Friday, September 30, 2011
You're Business Savvy
You're Business Savvy
You have got a fresh, positive attitude to life that means you are naturally drawn to anything that is modern and original. Your cool sense of style and sharp mind allow you to maintain that perfect blend of work and play, which means you are generally a fun person to be around. You have got a wonderfully childlike spirit. You see the beauty in the simplest of things. Happiness is not something to save for the future, it's about living in the moment.
You're not one to let a challenge pass you by and your thirst to close the next big deal is what makes you tick. You're straightforward, self-disciplined, thoughtful and hard working. Once established in a post, you are very difficult to unseat. You're not just an idea-oriented individual, but also an achiever. Rarely do you get ahead through advantage or nepotism, as you are more likely to come out of nowhere with unusual talents and take the field by storm. When called upon in a time of crisis, you often come up with highly creative and practical solutions, winning the appreciation of your superiors. Above all, you're very realistic about the positions you hold and shrewd enough to guarantee survival in the job market.
Here's the quiz link: