Monday, August 03, 2009

There are many times where I didnt wanna come back here.

Today I was proven right.

Truthfully, Adelaide would be perfect if all of my friends are there with me and my family visited me occasionally.

My mom trusts me more. Why can't everyone else do the same?

Its just been a week and I've started quarreling and crying. I dont wanna think about when I have to stay here for 3 months.

I'm 23 not 5.

The way you talked about things that have happened, lovingly. You know what I call it? Hypocrite.

I came home not to stare at the walls. I can do it in Adelaide. Oh wait, I've been doing it for the past 6 months.

I left the one place I've called home my whole life, ran away from all familiarities because of so many things. Then I realised maybe this was one of those many things.

Kau jangan keluar malam malam. Asal asyik nak keluar dengan kawan kau. Macam perempuan kabaret. Keturunan aku tak der pun perempuan kabaret. Mungkin keluarga kau yang banyak perempuan kabaret. Kau makin duduk jauh makin pandai menjawab makin kurang ajar.

Ye lah nek, agaknye keluarga dee memang byk pun perempuan kabaret. Keluarga nenek kan semuanya alim alim. Ustaz, Imam... Tapi yang nenek takut sangat aper orang fikir pasal dee dee tu kenaper? Nenek ingat dee dee kisah sangat aper orang nak cakap? Orang nak ngumpat, ngumpat la.. sendiri yang dosa.

Of course my friends will be more important to me then you. They dont judge me, they never have. I'm beginning to think that my friends know me better then my own grandmother. Ya well. If all she can see from my face is whatever she has concluded then too bad for her. Here I thought that 6 months would have changed a lot of things. It changed everyone. Except her.

When coming home suddenly felt anything but right.

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