Winter begins...
On Monday as I was told.. yeah well its getting colder here.. that's for sure.. I have a love hate relationship for things here...
When i turn on the heater in my room, it gets soooo stuffy that I cant breathe and I'll get a headache and when i turn it off I'll be curling underneath my comforter! bleargh~
What happened to central heating rite? well, you go and tell my calculative landlord that la... She loves to live in the dark and the cold. I swear she was a mole in her previous life.
I woke up at 1pm today thinking to myself I think I need to replenish my groceries and then I thought what the hell for? sheesh.
I would rather stay on my bed and under the covers rite now.. even finishing my readings for my essays is becoming a chore. lol!
I got my own broadband on friday. However, thanks to the fact that I'm living on the hills, my broadband signal is low and therefore makes my internet connection freaking slow and half the time I can't sign into MSN.
SO... lesson to self? Don't take things for granted here.. Half of the things are not like Singapore! WE DONT HAVE HILLS BACK HOME!
Now I'm still having to stick to the wireless in the house. haiz. i got nothing to say la..
I was tempted to get a phone as well on friday... Why? Coz I was somewhat upset. bleargh~
But I'll just think about it first.. LOL
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Woes Be Me~~
You have no idea where i'm typing from rite now.
me and rochana is dying of boredom. and rochana is hungry. and I'm not coz i went to eat instead of going to class just now. hahahahaha~~~
ya ya.. i so have my priorities rite.. lol!
I know the topic of the lecture alrite! its not as if i'm not paying attention. it... ermm.. WEDEKIND! ha!
and also whether spring awakening is an expressionistic play!
hehehehe.. tell me i'm smart!
but that's also coz the slide just flashed in front of me as i'm typing this out! MUAHAHAHAHHA~!! (shhhh... I'm trying to be smart here!)
ANYWAYZ, a really good morning on a really grey thursday to all my faithful readers all the way here from down under.
sidetrack: my fingers are gonna drop off one day from the cold. hmmm~
p.s: i think this is a really blonde entry. -.-"
You have no idea where i'm typing from rite now.
me and rochana is dying of boredom. and rochana is hungry. and I'm not coz i went to eat instead of going to class just now. hahahahaha~~~
ya ya.. i so have my priorities rite.. lol!
I know the topic of the lecture alrite! its not as if i'm not paying attention. it... ermm.. WEDEKIND! ha!
and also whether spring awakening is an expressionistic play!
hehehehe.. tell me i'm smart!
but that's also coz the slide just flashed in front of me as i'm typing this out! MUAHAHAHAHHA~!! (shhhh... I'm trying to be smart here!)
ANYWAYZ, a really good morning on a really grey thursday to all my faithful readers all the way here from down under.
sidetrack: my fingers are gonna drop off one day from the cold. hmmm~
p.s: i think this is a really blonde entry. -.-"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I had a dream
I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of oz
Why did everybody laugh when I told them my dream?
I guess they all were so far from that kind of that scene
Feelin real mean
I heard a song last night
What a lovely song it was
I thought I'd hum it all night
Unforgettable because..
All of the players were playing together
And all of the happies were as light as a feather
See, your love remember is a freeing of soul
But as I recall, the rest will just follow
I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of oz
What a lovely dream it was
What a lovely dream it was
What a lovely dream it was
Well, lucky for me the dream woke me up this morning and I finally ended up in Visual Arts.. well after awhile that is... lol!
I think I need to resubmit some of my artwork. I am not satisfied with the marks I'm getting for this subject. How can I be screwing up art to begin with? FUCKING INSULTING CAN? Screwing art is not suppose to exist in my dictionary.. bleargh~
DRAMA ESSAY IS DUE IN 2 WEEKS. I REALISED IT YESTERDAY WHEN I WAS STARING AT THE CALENDAR! bleargh. research somewhat done but i have yet to decide on which question to do. hahahhaa.. smart rite? lol! HAIZ!
TMR i will bring more ko sui to school while we're gonna camwhore after class!! ok mel? sounds good? HAHHAHAHAHA!!!
I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of oz
Why did everybody laugh when I told them my dream?
I guess they all were so far from that kind of that scene
Feelin real mean
I heard a song last night
What a lovely song it was
I thought I'd hum it all night
Unforgettable because..
All of the players were playing together
And all of the happies were as light as a feather
See, your love remember is a freeing of soul
But as I recall, the rest will just follow
I had a dream last night
What a lovely dream it was
I dreamed we all were alright
Happy in a land of oz
What a lovely dream it was
What a lovely dream it was
What a lovely dream it was
- Joss Stone
Well, lucky for me the dream woke me up this morning and I finally ended up in Visual Arts.. well after awhile that is... lol!
I think I need to resubmit some of my artwork. I am not satisfied with the marks I'm getting for this subject. How can I be screwing up art to begin with? FUCKING INSULTING CAN? Screwing art is not suppose to exist in my dictionary.. bleargh~
DRAMA ESSAY IS DUE IN 2 WEEKS. I REALISED IT YESTERDAY WHEN I WAS STARING AT THE CALENDAR! bleargh. research somewhat done but i have yet to decide on which question to do. hahahhaa.. smart rite? lol! HAIZ!
Reminder to self: Don't forget to hand in politics if not you'll end up having to sit for exams! (something i'm not intending to do!
I made fruit tart yest and kuih ko sui! HAHAHHAHAHA~!!!
yes yessss.. i can be housewife already.
You should see how i peeled those bloody oranges! i had to peel off the transparent skin as welllll!! i stood there peeling oranges in the middle of the night. lol!
yeah i know... strawberries would have been better (and faster since i just have to cut it in half)... but mel doesnt eat fruits and he only eats watermelon and oranges. oh and apples when he is trying to be polite not to offend others. LOL!
so unless i could dry up watermelons, i'll have to stick to oranges.. cant finish the entire tart myself wattt~ have to share if not it will take ages to finish!
Actually come to think of it, i can use watermelons. i'll just have to make little balls of it! but hor! bad enough i was peeling oranges. I dont need to scoop watermelons to make me feel more of a housewife. waaaa~~~
TMR i will bring more ko sui to school while we're gonna camwhore after class!! ok mel? sounds good? HAHHAHAHAHA!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
How is the final episode of Gossip Girl be the last one of the entire thing? LOL! the last episode just have tooo many things that is enough to open the next season! lol!!!
but I like how this season ends though. Its about time Chuck and Blair ends up together and did you realise how Blair was holding on to the presents as if her life depended on it while she was kissing Chuck? Most scenarios would already have the girls dropping the presents and literally melting into the guy's embrace. LOL!!
So basically, i cant wait to see what next season brings especially when the guy Dan met at the cafe is Dan's half brother!!!
Funny really, how everyone is suddenly going to NYU.
I watched Hana Yori Dango (is that how its spelt?) again. season 1 when Deena was here and Season 2 over the weekend. And i cried like a baby still. even more now actually as compared to before.
Totally reminded me why I no longer watch Japanese dramas / animes and rarely Korean dramas nowadays. yup.
Exams in a month and i have essays to do which I'm not moving my ass in starting it!!! bleargh~ I'm so not in the mooooddd~!
God help me.
And Ma, don't worry about things too much. We always come to a solution, regardless of how long it'll take. =) I'm fine here. I'm contented with my way of living here. As of now, you don't need to have the need to feel as though you have to give me more...
So far its enough. I'm sorry for making everyone go through this.
Suki, I still do.
Haiz. I realised it recently.
Every continent seems to have their pop princess, R&B diva, etc.
Seems like Agnes Monica is SEA's Britney Spears. lol! I mean she has always idolize the lady. that's no secret.. but her songs nowadays are beginning to sound like toxic, pieces of me, circus and things like that... her music videos tooo~~
But 3 of her songs are definitely catchy.. lol!
How is the final episode of Gossip Girl be the last one of the entire thing? LOL! the last episode just have tooo many things that is enough to open the next season! lol!!!
but I like how this season ends though. Its about time Chuck and Blair ends up together and did you realise how Blair was holding on to the presents as if her life depended on it while she was kissing Chuck? Most scenarios would already have the girls dropping the presents and literally melting into the guy's embrace. LOL!!
So basically, i cant wait to see what next season brings especially when the guy Dan met at the cafe is Dan's half brother!!!
Funny really, how everyone is suddenly going to NYU.
I watched Hana Yori Dango (is that how its spelt?) again. season 1 when Deena was here and Season 2 over the weekend. And i cried like a baby still. even more now actually as compared to before.
Totally reminded me why I no longer watch Japanese dramas / animes and rarely Korean dramas nowadays. yup.
Exams in a month and i have essays to do which I'm not moving my ass in starting it!!! bleargh~ I'm so not in the mooooddd~!
God help me.
And Ma, don't worry about things too much. We always come to a solution, regardless of how long it'll take. =) I'm fine here. I'm contented with my way of living here. As of now, you don't need to have the need to feel as though you have to give me more...
So far its enough. I'm sorry for making everyone go through this.
Suki, I still do.
Haiz. I realised it recently.
Every continent seems to have their pop princess, R&B diva, etc.
Seems like Agnes Monica is SEA's Britney Spears. lol! I mean she has always idolize the lady. that's no secret.. but her songs nowadays are beginning to sound like toxic, pieces of me, circus and things like that... her music videos tooo~~
But 3 of her songs are definitely catchy.. lol!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
send Deena to a household chore class! bleargh~
I havent called or talked to my mom in awhile. I'm just so damn tired! I hope she wont mind.. much. gosh~
And I'm really feeling poor rite now... bleargh~ *Eats grass* I really do hope I get the job that I went for the interview for on tuesday. I really cannot survive not earning. I get really paranoid. ESPECIALLY now.
Can I have a turn at being pampered toooo?!! *falls into bed*
send Deena to a household chore class! bleargh~
I havent called or talked to my mom in awhile. I'm just so damn tired! I hope she wont mind.. much. gosh~
And I'm really feeling poor rite now... bleargh~ *Eats grass* I really do hope I get the job that I went for the interview for on tuesday. I really cannot survive not earning. I get really paranoid. ESPECIALLY now.
Can I have a turn at being pampered toooo?!! *falls into bed*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Living my life (oh!) Ay ay ay~!!
Went to Sydney over the weekend. Ya ya.. it was unexpected... LOL! Tickets was EX PLS! BLEARGH~! *Eats grass*
Now Sydney was interesting... and EXPENSIVE. DAMMIT. transport was like - daylight robbery! LOL! Surprisingly, I actually prefer this practically kampung western version of melaka comparing to it. LOL! When I was there, I actually missed the setup of Adelaide. No idea why. Don't ask. LOL!
Its quite disturbing how racist pple can get there. Not towards me though. But ya. Nevertheless, witnessing it gives me the urge to smack that person's face left right centre.
One thing that is obviously better off there as compared to here is the DJs in the club. Of course. their remixes arent as bad as some of it here... LOL!
Made new friends. Left an impression as I have here. Had a dance off just to save a particular someone. sheesh. Not once, Not twice... THREE EFFING TIMES.
At strike 3, he gave up. thank god. I wouldnt know what else to do lor if he didnt... haiz..
"Wow. She can dance. Fierce~!"
You know. I never thought of myself being able to do that despite loving to dance. LOL! ballroom and hip hop are worlds apart pls!
I enjoy dance. I enjoy dancing to my favourite genre. LOL~
An impression was something I never expect that I could leave behind.
yes yes. I may not hold a black belt in taekwando. I definitely hold one on the dance floor.
Went to Sydney over the weekend. Ya ya.. it was unexpected... LOL! Tickets was EX PLS! BLEARGH~! *Eats grass*
Now Sydney was interesting... and EXPENSIVE. DAMMIT. transport was like - daylight robbery! LOL! Surprisingly, I actually prefer this practically kampung western version of melaka comparing to it. LOL! When I was there, I actually missed the setup of Adelaide. No idea why. Don't ask. LOL!
Its quite disturbing how racist pple can get there. Not towards me though. But ya. Nevertheless, witnessing it gives me the urge to smack that person's face left right centre.
One thing that is obviously better off there as compared to here is the DJs in the club. Of course. their remixes arent as bad as some of it here... LOL!
Made new friends. Left an impression as I have here. Had a dance off just to save a particular someone. sheesh. Not once, Not twice... THREE EFFING TIMES.
At strike 3, he gave up. thank god. I wouldnt know what else to do lor if he didnt... haiz..
"Wow. She can dance. Fierce~!"
You know. I never thought of myself being able to do that despite loving to dance. LOL! ballroom and hip hop are worlds apart pls!
I enjoy dance. I enjoy dancing to my favourite genre. LOL~
An impression was something I never expect that I could leave behind.
yes yes. I may not hold a black belt in taekwando. I definitely hold one on the dance floor.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
The past week...
The past week has been... hmmm.. fun? I dont even know if that was the right word. From last friday till now, my mood has been positively happy. HAHAHAHAHA~!!
For the first time since I've arrived I'm actually thinking that this wasn't wrong at all. For once I forgot my misery. lol! interesting don't you think?
Oh well I hope the feeling lasts. it will suck if it doesnt!
Law pub crawl was fun. Definitely interesting. LOL! It was something I will never forget that's for sure. for obvious reasons or not.
I like it. I like that. ;P
Deena will be arriving here tomorrow. Now, that is something to look forward too~ lol!! She's staying here for a week... This weekend is something to look forward to I suppose since I might just be doing an inter-state.
I'll be going fencing at Adelaide Uni one of these days. I think after Deena leaves? I dunno yet. I'll have to think about it. lol!
I've applied for part time jobs. I think I'm settled enough to add a new routine into my schedule. YUP YUP!
I have yet to move from the hills. Truthfully, I kinda like it here. But i have a goddamn love hate relationship with the bloody bus. And the dark. And as of now, my landlord! cb rite?
The only thing about looking for house, apart from comfort. I'm actually looking for a double or queen size bed coz I have the tendency of falling off the bed at night. especially if its a single bed. It happens in hotels, it happened in my aunts room. Sooo... ya. LOL!
Nathaniel (Nat) one of the sabrist I've known and gotten along with in school has found my face innnocent looking and therefore has taken to pinching my cheeks. He needs to die. He's 17 btw. BLEARGH~! idiot.
I'm becoming a hit in Politics class. WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA~!! My tutor can be such an idiot sometimes. lol!
It was memorable. that's for sure.
If only you knew...
The past week has been... hmmm.. fun? I dont even know if that was the right word. From last friday till now, my mood has been positively happy. HAHAHAHAHA~!!
For the first time since I've arrived I'm actually thinking that this wasn't wrong at all. For once I forgot my misery. lol! interesting don't you think?
Oh well I hope the feeling lasts. it will suck if it doesnt!
Law pub crawl was fun. Definitely interesting. LOL! It was something I will never forget that's for sure. for obvious reasons or not.
I like it. I like that. ;P
Deena will be arriving here tomorrow. Now, that is something to look forward too~ lol!! She's staying here for a week... This weekend is something to look forward to I suppose since I might just be doing an inter-state.
I'll be going fencing at Adelaide Uni one of these days. I think after Deena leaves? I dunno yet. I'll have to think about it. lol!
I've applied for part time jobs. I think I'm settled enough to add a new routine into my schedule. YUP YUP!
I have yet to move from the hills. Truthfully, I kinda like it here. But i have a goddamn love hate relationship with the bloody bus. And the dark. And as of now, my landlord! cb rite?
The only thing about looking for house, apart from comfort. I'm actually looking for a double or queen size bed coz I have the tendency of falling off the bed at night. especially if its a single bed. It happens in hotels, it happened in my aunts room. Sooo... ya. LOL!
Nathaniel (Nat) one of the sabrist I've known and gotten along with in school has found my face innnocent looking and therefore has taken to pinching my cheeks. He needs to die. He's 17 btw. BLEARGH~! idiot.
I'm becoming a hit in Politics class. WAHAHAHAHAHHAHA~!! My tutor can be such an idiot sometimes. lol!
It was memorable. that's for sure.
If only you knew...
Monday, May 04, 2009
Cleland Wildlife Park
The day I saw Koalas, Koala, more Koalas, kangaroos and wallabes. Due to the persistence of my landlord in wanting to show me how a Koala look like, I was asked if I wanted to go to the Wildlife Park during school holidays. I thought that I should just shut her up and went for it. Since she's been asking me many times over, EVERYTIME I'M BACK FROM SCHOOL, if I have seen a Koala on my way home. bleargh~
You have no idea how many koalas i've seen by the end of the outing! I was actually more interested in the Dingoes, Bilbys and tasmanian devil then the stupid koalas and kangaroos.
Anywayz, the hand feeding the wallabe in the later picture is mine.
I had fun but if it were with other peeps, i would most probably had even more fun.
And guess what? My favourite animal is below! WOMBAT! ITS SO CUTE AND FLUFFLY I WANTED TO STEAL IT AND MAKE A SOFT TOY OR A FOOT STOOL OUT OF IT!! but yeah.. Cleland wildlife park being the peak of Adelaide hills. It was definitely scenic!!

The day I saw Koalas, Koala, more Koalas, kangaroos and wallabes. Due to the persistence of my landlord in wanting to show me how a Koala look like, I was asked if I wanted to go to the Wildlife Park during school holidays. I thought that I should just shut her up and went for it. Since she's been asking me many times over, EVERYTIME I'M BACK FROM SCHOOL, if I have seen a Koala on my way home. bleargh~
You have no idea how many koalas i've seen by the end of the outing! I was actually more interested in the Dingoes, Bilbys and tasmanian devil then the stupid koalas and kangaroos.
Anywayz, the hand feeding the wallabe in the later picture is mine.
I had fun but if it were with other peeps, i would most probably had even more fun.
And guess what? My favourite animal is below! WOMBAT! ITS SO CUTE AND FLUFFLY I WANTED TO STEAL IT AND MAKE A SOFT TOY OR A FOOT STOOL OUT OF IT!! but yeah.. Cleland wildlife park being the peak of Adelaide hills. It was definitely scenic!!
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