Met the boyfriend in town on Friday. We went to catch I. AM. LEGEND. at Lido. Seriously, i seriously dislike such suspense movies but at the same time it was fun coz i ended up laughing at my own silliness.
I was squealing in the cinema and pulling on Mel's scarf and hands and covering my ears. Well, Mel was no better. HAHAHAHA!!

So I told him that I have something in mind but Deena thinks its not a good idea. So i told him that i would get him a shirt or a shoe or watever la.. So we went walking ard town heading for Zara where we saw this super nice pair of shoes but its not his size and other sizes was sold out.
Topman proved to be not much of help and Calvin Klein was quite disappointing as well.

This is not Mel trying to kiss me coz he was too happy with what i got him! This is actually his trying to be sexy pose! lol!!!!!
We started camwhoring when.....
Mel couldn't stop smiling over the fact that I got him the Tommy 10 for Christmas. He has put my X'mas present rite at the top list of the most awesome and favourite presents he has received... Talk about sweetttt!!!!
Then Melvyn bear came into the picture. Melvyn bear is an unexpected free gift that came with the Tommy Hilfiger purchase. The sales person was too kind or maybe, the both of us was just too entertaining for them that they decided to give us something.
It was decided that Melvyn bear will be in my possession coz I told him that I will take and use this bear to perform voodoo on him and I will plunge the bear head first into the toilet bowl everytime i'm angry with him and if anyone were to catch me doing that and asked me why, i will say that the bear's name is Melvyn. LOL!!!
But of course, I started giving Melvyn bear more attention than my boyfriend. I hugged it and refused to let it go. So as you can see from the picture below, Mel was jealous! WAHAHAH!
And he got even more angry when he saw this...
Me kissing Melvyn bear! LOL!!!
So I decided to take a pic with him without Melvyn bear's presence... but Mel was still pouting away... lol!
Wheee~!! It was fun and funny though. And he ended up sending me home! Promptly fell asleep in the cab.
I want my present toooo~!! Am i getting one? lol!