Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

I didn't realise it was Father's day today till I received a txt from someone reminding me that. Why? Coz I remembered in my entire life, there was only one father's day where I was present, he was present.

During that point of time, I was always excited of having days like this. You behave, you bathe early and smell good and dress nice waiting for your parents / dad to come home and then you can give present, smile for the picture and receive the kisses and tickles that come along with it and then you think to yourself, you have to be the luckiest girl in the world. It happened once when I can remember. Its like christmas morning or the morning of your birthday.

But every year I behaved, every year I fell asleep waiting. And then, I grew up and decide not to look forward to such childish fantasies anymore. And soon, I start forgetting.

I just hope that who knows eventually hopefully maybe one day I do get married and eventually hopefully maybe one day I may have children. For him to show them how much he loves them, even if it is more then he loves me.

And I hope that every year they will always have smiles plastered on their faces by their father; at least once a year.

Happy Father's Day.


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