There are times that i get on your nerves...
I only realised it after it has happened...
I'm sorry.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Your dating personality profile: Conservative - You take a conservative stance on most issues and aren't shy about saying so. Your political views are an important component of who you are. Wealthy/Ambitious - You know what your goals are and you pursue them vigourously. Achieving success is important to you. Religious - Faith matters to you. It is the foundation that you build your life upon. You trust that God has a plan for you. | Your date match profile: Shy - You are put off by people who are open books. You are drawn to someone who is a bit more mysterious. You want to draw him out of his shell and get to know what he is all about. Traditional - You aren't looking for someone who is sexually repressed. You want someone who is adventurous under the covers. Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things. |
Your Top Ten Traits 1. Conservative 2. Wealthy/Ambitious 3. Religious 4. Traditional 5. Adventurous 6. Big-Hearted 7. Funny 8. Romantic 9. Intellectual 10. Stylish | Your Top Ten Match Traits 1. Shy 2. Traditional 3. Adventurous 4. Conservative 5. Practical 6. Religious 7. Funny 8. Intellectual 9. Big-Hearted 10. Wealthy/Ambitious |
Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I was thinking of what to type here... What shall i type first, the post up the b-day pics? or write something else?
There's lots of things to be written down, but its just a matter of whether or not its appropriate, relevant and everything else... I wonder why on earth i consider all this when this is afterall my blog...
But anywayz,
I was considering about all this when the phone rang... Time check: 3.10am...
I'm like who on earth calls at this time of the night... and it better not be a prank call that would freak the hell out of me...
After 3 rings, i still didn't pick it up... Then i remembered, it might be my grandfather... Maybe something is wrong... maybe something happened...
I stared at the phone thinking that its no longer ringing, thought that i'm hearing things... When obviously it rang AGAIN... Picked it up... and realised that it was my maternal uncle...
My granduncle just passed away...
I was stunned. Expecting something else, and something else comes along.
I'm still stunned. Maybe i should wake someone up... or should i wait till tomorrow? will it be too late?
There's lots of things to be written down, but its just a matter of whether or not its appropriate, relevant and everything else... I wonder why on earth i consider all this when this is afterall my blog...
But anywayz,
I was considering about all this when the phone rang... Time check: 3.10am...
I'm like who on earth calls at this time of the night... and it better not be a prank call that would freak the hell out of me...
After 3 rings, i still didn't pick it up... Then i remembered, it might be my grandfather... Maybe something is wrong... maybe something happened...
I stared at the phone thinking that its no longer ringing, thought that i'm hearing things... When obviously it rang AGAIN... Picked it up... and realised that it was my maternal uncle...
My granduncle just passed away...
I was stunned. Expecting something else, and something else comes along.
I'm still stunned. Maybe i should wake someone up... or should i wait till tomorrow? will it be too late?
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Finally the supps are over... YUP!
I toook half day... LOL! it was scary asking for it.. lol.. and well, somebody was grumpy on the first day though.. lol
Results are out next week... HAIZ! (i don't wanna see it)
I just need that Ps... I think my whole existence depends on it... I cant possibly fail anything or repeat anything coz, how on earth am i suppose to tell my mom? I mean like seriously, i've kept this a secret and its already killing me from inside... lliterally...
I know i told myself not to complain about the supps... but i think i'm not having positive thoughts on those papers... i think i'm gonna get nightmares till i saw the Ps on the results slips...
There's so much happening around at the moment...
Met my cousin on the way home just now... Luckilly he was on the way up the escalator while i was on the way down... YUP YUP! I'm not prepared to meet any of my family members this time round... Even papa i have not called... I'm beginning to wonder whether or not he knows that Atok is in the hospital...
Its not that i was suppose to be going out with her.. she was on her way to meet her friends... YUP! I've totally made up my mind... WE SHOULD REALLY HANG OUT ONE OF THIS DAYS! Well, the only reason why i spot her was that i saw her tentacles hair!!
hahaha.. becky don't kill me ok? whahaha... its not that its bad.. its just that.. who else have those kinda hair other than the one... the only.. Rebecca Alicia?? whahahahaaha...
I'm kinda down... about? I dunnoooooooooo... ARGH!! Its that time again, i dunno whats going on inside this stupid head of mine.. its irritating.. it really is...
I toook half day... LOL! it was scary asking for it.. lol.. and well, somebody was grumpy on the first day though.. lol
Results are out next week... HAIZ! (i don't wanna see it)
I just need that Ps... I think my whole existence depends on it... I cant possibly fail anything or repeat anything coz, how on earth am i suppose to tell my mom? I mean like seriously, i've kept this a secret and its already killing me from inside... lliterally...
I know i told myself not to complain about the supps... but i think i'm not having positive thoughts on those papers... i think i'm gonna get nightmares till i saw the Ps on the results slips...
There's so much happening around at the moment...
Met my cousin on the way home just now... Luckilly he was on the way up the escalator while i was on the way down... YUP YUP! I'm not prepared to meet any of my family members this time round... Even papa i have not called... I'm beginning to wonder whether or not he knows that Atok is in the hospital...
Its not that i was suppose to be going out with her.. she was on her way to meet her friends... YUP! I've totally made up my mind... WE SHOULD REALLY HANG OUT ONE OF THIS DAYS! Well, the only reason why i spot her was that i saw her tentacles hair!!
hahaha.. becky don't kill me ok? whahaha... its not that its bad.. its just that.. who else have those kinda hair other than the one... the only.. Rebecca Alicia?? whahahahaaha...
I'm kinda down... about? I dunnoooooooooo... ARGH!! Its that time again, i dunno whats going on inside this stupid head of mine.. its irritating.. it really is...
Monday, April 18, 2005
Tomorrow's work as usual.. then there's supp papers on tues and wed.. A little fast... but wat the helll... I'm just praying that i'll be able to pull through it.. LIke all those other supp papers that i took before... My life will definitely depend on it.. Yup, my mom still doesnt know anything.. and i inted to keep it that way till the supp papers results are out...
Gosh. It's tiring when you think about it... I'm beginning to wonder how our parents do it for the rest of their lives... yup! I'm talking about work... LOL! Salute to parents and to those who's working full time.. whahahaha..
Some times when i look back and sees that i've been doing nearly the same thing on a whole.... over and over again... but as i look closer.. each day has been a joy, funny and i'll definitely miss it once school's open.. lol! Its crappy.. I love my boss.. whahahah...
*GASP!* Can't believe i just said that out loud.. but wth... hahahhaa.. its true.. they're funny and irritating at the same time... you cant hate them, so you have to love them.. lol..
Thinkingn of putting up the b-day pics, but... YAWNZ!!! and i need to get to slp... maybe some other time... haiz...
Another quiz.. whahahaha

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Gosh. It's tiring when you think about it... I'm beginning to wonder how our parents do it for the rest of their lives... yup! I'm talking about work... LOL! Salute to parents and to those who's working full time.. whahahaha..
Some times when i look back and sees that i've been doing nearly the same thing on a whole.... over and over again... but as i look closer.. each day has been a joy, funny and i'll definitely miss it once school's open.. lol! Its crappy.. I love my boss.. whahahah...
*GASP!* Can't believe i just said that out loud.. but wth... hahahhaa.. its true.. they're funny and irritating at the same time... you cant hate them, so you have to love them.. lol..
Thinkingn of putting up the b-day pics, but... YAWNZ!!! and i need to get to slp... maybe some other time... haiz...
Another quiz.. whahahaha

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, April 17, 2005
yes yes... its that time again, i'm on a quiz spree.. lol

The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative
wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the
awe of many people and you are exceptionally
logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is
feeling down, they merely have to think of you
to make them happy again. You have the ability
to simply radiate happiness. You can make
friends quickly because your strong point is
your amazingly friendly nature which naturally
people want to be with. You think about the
best in everything, a total optimist, you won't
have any trouble getting a worthy person to
shae your life with!
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not
in never falling, but in rising everytime we
fall" by Confucius.
Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be
seen when a person has "fallen". Only
then one can tell how they will handle it. Just
don't make others fall so you can know who they
really are. You on the other hand may be a very
quick recoverer and don't let people bring you
down. You are your own, and you're find with
that. Emotional issues is something you handle
rather nicely.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
Don't you just agree with the quote... I totally agree with it.. yup yup yup.. i definitely have used that tons of times...

Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care
for others over yourself. However, many people
appreciate your caring side and would rather
stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a
downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and
take advantage of you. You always try to see
the good in everyone and try not to hate.
Also, you have sharp insight and a great
personality. Calm, serene, and understanding,
you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to
people in need. Don't change your sweet
nature, your constant being-there can save a

The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative
wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the
awe of many people and you are exceptionally
logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is
feeling down, they merely have to think of you
to make them happy again. You have the ability
to simply radiate happiness. You can make
friends quickly because your strong point is
your amazingly friendly nature which naturally
people want to be with. You think about the
best in everything, a total optimist, you won't
have any trouble getting a worthy person to
shae your life with!
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not
in never falling, but in rising everytime we
fall" by Confucius.
Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be
seen when a person has "fallen". Only
then one can tell how they will handle it. Just
don't make others fall so you can know who they
really are. You on the other hand may be a very
quick recoverer and don't let people bring you
down. You are your own, and you're find with
that. Emotional issues is something you handle
rather nicely.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
Don't you just agree with the quote... I totally agree with it.. yup yup yup.. i definitely have used that tons of times...

Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care
for others over yourself. However, many people
appreciate your caring side and would rather
stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a
downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and
take advantage of you. You always try to see
the good in everyone and try not to hate.
Also, you have sharp insight and a great
personality. Calm, serene, and understanding,
you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to
people in need. Don't change your sweet
nature, your constant being-there can save a
I suggest your go into a field that
centers around working with others such as a
doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard,
or Teacher. If none of these occupations
interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that
there are plenty of oppertunities out there for
What type of teenager are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
The pictures are kinda nice huh? lol
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Gotta start studying or mugging (watever you call it) for the supps soon... Working and studying, i just hope that i'm able to do it... seeing how i tend to get extremely tired about it.... and doing all this without actually having my mom finding out these little secret of mine..
Yup! I'm still not over the fact that i failed 2 subjects and everyone seems to be getting thru it except me... How nice... WATEVER! I should be getting over it soon...
I met the senoritas today to celebrate Hidayah's Birthday...
Happy Birthday hidayah darling! Just know, we'll always love youuuuuu...
Today's plan was divided up in 3 parts...
Part 1 was the opening present... Part 2 was dinner at Pizza Hut... Part 3 was chilling and the closing present... Yup!
*Note to self: Remember to pay back bank account*
Nah not because of today's expenses... just need to constantly remind myself everytime i remember it.. if not.. i can bye bye already...
We took tons of photos... as usual... will post it up once i received all the picture from them... and for now i think i'm going off to slumberland to dream and hope tmr will be a better day...
Yup! I'm still not over the fact that i failed 2 subjects and everyone seems to be getting thru it except me... How nice... WATEVER! I should be getting over it soon...
I met the senoritas today to celebrate Hidayah's Birthday...
Happy Birthday hidayah darling! Just know, we'll always love youuuuuu...
Today's plan was divided up in 3 parts...
Part 1 was the opening present... Part 2 was dinner at Pizza Hut... Part 3 was chilling and the closing present... Yup!
*Note to self: Remember to pay back bank account*
Nah not because of today's expenses... just need to constantly remind myself everytime i remember it.. if not.. i can bye bye already...
We took tons of photos... as usual... will post it up once i received all the picture from them... and for now i think i'm going off to slumberland to dream and hope tmr will be a better day...
Monday, April 11, 2005
Today i went to see Atok at TTSH... He's been there for a week... Sad. but there's nothing anyone can do and just hope for the best...
He's like frail! All skin and bones. The strength and confidence i saw and remembered from just a year ago is gone. He is now, just a shadow of what he used to be...
The smile he gave at the sight of my mom. The peacefulness that envelopes him just coz my mom was beside him was so apparent. I'll never forget it. The look he gave me, the grateful-ness in his eyes to see us there. Priceless.
Met my other nieces, GOSH! they've grown! loL! so vain already... and here i am... still like this... lol! my nieces are more vain than me! I totally can't believe it... hahahhaa...
They're like attached and their aunt is still single... *shakes head at the thought* Its just so amusing...
Anywayz, met my other uncles... Extremely surprised to see them there! really surprised! unbelieveably surprised! they told me that its been such a long time since they've met me... Asked me where i've been...
I seriously dunno who's the one that's missing, who's the one that's running away... Coz, from wat i remembered... history repeated itself not to long ago... And from what i last remembered, i'm still in good terms with everybody...
anywayz, WATEVER TO THEM! yup! Just watever to them... hahaha.. my life just gets better this week doesnt it?
It certainly does!
First... the bad day at work,
then my results,
then my grandfather still not able to get out of the hospital,
then meeting my uncles,
then practically feeling uncomfortably in their presence,
then not knowing of wat to say to my nieces that i've not met for 2 yrs,
then the awkward silence from everyone except me who's constantly chatting even though i think i was making a fool of myself,
then the non-eye contact from one uncle to the other,
then the fact that i was ACTUALLY RELIEVED to be leaving...
Oh, the joys of being me.
He's like frail! All skin and bones. The strength and confidence i saw and remembered from just a year ago is gone. He is now, just a shadow of what he used to be...
The smile he gave at the sight of my mom. The peacefulness that envelopes him just coz my mom was beside him was so apparent. I'll never forget it. The look he gave me, the grateful-ness in his eyes to see us there. Priceless.
Met my other nieces, GOSH! they've grown! loL! so vain already... and here i am... still like this... lol! my nieces are more vain than me! I totally can't believe it... hahahhaa...
They're like attached and their aunt is still single... *shakes head at the thought* Its just so amusing...
Anywayz, met my other uncles... Extremely surprised to see them there! really surprised! unbelieveably surprised! they told me that its been such a long time since they've met me... Asked me where i've been...
I seriously dunno who's the one that's missing, who's the one that's running away... Coz, from wat i remembered... history repeated itself not to long ago... And from what i last remembered, i'm still in good terms with everybody...
anywayz, WATEVER TO THEM! yup! Just watever to them... hahaha.. my life just gets better this week doesnt it?
It certainly does!
First... the bad day at work,
then my results,
then my grandfather still not able to get out of the hospital,
then meeting my uncles,
then practically feeling uncomfortably in their presence,
then not knowing of wat to say to my nieces that i've not met for 2 yrs,
then the awkward silence from everyone except me who's constantly chatting even though i think i was making a fool of myself,
then the non-eye contact from one uncle to the other,
then the fact that i was ACTUALLY RELIEVED to be leaving...
Oh, the joys of being me.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Today is Saturday... It's been a week of holidays... And yes, I've gotten back my results...
Got it back at work... Told myself that not to cry at the sight of the SMS... Told myself that I have to be stronger than this... I can't possibly cry at work, its just wrong... Ever since I got it back, everything at work was a blur... All I saw was my mom's disappointed face and glimpse of reality every now and then...
Met my mom yesterday after work at PS. Before that, when I was all alone waiting for my mom... I locked myself in the ladies staring at the door... Tears rolled but I didn't cry...
I've let her down too many times... I've let myself down too many times... Maybe I should just get use to failing things... Maybe I gave myself too much credit... Maybe I am stupid after all...
Coz I failed 2 subjects!! Subjects that I actually bothered to study for this time round. Subjects that I actually took the initiative to ask someone to revise with me during a study week that I actually studied...
I can't believe it!!! I refuse to believe it!! I cant and won't accept this!!!!!!!! I cannot accept failing 2 subjects... I really cant... Gosh someone... Help mee... I just can't accept this particular fact... *buries head in hands*
And on the whole? My results ain't that great... It's not even OK to me... I expected more... I expected better... I actually thought things could and would improve this time round... I actually truly believed it...
HA! I guess it's a joke... A joke that I failed to laugh along with...
I kept stuffing myself with food yesterday, just to keep me distracted from thinking about it... I was so full but I just couldn't stop… kept telling myself its not true... telling myself that its all a nightmare and everything will be fine again when I woke up...
I even told myself that if this is not a dream... God, just don't let me wake up to see today...
Exaggerating, but true.
But, sadly, I woke up today... To see everything... To realize that it's not a dream... To realize that I refuse to accept it... To realize that I'm shattered... To realize that maybe, just maybe, I made a wrong decision... To realize that after what I sort of planned, I think I need to plan a new career path... To realize that I'm on the verge of giving up...
*Goes away and hope to never return*
Got it back at work... Told myself that not to cry at the sight of the SMS... Told myself that I have to be stronger than this... I can't possibly cry at work, its just wrong... Ever since I got it back, everything at work was a blur... All I saw was my mom's disappointed face and glimpse of reality every now and then...
Met my mom yesterday after work at PS. Before that, when I was all alone waiting for my mom... I locked myself in the ladies staring at the door... Tears rolled but I didn't cry...
I've let her down too many times... I've let myself down too many times... Maybe I should just get use to failing things... Maybe I gave myself too much credit... Maybe I am stupid after all...
Coz I failed 2 subjects!! Subjects that I actually bothered to study for this time round. Subjects that I actually took the initiative to ask someone to revise with me during a study week that I actually studied...
I can't believe it!!! I refuse to believe it!! I cant and won't accept this!!!!!!!! I cannot accept failing 2 subjects... I really cant... Gosh someone... Help mee... I just can't accept this particular fact... *buries head in hands*
And on the whole? My results ain't that great... It's not even OK to me... I expected more... I expected better... I actually thought things could and would improve this time round... I actually truly believed it...
HA! I guess it's a joke... A joke that I failed to laugh along with...
I kept stuffing myself with food yesterday, just to keep me distracted from thinking about it... I was so full but I just couldn't stop… kept telling myself its not true... telling myself that its all a nightmare and everything will be fine again when I woke up...
I even told myself that if this is not a dream... God, just don't let me wake up to see today...
Exaggerating, but true.
But, sadly, I woke up today... To see everything... To realize that it's not a dream... To realize that I refuse to accept it... To realize that I'm shattered... To realize that maybe, just maybe, I made a wrong decision... To realize that after what I sort of planned, I think I need to plan a new career path... To realize that I'm on the verge of giving up...
*Goes away and hope to never return*
Friday, April 08, 2005
Ah! I finally remembered my last topic...
Miss Singapore Universe 2005
What do you guys think of it? Seriously and honestly??
I seriously and honestly am speechless and have no idea what to say to or about it... Its like... Year after year, there's no one who is beauty queen standard to compete on the world stage...
Why one earth do they still wanna participate it if they could not find anyone good enough for it? Why waste money? Sometimes, its just the same like putting hopes on Team Singapore to win a medal during Olympics...
Ling Lee won Miss body beautiful and Miss Beautiful Skin... Miss Body Beautiful? Her? Hmmmsss.. ya.. and she broke up with her boyfriend rite after pageant coz, he told her that he was sorry to hear that she didn't do well and that the newspaper was calling her a bimbo..
The guy was trying to console... And she broke up with him becoz of it... GIRLS.
Yup, she's the same one that answered that Racial Harmony Day is her fav. festival that made nearly all the 3million residents here go... WTF?!?!
And Miss Photogenic, Rebecca Lim... Its her rite? Well, Me and Deena have came to the conclusion that she is came from a convent... Her looks, her walk, her talk = typical convent girl.. hahahhahaa
And Tuesday's Today Paper states that this year's MSU winner have finally raised the standard of the competition... -,-"
Miss Singapore Universe 2005
What do you guys think of it? Seriously and honestly??
I seriously and honestly am speechless and have no idea what to say to or about it... Its like... Year after year, there's no one who is beauty queen standard to compete on the world stage...
Why one earth do they still wanna participate it if they could not find anyone good enough for it? Why waste money? Sometimes, its just the same like putting hopes on Team Singapore to win a medal during Olympics...
Ling Lee won Miss body beautiful and Miss Beautiful Skin... Miss Body Beautiful? Her? Hmmmsss.. ya.. and she broke up with her boyfriend rite after pageant coz, he told her that he was sorry to hear that she didn't do well and that the newspaper was calling her a bimbo..
The guy was trying to console... And she broke up with him becoz of it... GIRLS.
Yup, she's the same one that answered that Racial Harmony Day is her fav. festival that made nearly all the 3million residents here go... WTF?!?!
And Miss Photogenic, Rebecca Lim... Its her rite? Well, Me and Deena have came to the conclusion that she is came from a convent... Her looks, her walk, her talk = typical convent girl.. hahahhahaa
And Tuesday's Today Paper states that this year's MSU winner have finally raised the standard of the competition... -,-"
WAHAHAHAH!! My comp's back at home!!! Muahahaha... So ya.. Basically i'm back after a week of absence.. Let me update... I think this is gonna be a long one.. hahah.. so brace yourselves pple..
First up,
Virginia Quek Lalita
Yup! As most of you know... I'm working.. *Faints* At a law firm.. *Dies* And here i thought i wouldnt even go near a law firm till the time comes for me to actually go near it.. (i.e: SIP)<-- This is influence from all the letter writing.. lol..
Anywayz, its exactly a week... Work is not so bad.. Kinda enjoy it.. hahaha.. the bosses are funny and have a weird sense of humour...
One goes on and on and on and noone listens to her except for mel who occasionally answers her and I do answer her at times, well, when she actually put her hand in front of my nose asking me whether or not the smell of the perfume she's wearing today is nice or not... *Shakes head*
and the other one writes in ancient sanskrit that really looked like fossils of earthworms... But obviously, she says that she TRIES to write nicely for us, so that we don't have to take such a long time editting letters, affidavits, order of courts and everything else that is needed to be editted... but then again, she used the word "TRIES" instead of "WILL or MUST" so you get the point... *smacks self*
But anywayz, today sucked. hahaha. The computer died on me. The diskette went missing. The next diskette got corrupted. I misplaced my notebook. I had to retype an affidavit twice and it is still not done. I had to retype another letter 4times. And before i left, I can barely see my table anymore. Its piled up with work that we aren't able to finish today. ahahhaha... and that is after a total of 30letters were sent out today... yup!
and the best part? I was already on my way home, in the NEL at Boon Keng Station when one of my bosses called telling me that she didnt have the key to lock the office...
So ya.. i have to go back to Adelphi Building at City Hall... For wat? To lock the office. whahahaha... Well, she owes me one.. That's what she says.. hahahahaha...
And guess wat? Last Saturday, I woke up at 8am thinking i was gonna be late for work coz, i was thinking, "Shit! I think there's something missing from my Affidavit and the client's coming on MONDAY!!!!" And obviously when i realise that it was 8am i panicked somemore... and then it hit me that it was a SATURDAY.. And i had to calm myself down and force meself back to slp..
Dates & Boyfriends
Nah, nothing romantic have been happening at work... It's a firm filled with ladies that is exclusive of Mel of course... who i wanna drool at?
What i'm talking about here is that... You tend to keep track of dates when you're working... Well, most prob is because that we have datelines to meet.. so ya..
Well the affidavit i'm talking about previously, hahaha.. its for a client *DUH!... which is more affectionately known as my boyfriend... Coz, when pestered to go for lunch.. i'll be like, "Can you hold on? I need to settle my boyfriend's stuff" well, it tends to be like that when that is all you've been editting for the past 3days besides the letters and everythings else you're doing la...
and when my aunt ask me what was the date on sunday, whether or not it was 4th April? I was like no. 4th April is tmr, client's coming at 10am and the affidavit have to be ready by then, bring him to the commissioner of oath later and then file it through EFS...
That was my answer to just a plain qns of whether or not it was the 4th that day...
Tsk tsk tsk.
Pets Adoption Centre
I think my house is officially an animal shelter... Coz, i just took in another cat or kitten rather 2days ago. I saw it abandoned by someone and i couldnt bear to see it like that, so i took it home before rushing out to work again...
It's black with white stripes. We called it Tigger. And it fits into the palm of your hand. And remember the white and orange one that my aunt took home around last month? Yup, kinky. Well, Kinky isn't talking to me or rather refuse to even come near me...
Talk about being jealous.
*Turns to Kinky: "You traitor! I bought all your toys for you using my own money and now you're ignoring me just because some cat is just arrived??.. You betrayor!"*
Anywayz, where were we?
oh yes, updates.
Well, i think that's all for now... hmmm.. I'm sleepy.. So ya...
First up,
Virginia Quek Lalita
Yup! As most of you know... I'm working.. *Faints* At a law firm.. *Dies* And here i thought i wouldnt even go near a law firm till the time comes for me to actually go near it.. (i.e: SIP)<-- This is influence from all the letter writing.. lol..
Anywayz, its exactly a week... Work is not so bad.. Kinda enjoy it.. hahaha.. the bosses are funny and have a weird sense of humour...
One goes on and on and on and noone listens to her except for mel who occasionally answers her and I do answer her at times, well, when she actually put her hand in front of my nose asking me whether or not the smell of the perfume she's wearing today is nice or not... *Shakes head*
and the other one writes in ancient sanskrit that really looked like fossils of earthworms... But obviously, she says that she TRIES to write nicely for us, so that we don't have to take such a long time editting letters, affidavits, order of courts and everything else that is needed to be editted... but then again, she used the word "TRIES" instead of "WILL or MUST" so you get the point... *smacks self*
But anywayz, today sucked. hahaha. The computer died on me. The diskette went missing. The next diskette got corrupted. I misplaced my notebook. I had to retype an affidavit twice and it is still not done. I had to retype another letter 4times. And before i left, I can barely see my table anymore. Its piled up with work that we aren't able to finish today. ahahhaha... and that is after a total of 30letters were sent out today... yup!
and the best part? I was already on my way home, in the NEL at Boon Keng Station when one of my bosses called telling me that she didnt have the key to lock the office...
So ya.. i have to go back to Adelphi Building at City Hall... For wat? To lock the office. whahahaha... Well, she owes me one.. That's what she says.. hahahahaha...
And guess wat? Last Saturday, I woke up at 8am thinking i was gonna be late for work coz, i was thinking, "Shit! I think there's something missing from my Affidavit and the client's coming on MONDAY!!!!" And obviously when i realise that it was 8am i panicked somemore... and then it hit me that it was a SATURDAY.. And i had to calm myself down and force meself back to slp..
Dates & Boyfriends
Nah, nothing romantic have been happening at work... It's a firm filled with ladies that is exclusive of Mel of course... who i wanna drool at?
What i'm talking about here is that... You tend to keep track of dates when you're working... Well, most prob is because that we have datelines to meet.. so ya..
Well the affidavit i'm talking about previously, hahaha.. its for a client *DUH!... which is more affectionately known as my boyfriend... Coz, when pestered to go for lunch.. i'll be like, "Can you hold on? I need to settle my boyfriend's stuff" well, it tends to be like that when that is all you've been editting for the past 3days besides the letters and everythings else you're doing la...
and when my aunt ask me what was the date on sunday, whether or not it was 4th April? I was like no. 4th April is tmr, client's coming at 10am and the affidavit have to be ready by then, bring him to the commissioner of oath later and then file it through EFS...
That was my answer to just a plain qns of whether or not it was the 4th that day...
Tsk tsk tsk.
Pets Adoption Centre
I think my house is officially an animal shelter... Coz, i just took in another cat or kitten rather 2days ago. I saw it abandoned by someone and i couldnt bear to see it like that, so i took it home before rushing out to work again...
It's black with white stripes. We called it Tigger. And it fits into the palm of your hand. And remember the white and orange one that my aunt took home around last month? Yup, kinky. Well, Kinky isn't talking to me or rather refuse to even come near me...
Talk about being jealous.
*Turns to Kinky: "You traitor! I bought all your toys for you using my own money and now you're ignoring me just because some cat is just arrived??.. You betrayor!"*
Anywayz, where were we?
oh yes, updates.
Well, i think that's all for now... hmmm.. I'm sleepy.. So ya...
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