Monday, July 26, 2004



Muahahaha.. but nvm.. I'm a trained owl!! *Hoot Hoot* *Hoot Hoot*

Argh.. still can't find my pre-lab assignment... So gonna get beheaded by my dearest tutor... She is sooo gonna slaughter me and make me into curry!! Haiz.. Nearly misplace my class's lab assignments as well... And i panicked and nearly got asthma attack in the process... but that was before i located it lying next to my bag....

Oh ya.. I'm still going on and on abt how my blog hates me.. and how my internet connection hates me as well... GRR!! Anywayz, ya.. just now i already typed out a nice long blog entry... then i was erasing the word before... when... my whole entry disappeared into cyberspace~~!!! ARGH!! IDIOT... That was also when i burnt my tongue...

Coz, my dearest mom happily made me tea after i pestered her too.. But what i didnt know was that she boiled the water on the stove instead of using the water in the thermos... So ya...

Steps to burn someone's tongue:

1) she boiled water
2) added the sachet while it is still on the stove...
3) added milk... and then... she see the colour nice already...
4) Poured it in a cup and gives it to me... "Nah.. Your tea is ready... It's nice... Trust me!!"

So there i was so stress... with the blog and still pondering over where i left my assignment... took a sip of my tea... The next thing i know... I practically jumped out of the chair... Yelping... and there was my mom giving her innocent smile... "Ooopss Didn't i mention.. I boiled to water on the stove to make your tea.. and i lazy to wait for it to cool down... GRrrr.... She's THE devil i tell you!!!

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