Friday, March 31, 2006
Just now on my way to school, i had the most interesting cab ride.. yup yup..
very interesting.. with Mariah Carey played on my MP3 and turned up to quite high... and it was drizzling..
funny how songs and weathers and cabs and you adds up to being a very very weird and interesting moment in the cab...
it was afterall fogging up..
Sometimes, dont one feels just like murdering?
I'm currently quite interested to murder/puncture/slap/sit on/ fart into/ kill/ hang/ drown/ flush down/ eat alive/ cooked alive/ be chopped into various small bits a grand total of 2 person in my life rite now...
Please choose whichever is better for whoever you think it is.. Thanks for your kind co-operation and understanding
yup yup..
I think thats alot since its both at the same period and for someone totally clean as me.. yeah.. its a big deal...
Both are getting on my nerves equally bad...
Both i see nearly everyday or whenever i bother give the acknowledgement of presence...
Both actually have the potential of getting me into huge quarrels...
One has a higher risk after quarrel than the other...
Watever it is.. i'm equally pissed with both.. or maybe its more inclined to one person..
Sometimes, i do wish that earth opens up and swallow the both of them... but i do hope that one would be given a better treatment after being swallowed up.. coz, one definitely deserves a better place and standard as compared to the other.
The end. I'm still not feeling any less murderous.. so ya.. maybe sleep'll help.. and yeah.. to memorise something for later..
whee. yayness. watever. fark off.
Wahahhaha.. I did my mom a potrait, shaded with graphite stick..
Ya well, i guess thats the benefits of being an art student.. Past or present.. When you're broke, you take out your art tool box from your cupboard and decide whether or not you wanna use paint markers, crayons, watercolour, graphite stick or charcoal...
but then i didnt give it to her yet... coz, i havent bought the frame...
so ya.. i gave her a small present first.. maybe i shall just push the potrait to mother's day.. LOL~!
cheapskate number 1.
Anywayz, we went to Fish & Co. Glasshouse.. and they have this lady performing there.. and well.. they started singing birthday songs and song dedications and started calling my mom Sister Kalsom coz, they didnt wanna call her auntie kalsom since to them, she looks young and like a sister of friend..
since hidayah joined us that night... she was the one who wrote the dedication... and obviously she put Auntie wat rite? LOL~!..
i'm like.. "Duh, she's my mom wouldnt i know better?"
Everyone laughs.. and the singer: "OMG. Are you sure? But she doesnt look like you... "
*rolls eyes* someone please tell me something new.. LOL~!
anywayz, yeah the glasshouse's house music was funky man.. Hidayah dared me to dance to one of the song.. eh hid.. maybe next time ok.. i was too full the other day.. LOL~! i'm definitely going back there just to chill and nibble.. ya know.. that kinda thing..
OOOOOHHHH... ya.. before hidayah dared me to dance, she dared me to go up to one of the waitresses to tell her that she's really sweet looking and that she has a sweet smile... I was sooo worried that i might sound lesbian or Bi at that point of time..
Well, when the girl came to our table.. i just turned to her with my most angelic face and said," Err, excuse me, but you know wat, my friend here thinks that you're really sweet looking and has a sweet smile.."
I was suppressing my giggle.. coz, i successfully made hidayah sound interested or something.. coz, hidayah immediately interjected saying, "Er no~! she said it.. i mean.. we both agree that you're really sweet looking" WAHAHAHAHAHAH
Then hidayah turned to me... "you see you see.. she cant stop smiling.. and you ah.. make me sound interested.. anywayz, that would really help if i'm a guy or something... LOL~!"
Then both of us were looking around.. i knew hidayah wanted me to say to another waitress, this caucasian girl, that she's sweet or cute looking, but then.. we were distracted by the soundtrack... and singing.. wahahaha..
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I just got back from Arts House... Yup... I went for it.. surprisingly... hrmmm..
Currently quite sleepy.. wahahha...
I like the songs from Closer to you heart...
I like the break up song and the songs from the mother...
In Tainted Flower, i saluted taufik rite? in Closer to your heart, i like the mother~!! LOL~! ooooo... and i love shahdon's voice... hahahah.. his solo, the song he sang with the brother at Geylang and the one where the 5 of them sang together..
Now, the last song was beautiful..
I guess thats all folks.. LOL~!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Anywayz, I had my dance class on Friday.. it was UBER FUN~!! hehehehe.. Although i wished that i have a partner.. hrmm.. *glares at a particular friend*
Anywayz, I'm currently quite depressed.. and rather confused.. Sometimes, i dunno why i'm put in certain situations you know, situations that i dont know how to get out off...
I'm very confused over a lot of things.. I dunno why certain things happen... I dunno why i'm the target at times... There's nothing else to be talked about... Sometimes, i feel utterly alone.. but when i wake up the next day, and i see my msges, i smile realising... i have pple that care... 6 of them to be exact.. There are times that i wonder, how am i going to leave and live without them?
But anywayz, back to me pondering about stuff...
I'm currently quite tired.. i just hope i could hold on you know... and not get certain things to get the best of me and just run from things... i'm not a quitter but sometimes, you just will need to do it no matter wat.... so therefore, i pray for someone to actually hold me back and hold me there till its over...
I know its actually the beginnings of my rather confused days... and i hope that you guys will not run away...
I cried around 3 times while having a MSN Conversation today with a friend today... I just feel lost, but having that conversation actually made me believe that things might get back to normal... i really hope it will.. i really thank you for being there today.. i really appreciate it.. even though you didnt say much... but once again.. Thank you...
I have Drama Rehearsals to go for.. and other than that... nothing else..
Hidayah stayed over the other day just for the fun of it.. and we talked and laughed for the entire neighbourhood to hear till around 6am where the both of us fell asleep...
It rained at around 4am and that was when we decided to sneak out of the house to go to Macdonalds across the road coz, we were suddenly hungry...
clever us was kinda wet later on and end up feeding my cats some of the nuggets we bought... LOL~!
Did anyone kinda realise how McNuggets are appearing in my entries quite frequently these past few weeks... I should ask McDonalds to pay me for publicity or something...
Anywayz, NATURALLY, i woke up late the next day and that day i have rehearsal.. YUP YUP~! another stupid thing to happen...
you should see how that hidayah wake me up.. she's ONE ABUSIVE alarm clock man.... welll... my other alarm clock that's located in simei failed to call me as well.. so this particular alarm clock kinda smack my back damn hard.. YUP IT HURTS REAL BAD.. well.. i kinda put it aside after realising that its actually 10am and rehearsal is at 1030am... and run into the bathroom leaving her laughing all the way...
P.S: Hidz, dont do that again... Thank god i didnt have asthma that morning or somethign.. or it would have been a totally different story by now...
So anywayz, had rehearsals.. and later on the 3 of us proceeded to town.. with me and mel entertaining ourselves on various poses that we see on the adverts in Taka.. imagining a camera in front of us.. coz.. HIDAYAH HAS YET TO GIVE ME BACK MY CAMERA~!!!
Anywayz, i'm like currently broke... nope.. not just broke.. broker than broke... worse than broker than broke i think.. i'm like the chief of broke or something... and taking a cab to every single rehearsal is definitely not a good thing to happen... just imagine.. $7.50 to school every tuesday and thursday...
I should just go rob a bank.
Especially now that my secondary school past time sorta came back to me.. and that is to hang out at Starbucks or Coffee Bean... i should really get on with my plan for the robbery i think.. hrmph~!
let's see...
Mom's b-day is next week wednesday... And, i'm unbelievably broke...
I guess it shows from my lack of publicity of that event this year as compared to the previous yr.. hahahahha
but i thought of doing something for her... But i did something stupid instead...
I wanted to sms either my cousin or either one of my friends about my idea but clever me pressed.. 9**0*0*5.. and that is like my mom's handphone number.. yup talk about stupid...
so there i was... realising a second too late..
so as i was racking my brian on my way home trying to figure out wat on earth am i going to do now since, i've cleverly told my mom my plan...
and i reached home... rushed into the room... and found that my mom hasnt check her smses~!!! wahahahha... so i deleted them all in front of my mom with my mom pulling and kicking me in her attempts to read the messages..
Friday, March 17, 2006
I'm seriously too free... Too free end up sleeping late... Sleeping late end up waking up late... ARGH~!!!
And waking up late is no good.. lol.. REALLY~! my alarm clocks failed me today... even the alarm clock that takes shape of a human...
but anywayz, i did this test...
looook loook loookk... PERSONAL DNA TEST
eh you guys comment on it la... tell me how true it is.. LOL~!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I have a whole list of things to do today... or at least thats wat i thought i'd be doing today...
Suppose to do:
10am - be in school to meet shahdon
1pm - be at CityHall to meet a friend for coffee
5pm - back in school for a revision class
7pm - meet my mom for dinner
What i end up doing?
Well, i ended up waking up at 1230pm... YUP YUP~! 1230pm... i can believe myself seriously.. and to think that i've set 5 alarm clocks to wake me up so that i'll be able to meet shahdon in school...
i'm still very guilty about it.. Especially when shahdon is so nice about it... haiz.. once again SORRY~!
so i had to rush to City Hall.. but i informed that friend of mine that i'll be meeting him half an hour later that the agreed time...
SO we met... we talked... catch up on each others life... it was really fun actually.. surprisingly.... hahahaha.. must be coz, its been awhile since i last talked to him... so ya...
so i left City Hall at around 1535hours in my pursuit to school... when i messaged Marcus. Asking him whether or not he's coming for the revision class... When he asked me WHAT REVISION CLASS?
that was when i realise... something's not right... and that was went i realised as well that today is not the 14th... and the revision class is on the 14th.. yup yup... so much for me planning to go to school...
so i alighted at the next station (Bugis) and take the train back to City Hall to change to the Red Line... I was obviously talking to a friend on the phone telling about my adventures so far and obviously he was HIGHLY AMUSED by my story... sheesh... but ended the call since someone was calling him...
so i ended up calling my cousin who refuses to talk to me at that time with no particular reason.. so i took the Red Line and alighted at Orchard... YUP~! All this while... i was alone...
So i walked around Wisma Atria... Looking at clothes and all.. at the same time wondering who should i ask out... Then it hit me.. maybe i should ask one of the senoritas out... But decided against Hidayah.. Since she just came back from Bintan yesterday... I mean she must be tired rite..
So... i called the other one instead... Suprisingly, she actually answered the phone~!! *Reminds self: Go buy 4D later* LOL~! Anywayz, yeah... she answered the phone... so we were talking like for half an hour.. and there i was talking animatedly outside Takashimaya's Zara for the benefit of the world...
And i end up refusing to meet up with my cousin... (LONG STORY.. SHEESH~!) But actually ends up meeting her... Coz, both of us were bored... and she misses me... and she wanna meet up with me complaining about the fact that she hasnt met for the longest time... Sidetrack: The last time we met was on Thursday la... where got long rite? that girl ah...
so we went to MacDonalds to buy 20pcs Nuggets and one Lrg Coke and drag it back up to the shop to eat, gossip and share stories... And i left at around 1730hrs.. coz, she has to meet my uncle (her dad)...
Somehow, the day ends with me signing up to join a particular ballroom dance which now a dearest friend of mine is scaring me over the fact that its gonna be filled with elderlies since i took up a course at the CC... This is btw, the same friend who was utterly amused by my adventures this afternoon... grrr....
Friday, March 10, 2006
Everything's been great... WHEE~!!
Rehearsal's for Dramatec's Major Production has started and i'm sooo looking forward to it.. LOL~!
its like.. i think things are coming along faster than planned... i wouldnt be surprised at that actually...
The 7 of you... Thank you so much for making thursday's rehearsal a meaningful one... I really appreciate it~!
Exams results are out... I'm actually quite happy with it if not for a particular something...
but other than that.. i've been busy even though i'm not working.. hhehehe... thats the good thing...
the bad thing is that.. i'm broke.. lol
Anyways, today i didnt wake up that late... i was wondering wat i have later on today when i remembered (while rolling around on the bed) that someone's coming to my house later on.. obviously... i jumped out of bed and bathe.. LOL!
Oooooo... tonight's hally's D&D.. she was at my house just now.. Yup, i did the make up for her~! hahahha.. happening rite?? lol.. well.. not only that la.. i chose her entire outfit for her.. like wat's new rite? LOL~! Image consultant in the making gitu.. wahahahhaha...
the theme is R&B.. don't think its like the easiest theme around ok... with a client like hally.. this cannot.. that cannot... i threatened to quit some times.. i even threatened that if she everything also cannot.. she'll go to her D&D either make-up less, bottomless or topless.. oh and acceossires-less.. lol.. REALLY~!! even my cousin nearly gave up as well during our shopping trip..
yup.. she was soo fussy.. that yesterday, she still didnt have a top and a bottom... imagine that.. LOL~! but with me dragging her around yesterday.. we got everything quite fast... around 2 hours.. and her wardrobe is done...
But actually, the outfit came together perfectly... quite nice.. hahhahaha.. not too casual.. not too formal.. just nice.. LOL~!
and her hair?? WAHAHAHHA.. i cant believe i did her hair~!!! WAHAHAHHAA... i swear if she get caught in the rain later.. it will just fall flat on her head.. wahahhahaa... I wanted to have some curls la.. but she bought a hair spray that took a long time to harden... and since we were already running out of time, i made her hair stand instead.. LOL~!
yup.. i shall take her pic from shahdon.. he was at my house too.. commenting on every single thing and trying to make my cats like him.. haiyo.. that one another one.. i dunno why he never go also.. lol
Monday, March 06, 2006
An Air Steward before he starts singing full time... and definitely an eye candy...
And below is one of his music video... wheeeee.... very unique... i like.. i think he looks good as a jap.. LOL~! The music video reminds me of Last Samurai though... And its one of those malay song that i fell in love with.. LOL~!
Biarkanlah aku merindu sekian lama => Allow me to forever miss you
Mungkinkan bersama
Dua jiwa ini
Dalam mencari cinta sejati (nan suci)
Mungkinkah segala derita di jiwa
Akan terubat kini
Can it be united?
These two souls
In search of true love (thats pure)
Can the pain within
Subside in the end?
Biarkanlah saja diriku
Sendirian tanpamu
Terpisahnya kita kerana
Mengejar impian
Just let me be
Alone without you
Coz we drifted apart
Each chasing our dreams
(Repeat Chorus)
Hanya satu pintaku
Sabarlah menanti
Ku kan pulang bersama cinta
There's only one thing i request
To patiently wait
For me to return with Love...
(Repeat Chorus)
Saturday, March 04, 2006
I would give it an A... A for Amazing... I really loved the scenes that has no lines and strictly songs... it really meant alot and definitely showed alot as well..
I dont really have anything much to comment on just that I love it... I love the protrayal of some of the characters... and Taufiq was great... he did wat he had to do to achieve a certain setting for that scene and he definitely went all out for it.. Not many can do wat he did.. and i really respect him for that~!
I shall blog about it more another time when i'm really awake...
Anywayz, sidetrack a little... Some people have been asking me whether or not Jason Mraz is good and all that... but i didnt know he was gonna perform at Esplanade Concert Hall on the 17th March 2006... If i knew.. i would have gotten my tickets~!!
And rite now when i found out about it, at a point of time where i'm broke and definitely cant buy the tics str. away... i'm really gonna strangle someone... Look at it man.. see wat's left.. EVERYTHING IS LIKE SOLD OUT EXCEPT FOR CAT. 2... and Cat. 2 cannot buy str. away la.. i'm like darn broke sia~!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006
you know wat?
There's an itch... yup, itch as in mengatal (thats malay for having the itch to look for guys)..
yup yup yup... i have no idea why... i guess most probably is due to the fact that currently i'm very very very very free and constantly wondering wat to do...
Then i begin to ponder on my ongoing lovelife or rather the lack of it...
I begin to wonder... Why on earth wasnt i attached before?
Ok i'm not trying to be thick-skin or wat la.. but you know... people always will have a match of their own wat.. and its not as if i dont...
i've dated a few... hmmm i shouldnt state dated.. maybe.. hmmm.. more of, hmm got acquainted and welll... i dunno how shall i put it...
but they were guys of various racial backgrounds, social groups (is that the term for breakdancers, satanic, punk and whatknots?)
They were nice people.. really really nice guys... but when they popped the question... i refused without thinking twice... and usually that decision was made long before the question was asked...
There were reasons, all kinda reasons actually... And most of them was the fact I'm too busy with school and that i dont have the time for commitment... Now, i begin to wonder... is that really the reason or was i just afraid of being in a relationship.. Could it be?
i dunno...
hrmm.. maybe rite now.. i am really too free or something that i'm beginning to wonder why on earth am i not attach or maybe i should give relationship a try?