It was a day spent with the person I can't lie too, the person who understands me and the person whom I truly love.
Thanks for all the wishes as the clock strike 12. I was still at Deena's place for my Jalan Raya and Neo messaged me. I didn't realise that it was already 25th Oct till I read his message. lol!
Toot-fied pls.
This year, I don't know why but I dont seem to expect anything. But nothing is something that isn't happening.
I thought this year I will be spending it quiet. The way I spent it last year. But seriously. How wrong i was. My cousin abandoned me last week despite promising me that she will spend time with me this year during my birthday. Surprise. She left.
So I decided, I will have my own fun without realising what they have in store for me.
I went to watch a play with Mel and he brought me out for my birthday dinner. Yes it was uber sweet.
Maybe coz I reach to a point where I wasn't expecting anything. lol!!
I was suppose to meet the girls to club that night but little did I know that they and mel have planned something for me! I was temporarily blind, I was given my birthday cake and everyone sang a birthday song for me!!! it was odd but.. you know.. sweet.. lol!!
They gave me my birthday presents and they TRIED to sabo me but i warned them that I didn't bring any extra clothes. So ya.. they were kind. LOL!
I was allowed to open my presents but I wasn't allowed to read a letter. It was painful pls, the fact that I had to wait till the time I reach home to read it.

The night was something I'll never forget. It feels as though its the last time I'm gonna spend my birthday here... Maybe it is.
The rest of the pictures are put up on my facebook under the albums titled "22 was blessed with 3" part 1 and part 2.
I'm looking at the photos and the presents laying rite in front of me. I'll never forget last saturday. that's for sure.
Many thanks to:
Mommy for giving me a Digital SLR for my birthday which made me scream for the entire hougang to hear when I saw it.
Tuti for the bag and perfume. Don't worry la, the bag is fine can!
Bear for the charm bracelet and the letter. Thank you. really. Truly and sincerely. No, not for making me cry. But we both know why. I'll cherish it... forever.
Deena for being the mastermind behind most of it all.