Sunday, April 11, 2010

How time flies.

Its the start of term break. yup yup. and i've partied the weekend away and will be starting on my essays on monday. yup. lol. I know a hell lot of you wont believe that I would actually do it on Monday but let me assure you that I will coz who knows, I might party again on the weekend then when on earth am I gonna do my essays rite?

Its getting colder now. But the weather have yet to make up its mind if it should be cold or cool. wind or not. yeah. its a bitch. sometimes wearing a sweater or a jacket, you cant decide whether to take it off or leave it on. *rolls eyes*

Having the time of the month and my lower back is a bitch. I feel like a pregnant OLD woman (not that the entire description would make sense. I dont think an old woman could be pregnant) but its alrite, anything to make you feel remotely fine again. =)

And nothing else is happening much on my side other than the fact that well, I've gotten my Learner's so I guess i'll be doing my driving soon.

And yes, I've finally publically announced it here. coz the reason I was keeping it a secret rite, was coz, well, i didn't intend to tell someone coz he was taking so long to ask me why on earth I was so happy or grinning away the few days after I passed my L's. annoying rite? tsk. i even reached to a point of asking him, "aren't you gonna ask me why i'm so happy?" tsk. I know la I constantly happy but I'm sure there's a difference during those few days and the norm. But I told him over the weekend... so yeah. heh heh. its all good now. HEEEEEEEEE.

I actually enjoyed my weekend. a lot. =)

Once the term break is over, the end of semester 1 would be nearing. Which means, exams will be heading my way soon i guess. BLEARGH. oh wells.

Oh and another thing. My parcel that mom sent from singapore have yet to arrived. I'm really wondering wat the hell is going on with the transportation here. it usually takes just 3 days for her courier to arrive. its been more than 10 days now.

If that parcel goes missing, that is one hell of an expensive parcel. coz, aside from the miscellaneous things that mom mailed to me, inside there is my fencing equipments and my zara jacket.

My fencing stuff already total to 1k. so if it goes missing. I will kill someone. I really will. Coz you have no idea how grudgingly i have to deduct from my salary to pay coach every month before I left for Australia.



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