been something that i've always seen in my head but at the same time i've always known that it will never happen even if i wished otherwise.
When things in life don't go your way. You just turn oh-so-impatient. you'll turn scared of something that you don't even know anymore. Your faith tend to waiver. Your hope alittle bleak. But you keep on going as tho there is some unknown force pushing you on.
Love comes in many forms. Disappointment comes from love. Only when you love then you'd be able to be disappointed. When you get disappointed, can you give another chance? Another chance at life. Another chance of you being there. Another chance of strength.
Do cats really have nine lives? If yes, I hope you have the lives of a cat. You're part of my tiger. I just pray that your nine lives have yet to be used up.
I want something different for you. I want a change for everyone. I want you to start over even if it means you'll have to go somewhere else. I want you to live the life that you were supposed to live. I want you to at least have a glimpse of the perfection. Yes, the perfection that this imperfect family can give.
I just hope you'll manage to get out of this one. And I want you to promise me when I see you that this will be the end. This will be the last. This will be just part of your past and a memory you would not want to revisit anymore. I want you to promise me that you'd give the world to the little ones and never let whatever that happened repeat itself in them.
Just hear the wishes of my heart and make me this promise from a brother to his sister.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Stomach Flu
As many would know from my facebook status updates I was in Jakarta over the weekend. Yes its one of the many random things I've done eversince i cam back from Aussieland. LOL!
If only I could travel for free, you know like... fully sponsored! yippe yum yum. LOL. Yes, no harm rite. A girl can always dream.
Sidetrack: I have a pimple on my nose. Fucking painful.
So I came back on sunday-monday at midnight. And then on tuesday I felt as though I was going to die of stomach pains. It felt like menses cramps only that its all over the tummy instead. So for all you girls out there you can imagine my pain. HMPH!
My doctor was gleeful at the sight of me simply commenting that I should just take this as a FREE DETOXIFICATION.
Free Detoxification? Kns.
Basically, not eating keeps me feeling perfectly fine. the moment i consume something remotely solid and would need digestion, the pain is.. yes. EXCRUCIATING. HMPH!
And its always at times like this that... you tend to have the weirdest cravings. And I am currently craving for MACDONALDS. can you believe it?
bloody hell.
Anyways, I have no photos from Jakarta. Just followed my aunt coz she needed to get some things for her spa. And I bought cheap ass MAC products at the cosmetic centre. Now I'm wondering if I were to sell these make up, think got people will buy?
One MAC blusher at $15. hmmm *ponders*
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