Friday, July 15, 2005

A non-dream entry.

A particular feeling. A particular scene.

How long has it been since devdas? Who would expect that i can relate more to it now, then while i was actually doing the production?

Who would expect that a certain scene, would affect me more now than last time?

Who would expect that i would still cry at the same scene, everytime?

Who would thought that it was even possible to cry at just a short time?


[(voice of utter dissapointment & anger) This is your share! What have you come to? I know we're the cause of your fall. Forgive us. Before you are completely ruined, get out of this house. LEAVE!]

Yup. That's the scene. The scene that'll make me weak after every try. A scene that never failed to make me cry. A scene that will never fail to make other people cry as well. So far.

A scene that actually meant alot to me.

Then i realised. That lady i played. She's partly me. Thats the reason why i can feel so much for her. I created her.

I created her using my thoughts, my emotions. Kaushalya.

I think i shall name my emotions - Kaushalya.

Only she will be able to make me bring out that much.

Things that i wont even show.

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