Friday, April 02, 2010

The Last Song

Nicholas Sparks seems to be making alot of money this year. From Dear John and now this, The Last Song starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

There are a few things i've realised about Nicholas Sparks' movies:
  1. Its always romantic
  2. It will somehow involve a dying family member
  3. At times you will receive the full blown cliche scenarios (but you don't mind it anyways coz it is afterall in its genre. that being said, the cliche-ness is a right on its own. LOL!)
  4. Always have the cliche happy endings
  5. Powerful tear jerker scenes
  6. And hot male leads. LOL!
You know how on the cover of nearly every romance novel you'll always have the illustration of a really hot handsome guy with an equally hot female on it? Well it seems to have transferred itself to the silver screen. LOL! Channing Tatum, now Liam Hemsworth!

Truthfully, I actually like the movie. Maybe its biased for me since i'm always a sucker for this kind of fatherly movies. lol!

You know, Bollywood was once asked why the happy, extravagant, cliche, dramatic and positive bollywood films are constantly made. And the answer received? To give the people hope that beauty still exist in this world.

So Nicholas Sparks and his happy endings? Who am I to complain rite? Its positive, its happy, everything works out in the end. It refueled the dying candle in each individual's heart. Maybe we each will have our own happy endings.

I would say, go watch it. But at the same time, I would remind you not to expect something totally extraordinary coz this has Nicholas Sparks written all over it. It is afterall his trademark.

P.s: I don't know why is everyone making a big deal about Miley Cyrus acting in this movie. I actually think she's a good actress. And as shocking as it may be to many, i actually enjoyed Hannah Montana The Movie.

P.p.s: I think Miley Cyrus is damn lucky to have such a hot boyfriend now.

P.p.p.s: I, therefore, want to be famous too.

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