Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dream #2

Imagine this.

There's 2 girls walking side by side. Laughter in the air. Talking enthusiastically about their day. Updating each other on their lives. Whispering secrets.

The difference. One, receives appreciative stares, compliments, warm smiles... while the other, whispers behind her back, insults can even be heard at times...

Them. Exact opposites of each other. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

But how they wish they could be the other.

But they do have things in common... Them with all the rest, victims of pride and ego. Torn apart with no promise of meeting again.

A world filled with glitz, beauty and perfection waits one. While the other goes into the real world, where everything is harsh, honest and brutal.

How she wishes to be the other. To be appreciated that way even though its superficial. To be complimented. Just once, from people who have insulted her all her life.

How she fought to prove her point. But all she was taken for was that girl who was improper, talks to much that she's near rude and definitely (to them) not what a parent imagine their girl to turn out to be.

Both girls. Both have dreams. Both hates to be in the centre. But its normal that one gets everything perfect while the other dont. rite?

One dreams to be complimented by those around her, to just have that bit of looks, to be noticed, to be seen and accepted and to actually receive something positive from the person she cares & likes.

While the other. She's living it. and nothing can spoil it. she has it all planned out. she'll actually sulk if things doesnt go her way. Typical.

Sometimes, wishing to be like her... its like a princess getting her wish granted. but how long will that wish actually last when its granted...

Only till midnight?

Then, realisation hits.

Why wish to be someone else? When there are others who wishes to be you?

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