Friday, November 12, 2004

followed my mom to the market just now... we went to Little India..

Wheee... And bought everything including coconut leaves to make ketupats..

Talking about coconut leaves... Grrrr...

Guess how much it cost to buy the freaking coconut leaves?? $6 for 100 pcs.. Its madness at its most critical stage i tell ya!!!!

GRRR!!! luckilly my mom friend was there.. if not... i would have created so much noise there... I mean who in the world sell coconut leaves for that kinda price?!?!?!

SIAO! PIECE OF SHIT... Its like 4 times profit la!!! Idiot!! Wanna cut throat.. also cut reasonably la..

Oh ya..

How nice... Sunday's hari raya... and today i'm sick.. no actually not today.. it started since yesterday... got a sore throat and and and and... a... oh ya.. runny nose... grrr!! i better recover by monday latest.. or else...

I'm gonna miss out on a lot of nice nice interesting looking delicacies.. wahahhaha...

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