Saturday, June 04, 2005

There's too many things happening this week.. I just cant take it anymore!!!! I'm just tooo freaking tired to care anymore... everything is seriously happening in a blur...

Funeral, Marriages, tears from others, airport, outburts, prayers, questions, interrogations, more prayers, cute child, nieces and nephews, unhealthy, outings, late night at sentosa, shopping, running errands, cousins, uncles, aunts, airport, johor, marketing and that is only till today - Saturday.. there's still tomorrow... My week hasn't end yet...

And me watching all this from the sideline.

So basically, thats my week.

It's my first week of school. And as you can see... there's nothing from school stated here... I'm too distracted with things around me that i don't actually notice school to begin with...

I go to school... I go to lessons that i wonder when will end... I rush home... I don't exactly go home... met cousins, run errands... And then night comes, go home, next day same thing happens all over again.

So. Me disappearing from the net or school this week is due to family reasons. I'm too tired when i reach home to actually come online... I'm too caught up with family matters that i don't actually notice anything in school...

So in other words, i need to catch up on my homework. Haiz.

And there's other things that i hadn't been able to attend too.. Yup, for example a particular blog entry that was addressed to me and mel. I've read it on Sunday night/Monday morning but was too tired to reply it on the spot. So i kinda put it on hold for a while.

Since it was said that the entry is not really meant for me.. then i guess.. i shall not reply to it..

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