Friday, February 13, 2009


Remember the last time I went for Alumni Gathering at Fort Canning? Yeah well, our cammies were not the only ones filled with our faces you know. We took pics with the event photographers. LOL!

So i've been waiting for the pics to materialise when I received a message from Kin this morning our pic was on album cover. For a moment there I was like.. HUH? WHAT PICTURE? WHAT THING? WHAT EVENT?

She asked me to check my mail.

And this was what I saw as the album cover.

We took ton of pics and I didnt expect them to put it ALL UP! We took abt 10-15 pics (i mean with event photographer is alot wat), and the best part? its ALL UP! *hides face*

Hahaha.. DramaTec better be proud to have seniors like us. LOL!~

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