I know, Azi's been asking me to watch it.. but i've never gotten the time to spare to actually watch it on Channel U or on youtube. So far, i've always loved Japanese drama but always have found Korean ones tooo sad or emo or watever.
But then again, i forgot that i've always loved to watch these princessy stories.
During Hari Raya, i went to my cousin's house and my niece has the DVD. So that was when i started watching it. First it was more of the fact that my niece wanted me to watch it with her.. So i did it out of pleasing people.

And well, i dont like to watch things half way wat... especially when i know that there's a continuation... And as i happen to go to my niece house twice during Hari Raya, i've only managed to watch up to episode 3. Which is quite a big achievement considering the fact that it is Hari Raya and well.. there's relatives who wishes to catch up on your lives.
But anywayz, i digress.
The thing is... not only has the Princess Hour fever hit me, i've bought myself DVD of Season 1. Which is a shocker even to myself, i mean.. hallooo.. i've always wanted to get myself the Charmed seasons but never got it coz i find it kinda waste of money..
but look at what i'm doing? I just bought a Korean Drama Series. *faints*
And the worst part?
I'm currently having problems with keeping my eyes away from Korean men! I mean look at the pics below.. The first picture is this guy acting as Prince Yool, the crown prince's cousin.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.. Wat the hell is wrong with me?!?! *Pulls hair*
But seriously, i'm currently having a very odd group of eye candies. Its been around for quite awhile already.
Its like all these Korean, japanese and people who are fair but not white (non-caucasians. duh!) are catching my eyes~!
And have you guys seen the this month's style magazine?! Where they interviewed Jonathan Leong? And there's like a 5pg spread of him in that clean cut look, shirt and jeans or formal looking pants.
Well i have this thing with guys wearing collared shirt and jeans.. Its like sooo nice to the eyes dont you think? Totally cant take your eyes away from them. Its like.. boyish, guyish but still kinda manly kinda thing rite?? I KNOW MAN! Cuteness V.7.8 sia.
But i digress. Again.
Where was i?
Oh yes, Style mag and jonathan leong's spread. he totally look like those mafia... like soo cute and mysterious.. WAHAHAHA!!!
Sheesh.. I better end this post, its like my bimbotic-ness running out of control. LOL!!