Coroner's Inquiry
Went to court today. Interesting experience. Was shocked beyond words to see the trial... To see the plaintiff's counsel... Was just speechless... And to think that i was a part of it on both sides... hahahhaha...
Next week's fasting month already. Thats fast... HAIZ! LOL!
I cant wait... hehehehe...
Seriously, i have the urge to blog.. but i can seem to type anything down...
I think i just miss the blog as well.. ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!
*hugs blog*
I miss alot of things! AHHHHH... OK oK .. NAD! GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
This is SIP drawback!
I'm not suppose to be missing people... I'm graduating.. I should get use to this...
AHhhhhhhhhhh.... I wanna cry already!!!!
I know where i'm going to go back to after all this... AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
NOOOOO!! OK i really wanna cry already!!! WAaaaaaaaa!!!
I'm going to go off and sleep and not think about this already... AHHHHHHHHHHH~~!!!
This is SIP drawback!
I'm not suppose to be missing people... I'm graduating.. I should get use to this...
AHhhhhhhhhhh.... I wanna cry already!!!!
I know where i'm going to go back to after all this... AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
NOOOOO!! OK i really wanna cry already!!! WAaaaaaaaa!!!
I'm going to go off and sleep and not think about this already... AHHHHHHHHHHH~~!!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Just Something #4
Why We Love Children
1. A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat, but it was dead.
"How do you know that the cat was dead?" she asked her pupil.
"Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," answered the child innocently.
You did WHAT ? ! ?" the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
"You know,"explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst!' and it didn't
2. A small boy is sent to bed by his father.
Five minutes later....."Da-ad...."
"I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?"
"No, You had your chance. Lights out."
Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."
"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drin k of water??"
I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!"
Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."
"When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"
3. An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief,
finally asked him "How do you expect to get into Heaven?"
The boy thought it over and said, "Well, I'll run in and out and in
and out and keep slamming the door until St Peter says, 'For Heaven's sake,
Dylan, come in or stay out!'"
4. One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was
tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he
asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"
The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear," she said. "I
have to sleep in Daddy's room."
A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice:
"The big sissy!"
5. It was that time, during the Sunday morning service, for the
children's sermon. All the children were invited to come forward.
One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress and, as she
sat down, the pastor leaned over and said, "That is a very pretty
dress. Is it your Easter Dress?"
The little girl replied, directly into the pastor's clip-on microphone,
"Yes, and my Mom says it's a bitch to iron."
6. When I was six months pregnant with my third child, my three year
old came into the room when I was just getting ready to get into the
She said, "Mommy, you are getting fat!"
I replied, "Yes, honey, remember Mommy has a baby growing in her tummy."
"I know," she replied, but what's growing in your butt?"
7. A little boy was doing his math homework. He said to himself, "Two
plus five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a
bitch is nine...."
His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, "What are you doing?"
The little boy answered, "I'm doing my math homework, Mom."
"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked.
"Yes," he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you
teaching my son in math?"
The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."
The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two,
that son of a bitch is four?"
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, "What I taught them
was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four."
8. One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken
Little to her class. She came to the part of the story where Chicken
Little tried to warn the farmer. She read, ".... and so Chicken Little
went up to the farmer and said, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
The teacher paused then asked the class,
"And what do you think that farmer said?"
One little girl raised her hand and said, "I think he said: 'Holy
Shit! A talking chicken!'"
The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.
9. A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I'm Mr.
Sugarbrown's daughter."
Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, "I'm Jane Sugarbrown."
The Vicar spoke to her in Sunday School, and said,
"Aren't you Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter?"
She replied, "I thought I was, but mother says I'm not."
10. A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with the boys?"
Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're too rough."
The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked, "If I
can find a smooth one, can I play with him?"
11. A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands
next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his hair cut, eating a
snack cake
The barber says to her, "Sweetheart, you're gonna get hair on your
Twinkie." She says, "Yes, I know, and I'm gonna get boobs too."
Why We Love Children
1. A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat, but it was dead.
"How do you know that the cat was dead?" she asked her pupil.
"Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," answered the child innocently.
You did WHAT ? ! ?" the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
"You know,"explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst!' and it didn't
2. A small boy is sent to bed by his father.
Five minutes later....."Da-ad...."
"I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?"
"No, You had your chance. Lights out."
Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."
"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drin k of water??"
I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!"
Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."
"When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"
3. An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief,
finally asked him "How do you expect to get into Heaven?"
The boy thought it over and said, "Well, I'll run in and out and in
and out and keep slamming the door until St Peter says, 'For Heaven's sake,
Dylan, come in or stay out!'"
4. One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was
tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he
asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"
The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear," she said. "I
have to sleep in Daddy's room."
A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice:
"The big sissy!"
5. It was that time, during the Sunday morning service, for the
children's sermon. All the children were invited to come forward.
One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress and, as she
sat down, the pastor leaned over and said, "That is a very pretty
dress. Is it your Easter Dress?"
The little girl replied, directly into the pastor's clip-on microphone,
"Yes, and my Mom says it's a bitch to iron."
6. When I was six months pregnant with my third child, my three year
old came into the room when I was just getting ready to get into the
She said, "Mommy, you are getting fat!"
I replied, "Yes, honey, remember Mommy has a baby growing in her tummy."
"I know," she replied, but what's growing in your butt?"
7. A little boy was doing his math homework. He said to himself, "Two
plus five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a
bitch is nine...."
His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, "What are you doing?"
The little boy answered, "I'm doing my math homework, Mom."
"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked.
"Yes," he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you
teaching my son in math?"
The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."
The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two,
that son of a bitch is four?"
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, "What I taught them
was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four."
8. One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken
Little to her class. She came to the part of the story where Chicken
Little tried to warn the farmer. She read, ".... and so Chicken Little
went up to the farmer and said, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
The teacher paused then asked the class,
"And what do you think that farmer said?"
One little girl raised her hand and said, "I think he said: 'Holy
Shit! A talking chicken!'"
The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.
9. A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I'm Mr.
Sugarbrown's daughter."
Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, "I'm Jane Sugarbrown."
The Vicar spoke to her in Sunday School, and said,
"Aren't you Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter?"
She replied, "I thought I was, but mother says I'm not."
10. A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with the boys?"
Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're too rough."
The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked, "If I
can find a smooth one, can I play with him?"
11. A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands
next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his hair cut, eating a
snack cake
The barber says to her, "Sweetheart, you're gonna get hair on your
Twinkie." She says, "Yes, I know, and I'm gonna get boobs too."
Pink Skirts & Green Shoes
NIce title eh?
LOL! Went to Causeway point on Saturday... Where i burnt my mouth.. BUt thats another story altogether...
Bought myself a pink ruffled skirt from esprit... Dont ask me what got into me to make that purchase okies... I dont even know it myself. And its the first time after a long time that i could find something from esprit again. whahahaa...
And i got myself a pair of green heels from Charles & Keith... Ahahhaa.. i'm just about to have a colourful collection of shoes i tell ya.. LOL! Soon, mom needs to buy a closet just for me to put ALL my shoes.
Muahahhaha... I feel evilly satisfied. HA!
Anywayz, thats not what i wanna tell..
I went to have dinner at Mark's Place just now... where we all got caught in the rain while having dinner... Well, i nearly left everything behind and ran for shelter... But obviously dearest mom had to stop me....
She on the other hand, decided to carry the ENTIRE table and run for shelter. So ya. That's wat we did... And as all the other customers were huddling together, my family was resuming its dinner...
It was a hilarious scene.
OH ya. Anyone out there can help me create a minus 1 track from a normal song? PLs? Pretty PLs?!?!
NIce title eh?
LOL! Went to Causeway point on Saturday... Where i burnt my mouth.. BUt thats another story altogether...
Bought myself a pink ruffled skirt from esprit... Dont ask me what got into me to make that purchase okies... I dont even know it myself. And its the first time after a long time that i could find something from esprit again. whahahaa...
And i got myself a pair of green heels from Charles & Keith... Ahahhaa.. i'm just about to have a colourful collection of shoes i tell ya.. LOL! Soon, mom needs to buy a closet just for me to put ALL my shoes.
Muahahhaha... I feel evilly satisfied. HA!
Anywayz, thats not what i wanna tell..
I went to have dinner at Mark's Place just now... where we all got caught in the rain while having dinner... Well, i nearly left everything behind and ran for shelter... But obviously dearest mom had to stop me....
She on the other hand, decided to carry the ENTIRE table and run for shelter. So ya. That's wat we did... And as all the other customers were huddling together, my family was resuming its dinner...
It was a hilarious scene.
OH ya. Anyone out there can help me create a minus 1 track from a normal song? PLs? Pretty PLs?!?!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
First weekend
First weekend after SIP starts has arrived.
Results are out. Good Luck to all who hasnt checked and Congrats to those that did well.
So how has my SIP been?
Not to bad, i suppose. I just feel under-utilized even though my co-supervisor or supervisor or colleague... watever, i dunno... LOL! assure me not to feel like that since its just the 3rd day of work.
Maybe the only reason i feel like this is due to the fact that last time i'm working for a firm in this industry... I was too busy for my own good.. but now.. ya.. LOL!
I'm attached to the Claims Dept - Motor Settlements.
I hope next week will be a much better week.
Will be going to Court on Tuesday for Coroner's Inquiry. Will be taught about fraud on Friday. In other words, next week will be more eventful for me.
How was my result?
Disappointing. Only that word can describe it.
Some pple say that as long no need get supps can already wat. Haiz.
How i wish that pple understand.
So what, if i pass all and still get disappointed rite? I'd rather fail and repeat.
I mean, i have dreams i wanna pursue. Dreams that might have to put on hold because of having results like this. And of course of the fact that I'm sick of expecting better results and in the end gets disappointed.
Its not exactly the best thing for your morale. Getting disappointed with yourself. haiz. You feel useless you know. Just like how you feel with other things.
Let's see... On a brighter note.
I feel like going out after work... But i'm too tired to do so.. LOL! i really wonder how others survive it and still end up at Timbre. You guys must really have a lot of stamina and reserved energy... LOL!
Oh ya. And i've gotten my audition appointment. ahahahhaa... I'm so gonna embarrass myself. Nvm Nvm. I'm not expecting much out of this. ahhahha. I'm just going to have fun... WHeeeeee... LOL!
Just wat is wrong with you ah nad? Wat on earth is going on?
First weekend after SIP starts has arrived.
Results are out. Good Luck to all who hasnt checked and Congrats to those that did well.
So how has my SIP been?
Not to bad, i suppose. I just feel under-utilized even though my co-supervisor or supervisor or colleague... watever, i dunno... LOL! assure me not to feel like that since its just the 3rd day of work.
Maybe the only reason i feel like this is due to the fact that last time i'm working for a firm in this industry... I was too busy for my own good.. but now.. ya.. LOL!
I'm attached to the Claims Dept - Motor Settlements.
I hope next week will be a much better week.
Will be going to Court on Tuesday for Coroner's Inquiry. Will be taught about fraud on Friday. In other words, next week will be more eventful for me.
How was my result?
Disappointing. Only that word can describe it.
Some pple say that as long no need get supps can already wat. Haiz.
How i wish that pple understand.
So what, if i pass all and still get disappointed rite? I'd rather fail and repeat.
I mean, i have dreams i wanna pursue. Dreams that might have to put on hold because of having results like this. And of course of the fact that I'm sick of expecting better results and in the end gets disappointed.
Its not exactly the best thing for your morale. Getting disappointed with yourself. haiz. You feel useless you know. Just like how you feel with other things.
Let's see... On a brighter note.
I feel like going out after work... But i'm too tired to do so.. LOL! i really wonder how others survive it and still end up at Timbre. You guys must really have a lot of stamina and reserved energy... LOL!
Oh ya. And i've gotten my audition appointment. ahahahhaa... I'm so gonna embarrass myself. Nvm Nvm. I'm not expecting much out of this. ahhahha. I'm just going to have fun... WHeeeeee... LOL!
Just wat is wrong with you ah nad? Wat on earth is going on?
Friday, September 23, 2005
A man checked-in to a hotel and there is a computer in his room, so he decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally typed the wrong e-mail address, and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
Meanwhile.....somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read :
To : My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Reached
Date:15 Feb 2005
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now, and you are allowed to send e-mails to your loved ones. I've just reached and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to see you then
Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.
love u.always
A man checked-in to a hotel and there is a computer in his room, so he decided to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally typed the wrong e-mail address, and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
Meanwhile.....somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. The widow decided to check her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read :
To : My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Reached
Date:15 Feb 2005
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now, and you are allowed to send e-mails to your loved ones. I've just reached and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to see you then
Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.
love u.always
Singlish Vs English
When going shopping...
English : I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
Singlish: No Stock!
When returning a call...
English : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
Singlish: who page?
When someone is in the way...
English : Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?
Singlish: Siam! Siam!
When someone offers to pay...
English : Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
Singlish: no need lah.
When asking for permission...
English : Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Singlish: (while pointing at door) Can pass or Not?
When asking to be excused...
English : If you would excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the gents/ladies. Please carry on without me, it would only take a moment.
Singlish: Go toilet. Buay tahan ahh.....
When entertaining...
English : Please make yourself right at home.
Singlish: Don't shy shy lah..
When doubting someone...
English : I don't recall you giving me the money.
Singlish: Got meh?
When deciding on a plan of action...
English : What do you propose we do now that the movie's sold out & all the restaurants are closed?
Singlish: So how?
When disagreeing on a topic of discussion...
English : Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the policy.
Singlish: Talk rubbish lah you!
When asking someone to lower their voice...
English : Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.
Singlish: Eh, tiam leh!
When asking someone if he/she knows you...
English : Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you?
Singlish: See what see?
Singlish Vs English
When going shopping...
English : I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
Singlish: No Stock!
When returning a call...
English : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
Singlish: who page?
When someone is in the way...
English : Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?
Singlish: Siam! Siam!
When someone offers to pay...
English : Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
Singlish: no need lah.
When asking for permission...
English : Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Singlish: (while pointing at door) Can pass or Not?
When asking to be excused...
English : If you would excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the gents/ladies. Please carry on without me, it would only take a moment.
Singlish: Go toilet. Buay tahan ahh.....
When entertaining...
English : Please make yourself right at home.
Singlish: Don't shy shy lah..
When doubting someone...
English : I don't recall you giving me the money.
Singlish: Got meh?
When deciding on a plan of action...
English : What do you propose we do now that the movie's sold out & all the restaurants are closed?
Singlish: So how?
When disagreeing on a topic of discussion...
English : Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the policy.
Singlish: Talk rubbish lah you!
When asking someone to lower their voice...
English : Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.
Singlish: Eh, tiam leh!
When asking someone if he/she knows you...
English : Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you?
Singlish: See what see?
Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance,particularly in the flower and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike and World Cup 2.0.
And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems but to no avail.
What can I do ?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind:Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, over use can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program.These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance.I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance,particularly in the flower and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike and World Cup 2.0.
And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems but to no avail.
What can I do ?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind:Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, over use can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program.These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance.I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Mom is driving me up the wall with her new mantra in asking me to sleep...
My clothes are ironed...
I havent found a bag for tmr...
And i'm still in pain.
Student Internship Programme.
Its exciting yet nerve wrecking...
I think the only reason why i'm feeling like this, is coz... I'm gonna be graded!! ahhhhhhh *resume screaming*
Well at least, I'm getting paid to learn.. wheeee... LOL!
I shall see how it'll be tmr... hehehehhehe
My clothes are ironed...
I havent found a bag for tmr...
And i'm still in pain.
Student Internship Programme.
Its exciting yet nerve wrecking...
I think the only reason why i'm feeling like this, is coz... I'm gonna be graded!! ahhhhhhh *resume screaming*
Well at least, I'm getting paid to learn.. wheeee... LOL!
I shall see how it'll be tmr... hehehehhehe
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Its morning again.
I've been having recurring headaches. Must be coz of the late nights that i've been having.
hmm. must be must be. Late nights are irritating, shows you things you dont wanna see, makes you think about things you dont wanna think about.
Dancin bears, painted wings,
things i almost remember,
and a song someone sings,
Once upon a december
I need to sleep earlier. Its hurting me already. Too much pain.
I need a vacation or just somewhere quiet. Hmmm, i should get a bicycle.
There's this child that i saw the other day. Such innocence. I'd pay anything to be like that again.
She's worried again. I'm not telling anything. Not this time round.
It hurts. I really hope its nothing. I should go to sleep now. At least today's earlier than yest.
Yup. Thats an improvement.
I just realised something. This whole entry does not link...
But then again, wat makes sense nowadays?
I've been having recurring headaches. Must be coz of the late nights that i've been having.
hmm. must be must be. Late nights are irritating, shows you things you dont wanna see, makes you think about things you dont wanna think about.
Dancin bears, painted wings,
things i almost remember,
and a song someone sings,
Once upon a december
I need to sleep earlier. Its hurting me already. Too much pain.
I need a vacation or just somewhere quiet. Hmmm, i should get a bicycle.
There's this child that i saw the other day. Such innocence. I'd pay anything to be like that again.
She's worried again. I'm not telling anything. Not this time round.
It hurts. I really hope its nothing. I should go to sleep now. At least today's earlier than yest.
Yup. Thats an improvement.
I just realised something. This whole entry does not link...
But then again, wat makes sense nowadays?
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Havent blogged for awhile now... Ha. who reads this junk anyway... hmmmzz..
Wonderful word, wonderful relationship....
Some are easy, some are complicated...
Some are are indescribable...
Has friendship lost its meanings and essence? Lost its values? Has its rules changed without informing me?
Problems we'll face as friends...
BUt sometimes, the extent of the problems, is it really worth it?
Is it really worth to lose sleep over? Is it worth it to cry over?
Friendship problems. Ha.
Who hasnt faced them? I'd be lying if i'd ask wat problem?... Time and time again, i've tell myself, its not worth it to cry over such things... To wonder when will things be find again... I know one shouldn't ponder on it for too long... But i guess its inevitable isnt it? If thats all you have in your head?
You'll forget when you're distracted... But then everything will come back again...
Sometimes, you can't even sleep... Coz, you'll wonder what tomorrow brings... Smiles? laughter? ignorance? sadnesS?
I've lost friends along the way... But i've never said that they're no longer my friends...
I just tell myself, sometimes, people find better comfort in others, if so, what can i do rite?... Sometimes, the change is what they need... I'll be sad that the comfort can't be found with me.. but who am i to try to stop them from finding comfort in others rite?
When someone says that you dont care. hahahaha. It hurts. You'd wonder where did things go wrong? What have you done? You'd constantly wonder... Am i generally like that? Such a useless friend? Is that how all my friends think of me? Is that wat i really am?
Maybe its true.
I mean how far can apologies go rite? I understand if you cant accept it, i myself dont even know whether or not to say it. I mean, nowadays, that word "SORRY" is so overused... At times, you wonder whether that person means it...
Maybe i'm just insensitive you know... Maybe the lack of faith in certain things does that... Maybe i just dont understand things well... Maybe i'm just not caring... Maybe i'm just plain ignorant...
Yea. Maybe that's it.
I'm tired of alot of things... Somethings are recurring you know... I just dont want this to happen again... But wat can i do? I cant control time or things... Maybe this will explain the 'I dunno' just now...
Maybe now some understand why pple keep to themselves and maybe some also see why certain pple just shy away from certain things... its because of things that they see... Things that keeps repeating... Things that tend to make you say, "I thought its all resolved previously?"...
So many maybes. sad.
I dont know what will happen. I dont know where things will go. I dont even know what to say at times... and this is one of those times...
should i just let it be and let time tell me? should i do something? but the question is wat?
I havent shown anyone any hint of sadness, anger, frustration... I cant even tell it to someone or anyone.. when i know the place that i can tell things to are experiencing the same malfunction... All i can do is comfort the other and comfort myself..
Silence is my solace rite now... Only tears that continously fall no matter how hard i've tried to stop it...
But no matter wat happen...
I'll always remember those times. Bickerings. Jokes. Everything.
Journeys might end, but memories stay forever...
I'll just see what happens... I'll just see what tomorrow brings... It is afterall going to be a new day...
Coz, at times,
Time is the best medicine...
Wonderful word, wonderful relationship....
Some are easy, some are complicated...
Some are are indescribable...
Has friendship lost its meanings and essence? Lost its values? Has its rules changed without informing me?
Problems we'll face as friends...
BUt sometimes, the extent of the problems, is it really worth it?
Is it really worth to lose sleep over? Is it worth it to cry over?
Friendship problems. Ha.
Who hasnt faced them? I'd be lying if i'd ask wat problem?... Time and time again, i've tell myself, its not worth it to cry over such things... To wonder when will things be find again... I know one shouldn't ponder on it for too long... But i guess its inevitable isnt it? If thats all you have in your head?
You'll forget when you're distracted... But then everything will come back again...
Sometimes, you can't even sleep... Coz, you'll wonder what tomorrow brings... Smiles? laughter? ignorance? sadnesS?
I've lost friends along the way... But i've never said that they're no longer my friends...
I just tell myself, sometimes, people find better comfort in others, if so, what can i do rite?... Sometimes, the change is what they need... I'll be sad that the comfort can't be found with me.. but who am i to try to stop them from finding comfort in others rite?
When someone says that you dont care. hahahaha. It hurts. You'd wonder where did things go wrong? What have you done? You'd constantly wonder... Am i generally like that? Such a useless friend? Is that how all my friends think of me? Is that wat i really am?
Maybe its true.
I mean how far can apologies go rite? I understand if you cant accept it, i myself dont even know whether or not to say it. I mean, nowadays, that word "SORRY" is so overused... At times, you wonder whether that person means it...
Maybe i'm just insensitive you know... Maybe the lack of faith in certain things does that... Maybe i just dont understand things well... Maybe i'm just not caring... Maybe i'm just plain ignorant...
Yea. Maybe that's it.
I'm tired of alot of things... Somethings are recurring you know... I just dont want this to happen again... But wat can i do? I cant control time or things... Maybe this will explain the 'I dunno' just now...
Maybe now some understand why pple keep to themselves and maybe some also see why certain pple just shy away from certain things... its because of things that they see... Things that keeps repeating... Things that tend to make you say, "I thought its all resolved previously?"...
So many maybes. sad.
I dont know what will happen. I dont know where things will go. I dont even know what to say at times... and this is one of those times...
should i just let it be and let time tell me? should i do something? but the question is wat?
I havent shown anyone any hint of sadness, anger, frustration... I cant even tell it to someone or anyone.. when i know the place that i can tell things to are experiencing the same malfunction... All i can do is comfort the other and comfort myself..
Silence is my solace rite now... Only tears that continously fall no matter how hard i've tried to stop it...
But no matter wat happen...
I'll always remember those times. Bickerings. Jokes. Everything.
Journeys might end, but memories stay forever...
I'll just see what happens... I'll just see what tomorrow brings... It is afterall going to be a new day...
Coz, at times,
Time is the best medicine...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Did anyone watch rapsodi just now on Suria?
Its this combined performance that happens anually with Singapore and Brunei... This year they did it in Singapore.
And it has successfully drove me crazy. By the end of the show, i was irritated beyond words. They used names like Taufik, Kumar and even Fiona Xie for this show... But those people are the ones like promoting the various eating place and things like that...
This Year, Singapore sent: (Those actually singing la)
Hetty Sarlene - I wonder why though.. there's so many other gr8 singers...
Siti Elfaeza - Again i wonder why
Jus 8 - An Acappella group.. They're GREAT!
Ahli Fikir - They were great too! They brought up the energy which automatically droppend when Hetty sang...
Some of the local comedians...
And some pple from Vasantham called Sanjay and gayathri.. They made the show interesting as well... with the twist of bollywood.. LOL!
Oh ya.. and Elfie! he's like.. WHEE!! POWER! I've always been a fan of his since small.. whahahahah
I'm wondering why is it that the ones that are mediocre like the first 2 mentioned has more songs than the rest... They each had like wat.. 5 songs? ARGH!
Well, luckilly its in Singapore.... It wasnt as bad as last year.... Last year was hilarious... Coz, it was the Bruneians singing ALL english songs and the Singaporeans singing the malay songs... And to think that Singapore is the multi-racial one...
This yr it was fully malay but... there were tooo little singers performing... and its more like a tourism advert than a combined concert. And it really gets boring after awhile..
Repetition of faces is not really great for health.
I mean.. What does it mean... when THE HOSTS can sing better than those performing? Insulting isn't it?
And when you sing ethnic songs... The last time i remembered it doesnt sound like what i heard and the time where umbrellas and fans were used in dances have long passed. Music have evolved and dance have gotten nicer over the years... and just now... I was disappointed.
Siti Nurhaliza sings ethnic too... But i dont remember wincing at the song... OK well, maybe its coz, she naturally great... But there are other ethnic songs that i've heard too.. but nothing was sore to the ears you know...
And its abt time that recording artistes stop using her songs for this kinda concert and use their own songs. Songs that suits their vocal and character. Songs that were made for them. ARGH!
So much for giving Sukma Irama (that's its previous name) a make over and calling it Rapsodi and promising a show that would blow our mind away...
They gave a make over to the Singapore-Malaysia performance as well... And called it Muzika Extravaganza... And yes. It was extravagant.
Oh well. I'll just have to see what next yr's Rapsodi in Brunei will be like... I hope it'll be better...
Sometimes, i dont see the point of organizing a combined performance with 2 countries, putting in a lot of your time and effort in it for rehearsals and all... and then.. nobody remembers it...
Such a waste of effort.
Its this combined performance that happens anually with Singapore and Brunei... This year they did it in Singapore.
And it has successfully drove me crazy. By the end of the show, i was irritated beyond words. They used names like Taufik, Kumar and even Fiona Xie for this show... But those people are the ones like promoting the various eating place and things like that...
This Year, Singapore sent: (Those actually singing la)
Hetty Sarlene - I wonder why though.. there's so many other gr8 singers...
Siti Elfaeza - Again i wonder why
Jus 8 - An Acappella group.. They're GREAT!
Ahli Fikir - They were great too! They brought up the energy which automatically droppend when Hetty sang...
Some of the local comedians...
And some pple from Vasantham called Sanjay and gayathri.. They made the show interesting as well... with the twist of bollywood.. LOL!
Oh ya.. and Elfie! he's like.. WHEE!! POWER! I've always been a fan of his since small.. whahahahah
I'm wondering why is it that the ones that are mediocre like the first 2 mentioned has more songs than the rest... They each had like wat.. 5 songs? ARGH!
Well, luckilly its in Singapore.... It wasnt as bad as last year.... Last year was hilarious... Coz, it was the Bruneians singing ALL english songs and the Singaporeans singing the malay songs... And to think that Singapore is the multi-racial one...
This yr it was fully malay but... there were tooo little singers performing... and its more like a tourism advert than a combined concert. And it really gets boring after awhile..
Repetition of faces is not really great for health.
I mean.. What does it mean... when THE HOSTS can sing better than those performing? Insulting isn't it?
And when you sing ethnic songs... The last time i remembered it doesnt sound like what i heard and the time where umbrellas and fans were used in dances have long passed. Music have evolved and dance have gotten nicer over the years... and just now... I was disappointed.
Siti Nurhaliza sings ethnic too... But i dont remember wincing at the song... OK well, maybe its coz, she naturally great... But there are other ethnic songs that i've heard too.. but nothing was sore to the ears you know...
And its abt time that recording artistes stop using her songs for this kinda concert and use their own songs. Songs that suits their vocal and character. Songs that were made for them. ARGH!
So much for giving Sukma Irama (that's its previous name) a make over and calling it Rapsodi and promising a show that would blow our mind away...
They gave a make over to the Singapore-Malaysia performance as well... And called it Muzika Extravaganza... And yes. It was extravagant.
Oh well. I'll just have to see what next yr's Rapsodi in Brunei will be like... I hope it'll be better...
Sometimes, i dont see the point of organizing a combined performance with 2 countries, putting in a lot of your time and effort in it for rehearsals and all... and then.. nobody remembers it...
Such a waste of effort.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
I've uploaded all the pics up...
I changed the name to Quarte-plets... I hope no one minds.. coz, HallyAndThePs, i typed that out as the addy, but it looked to vulgar for me.. whahahahhaa...
so ya..
and its going to be link to my blog under the section Memoirs..
Have fun drooling at our pics or laughing at them.. which ever you think fit...
P.s: Shahdon, do you still want me to send you the pics, or you going to take it from the gallery?
I've uploaded all the pics up...
I changed the name to Quarte-plets... I hope no one minds.. coz, HallyAndThePs, i typed that out as the addy, but it looked to vulgar for me.. whahahahhaa...
so ya..
and its going to be link to my blog under the section Memoirs..
Have fun drooling at our pics or laughing at them.. which ever you think fit...
P.s: Shahdon, do you still want me to send you the pics, or you going to take it from the gallery?
Friday, September 09, 2005
Exam's like finally over.
*does victory dance*
Now, i'm gonna slack the entire week before, SIP begins... Whee.
Not really slack la.. but wth. Anywayz, I had the most interesting day today...
I ate so much la today... I ate the 2 piece chicken that i've been craving for ages, ate Haagen Daz Coffee Ice Cream... Then later on.... Ate at Swensens and ate ice cream again! WHEE! Next time i'm gonna choose Orange Sorbet instead of Lime. HA. Or maybe take BOTH Lime & Orange Sorbet. Hehehehe.
Anywayz, thats not the focus of today's entry.
The focus for today is the camwhoring session that took place rite after my final paper. We went to various places... and took various pictures...
And we took alot outside the Sup Ct. Wahahaha... Talk abt being loyal... Tsk tsk tsk...
I'll be posting the pics up soon.
Happy. Sha La La. Its so nice to be happy. Sha La La.
Hahahahaha... I'm so happy... Must be still high from the session just now... Muahahahha...
*does victory dance*
Now, i'm gonna slack the entire week before, SIP begins... Whee.
Not really slack la.. but wth. Anywayz, I had the most interesting day today...
I ate so much la today... I ate the 2 piece chicken that i've been craving for ages, ate Haagen Daz Coffee Ice Cream... Then later on.... Ate at Swensens and ate ice cream again! WHEE! Next time i'm gonna choose Orange Sorbet instead of Lime. HA. Or maybe take BOTH Lime & Orange Sorbet. Hehehehe.
Anywayz, thats not the focus of today's entry.
The focus for today is the camwhoring session that took place rite after my final paper. We went to various places... and took various pictures...
And we took alot outside the Sup Ct. Wahahaha... Talk abt being loyal... Tsk tsk tsk...
I'll be posting the pics up soon.
Happy. Sha La La. Its so nice to be happy. Sha La La.
Hahahahaha... I'm so happy... Must be still high from the session just now... Muahahahha...
Monday, September 05, 2005
Certain things were kept inside... for wat? So that others wont have a bad impression of you? so that you wouldnt be able to give a possible explaination? So that you wont say things you'd later regret? So that you dont have to worry of wat to say?
Is that it?
Hmmmm... You're just wasting my time.
Sometimes, all i need is just one simple word that holds alot of meaning. It begins with the letter "s" ends with "y". Yup. Sorry is the word for all you goons out there.
Yup. Sorry is the start. Explainations will follow next.
You think that just by keeping mum it helps? just by acting that nothing happens? ARGH! I need an explaination. From you. YES! YOU! Even if you tink that things are fine now... Then my friend, you're definitely blind.
Some people just need to move on. Sometimes, thats the best thing to do. 3 1/2 yrs? 4mths? Sometimes even if its only a week... watever it is you know... its like... MOVE ON! NO USE CRYING! ARGH! you pple are just getting on my nerves.
Why cry? Its not as if you can turn back time? Why be depress? Why hope? Certain things just wont return...
Sometimes, why wait until 4yrs later? I've told you countless times 3 1/2 yrs ago. but obviously you refused to listen. We quarreled over the exact same thing that you just realised now you know... We actually quarreled. how dumb can you get?
Oh ya. i forgot. LOVE IS BLIND.
Explains alot.
I'm just bringing out the angsty teenager within.
Unsatisfied with this post?
Sue me.
Or.. I have another great suggestion that will incur NO COSTS... and that is..
Is that it?
Hmmmm... You're just wasting my time.
Sometimes, all i need is just one simple word that holds alot of meaning. It begins with the letter "s" ends with "y". Yup. Sorry is the word for all you goons out there.
Yup. Sorry is the start. Explainations will follow next.
You think that just by keeping mum it helps? just by acting that nothing happens? ARGH! I need an explaination. From you. YES! YOU! Even if you tink that things are fine now... Then my friend, you're definitely blind.
Some people just need to move on. Sometimes, thats the best thing to do. 3 1/2 yrs? 4mths? Sometimes even if its only a week... watever it is you know... its like... MOVE ON! NO USE CRYING! ARGH! you pple are just getting on my nerves.
Why cry? Its not as if you can turn back time? Why be depress? Why hope? Certain things just wont return...
Sometimes, why wait until 4yrs later? I've told you countless times 3 1/2 yrs ago. but obviously you refused to listen. We quarreled over the exact same thing that you just realised now you know... We actually quarreled. how dumb can you get?
Oh ya. i forgot. LOVE IS BLIND.
Explains alot.
I'm just bringing out the angsty teenager within.
Unsatisfied with this post?
Sue me.
Or.. I have another great suggestion that will incur NO COSTS... and that is..
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Went out with the girls just now...
Had a belated birthday celebration for Becky...
I ate so much! AH! Hmmm.. I think they ate more actually...
We gave Becky her presents.. it was an elephant soft toy.. which some of you might have seen... a sunflower and obviously a card... From us, senoritas to you!
and then we ate at Swensens...
We went earring shopping... *as usual it was mostly deena who went crazy*
We walked all the way back to Dhobby Ghaut from Crowne Prince Hotel (yes mel, the one you affectionately refer to as Telok Blangah) with the intention to go esplanade actually...
We ended up at PS starbucks to chill but we only sat there for 5 minutes and then pple realise that they didnt feel like drinking coffee... So we made our way up to Secret Recipe! Wahahaha.. WHEE!! I GOT MY CHOC MOIST CAKE! AGAIN! WHEE!
And we took lots of pics! DOUBLE WHEE! LOL!
Speaking of pics... I brought my cam only to find out that i left the battery at home...
Luckilly Deena brought her cammie.. wahahhahahaha...
It was fun.. i shall blog more abt it when i receive the pics from deena..
P.s.: Deena, tmr i not confirm whether going your house or not... I havent finish studying leh... You girls still wanna go out again rite? SO, Just send my regards to your mom and grandmother and brother and dad...
P.P.P.S: I'll see you girls again soon i hope.. MUACKS!
Had a belated birthday celebration for Becky...
I ate so much! AH! Hmmm.. I think they ate more actually...
We gave Becky her presents.. it was an elephant soft toy.. which some of you might have seen... a sunflower and obviously a card... From us, senoritas to you!
and then we ate at Swensens...
We went earring shopping... *as usual it was mostly deena who went crazy*
We walked all the way back to Dhobby Ghaut from Crowne Prince Hotel (yes mel, the one you affectionately refer to as Telok Blangah) with the intention to go esplanade actually...
We ended up at PS starbucks to chill but we only sat there for 5 minutes and then pple realise that they didnt feel like drinking coffee... So we made our way up to Secret Recipe! Wahahaha.. WHEE!! I GOT MY CHOC MOIST CAKE! AGAIN! WHEE!
And we took lots of pics! DOUBLE WHEE! LOL!
Speaking of pics... I brought my cam only to find out that i left the battery at home...
Luckilly Deena brought her cammie.. wahahhahahaha...
It was fun.. i shall blog more abt it when i receive the pics from deena..
P.s.: Deena, tmr i not confirm whether going your house or not... I havent finish studying leh... You girls still wanna go out again rite? SO, Just send my regards to your mom and grandmother and brother and dad...
P.P.P.S: I'll see you girls again soon i hope.. MUACKS!
Well.. I did mention that i went out with hidayah and my mom rite? LOL! whahahaha...
Well.. we went to Esplanade and well, my mom became our photographer...
They have this graffiti thing there... so ya..
We conquered the place and acted as if we own it.. well... we put up such a show posing around... that well... the both of us... draw enough attention to have our own mini show... wahahhaha...
Anywayz, here are the pics:

Friends we've been for a long time...

With such chemistry.. Anything's possible.. Even a possibility of doing a photoshoot for some theatre magazine... LOL!

But there are times that we cant resist the urge to kill the other....

There are also times that we hide from the other but we always know where the other is....

There are times that we'll be lost in our own world...

There's times that we argue...

Sometimes we cross each other's limits, makes me even wanna throw myself against a W... *hehehe*

She knows me too well, that she even knows what i'm doing.. therefore, not affected by it.. HURMPH!

But we always have fun...

Sometimes, i even get myself into trouble by attempting to steal her things.. hehehhe...

Or just the plain urge to steal...

But, whatever happens, we'll somehow end up on each other's side...

awww.. so sweet rite? hahahaha...
didnt know it could turn out like that also.. whahahaha..
P.s: Hidz, there... the pics. posted.
Well.. we went to Esplanade and well, my mom became our photographer...
They have this graffiti thing there... so ya..
We conquered the place and acted as if we own it.. well... we put up such a show posing around... that well... the both of us... draw enough attention to have our own mini show... wahahhaha...
Anywayz, here are the pics:

Friends we've been for a long time...

With such chemistry.. Anything's possible.. Even a possibility of doing a photoshoot for some theatre magazine... LOL!

But there are times that we cant resist the urge to kill the other....

There are also times that we hide from the other but we always know where the other is....

There are times that we'll be lost in our own world...

There's times that we argue...

Sometimes we cross each other's limits, makes me even wanna throw myself against a W... *hehehe*

She knows me too well, that she even knows what i'm doing.. therefore, not affected by it.. HURMPH!

But we always have fun...

Sometimes, i even get myself into trouble by attempting to steal her things.. hehehhe...

Or just the plain urge to steal...

But, whatever happens, we'll somehow end up on each other's side...

awww.. so sweet rite? hahahaha...
didnt know it could turn out like that also.. whahahaha..
P.s: Hidz, there... the pics. posted.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Dream #7
Could it be? Something that one thought was gone could actually still be around?
Support? happiness? care? concern?
From one to the other that is totally unexpected? Weird.
We bid farewell once. Both.
Two alike.
But there are so many things up for comparisons. So near yet so far. So similar yet so different. One was taken granted for while the other took the other for granted. One went quietly away while the other near hatred was the cause of stepping away. One, a solitary figure looking from afar. The other, here and there... everywhere.
Gone or hidden? There or denied?
Could it be? Something that one thought was gone could actually still be around?
Support? happiness? care? concern?
From one to the other that is totally unexpected? Weird.
We bid farewell once. Both.
Two alike.
But there are so many things up for comparisons. So near yet so far. So similar yet so different. One was taken granted for while the other took the other for granted. One went quietly away while the other near hatred was the cause of stepping away. One, a solitary figure looking from afar. The other, here and there... everywhere.
Gone or hidden? There or denied?
Friday, September 02, 2005
Met hidayah, yesterday afternoon, yesterday night, today morning and i'm meeting her again tomorrow for the whole day...
Met her yesterday in the afternoon to get something... Met her again at night was because i met my mom and well, she missed MY mom... and therefore wanna join us for dinner.. wahhahaha
Purpose of today's meeting was to go back to secondary school... Even though,
1) She wasn't really looking forward to it...
2) I was wondering who on earth i wanna see..
But nevertheless, we made our down to Seng Kang Eastway this morning to the school beside St Anne's Church.
Some things just never change.
I never talk much about my secondary school days... and i wont mention much about it now...
Only thing that i'll say is that...
That school have seen me at my very best and have taught me lots of things... But like most secondary school students, we can't wait to get out of school at that point of time... and during the o level period... It was hell!
And our only motivation to do well was TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! LOL!
Some of us have not even gone back to sec sch eversince we left... *For eg: Hidz* There are just certain things abt it that we hate to even remember. Thus, some stay away...
So just now... We went back... only to discover that the security guard wont let us in... Hmmmm... Stupid guardhouse.... We can only enter if we have an appointment with anyone inside... So ya. There goes our plan to irritate our past teachers, since hidz has a class at 2 and i'm meeting azi in school...
But we also remembered wat we've forgotten after 3 yrs away from it...
That the place is still as rigid and as square as ever.. wahahhahaha...
Cant wait for tmr's outing... I just hope Madeena would be able to make it...
Nur Hidayah Asali! Rebecca Alicia P.! And hopefully, Madeena Adenan! Hope to see you girls tomorrow!!!
AHHHHHHHH.... *Screams*
Met her yesterday in the afternoon to get something... Met her again at night was because i met my mom and well, she missed MY mom... and therefore wanna join us for dinner.. wahhahaha
Purpose of today's meeting was to go back to secondary school... Even though,
1) She wasn't really looking forward to it...
2) I was wondering who on earth i wanna see..
But nevertheless, we made our down to Seng Kang Eastway this morning to the school beside St Anne's Church.
Some things just never change.
I never talk much about my secondary school days... and i wont mention much about it now...
Only thing that i'll say is that...
That school have seen me at my very best and have taught me lots of things... But like most secondary school students, we can't wait to get out of school at that point of time... and during the o level period... It was hell!
And our only motivation to do well was TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! LOL!
Some of us have not even gone back to sec sch eversince we left... *For eg: Hidz* There are just certain things abt it that we hate to even remember. Thus, some stay away...
So just now... We went back... only to discover that the security guard wont let us in... Hmmmm... Stupid guardhouse.... We can only enter if we have an appointment with anyone inside... So ya. There goes our plan to irritate our past teachers, since hidz has a class at 2 and i'm meeting azi in school...
But we also remembered wat we've forgotten after 3 yrs away from it...
That the place is still as rigid and as square as ever.. wahahhahaha...
Cant wait for tmr's outing... I just hope Madeena would be able to make it...
Nur Hidayah Asali! Rebecca Alicia P.! And hopefully, Madeena Adenan! Hope to see you girls tomorrow!!!
AHHHHHHHH.... *Screams*
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