Monday, October 30, 2006

If it could rain so heavily today,

so could the tears.


Why does the tears come ever so easily?
Why is it that when i need a ear you've disappeared?
Why on earth do i worry so much? Over everything?
Why on earth can't i feel things when i'm asked to.. but when i'm alone everything else tumbles around me?
Why is it that when i need a hug you're not around?
Why isn't everything easy?
Why can't everything disappear when i reopen my eyes?
Why are there so many choices to be made?
and finally, i'm asking this... Why am i burying myself in solitude?


Maybe leaving my life would be the best idea. But would i be able to endure it by myself is another different story altogether.

I hate being ignored. Like everyone, i'll definitely feel unwanted.

Maybe feeling what i'm feeling is not worth it. Maybe, i'm just wasting my time.

Sidetrack: My internet's back! i'm over the moon...Do you know i feel deprived without it? its like.. the weekend, and i cant even talk to the people i haven't spoken to or meet in ages. I miss them and i definitely need an outlet.


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