Monday, July 02, 2007

Went on a movie marathon with my girlfriend on Saturday. Don't mind watching it again though!! Totally lurvin' it. lol!!

Went out of the country to go to a fruit farm in Johor on Sunday. Didn't go for Fencing that day. waaa!!!

Pine-apper... Olange... Soursoap... Soogacane... Dulian...

Oh, the wonders of Singlish and talking to aunties and uncles. My mom told me to behave myself... Coz, i started teasing everyone, speaking the way they do... and they're obviously oblivious to it!


There's so many things that i feel like saying but i can't seem to put things out right.

I don't know where to start.

My mind's been a mess this past few days... And i keep remembering and repeating so many things.

Things that make me smile endlessly, there's also the ones that just make me stare out in space in fear and there's always the bitter sweet moments.

Money's not everything in this life. Money's not the thing to make my world go round. Its a necessity but is it a form of happiness?

There's still some stuff, like this other person i know, that i'm uncomfortable. I would like to show or say out the things i feel. But why am i hesitating? The fear of being teased later on? Maybe. We each take our time opening up to people, I'm sure this is the same. Well at least i think it is for me.

When the feeling is intense, i wonder where did it come from? I'm both loving it as well as afraid of it. Its scary for me to feel it. Maybe you know the answer? Care to enlighten me?

How did i learn to love you so much?

There's many ways one can reprimand a person. Getting screamed at in the middle of the night is one way. However, its definitely not highly recommended. Why bother answering and explaining yourself when one has made up their mind on the entire situation rite?

The sea was calm and therapeutic today.

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