Friday, March 31, 2006

Since i've already posted the b-day outing thing.. i shall post up another entry you know.. so as not to taint the previous entry and to rid myself of all murderous feeling which i hope to achieve by the end of this entry.. which i sincerely doubt.

Sometimes, dont one feels just like murdering?

I'm currently quite interested to murder/puncture/slap/sit on/ fart into/ kill/ hang/ drown/ flush down/ eat alive/ cooked alive/ be chopped into various small bits a grand total of 2 person in my life rite now...

Please choose whichever is better for whoever you think it is.. Thanks for your kind co-operation and understanding

yup yup..

I think thats alot since its both at the same period and for someone totally clean as me.. yeah.. its a big deal...

Both are getting on my nerves equally bad...

Both i see nearly everyday or whenever i bother give the acknowledgement of presence...

Both actually have the potential of getting me into huge quarrels...

One has a higher risk after quarrel than the other...

Watever it is.. i'm equally pissed with both.. or maybe its more inclined to one person..

Sometimes, i do wish that earth opens up and swallow the both of them... but i do hope that one would be given a better treatment after being swallowed up.. coz, one definitely deserves a better place and standard as compared to the other.

The end. I'm still not feeling any less murderous.. so ya.. maybe sleep'll help.. and yeah.. to memorise something for later..

whee. yayness. watever. fark off.

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