Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My cousins drove in over the weekend in hopes of seeing my face before I fly off.

Mawar is doing well. The new job is treating her well I see. Vice President! LOL! happening yo.

The siblings are doing well after all the hoo haa that happened last month and they have kept me updated everyday via Yahoo Messenger. They're growing up. They're good people. yup.

Mawar's gonna get engaged next year. 25. I guess that's a not bad age of getting engaged and 26, married. But then again, marriage isn't the age. Its about whether you're ready or not rite? If a person is ready at 19 then by all means, go and get married lor...

I will be busy driving in and out of Malaysia end of the yr I guess... yup yup... Since she trusts me in deco and even her outfit.. =)

Mom has a new fear. She is now convinced that I will never get married due to certain reasons. She told me about it after she talked to my cousins and then they were telling her about their dream wedding. Yeah. Even the guy knows what he's gonna wear on his wedding day. heh. cuteness.com.

I? I just zoned out and played with my pet on pet society. When they left the room, my mom stared at me. My instant reaction, "what? Am I next in line for the interview? If you have to know, I never thought about how my wedding will be like." And she just laughed. She said, "No... As for you, I'm just worried you'll never get married.."

And the marriage topic has finally set itself out in the open on me.

I hate growing older.

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