Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dream #6

Applause can be heard.

But she's not satisfied.

She looked around, something's missing. But what? She cant seem to figure it out.

Expectation has not been met. Why the applause then? This is hard. She can't let anyone down.

What if they found out? She thought. How is she ever going to face them again? How is she going to face them, when they have such high hopes? High hopes of the future. High hopes of her.

She looked around. She's looking for something, someone. She doesn't even know what. But she just wanna run. Far away. Away from here.

She started running, but she can't find an exit. She can't find it anywhere. The doors are locked, the tunnel is never ending.

She's getting frantic. How is she ever going to get out of this place? She looks around. It's really getting claustrophobic.

Her thoughts are drowning her, her vision blurred and her breathing in short spurts. She's hyperventilating. No one's there. No one's there to save her. No one's there to help her.

She's alone, trying to find her way out. Trying to continue with her journey that currently, seemed bleak.

She stopped. She fell. She broke.

Then she remembered,

"When one is flat on their back there is no other way to look but up."

She stood. She walked.

The difficult journey begins again.

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