Monday, May 19, 2008

Fairytales dont exist in real life. It really dont. If everyone beg to differ, then there's really nothing much to say.

Leonardo Da Vinci once said that there is only one match made for you. To fully complement you and for you to know that you will not be able to find one like it ever again once you've walked past it.

Never in my life would i expect for me to find that match at such a young age.

My heart bleeds at the thought of things. Tears unconsciously fall as I stare out in space. I've begged for it to just be a dream. I thought I would be strong enough for this. But I'm failing. I'm succumbing to that corner.

Everyone suddenly realised, I'm actually human. But I know there is one person that knows that I've always been human.

How can 2 individuals perfectly in love, 2 souls made for each other been torn apart by everything else but not them? How can society still be this prejudice? Forbidden Love? How can one refuse to see that we make each other perfectly happy? How can they fail to see that things are perfect? How can everything else be more important than that? Isn't happiness and love the key to nearly everything?

I should have realised that the rest of society still is not open to certain things like the rest of my environment.

Even royalty was never this difficult. Trust me, I should know.

I know for a fact I will never be able to love the way I did anymore. First love comes once.

I just hope we will be strong enough to face each other and not lose everything. I will not be able to take it if I lose everything and more.

I thought I would be able to face it but as always, we both know each other better than ourselves and I'm grateful. I'm already not taking things well as it is.

But as always, I'm good at putting on a mask. Look hard enough, and you'll see that everything has crumbled.

Time. Its our only choice.

I won't be running away even though the temptation is very great rite now. But there will come a time where I will take my leave. I have a lot of things to prove to the rest of society. I suspect the reasons for the prejudice. I am not as what they deemed me to be. I am different. I will make known that fact.

When the journey begins, thou shalt know.

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