Friday, March 06, 2009

Random Blogging.

Its been 10 days since my last post. To tell you the truth, 10 days later.. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!

Wahahahahaha.. that is how unhappening my life is rite now.

School has started. Lectures only so i have yet to know who will be in the same tutorial slot as me. I'll find out next week! lol!

International Relations have driven me to dreamland EVERYTIME I attempt to do my tutorial. Don't get me wrong. I've done most of my readings and whenever I turn on my laptop, I'm either sleepy or I'm playing games.

So here I thought that.. You know.. i'm getting lazy. But i soon realised that its just the subject. Lecture is torturing shit out of me. But I've decided not to drop the module and just proceed with it. I know I can do this without feeling so clueless half the time. So yeah.

I'll start doing my essay soon. bleargh~ Since that will be the way to force me to finish reading everything. so ya.

And yes, I'm here in school library typing away for my tutorial [that's the only way for me to stay awake! Drag myself out of the house.] and taking a break to blog for awhile. lol!

Politics on the other hand has a total opposite effect on me! LOL! Politics through film is the politics module that i'm taking this semester and it is fun! I have an American Lecturer and he is uber funny! He reminds me of santa claus. lol!

Drama was cancelled.

And I missed my Visual Arts lecture this morning at 10. Coz I woke up at 920. Trust me, that is not STILL EARLY. that term doesnt apply here.

Coz my bus to school is at 9.22am and the next one will be at 9.52. No way in hell I could make it for the 9.22am or the 9.52am one. Even if i run up the hill to the bus stop! ARGH! Its annoying really! haiz.


The weather is transition from Summer to Winter rite now. So i suppose now is Autumn? LOL! its cold. Not as in freezing cold. as in air con cold and its windy!

I went shopping the other day. I bought myself sweaters and a jacket... i needed it.. Badly! lol!


Due to the cold weather, other things have been visiting me lately.


I didn't scream coz it was like 1am!!!! But yeah. I was traumatized! Tell me when will I ever get to see a mouse in a house in Singapore?! fuck. I was annoyed. I was frustrated.

That stupid mouse was the last straw with everything I had to deal here.

I actually called home crying telling my mom that I wanna go home coz of that stupid mouse. And that I didn't wanna stay in a house anymore! I wanna stay in a flat all over again! Lol!
Embarrassing. yes. Moment of weakness.

My landlord have set up mouse traps. She told me its normal since the weather is getting colder now. So they are coming to find a warmer place and food! *kills self*


So I'm waiting for school to properly start and hopefully i'll have friends by end of the week! Things are really boring! Like totally uber boring! SHEESH!
Oh ya. I watched Milk the other day. The film that won many many awards this yr? Ya. that one. Its about this gay political activist who is fighting for gay rights in America. Based on a true story.
SO what did I think about it? Well.. it was ok.. I mean the story was nice and all. But it was kinda slow in certain parts and all. And some issues were really really repetitive. I mean OK! WE GET IT ALREADY! NEXT ISSUE PLS!
the movie was kinda long, my butt was aching from all the sitting that day.
Movie here is kinda expensive. And i found my new favourite cafe! Cocolat! i love it there. Everything's chocolate! lol!
Only thing was that... company was lemau pls!

Oh guess who said hello on webcam just now?!

YUP! MY GODCHILDREN! SO CUTE HOR? I WANNA BITE THE TWINS! Aaliah was blowing me kisses! LOl!

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