Friday, October 29, 2004
Speak Softly Love
by Al Martino
Speak softly love
And hold me warm against your heart
I feel your words
The tender trembling moments start
We're in our world
Our very own
Sharing a love that only
Few have ever known
Wine colored days, warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights, when we are one
Speak softly love
So no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make
Will live until we die
My life is yours
And all because
You came into my world with
Love so softly love
[Musical interlude]
Speak softly love
So no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make
Will live until we die
My life is yours
And all because
You came into my world with
Love so softly love
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Let's see.. On 25th October...
Wat happened?? Well, my burfday is just like any other day.. nothing much really.. came to school for rehearsals... left when rehearsals are over.. went to TM.. Mel decided to watch THE GRUDGE! sht man.. Even on my birthday i still cant get to pick a movie!! This is unfair!!
So watched THE GRUDGE with azi, kay and mel and of course.. me! wahaha.. even though i tried to run to the bus stop.. but obviously in vain.. i was imprisoned.. lol.. i shouldnt go into smaller detail abt wat happen..
But the thing is.. i didnt actually watch it.. coz.. i spend 99% behind mel's sweater, mel's arm, my bag and the popcorn box.. and also whimpering away and silently cursing each time azi poked me to scare me..
And i really shouldnt write all that... i think i've just ruin my reputation.. or watever reputation i have in the first place...
and i make it sound as if my birthday was damn unhappening.. but i had fun though.. i'm turning cuckoo this week..
Then then then... yesterday.. i met the 2 senioritas as hidayah call us..
They treated me to swensens at crowne prince hotel.. and they're like nagging at me for reaching late..
i mean like helloooo.. i'm the birthday girl here... just wait for me and stop complaining.. muahahha..
we took loads of pics.. it's really crappy la.. at how i spoil the pics and make sure that i outshine them.. whahaha... and that i'm the only one that look nice in there.. wahahaha.. by the end of the photo taking session.. they were ready to strangle me.. muahahaha
oh ya.. they gave me this spirally looking, heart shaped-pendant and necklace from perlini's... alamak.. so sweet...
i mean i seriously didnt expect anything from anyone on my birthday la.. treating me to swensens was enough.. and getting such a present.. i was speechless...
To the extent.. they were like.. "OI NAD... Say something la.. Usually you like to comment wat.. now so quiet for wat?!?!?!"
I mean.. HELOOOO!!! I don't actually comment on everything you know.. especially not on things people give me...
Then we were chilling around... talking and updating each other on the happenings in our lives... sitting around and laughing our heads off... and did we embarrass ourselves yest?? i cant really remember that bit..
but i think we did.. lol.. i mean it wouldnt be a perfect outing if we dont embarrass ourselves... its like our trademark... doing something for the fun of it.. lol!
But i really truly love the present.. really.. its sweet and its nice.. :P thanks for everything guys... really appreciate it..
Oh ya.. Hidayah darling.. such nice pics eh? And i'm seriously stressed about my pics... ahh... I seriously will definitely go on diet now.. I mean i look like a friggin' teddy bear!!
Monday, October 25, 2004
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Haiz.. its written everywhere... sheesh..
1) Guilt because you've given a responsibility.. but you cant be bothered to do it anymore... maybe coz, i'm tired? i dont know... maybe i already lost interest long time ago.. could that be it?
Or maybe I was just hanging around coz i'm afraid to break that news to people? Oh well.
2)Guilt because everything else is wrong and you're just adding to the disappointment... haiz..
Sometimes i wonder why do i have to be me? Why can't i be someone else with the PERFECT life?
Ah. Watever.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Always expect the unexpected...
It'll reduce shock..
It'll reduce whatever else you're suppose to feel..
Therefore, it'll not leave you disappointed...
It'll put a certain expectation about a particular something...
It'll definitely will teach you something by the end of the day...
so people...
~Brace yourselves!~
::if only there were answers...::
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
We (Me & Mel) was walking around century square trying to fill our time, thinking of wat to do... and obviously talking crap at the same time.... Well, the aim was to walk one round of every floor before proceeding to the next floor...
--------- Walked the entire round, time to go upstairs------------
So we were walking towards the escalator...
Reached the escalator, stepped on it.. and guess wat???
Then and ONLY then we realised that the escalator was going DOWN instead of UP!!!
Ahhhhh So embarrassing!!!
And when we turned around... All red and embarrassed.. guess wat?? there was people who followed our lead and was behind us to go up as well... wahahahhaa... We nearly died of laughing... whahahaa... that was lame...
Monday, October 18, 2004
That was the quote of the day by our dear Miss Kabetha Bai...
I'm bored...
It's the 4th day of Ramadhan...
Its the first day of the week...
and the 18th day of the month...
and yes, once again... i'm bored...
oh wait, i'm not bored.. i'm just sleepy... Aiyah.. i dunno lah.. i think i left my brain somewhere...
oh ya.. HIDAYAH!!! you were saying about coming over for break fast rite? Pls sms me the details stating when you're coming and with who.... muahahhahaa.... lol...
wat else ah? oh ya.. i'm scared.. of.. erm... erm... kabby
*hides in a pail... if i can find one that is big enough...*
Friday, October 15, 2004
Well... Let's say... This particular person is not a friend of any sort... just some acquantaince of yours that would appreciate your presence at a certain place...
Tell me, who in their right mind would come running and to add to it, the call was received at a last minute rite?? IDIOTS!
What do you take me for? Just someone who would do anything you'd ask.. In case you forgot, not everyone is like you... Come running to anything just because you receive a call and you're invited...
Who would even come at a last minute notice... i know i wont... Me and THE REST OF THE POPULATION won't!!!
Sheesh.. Don't try to explain yourself to me when i can no longer be bothered to even listen... So much for logic... Tell me the neccessity of that and i'll think abt it again...
I know my duties... dammit.. but don't try to make a fool out of me.. even if you informed me on monday... I'd still wont be able to give you a positive answer...
What if you were informed the prev week? well... definitely no definite answer but you'd keep in mind that you were invited to something... most prob, you'd turn up.. am i rite?
What if you were given the task to call and invite a person and the event is tmr... would you even do it? ARGH!
Trust me. If you did, You'll end up embarrasing yourself and whatever you represented... coz, whoever you call will DEFINITELY have a bad impression...
And when you cant solve something... you look for me even for something so minor??? Thank god it wasnt in person... If it was.. I would have shoved the middle finger in his face!!!
What do you take me for?? Someone who you can dump all your shit on? and you'd know it will still be cleaned up?!?!?! If that's what you think... You can BLOODY well DREAM ON!!
Coz, i'm no longer taking responsibilities for your actions... Whatever you do... You jolly well think of an answer if you screw it up... And whatever the reason is... YOU better DON'T push it to me... I'd definitely slap your face right there and then!
ARGH!!! IDIOTS!! Why did god even create them?? They just take up TOO much space on this beautiful earth which they tend to contaminate at times...
BLOODY HELL!!! i'm just so pissed rite now!!!!
Monday, October 11, 2004
It's 2.14am... I cant sleep and i have no purpose to be awake... Such a problem.. LOL!!
Newsflash: Exams is over!!! Whooppie doo!!!
Oh yeah oh yeah... Starts doing a stupid dance followed by a chicken dance*
How was my exams? muahahahha... I'd be thankful if i just pass... that was how bad it is... Oh wait.. Maybe i was exeggerating a little... But nevertheless.. It was hell!!!
Contract and Crim Pro.. Sheesh!! At least Contract was much better... 10X better then Crim.. and i have a feeling that my LCOMM is gonna be pulled down a grade coz, i still cant find the stupid "W/o prejudice" letter... SHT LAH... There goes my dream of a possible dist...
Let's move on to whatever is in store for me in this upcoming weeks:
I'm just oh so free rite now... lol!!! i can practically do somersaults!! *Ok.. i can hear kay nagging or rather threats: "You better enjoy it coz, it gonna end soon"
Well all i can say is that... At least, mine doesnt end that early.. not like the particular someone who is definitely going to tag about this particular point when he reads this particular entry.. muahaha..
*Oh my, that's alot of 'particular's used*
I shall not digress... But one thing is that... I know i'm not gonna be THAT free... lol!! I still remember during the june hols when i was seriously free.. and i was telling myself that... IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE...
Well, true enough... this hols, i'm packed.. muahahha.. I think it has something to do with yr-end hols, it happened when i was in yr1 too.. i didnt have any dec hols!!! but that was all in the past..
Its time to move on.. lol..
Let me see, what did i do on Saturday after contract?
Oh yes, went for lunch... You'd never guess the torture i went through just to settle for a place to go to... and yes, having a non-stop hits companion doesn't help.. He continously nags from the moment we stepped out of school till after lunch... IT WAS TORTURE... coz, it was an exprience worst than those of my grandma's...
And the best part was that... he nags about everything and anything... and after awhile.. i started mimicking him.. muahahaha!!! obviously, that got more nagging from him... But besides the nagging it was quite fun... walking around terminal 1 & 2.. *yes, we ended up at the airport... how creative rite?*
And today? I went to the cemetery again.. to finish up my grave painting.. now its done.. and i'm so gonna disappear from the house this coming weeks coz, my mom is gonna start her spring cleaning... *HELPP!!*
And.. tomorrow? I'm gonna drop by during rehearsal and later go for exco meeting... sht man.. stupid woman just gave me a list of chores to do and to be presented tmr during meeting.... I shouldnt be online man.. each time i'm online.. she gives me things to do.. grrr...
*In an evil voice: "Sumitra-kaki's timing is always opportune"
*hmmzzz... i have to start memorising my OWN lines... not other's.... [Trails away]*
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Coz, Tomorrow:
I'll be having my very own... JUDGEMENT DAY!! muahahahha...
Judgement day is the same as Crim Pro exam.. Coz, i think that's the end of my life.. muahahha.. i'm getting no where with my scenario.. I mean it can't be THAT difficult rite?? We're just 18 yr olds trying to do our best...
But wat do we get?? We have to solve a drug scenario which is totally far fetched...
Its one of those... You-think-this-kinda-thing-will-never-happen-but-nothing-is-impossible-in-this-course-kinda-scenario... i think you get wat i'm trying to say...
But one thing for sure is that.. if i were to pursue law after my diploma.. NO WAY AM I GONNA GO INTO CRIMINAL LAW!!! I think i'm having phobia of it...
~Criminalawhobic~ or EVEN more accurate.. ~Criminalprocedureobic~
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
times.. Muahahaha... Took it from Soffie's Blog.. Interesting answers as usual.. lol!!
I am the Charmer Charm is seduction without sex. Charmers are consummate manipulators, masking their cleverness by creating a mood of pleasure and comfort. Their method is simple; they deflect attention from themselves and focus it on their target. They understand your spirit, feel your pain, adapt to your moods. In the presence of a Charmer you feel better about yourself. Learn to cast the Charmer's spell by aiming at people's primary weaknesses: vanity and self-esteem. Symbol: The Mirror. Your spirit holds a mirror up to others. When they see you they see themselves: their values, their tastes, even their flaws. Their lifelong love affair with their own image is comfortable and hypnotic; so feed it. No one ever sees what is behind the mirror. |
What Type of Seducer are You?
created by

Guys Like That You're FunYou're the type of girl guys brag about knowingThat's because you're cool, funny, and laid back You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you What Do Guys Like About You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |

You Are a Natural Beauty!You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though You have style, but for you, style is effortless What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Ok i never knew that there is such a quiz... But flavour:Dr.Pepper??? That is EWwwww~~~!!! LOL!!
![]() |
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Dr. PepperSaying that you're one of a kind is ... well ... an understatement.
OK.. This QUIZ IS PRICLESSSS!!! Muahahahaha
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too ShyWhen a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catchProblem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Monday, October 04, 2004
But no.. I shall persevere...
*was wondering why yest's post didnt appear... realised that i accidentally hit the Save as Draft button.. How dumb?? Sheesh...*
I just have to look thru once.. And that's it.. I'm hitting the sacks...
Found my pen... Now i need to look for my ruler and eraser... How pathetic is that you tell me?? Me looking for a ruler and eraser the nite or rather morning of the exams... Sheesh... Only show's one thing.. How unprepared i am... haiz...
The LAST MINUTE Checklist for the Desperate
Pen -------------------- Check
Pencil ------------------ Check
Matric Card ------------ Check
Lead ------------------- Check
Bag -------------------- Check
Charge phone ---------- Check
Calculator -------------- Check
Brain ------------------- Still Pending *I'll only find out tmr if i bring my brain to sch or not
Set alarm -------------- Check
Remember to wake SC up - Pending
ruler ------------------- UNFOUND... Declared LOST!
Eraser ----------------- UNFOUND... Declared LOST!
*I can do this... it's not that bad... I wont allow history to repeat itself.. no... I will not allow the same thing that happened to econs to happen to accounts... No.. i'll never forgive myself if i did the freaking stupid mistake twice... [Nags at self... trying to motivate self..]*
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Went to the cemetery today...
Purpose: To repaint the grave... And i totally destroyed my jeans coz, the black paint spilled rite on my lap... and i had to go home from Choa Chu Kang to Hougang like that...
And i'm so NOT gonna include my mom in any future painting jobs... I seriously wonder how she managed to get her shoes covered with yellow spots.. and her face.. tsk tsk tsk...
It's quiet.. calm.. a place where you can truly be at peace...
While i was painting it... Memories just flowed through my mind like an endless river... I was caught up with my colouring and of course, the memories...
No not the memories of my late grandfather or late uncle.. i've never met them before... so no memories was ever created with them in it... Just memories of my life...
So many things have happened, so many ups and there's even more downs... There were times that i gave up... there were times that i barely manage to pull through...
I've said so many things to people... To people i'm related too.. i'm close with... i'm not so close with *Well if i say anything harsh to pple i'm not close with.. obviously its coz they deserve it... but anywayz,*...
I did so many things in my life... Things that I can never forget... Things that others will never forget... and also actions that have went unnoticed...
I've hurt so many people with my anger, my frustrations, my words, my hatred, my expression, my tone, my views....
Hurt people i'm suppose to respect, hurt people i'm suppose to love, hurt people i'm suppose to cherish...
I'm afraid if i loose everything... Afraid of what the future will bring, scared of ALL the possibilities... Afraid that i'll hurt more people... Afraid that there will be no light at the end of the tunnel... Frightened that there is NO such thing as a happy ending...
You make your own decisions... You be responsible for your own actions... How it is that throughout your life... you make decisions for yourself and it changes your life? everything here is you.. you and you alone.. nothing... just... Alone... One.. YOU...
I look at the grave and amazed how its meant to be for one... Alone... The word seemed to be planted there...
Certain things are just meant to be that way... Nothing will ever change it... I just have to remember... I'm alone... I have to believe in myself and watever i do... I was born to this world as the only child... and when i die... i'll be buried alone...
Dear God,
Forgive me for i have sinned