I guess I'm just tired.... Extremely tired.... Of everything... I practically ran out of school yesterday.... lol... Its lame.. but yeah... When i bumped into a fren of mine and she asked me why are you in such a rush? where are you going? I just looked at her and said... I'm going home... I'm late... Please take note that it is not 10pm or 11pm.. It was 650pm.. rite after french... hahahaha On my way off, mom called... Met her for dinner... Keeps going on and on and on about the fact that MONDAY, 2 AUG is just 3DAYS away... Muahahaha... Something is coming my way... Something is coming my way... tralalalalal.... Then rite.. my mom bought chocolate... so there i was pestering her to give me the chocolate... This is how it went: Me: "Maaaaaaaa..... I want the chocolate!!"
And another victory point for me!!! Muahahahhaahh!!!
Friday, July 30, 2004
At home now... suppose to do the biz proposal... but what am i doing?? As usual... Wasting time...
Yesterday during french, we watched this french movie... Well, my perception of the french being a romantic bunch of people changed to french is a bunch of psychopath when it comes to love... They create stories in their mind that never exists and the person that they're worshipping doesnt even know that they're involved in a love web of some sort...
tsk tsk tsk.... The story is just plain freaky... Well, its just the story.. wahahaha...
So pple... have anyone been doing anything extremely nice for you?? You might the next target of someone's affection.. hehehhee
Thursday, July 29, 2004
had my french exam yesterday.... muhahahhaa....
I'm in love... oh soo in love.... in love... yeah... oh yeah!!!
For people who easily get confused.. don't worry i'm not in love with a human...
Not a man or boy of any kind...
I'm just in love with french!! muahahhaha.....
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I confirm going to commit suicide already....
Wahhaha... Having Lab session with my most favourite and most adorable tutor... SO one would understand why i wanna commit suicide.... Cant stand her "CUTENESS" any longer...
muahahha... she is one teacher who loves to give homework man... Remind me of the "good" o'l sec sch days... Holiday assignment... haiz haiz haiz... Give reasonable deadlines but it is never reasonable to us students coz, we have to especially come back during the holidays just to hand in the assignment...
But nevermind... i shall not complain... I shall do it all with "open" hearts.... Grrr
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
This cannot continue man... It is seriously not healthy...
Why cant i just scream at them at the appropriate times?? When i feel like screaming... i give a polite smile... And after that... I feel like strangling someone and tearing someone's head off... Seriously, what is the point of that you tell me??
coz, after you leave, the person that is suppose to get the yelling is not around... you have no one to strangle... then.... you get irritated.. seriously, no point man... waste energy!! haiz...
nevermind... its just pointless explaining myself... and trying to get points across... coz they never listen.. i mean... who ever listens to me anywayz??
Where am i? What am i doing?
I'm in biz lab, Doing nothing... Waiting for Mel and Kay... and wondering where in the world has azi disappeared of too.. I think she had event management meeting...
Oh just as i was thinking.. Azi appeared... heeeelllooooo!!!! *That was Azi*
now.. i have to go meet my pressie for awhile...
Off i go... tralalallala
Monday, July 26, 2004
Oh ya.. i forgot to mention what happened last friday....
Last friday was my installation night....
I think it was ok lah... But something was missing... but then, thats beside the point...
My mom attend it... And OMG!!! She was damn LAME!!
Let me go into detail...
We have a table topic session.. This particular table topic session is somewhat different as someone has to volunteer themselves and pick something out of the bag and talk about it for a whole 2 minute....
So my mom was actually kinda sabo-ed by me.... And she had to pick out something from the bag... She chose and chose and chose... And out came a bottle...
She looked at it incredulously and looked back at the audience wondering what in the world is she gonna talk about...
She was like:
"What in the world am i going to talk about?" (looks at audience)
"what is this?" (Holds the bottle up for everyone to see..)
"This is a bottle."(Answers her own question)
"What do you use it for?" (poses another question)
"You use it for drinking." (Answers her own qns again) *All this while i'm sinking deeper into my seat*
"Most probably there is an extra use for the males. In case any of your teachers did not excuse you to the gents" (She elaborates)
"Now, let me go on describing how the bottle actually looks like..." (Holds bottle in her hand and scrutinise it)
"The bottle is clear. It has a white coloured bottle cap" (She explains... all this while with a serious facial expression)
"What else would you want to know abt the bottle?" (Looks around)
(Drops the bottle.... Giving a fake bimbotic look....) "Ooohhh.. It did not break"
I nearly fainted when she did that... And there was everybody cheering my mom.... And how later on, people came to me.. mentioning on how cool my mom actually is... when in actually fact she was being nothing but just plain lame...
Just came back from meeting... AND BOY! Was my defence up.... lol!! He is an irritating human being man... Seriously getting on my nerves.... GRrrr... Have to get back to the other 3 on the workshop that i proposed... I need to set a date for it soon..
SOMEBODY was being irritating just now.. and i feel like shoving the info under his nose on the next meeting... so ya...
And once again... They gave me a last minute task to plan the damn thing... How many times do i have to tell them... I dont do last minute stuff... Today they informed me of friday's meeting... What the TOOOT!! He keeps saying that if we dragged any longer members will run away...
Like hello! Its been 3 weeks since the orientation meeting, then we had the installation night... People still responded to my emails... They did not ignore... They still assure me of their support and presence for the upcoming meeting...
I mean... If you are so DAMN AFRAID that members will run off... Wouldnt they've done it in the freaking course of the 3 weeks.... Some people just never think.. do they??
At times i just wanna kill myself... I wanna strangle someone... i just wanna cry!! ARGH!! Irritating MAGGOTS!!!
GUESS WHAT... ONCE AGAIN I'M NOT SLEEPING.... ARGH ARGH ARGH... Muahahaha.. but nvm.. I'm a trained owl!! *Hoot Hoot* *Hoot Hoot* Argh.. still can't find my pre-lab assignment... So gonna get beheaded by my dearest tutor... She is sooo gonna slaughter me and make me into curry!! Haiz.. Nearly misplace my class's lab assignments as well... And i panicked and nearly got asthma attack in the process... but that was before i located it lying next to my bag.... Oh ya.. I'm still going on and on abt how my blog hates me.. and how my internet connection hates me as well... GRR!! Anywayz, ya.. just now i already typed out a nice long blog entry... then i was erasing the word before... when... my whole entry disappeared into cyberspace~~!!! ARGH!! IDIOT... That was also when i burnt my tongue... Coz, my dearest mom happily made me tea after i pestered her too.. But what i didnt know was that she boiled the water on the stove instead of using the water in the thermos... So ya... Steps to burn someone's tongue:
So there i was so stress... with the blog and still pondering over where i left my assignment... took a sip of my tea... The next thing i know... I practically jumped out of the chair... Yelping... and there was my mom giving her innocent smile... "Ooopss Didn't i mention.. I boiled to water on the stove to make your tea.. and i lazy to wait for it to cool down... GRrrr.... She's THE devil i tell you!!!
Friday, July 23, 2004
Hmmm.. what can one do if her comp keeps hanging itself??? Should she reformat it?? But she has so many things inside there!! Hmmm...
But then again... Maybe she should... Unless somebody out there can recommend a better solution besides this? It hangs at the most inappropriate times.... ARGH! She cant even blog that often at home anymore!! Its really driving her crazy!! Anywayz, Let's see what did she do yesterday... *scratches head* *thinks* Can't really remember... She wonders why she went home late yesterday... Then she remembered... She had Français yesterday and it ended at dix-neuff heure... (1900hrs) Then she had dinner... And then what happens? Oh ya.. She had another long phone call... Kept her company throughout her bus ride home.. Or at least till she got the final bus to go continue with her journey.... |
Then she slept late... Doing a video using a software which she knows nuts about... and now quite proud of it! Coz, she thinks its great....
Then she can't find her pre-lab assignment which she is suppose to correct and hand it in tomorrow.... Which she actually thought of handing it in today... As, there is no other choice, she would have to hand it in tomorrow before going for the NE Seminar... That is if she can actually find her assignment in the first place...
Now she wonders why is she typing such a pointless blog entry and referring to herself as a third person.
But then again... People have done weirder stuff... And she is now going to get ready and go to school to find her friends... And later go for CCA...
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Since my computer keeps hanging yest... Let me blog about what happen yesterday....
Let's see.. I was doing my tutorial... When a certain male friend of mine has a group meeting... The group meeting happen to take place right beside me... So ya.. He got frustrated or angry or watever.. But the thing is, he turned RED!! Very red!! First time i witness an outburst like that from him.. lol!! It was scary.. (But it was kinda funny though.. LOL!! Shh.. if you happen to know who... pls dun tell him..)
Hmmm.. then i went for tutorial... and that's the end...
Oh ya oh ya...
I had an extremely long phone conversation with Mel on my way home yesterday!! LOL!! it was a hilarious phone call man... It was crappy lah.. The whole bus was staring at me.. and i had to substitute certain words to a much cryptic and more polite words... Grrr.. but its so fun!! muahaha.. i shall do this more often.. as in.. pray for pple to call me to keep me accompany throughout an entire bus journey home.. muahahahha...
And MEL... HDB flats' lift have reception can.. its for emergency cases... DUH!!
Now, i'm in school typing away... why?? Coz my idiotic computer... or rather my idiotic internet connection keeps HANGING... Seriously, I think that its going to commit suicide... Get it? Hang itself.. commit suicide... lol... Ok ok Fine.. Its lame.. i know...
Anywayz, let me continue my blog entry later.. need to help kabby with something...
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
I'm SO STAYING AWAY from MACDONALDS NO MORE!! I had the most horrible and traumatising dinner ever! Oh ya... WORD OF CAUTION Dont ever mix fries together when you have four of them... Coz, you'll feel that your eating is never ending and soon you'll get sick of it. So, after awhile we were too full and somewhat drunk with fries and nuggets. Therefore, NO MORE MACDONALDS! I think i'll start puking if i hear MacDonalds within my hearing range... I'm so going to stay away from it... 3 Months should be enough.. rite? |
Oh ya Oh ya.. Pls check out the link below man.. ITS DAMN CUTE!! wahhahaha
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
"Burn" By USHER
Girl, understand why
See it's burning me to hold onto thisI
know this is something I gotta do
But that don't mean I want to
What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you I just
I feel like this is coming to an end
And its better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
[Verse 1]
It's gonna burn for me to say this
But it's comin from my heartIt's been a long time coming
But we done been fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don't think ya gonna change ya
I do but you don't
Think it's best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy baby
Plus theres so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn
When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
[Verse 2]
Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain't the same find myself
Callin' her your name
Ladies tell me do you understand?
Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?
It's the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it's too late
I know she ain't comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back
Ooo ooo ooo ooooh
Man I don't know what I'm gonna do
Without my booo
You've been gone for too long
It's been fifty-eleven days, um-teen hours
Imma be burnin' till you return
(let it burn)
When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn (let it burn, let it burn, you gon'learn)
Let it burn (gotta let it burn)
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's overyou know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh)
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooohOoh ooh oooh (can ya feel me burnin'?)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh oooh
So many days, so many hoursI'm still burnin' till you return
Monday, July 19, 2004
If anyone wanna read something interesting please go to Mel's blog...
For those of you who are dumb... pls read the following instructions that will guide you along!
Step 1: Please go to my navigation table... Yes.. It's the one with the Tagboard..
Step 2: Scroll down till you see my links...
Step 3: and look for the person named MEL...
Step 4: Click on it... Then you'll be directed to his blog.. like duh..
What will you find there??
It is the beginning of a very interesting epic. So, stay tuned for me... I think if you wanna read more of these stories... just check out our specialiased blog... Click here
Oh shite!! This is the second time i'm typing this stupid thing... See i told ya.. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID BLOG OF MINE!! ARGH!!!
Anywayz, i'm currently desperately in need of break... YAWNZ!! I think I'm going blind soon. DAMN! its never healthy to stare at the computer for so long.... Seriously am going blind... But then.. Maybe i can start wearing contacts if i do need specs... *Thinks of the possibility* Haiz... This report is killing me....
Advice to everyone out there!!
Never do any last minute work!
So much for me telling everyone but fails to follow it myself. Been guilty of this crime eversince i can remember man....
Anywayz, i seriously think that something is OH SO wrong with this dumb blog. Just look at my prev. entry! I did not even change the font... and it is in some other font as well as in a different colour altogether! ARGH!!! Its going MAD!!!
Ok.. nvm.. I shall continue with my report now... enough of resting...
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Ok.. I seriously need to be focused right now... Seemed to be continously distracted each time I'm suppose to be doing something that is important and extremely urgent...
Saw my Malay Cikgu on friday's newspaper... She just graduated with Masters in Malay Language and she's pursuing her PHD... Cool huh... But each time i think about her... Never fail to give me the urge of killing and strangling someone... But nvm... That was the past... 2 to 3 years have passed.. LOL!!! Oh ya.. Hidayah darling... In response to your blog entry... We would try to meet up as soon as possible... Provided that all of us are free... And at the end of the outing, it will end with the 3 of us... and not the 2 of us... like how it usually is... Forever dating.. hahahaha... and also.. provided that I'm still alive.. hehehhe... What else to write ah?? Hmmmm.. i dont think there's anything else.. anywayz, good luck on your projects people... |
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Oh ya, Something is very wrong with this blog of mine. But i can't seem to know what is it.. For eg: The blog below on the quiz thingy... Seriously, it is a waste of space. The quiz is so small but it takes up tons of space. GRR.. and the best part is that i cant seem to fix it. Anywayz, the quiz is kinda cool even though i had to do it 3 times before it actually confirmed that i am "Down-to-earth" as they put it..
Hmmm wat was it that i wanna write ah? *ponders Scratches head* Oh ya. I remembered... Have you ever realised how easy it is to digress from one topic to something that is so no related even though it has a link of some sort? It gets irritating. Coz, after awhile you tend to wonder why in the world you said it and how you even said it and how it slipped out of the unconscious mind. hmmzz.. Then after the conversation, you tend to wonder what in the world is the person you're talking to thinking about. and then you tend to scold yourself. and then you tell yourself, that you're not going to talk anymore. LOL! I mean, has it ever occurred to you? especially at times when you ask yourself to shut up, but you can't... and you just keep on going...
Thursday, July 15, 2004
On my way there, I met this sec sch fren of mine... *hidayah... Control yourself.. I know you wanna know who it is... But relax.. chill sista* I met SARAH CHAUDHRY!! wahaha.. yes yes yes.. *Hidayah, Pls put those eyes back to where they belong...* Anywayz, Don't intend to elaborate much on her...
Ended up watching movie with my mom.... *Why do i have the feeling that i'm gonna be beheaded if i reveal what i watch?* Anywayz, since i'm gonna be beheaded sooner or later, might as well get it out now... I went to watch KING ARTHUR... *Ok, I can practically hear pple screaming at me.. I think its just paranoia... Yes yes.. it IS paranoia...*
Anywayz, the show was good... It was heartwarming.. something like last samurai with a gist of LOTR... Somewhere around there lah... Anywayz, Just to escape from my death penalty, GUYS... Pls be informed that...
I wouldnt mind watching it again! :P
Oh ya... And seriously, the itch of wanting a new phone is getting intolerable!! ARGH!! nvm.. patience nad.. Patience... it will come.. the time will come.. it will be anytime soon...
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Bet you guys have been playing it when you guys were small or maybe.. some might even play it last weekend or something. Hmmm.. Let me ask you a question... Have you ever played it with a moth?
Well, guess what... Right now, I've been playing hide and seek with the exact same insect! ARGH! And its driving me crazy! The thing flying around my study room making my skin crawl... And there I am crouching on my chair with Baygone in hand. Spraying each time it gets closer to me!! I mean I'm not afraid of moths or butterflies or crawling flying thinges. But I hate having the thought of a possibility that it might land on my head or on my arm or on my face!!
Monday, July 12, 2004

You dont want love to come through to you. You like
it the way you are. To be unreachable, no need
to show feelings. Hiding everything inside you.
You are already used to it. You say yourself
that you dont need anyone, that you stand on
your own two feet or that you dont have time
for these things. But in reality you are scared
to get hurt. You feel save where you are: by
yourself, nobody can hurt you there. You
invent your own relationship in your dreams.
You just need to know that you COULD get a
Thats it.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla
Wahahhaa.. I'm a FROZEN QUEEN!! lol!! Hmm Kinda true.. Doncha think so? ANywayz, Next QUiz...

What is your behaviour towards guys?
brought to you by Quizilla
End of quizzes... wahahha
Saturday, July 10, 2004
I mean my eyes tend to twitch. The normal twitching is usually, not enough sleep. Then when it twitches for a certain period, it usually means that somebody far away is coming. Well, that is what usually happens. Then if it twitches once or twice, and it hurts so bad. Then the next thing you know its gone and you thought you were actually dreaming that your eye twitched. When that happens, I will get the feeling that something is wrong.
Anywayz, didnt do anything much today. Just that have been a road directory the whole day! It started of when my aunt and a distant uncle came in from M'asia. And i was woken up by my grandmother screaming in my ear. Then a phone call from my mom. And before i knew it, my cousin was pouncing on me while i was sleeping.
Then i had to follow them go visiting. I had to be the road directory, and i was in a car with a distant uncle of mine... ARGH!!! he was so damn noisy and complaining that the traffic is not moving. And he was saying that we should have taken the expressway instead of this route, that route. Wahlao!! And there i was trying to keep my mouth shut and trying sooo hard not to be rude. Then he and the wife will have a minor argument where the wife will ask him to shut up and stop being irritating. There i was, trying to give directions over these 2 quarreling human beings.
I just felt like throwing him out of the car or make him sit at the back while i do the driving. That is also went i told myself that i have to get a driving license no matter what. At least, i'll be driving my own car and i can throw anyone out of the car at my own will.. MUahahaha!! such a nice thought.. *Daydreams*
And i still have not get my Chicken Rice!! Omg.. I'm not suppose to be thinking about food.. I've been chewing and munching like nobody's business.. So much for trying to loose weight and be on diet.. grrr....
Anywayz, I have to go now... Time to sleep.. Grandmother is awake.. She's already nagging at me.. But her voice was drowned by my music.. whaahhaa.. so, before she actually scream in my ear... I think i shall disappear first...
Anywayz, did i tell ya what happen on Wednesday and Thursday (07072004 & 080702004)?
I reached home on Wednesday at around 615pm... Ate my dinner... And went on my bed planning which homework to do first and i was playing with my phone lah... Then the next thing i know... I was woken by my mom coz, its time to go to school.
My mom being who she is... I seriously thought she was disturbing me just to make me wake up or something... Then i checked my phone, it was 650am on Thursday Morning. Pls take note i have not changed the night before. So there I was on Thursday Morning, fully clothed. When i mean fully clothed, I havent take my socks off... and my mom was like.. I think if i woke you up late.. you would still be able to reach school on time since you're already dressed... *OMG.. how lame can a mother get in the morning you tell me??*
Strangled her before i went to bathe... Then, i realised that I haven't touch my work at all... There I was doing my work like nobody's business in the bus AGAIN... Grr.. So moral of the story: Don't go near the bed when you have not finished things you're suppose to do.
Friday, July 09, 2004
Been staying in school for reasons which I cant seem to find...
Went to watch Movie instead of going for french. I'm going to strangle that Mel... His excuse was something about me having implied consent or something like that lah... Anywayz, We went to watch Spiderman 2....
The show was great i think... kinda funny at times. But ah... Their special effects can be SOOOO much better.. The part when spidy was jumping around and flying around town, it just loook so cartoonish... And when Dr. Octopus carry MJ... Omg.. That was just hilarious.. It look so damn fake... Wahahhaa... Yeah.. Besides the special effects, the show was great lah...
Went back to school for meeting. Waited for Kay with Azi and we found Amin... So went dinner together lah... So nice... The food... I wanna eat some more.. well, actually i'm just hungry at the moment.. :P
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Basically, it was just a peaceful gathering of the past to reunite the present so that we can brave the future... hmmm amm i even making sensE?? I met people i never expected to meet... 2yrs disappearance was enough for me to get the hint that the relationship is just not important...
I was sad and felt kinda betrayed at one point of time... I mean all the promises made on how our generation would not allow history to repeat itself just evaporated into thin air... just because of something that neither of us were even involved in... How a person would never stand up to fight for their right so that ties were not severed....
Then it occurred to me how insignificant the relationship was even though we had the greatest moments ever... Never did i expect to see you just now... The shock both of us had... the expression on our face was just PRICELESS... How at first our vision was just limited to a certain angle... and how conversation was just everything but comfortable...
But no matter wat... we are related in one way or another... our relationship has always been good and we know that no matter how long we're separated... it will not make us strangers... Secrets were shared... Stories were exchanged... It was like the good old times again...
When numbers were exchanged, you told me things that you once said... I no longer believed... I'm sorry, but i no longer believed... But then i suspect you knew even without me needing to tell you anything... and you messaged.. i was shocked... i was amazed... But i no longer hoped where it will lead... Coz... If tonight's meeting is the first and last... i'm already prepared... coz now i will never allow myself to hope for things just because people happen to say it... it's just too disappointing when things don't turn out as you anticipated it...
Monday, July 05, 2004
Seriously, he doesnt even know how to spell my name!!!! can you even imagine it??? OMG!! and he still have the cheek to call me bimbo.. Tell me someone... where did i come across this unfortunate soul? tell me where?? And why did i even made friends with such a human being... it tends to drive you crazy... especially.. with his feeble attempts of trying to call you a bimbo when he is the one with the airhead..
tsk tsk tsk....
Here's a slight description of him for all of you out there to get a glance of the big picture...
M - monkey
E - erratic
L - liable for any damage caused
V - very irritating
Y - yucky yellow yak
N - Nimcompoop
Ps. to be changed once i reach home and has more time to ponder on his name... really need to rush off....
But i have no idea whether or not the dragon will be there... it will just spoil everything... when i mean everything.. it is EVERYTHING...
Sunday, July 04, 2004
I was blown away... He took my heart away... LOL!!!
Thursday, July 01, 2004
But just now i was early without even the help of a cab... hahaha.. actually this week.. so far i only took cab once.. coz i needed to hand in the pre-lab tutorial.. so ya..