Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I have yet to meet up with the rest. I think they're going to kill me coz, i was supposed to watch My Fair Lady the Musical with one of the them 2 weeks ago.. but i was too broke. LOL!
So anywayz, met her at Bugis for dinner and crapping session as well as to search for a dress for her one yr anniversary thats taking place this saturday. How sweet rite? *smacks Rohaidah*
Now why would i do that? Coz, she was giving me a hard time yest. No, not the put on the spot thing.
Just that she wanted me to help her pick out a dress.. BUT, everything also don't want.... too bright, too simple, too plain, too flowery, too vogue, too over, too flamboyant...
I was short of asking her to go and buy cloth and sew it herself!
Why do i have a feeling that she's reading this and i'm gonna get killed later? OH WELL. I know you still love me rite rohaidah? lol!!!!
And she still can ask me to go and accompany her THROUGHOUT this entire week until she gets a dress or whichever is sooner...
*strangles Rohaidah and throws her in a bin*
She says i have great taste (which is of course a compliment to me), but she rejects dresses without even trying it on!
Seriously people, things might not look great on the hanger but do you look like a hanger? NO RITE.
Sometimes, you might be surprised at how it turns out on you...
But other than that, it was a fun outing la.. Damn funny can!
It seriously is funny how you can make me smile so early in the morning. It seriously is nice to know that you're around. It seriously is sweet to see what you have to say.
Note to self: I have to stop chewing on sweets in the office, its unhealthy.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
I have to stop eating!! REALLY!!
the other day i met Azizah for dinner.. and even end up eating her rice coz, she doesnt seem to have any sort of appetite.. that wat happens when a person is tooo tired...
So ya.. i had my noodles, her rice and later on ice cream! totally wtf rite? I'm not the one here that needs to eat. AZI IS IN THE POSITION TO EAT MORE! But.. noooo.. i end up eating like free...
And azi's reason for me eating soo much is? I'M TOO HAPPY! like wat theee...
But that was fine since the next day i was having such bad stomache and went to the toilet ever 30mins or so.
So wat happens the next day?
I went to work as usual and reached home at 7plus... lazed around when i received a phonecall from the senoritas wanting to meet up.
Yes you will think i passed the invitation, since its late and all and since my grandmother is like.. you know you know.. lol! but no i ended up meeting them at Serangoon.
We went for prata supper.. but i was somewhat full already so i ended up sharing pratas with Deena..
That girl ah.. Complain that she's getting fat... BUT!
she orders 3 of the most sinful prata that the shop has.. Cheese, Egg and Bomb (that's like sugar and butter inside)
I was like.. WAT THE!?!?!
And that outing was fun la.. its been so long since i last met them and well.. again i was put on the spot.
What's new these days rite? I've been put on the spot so often and become the topic of conversation.. rite? you all enjoying it rite?
nvm.. the time will come... *evil grins*
not that i'm complaining. oh well, i'm sure you know wat i mean...
So ya, its been like a food spree
and saturday came.. and well, wahaha.. as you all know i was working wat... and happily chewing THROUGHOUT the half day and met Mel later on..
And walked around the entire Raffles City, i swear i've never had such "eventful" outing at Raffles City like Saturday.. *smacks Mel*
So ya walked around all over the place.. and ate!
then after that i met my mom for dinner...
*screams in agony*
and it doesnt help that i'm totally in love with this particular dress i saw... its like totally nice and sweet and... waaaa... I WANT IT!
I'm gonna kill Deena for showing it to me!
i'm going for a wake. haiz. 14 years old. only daughter. only child.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I'm Nad and i'll be the host for today.
Its the perfect weather to sleep in, cuddle up in your blankets, catch up on desired sleep, hug people and dream of the most romantic scenarios.
Timecheck: 9.09am
What is Nad doing up you might ask?
Since its well known that i'm not a morning person and well.. i definitely wont waste an opportunity to sleep in especially when the weather is this great and besides its Saturday afterall.
So you might think that:
1. She has gone mad
2. She has insomnia
3. She has nothing better to do
4. Its just one of those days where people would go and buy 4D.
Well, its simple.
i'm at work
*cues audience to gasps in horror*
Nah. i'm not THAT hard working. But i'm required to work one Saturday a month and i'm scheduled to work on the 4th Saturday of the month.
Since this is the 4th Saturday, so here i am!
Bright and early.
And surprisingly, AWAKE despite the fact that i slept at 1+am. LOL!
And i'm already at work for nearly an hour already since its gonna be 930am soon. LOL!
Anywayz, stop being so shock and stare at this entry ok. I do wake up extremely early on Saturdays ok.. No matter how the weather is..
Ok i can so see you guys go.. YEAH RITE NAD WATEVER!
but its true!
If i didn't work today, and its raining and i would so love to cuddle up to my bolster and elmo and snuggle under the blankets, i would still have to wake up.
Coz, i have fencing training today. Like most of those Saturdays in December. I swear my coach loves to have trainings in mornings where all you want to do is sleep and not wake up till afternoon.
But of course i cant go and my coach is gonna kill me tmr when he sees me since i havent been having training for the past 2 weeks.
but then again, not my fault wat! His schedule was full! but nevertheless, i know i'm gonna get some kind of a nagging tomorrow.
Anywayz, where was i?
Oh nvm, i shall just look for more things to do before i actually huddle/curl up in my cubicle and sleep.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
People look at me and they will think i'm mad if i continue this.
To think that its only morning and it has been lingering on my mind for the past few hours.
Its not as though i dont welcome it. But a distraction is a distraction nevertheless, right?
Its like i'm in a floating state. Half of my mind is here with me for everyone to see and the other half is somewhere else in another place, in another situation.
Or maybe i'm just not occupied enough for me to welcome such a distraction.
*Buries self in a hole*
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A very sweet story that was set in difficult times. You guys should catch it~! its really cool la.. The storyline, the effects, and the scenes transistions.
Its a definite must watch!! lol!
So how was my saturday?
My Saturday was memorable. WAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!
I'd have put it as farnie, awkward and sweet. but i think memorable is a much better word. LOL!
I swear there are just some things that will definitely make me as bright as a tomato for awhile and then i'll just continue talking as if i'm talking to myself and look everywhere else except at the subject.
Things that parents warn you when you were kids *winks*:
Lesson #1: Do not stand anywhere near a stranger or make any verbal contact where ever you maybe; i.e: traffic light.
Lesson #2: Stand 1m away from a stranger and do not make any contact of any sort to the person in question.
I know that this entry would not make sense to most people... But then again, most blog entries dont. WAHAHAHA!!
But other than that, GO WATCH PAN'S LABYRINTH!
You might just end up loving spain, its language and the men. WAHAHHA!! *dodges abuses*
Read me a Fairytale...
Friday, January 19, 2007
*Hops about*
I seriously can't wait for it to end!! YAY!!
Seriously, IT 415PM!!!
why am i so happy again? i have no idea why on earth am i this happy that Friday is here?
i was nearly late la today!! totally wth! i came in with my most sleepy and disoriented look, that made everyone worried whether or not i was ok.. LOL~!! *evil grins*
but watever it is...
Friday is ending. Period.
And and and...
I'm not going for Kickboxing later!
Kwang kwang kwang *rolls on the floor laughing*
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I only realised that its Thursday today when i was checking the clock on my computer. Totally wth rite?
Here i am thinking that i've only reached mid-week and wondering how on earth am i gonna survive another 3 FULL DAYS.
its been only 4 days into the job without typing daily faxes and i can no longer remember the date. Brilliant. Absolutely, utterly brilliant.
On another note,
The Sex Shop from across the road has been a topic for everyone for the past 2 days. I know, i know.. you guys would go like.. WTF?!
but believe it! its true.
Yest, they were discussing who's going there and wondering what the shop sells. And today? they were asking whether did anyone actually go the shop and what's there and whether or not they got buy anything.
I, on the other hand, was interested to find out but couldn't bring myself to thickened my face and listen... and at that time, my boss came out of her office to pass me some things.
And the office fell silent. I've never felt so relieved and grateful to anyone ever man.
There's kick boxing tmr in the office, outside our boardroom. My boss' personal instructor is coming down. I have yet to give my answer whether or not i'm going. *shrugs* My boss ah.. ONE FIT WOMAN SIA!
yest, she left the office to jog at Botanical Gardens and she says, "Can i go now? If anyone needs me, find me at Botanical Gardens. I'm going for a jog"
I've never been so stressed in my entire life till 5pm yest.
Right in front of me was a woman that has already lived for more than half a century, about to go jogging around at a garden. And here i am, lest than half her age, DONT EVEN LIKE TO RUN!
Speaking of which, i have a feeling, kick boxing is gonna be one activity that's gonna be permanent. Coz, she told us to find 20 exercise mats and gloves for it. *faints*
i have no idea what else to talk about. So for now, i think i shall go to the toilet and shit.
I can't wait for the weekends, for more than one reason. *evil grins*
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Today's my second day of work here and its been ok... The bulk of my work is not in yet... Basically, i'm just asked to familiarize myself with the admin stuff... A tad boring, but then again, there's nothing i can do about it rite? it comes with the job... lol!
Its definitely not the typical law firm where calls come in like free and writs are issued nearly everyday and Defences are due every 14 or 21 days, whichever is later. Not the kind where interviews are conducted every tuesday and thursday or whenever there's no CDR. Its definitely a change.
And my job scope? i have yet to find out the whole of it. LOL!
The people are nice, well, that's what i see so far... and i'm like, literally, the youngest in every sense of the word.
Anywayz, remember a few weeks ago (OK fine some time last yr) i said that i'll upload the lyrics to the BSB song since its been going on and on in loops? well.. i finally got around to doing it. so here it is then:
Remember when we never needed each other
The best of friends
Like sister and brother
We understood, we'll never be alone
Those days have passed now I want you so much
The night is young and I need your touch
Don't know what to say never meant to feel this way
Don't wanna be alone tonight
What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time
What did I say? What did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?
I hear your voice and I start to tremble
Brings back the child I resemble
I cannot pretend that we can still be friends
Don't wanna be alone tonight
What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time
What did I say? What did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?
Oooh.. I wanna say this right and it has to be tonight
I just want you to know
I don't wanna leave this life, I don't wanna say goodbye
With you I wanna spend the rest of my life
What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time
What did I say? What did you do?
How did I fall in love you?
What can I do to make you mine?
Falling so hard, so fast this time
Everything's changed remember you
How did I fall in love with you?
Speaking of songs, my earphones' spoilt! AGAIN! argh. Anyone has a spare one that i can borrow till i get a new one??
ok i shall go now and look for things to do.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Time check: its 950 and i've been awake since 830 just now.. wat time did i sleep? 4am. why?
Coz, Today seemed like a very nice day to go out. I'm so excited just by looking out of the window.
Seriously, its not raining and the sun is shining. It is!!
So what have i been doing for the entire of last week? I've been cooped up at home like a cat! Even cats get to wonder free. i was imprisoned. Literally.
Grandmother was being a pain in not allowing me to go out for the entire week for god knows what reasons and getting scolding for no reason is not very fun either. And she uses the rain to make it more difficult to go out of the house. Even going out with my mom has been a chore coz i had an interrogation session from my grandmother.
Its not raining today and i wanna go out... i'm so itchy to get out of the house that i just wanna go out!!! *screams and pulls hair* But now i have another problem instead, i dont have anyone to go out with...
I, seriously, dont have a victim to drag out for today.. ok, i swear i sound pathetic. But still, ok fine, not that i dont have anyone to drag out today... i HAD someone to drag out today but then that person's busy today so i've decided not to try pestering the poor person even though i'm like totally deprived. lol... hmmmm.. haiz...
I wanna cry already la!!! waaaaaaa.. *sob sob*
Maybe i should just go out by myself... waaaaa!!!!!!!!
i got meself employed as of 11.01.2007. LOL!
2007 has been kind to me...
it started off on an extremely good note.. really!
so now i've gone from selling grapes to having a job, again. My future job scope's quite interesting. so let's hope for the best.
Love life.
Love life? what's happening in my love life? hahaha.. boyfriend? hmmmm... my love life very non-existent wat.. hehehe.. *ponders, thinks and gets a little blur sotong-ish* Even if there is anything going on also, i'm dense. isn't that rite? hehehe.. Seriously, inexperienced what. wahaha...
I'll be applying for unis soon. I'm just hoping for the best to come out of my applications. Locally and... overseas, i guess.
So ya, so far 2007 has been kind. but hey! its only January.
And i'm bored and i really feel like going out later... but.. haiz..
oh and i have yet to post the pics from shaiful's 21st b-day.. that will be coming
rite up soon..
I'm fat and i'm stressed! *runs ard in circles screaming*
Monday, January 08, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Both left me in quite a shock, i woke up startled.
The first dream, involved a phone call, a message, a bus ride, a very familiar neighbourhood (even though i cant seem to recall where) and an extreme heartbreak on my part.
The second, involve the same people, an ant (yes a talking one), a cockroach (that one didnt talk), a farm, a fair, but no heartbreak.
Seriously, i have no idea how one could dream of same issues on different days with direct opposite outcomes.
Had my sec sch class gathering last thurs (28/12) at Seoul Garden Taka. Well, only 10 of us were present out of the 24 or was it 26 in the class? yup small class... so i guess 10 is quite a big turnout.
Presenting to you my class, Sec. 4 Endurance (4E).

There! me pigging out with 1/3 of my sec 4 clique. the other 4 didnt come that day. From left to right (Clockwise): Me!!!, Shi Ya (she's gonna be sent to China for soccer training after CNY! How effing cool is that? i remembered the both of us rushing to my house after sch to watch world cup and pig out! lol) and there's my sec. bestest best friend, Sin Ni! (She lost so much weight la. I'm jealous!)
There's the other 3 of my class, (Left to right) Xiang Ling, Genevieveve and Marilyn
There's (front to back) Yumin, Shirlyn and Pui San.
There's Yumin and Liang Yi. Now, Liang Yi's been my partner in crime thru out sec 4. with our all famous pranks with the whistle sweet. And well, she's been complaining how i've neglected her thru out TP time.. *faints (literally)*
Mean Joke of the day by Dear Liang Yi
Liang Yi: Guess why, we never really remember Pui San?
Rest of us: *shrugs* dunno?
Liang Yi: MUST GUESS! it's mean, but true!
Rest of us: Coz, she's quiet?
Liang Yi: No. Coz, she stands in front.
Rest of us: *starts throwing things at her*
(and that, however, didn't end there...)

Gen with her ever-so-classic pose.
And me with Sin Ni!! I swear i miss her loads. Its been a long long time rite girl? the last time we met was in poly yr1 can you believe it?! haiz.
I feel totally ancient.
And no. i dont have cataracts. I was wearing Gray lenses that day.
Last friday (29/12), hally, shah and me crashed coregroup. Ok. hmmm.. not really crashed.. but you know.. LOL! After that, 3 of us with hidayah, pika and mas headed to town coz shahdon wanted to buy a beanie. Seriously, it takes 5 girls to choose a beanie for him.
Anywayz, thats not the reason for this post. The reason for this post is....
On Saturday last week (30/12), the fencers had a bowling tournament at Marina Square. I didn't wanna go initially but was dragged there after my training.
So we had a team competition. And it was hilarious! We started stealing bowling balls from the other team and started making weird sounds as each bowler of the other team was bowling.
Introducing to you my teammates...
From left to right: Jieshe, Benison, Me, Matt Lopez & Ignatius.
and and and.. guess wat?
WE WON! hehehehehe.. *does the kallang wave*
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I'm finally going out today!!
i'm watching movie with my mom!!
first movie of the year! wahahaha..
i think i'm going to go find a part time job or i'm gonna start tutoring...
full time job? I'm putting that on hold first.
We'll see how it looks when feb comes.. if i'm still tight by then, i might still go or not at all.