(The craziness from the bridesmaid's pt of view)
Location: Bora Bora Beach Bar, Sentosa, Singapore
Date: 28th June 2008
Time: 6pm till Late
Dresscode: Smart Casual (Bridesmaids to be in Magenta)
Reporting Bridesmaid: Nur Nadira

Yes, people... I changed my hairstyle again. I'm back to being a mushroom head only more vogue this time. WAHAHAHAHAHHA!!
Last Saturday, Lili got married. Yup yup! After about 2months of running around and she annoying me in the middle of the night, the big day arrived. My day started wayyyyy before 6pm of 28th June 2008.
It started from the previous day. Last minute touches had to be made and therefore I couldn't crash at the Bride's pad to entertain her on her last day of singlehood.
And me being me, made sure that I packed her stuff and realised that I didn't have shoes to go with my dress. Paranoid pls! I thought I was gonna end up barefooted on that actual day... Talk about glamourous. *rolls eyes*
I hunted for shoes last minute and really did think that I'm doomed. Ended up buying a pair of 5inch gold heels from Nine West.
The whole week before that, the rest of the bridesmaids were pulling their hair on how on earth they're gonna find a Magenta dress. Well, you see, Lili wanted Lavendar for her bridesmaid. I was on leave, and went around hunting for it! You tell me where can find Lavender in the summer collection?!
So i asked her whether any other shades of purple is fine since I cant find a thing... She said ok. So i was under the impression that, her bridesmaids will be in any shades of purple.. So me and Deena bounced into warehouse and spotted the Magenta dress... which I bought and then Lili asked me to send a pic of my dress to the rest... Then it hit me that they most probably will kill me... Khekhekhekhe...
On the actual day I was awake at 8am to compile some song list and get myself ready since I was supposed to appear at her house at 1230pm (which I was late for.. duh~!)
Deena called me to make sure that I have everything ready since she is either worried that i might break my heels or tear my dress before anything. Seriously, that woman have so much faith in me. Sheesh~! She forced me to go over to her house since I needed her handbag and she wanted to do a spotcheck.
But anywayz, I appeared at Lili's house at about 2.30pm to the surprise of everyone of my change of hairstyle and that I appeared in a dress for the first time in front of them. BLEARGH~!
So i went to disturb Lili inside the room and started playing with her veil and can can (is that how you spell it?).. I was prancing around with it... DUH~! Me so omg jakun never see this kinda thing before and so girlish and so frilly... so cute lor!
Then I realised that I was getting warm and that's only when I settled myself in front of the fan and underneath the aircon! Ate pizza and chicken wings and played with Poppy(her cat). Camwhored with cammie that's not mine... So I have no idea where's all my pictures.. HMMM!!!
Went to Bora Bora at about 430pm... And set up everything and I was appointed DJ of the night! The bar area was damn hot pls! I am quite positive that I have at least gone down 2 sizes by the end of the night! So tak glam lor!
But things went quite smoothly despite several annoyance. I just sat at the music area when I have nothing to do... Its really quite fun looking out to the crowd and observing everyone from a 3rd person perspective. heeee...
It was like prom all over again. Everyone so dressed up, drinking, eating, talking and catching up on each others' life since most of them have not seen each other for the past 2yrs... It was very sweet. the entire thing... :)

Finally get to see them after a week!!! Azi looks happy after the swiss trip lo! I think overseas air always do something good to her! She didn't even look sick lor even though she told me the other day that she recovering from being sick in switz... LOL!!

I'm sorry to the rest that I did not manage to take pics with or talk for very long.. Boo Hoo Hoo~!!
Guess what else I've learnt to do by the end of the night? Running around in 5inch heels. When I say run, I mean run. LOL!! And later on dance in 5inch heels! WAHAHHAHAHAHA~!!
Dearest Lili,
Like I've said before, never in my life would I ever thought that the day would come where I would be there as your bridesmaid on your wedding day or to even assist you in planning it. And I think never in your life did you expect it as well.
3years ago, never once did we ever sit at the same table to have a civilised conversation or even acknowledge each others' presence until one day we started calling each other Kambing. The group's very own Chinese Kambing and the Indian Kambing.
Vulgarities were constantly exchanged, name calling became a way of life, and irritating each other became something that we've grown to be an expert in. Those still remained btw. lol!
Fate certainly has its ways as we both have learnt in the most recent 6months that we entered each other's life.
The past 6 mths have been interesting. We've seen each other in our best and worst forms. You never expected to be one of those to witness me breakdown in such a way, I know that, but you did. The same way I've never expected you to cry to me too... And the intial impression we both had of each other flowed away along with the tears.
You're the strongest girl I've ever met but beneath all that hard exterior lies a girl so gentle with great dreams. Like i said on your wedding day, You came to me unexpectedly, like an angel in the most undefined and unrefined form and I thank you for it.
I salute you for taking this journey. Everyone's afraid of getting married. But hey, when its time... you'll know it! rite? :P LOL! Love is afterall a journey of self-discovery and knowing of the others' importance in your life and I pray you'll find the peace in it.
But no matter what happens, you'll always be my Kambing!
Lotsa Lurve,
P.s: Deena & Nadia sends their regards.
More pics will be uploaded once I know who has them! haizzzz...