Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2+4 = 24. Old? Nah...

1 year have passed and its that time of the year again; 2 days ago. Something happened on my bday that i'm not sure if i was being too unreasonable about it... hmmm.. do i feel guilty for being angry? yes.

Sometimes, i'm just so torn between what is right, what is wrong and what is it that i still have the right to do... confused?

yeah well. let me give you a scenario...

My birthday fell on a Monday this year. I was brought out 2 days before that Monday. The Saturday. Had dinner. Open presents. Went out. Party. Take photos... And then Monday came along and nobody called. and i didnt expect that somebody would assume other things.. maybe he was being concerned. Aiyah. i also dunno..

but the bottomline was that: was i wrong to be pissed/angry/sad/whatever when we already celebrated my bday 2 days before my actual day? should i have just let it go?

but we already agreed on going out on monday... AIYAH I ALSO DUNNO LA!


I actually enjoyed my really random birthday presents and the whole of saturday. Food could have been better but then again this is Adelaide, that's the nicest i've tasted so far *contented grins*

Didnt do anything on Monday coz nobody called... till afterwards when I kinda/sortof exploded via SMS. Went to pancake kitchen and ate everything i felt like eating.. it was a hell lot of food. =D

heh heh.

i'll blog again soon about the extend of my birthday.... coz i dont think it will end anytime soon.. =D

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