Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I knew that it exists. But this year, this year just brings a whole new meaning to the word unfairness. Sometimes, I wonder. Have I really been that bad to anyone? Hurt anyone so bad that all of this just keeps on coming...

Seems like i'm welcoming it with open arms.

Yesterday was the ultimate unfairness. The peak and most delicious topping and what more? the perfect closure for the year.

Seeing how he was treated and how welcoming she was. I was just, well, shocked? It did manage to raise a few eyebrows.

Jealous? Well no.. Maybe a little. More like disappointed. Yeah maybe.

Its really great to see how starkingly different the treatment was between me and her and what's hers and mine.

I was envious. I did mention to her that it was really unfair but hey, what can I say, mine has long gone and the situation was long over.

She was obviously shocked at what happened back then. I just shrugged and told her, I didn't conform and never once have I regretted that. I may have gotten hurt, badly even but I will never conform. I'll just live my choices, its afterall my life. She treats me differently but hey, I can't please everyone - so i'll just please myself first.

Selfish? yeah... maybe... I suppose.

I have always been the one that mistakes are amplified and never forgotten. But at the end of the day, at least I know what I want. With or without her approval.

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