Friday, July 15, 2005

Dream #3

I saw a pair of the most beautiful eyes ever looking at me... Then... I woke up. I'm looking for that pair again....

Eyes are windows to a person's soul they say.. I will truly believe...

The intensity of the gaze, the gentleness, the concern, the emotions... You can actually see a story just by looking into those eyes... Its like watching a movie, but you're the only audience at that point of time...

Looks and any other physical attributes can never match up to eyes.

Honest, true, unmasked.

Even a flicker of emotion can be seen when you look directly in the person's eyes. There's nothing you can hide.

They can really take you away... Give you the warmth you need... Give you the comfort you asked... At times, you can even feel like slapping that person just by staring into their eyes.. YUP!

They're like a window. Gives you the comfort you need, confidence even. Sometimes, when you look into those eyes... You can actually see a future, with you in it.You'll see great times, bad ones as well... You'll see alot.

A pair like those, i've yet to find.

Misplaced a pair somewhere and another pair as beautiful as those are hard to come by.

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