I just woke up an hour ago...
*Looks at the time now*
Its 3pm... Which means, i woke up at 2pm.
And rite now, i'm groggy and nauseous as though i was up drinking the whole night... Which obviously i didnt. I dont do such thing la... So waste money... wahahaha..
I'm currently nauseous! And i have training in an hour. Which also equates to me gonna be slaughtered and my sir gonna nag about me being lethargic. I'm so dead.
I swear, no more late nights for me~!!!
Ya i say only, sekali later tonight sleep late again..
EH.. cannot cannot..
Tmr's my first day of work... wahahahhaaha
i dunno whether is that good or bad. LOL!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Medical Negligence.
What constitutes to Medical Megligence?
A guy has stomachache for the past yr. He has been going to the hospital and was given some pills and the reason for his sickness was high cholestrol even after various scans. This guy is skinny by the way. Then recently he admitted himself into the hospital due to the unbearable pain (that is, after a yr of tolerating it and he is still fine).
The doctor then told him that he has a small lump in his colon. So, he was given an injection. When he came back for a check-up, doctor discovered that there's another small lumps. Operation is needed to remove it. He went for it. Hospitalised for 11days. He was discharged 11 days later, even though his wife suspects that he has not fully recovered, coz, his leg was swollen. But the doctor insist that he has recovered.
When they reached home, she found his stomach area wet so, she decided to change his clothes for him. When she changed him, she found water gushing out of the operation scar as though someone is peeing. She called the doctor at the hospital to tell him that she is re admitting her husband but the doctor said that it is just a common side effect and that they were supposed to go to the nearest GP to get help. She looked at the time, it was 11pm.
They waited till the next morning and went for check up at the nearest GP. Some medication was rubbed on the wound and it healed. At least, it looked as though it healed on the outside. GP told them to come back a week later for a check-up. They were told by the doctor from the hospital that any GP would be able to remove the operation clips for them. So the GP did it for them a week later, when they came back for the check-up and GP found that the scar had healed.
On their way home, the patient coughed and he cringed in pain holding his stomach area. His wife checked on him and when she lifted up his shirt, she saw his intestines and stomach coming out of the operation scar. Panicking, she called the ambulance and called went to the hospital again.
Upon reaching the hospital, the patient was not given immediate attention. With his insides out in the open, and just becoz he wasnt cringing in pain (he was so much in pain that cringing wouldn't help anymore) they were told to wait until 2 more patients before them are checked. The patient's brother-in-law started screaming and threatening the nurses before they took immediate action.
Later on, the same doctor, came and suddenly said to the wife that her husband has cancer that has spread to his lungs and liver. When she asked what are her husband chances, he said that he will be fine only that she needs to call their relatives.
Her husband died the next day.
Would you believe when a doctor told you that someone has cancer at a terminal stage and later on he died on the same day? When he went for an operation and the doctor did not mention anything about cancer? when he wasnt suffering a yr before all of this. He was even working as per normal.
A cancer patient normally deteriorate over a period of time and not die just within a few hours.
What if i tell you that this story is not one that i've found over the net or not the kinda scenarios given by my law lecturers for projects?
What if i tell you that this is a real story? What if i tell you that the patient died a few days ago?
What constitutes to Medical Megligence?
A guy has stomachache for the past yr. He has been going to the hospital and was given some pills and the reason for his sickness was high cholestrol even after various scans. This guy is skinny by the way. Then recently he admitted himself into the hospital due to the unbearable pain (that is, after a yr of tolerating it and he is still fine).
The doctor then told him that he has a small lump in his colon. So, he was given an injection. When he came back for a check-up, doctor discovered that there's another small lumps. Operation is needed to remove it. He went for it. Hospitalised for 11days. He was discharged 11 days later, even though his wife suspects that he has not fully recovered, coz, his leg was swollen. But the doctor insist that he has recovered.
When they reached home, she found his stomach area wet so, she decided to change his clothes for him. When she changed him, she found water gushing out of the operation scar as though someone is peeing. She called the doctor at the hospital to tell him that she is re admitting her husband but the doctor said that it is just a common side effect and that they were supposed to go to the nearest GP to get help. She looked at the time, it was 11pm.
They waited till the next morning and went for check up at the nearest GP. Some medication was rubbed on the wound and it healed. At least, it looked as though it healed on the outside. GP told them to come back a week later for a check-up. They were told by the doctor from the hospital that any GP would be able to remove the operation clips for them. So the GP did it for them a week later, when they came back for the check-up and GP found that the scar had healed.
On their way home, the patient coughed and he cringed in pain holding his stomach area. His wife checked on him and when she lifted up his shirt, she saw his intestines and stomach coming out of the operation scar. Panicking, she called the ambulance and called went to the hospital again.
Upon reaching the hospital, the patient was not given immediate attention. With his insides out in the open, and just becoz he wasnt cringing in pain (he was so much in pain that cringing wouldn't help anymore) they were told to wait until 2 more patients before them are checked. The patient's brother-in-law started screaming and threatening the nurses before they took immediate action.
Later on, the same doctor, came and suddenly said to the wife that her husband has cancer that has spread to his lungs and liver. When she asked what are her husband chances, he said that he will be fine only that she needs to call their relatives.
Her husband died the next day.
Would you believe when a doctor told you that someone has cancer at a terminal stage and later on he died on the same day? When he went for an operation and the doctor did not mention anything about cancer? when he wasnt suffering a yr before all of this. He was even working as per normal.
A cancer patient normally deteriorate over a period of time and not die just within a few hours.
What if i tell you that this story is not one that i've found over the net or not the kinda scenarios given by my law lecturers for projects?
What if i tell you that this is a real story? What if i tell you that the patient died a few days ago?
Monday, August 28, 2006
Grandmother's not home...
And there's only one other problem other than the fact that i rot at home alone with nothing to do is that....
There's nothing to eat as well...
I've been munching on nearly everything i could fine in the kitchen..
Basically, i need food!!
I should stay out of the house the coming days...
Let's see.. what do i have tomorrow??
Grandmother's not home...
And there's only one other problem other than the fact that i rot at home alone with nothing to do is that....
There's nothing to eat as well...
I've been munching on nearly everything i could fine in the kitchen..
Basically, i need food!!
I should stay out of the house the coming days...
Let's see.. what do i have tomorrow??
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Anyone miss me??
I cant believe i just miss some people many many!!
Just one day there, stripped off all forms of technology other than a humble TV and radio and my cell... I felt lost. Bored. and DEFINITELY deprived.
One would not realise how much technology plays a part in their life, till it comes to a point of time where its not available for your own exploitation.
I dunno, maybe its just me.
But i think it'll hit any teenager in singapore. Teenagers who have a comp in front of them, in the comfort of their home, chatting away on MSN and typing inane blog entries to amuse themselves and to irritate the shit out of, maybe, some blog-passer-by-ers.
And i wondered how on earth my cousins SURVIVE without such technology around at night to actually occupy themselves with SOMETHING to do.
i'm amazed.
But anywayz, like most blog entries, its either for bitching, jest, complaints, sarcasm, fun, ramblings or whatnots, i shall therefore indulge myself in either one of those stated above.
I shall start on telling you beautiful pple out there of my journey back to Melaka, Malaysia.
*cues theme song: MALAYSIA TRULY ASIAAA!!!*
Well, as i was out the night before with my beautiful friends, mel and azi, whom i've missed terribly within a short weekend overseas (or rather across the bridge), just coz, i'm deprived of talking to them online.
Ok fine, i still have my phone. But one person did not reply my sms.
So ya.
But then again, i digress.
Mel predicted that my mom would be waking me up at 630am to bathe and whatnots. Especially when, i was out late, came back and was online till late, and i still have NO IDEA what time is my bus back to Melaka.
And true enough, as mel predicted. My mom woke me up at 630am. I rolled around, burst out laughing remembering a certain similarity to a prediction and reality, in the morning. Only to find out that, my bus is at 8am!!!
Ok fine, I was sulking after that:
1. for not being able to take my time
2. for informing of such "vital" information at such a late stage
3. i'm just not a morning person (90% of the time anywayz)
So off i went to bathe and make myself prettier than i already am, throw some necessities into the backpack and i'm ready to go.
Made my way to Lavender St. That's where all those Singapore - Malaysia Express Svcs are situated.
Guess what i found out?
My "beak" was longer than donald's by then.
One wonders, why is Nad making such a big fuss, esp when i'm usually a fuss-free person. Am i rite?
Well here's why:
1. I've never had a great experience on the Singapore-Malacca Express
1(a). There's always cockroaches
1(b). There's such to have some sort of defects with the air-con (its either to cold or the air con is non-existent)
1(c). The bus is either OLD or UGLY or BOTH!
Mom did try to make me happier by telling me that there's new buses under the company and its really great.
So when i reached the berth, there's 3 Singapore-Malacca express bus all departing at 8am.
3 buses.
3 different looks.
3 different conditions. (Oldest. New. Newest.)
Well, then.
Guess which one i've got?
If you guess............
Then here's 100 virtual kisses for you!
*Virtually kisses winner 100 times*
Yup. I've got the oldest, ugliest bus. The air-con was effing NON-EXISTENT! Some of the seats were falling apart, but thank god there wasn't any cockroaches.
And also the fact that the journey wasn't that long. So i didnt have to tolerate it for more than 5hrs or something you know. But then again, more than an hour should be torture already.
Thank god!
So once i've reached.
I've not eaten so much in the longest time. Pigged out at Kenny Rogers, sweets, Satay, all kinda things!
And later on in the evening was went i was bored to death.
I couldnt post my horrendous bus ride. At least, if i could post that, it would have taken like, an hour of my time? LOL! then i could take the opportunity of going online.
But then, my aunt's house doesnt have an internet connection.
so when night falls and everyone grew sleepy, i looked at the clock, thinking that it might be midnight.. and suprise surprise... ITS 9PM!!
so i was draggin myself around the house, wondering what to do and started messaging pple. 2 of my cousins was busy trying to complete their schoolwork coz, school's reopening on monday (later) and the other has disappeared to go watch a hip hop gig and i'm pretty sure he came back only early in the morning.
Guess what i did?
I ended up playing with their new kitten. Her name is Pussy. Seriously, what kinda name is that? i just find it VERY WRONG. wahahahaha...
And later on, i ended up watching VCDs with my cousins when my aunt, uncle, mom decided to send my grandmother to the village coz, somebody passed away.
I slept end up sleeping late, coz, we were waiting for the parents to bring home satay to pig out in front of the TV.
In the midst of all that distraction, i know one'll tend to wonder, HOW ON EARTH DID NAD MANAGE TO MISS PPLE?
There's such thing as time before going to sleep you know. I've never slept early in the recent yrs, and having to toss and turn before going to sleep and me end up staring into the dark makes my mind wonder you know.
But thank god for handphones! Built-in camera are just so useful sometimes. I missed my cats too!
i shall post up the pics of their kitten soon.
For now, i shall go to sleep.
Anyone miss me??
I cant believe i just miss some people many many!!
Just one day there, stripped off all forms of technology other than a humble TV and radio and my cell... I felt lost. Bored. and DEFINITELY deprived.
One would not realise how much technology plays a part in their life, till it comes to a point of time where its not available for your own exploitation.
I dunno, maybe its just me.
But i think it'll hit any teenager in singapore. Teenagers who have a comp in front of them, in the comfort of their home, chatting away on MSN and typing inane blog entries to amuse themselves and to irritate the shit out of, maybe, some blog-passer-by-ers.
And i wondered how on earth my cousins SURVIVE without such technology around at night to actually occupy themselves with SOMETHING to do.
i'm amazed.
But anywayz, like most blog entries, its either for bitching, jest, complaints, sarcasm, fun, ramblings or whatnots, i shall therefore indulge myself in either one of those stated above.
I shall start on telling you beautiful pple out there of my journey back to Melaka, Malaysia.
*cues theme song: MALAYSIA TRULY ASIAAA!!!*
Well, as i was out the night before with my beautiful friends, mel and azi, whom i've missed terribly within a short weekend overseas (or rather across the bridge), just coz, i'm deprived of talking to them online.
Ok fine, i still have my phone. But one person did not reply my sms.
So ya.
But then again, i digress.
Mel predicted that my mom would be waking me up at 630am to bathe and whatnots. Especially when, i was out late, came back and was online till late, and i still have NO IDEA what time is my bus back to Melaka.
And true enough, as mel predicted. My mom woke me up at 630am. I rolled around, burst out laughing remembering a certain similarity to a prediction and reality, in the morning. Only to find out that, my bus is at 8am!!!
Ok fine, I was sulking after that:
1. for not being able to take my time
2. for informing of such "vital" information at such a late stage
3. i'm just not a morning person (90% of the time anywayz)
So off i went to bathe and make myself prettier than i already am, throw some necessities into the backpack and i'm ready to go.
Made my way to Lavender St. That's where all those Singapore - Malaysia Express Svcs are situated.
Guess what i found out?
My "beak" was longer than donald's by then.
One wonders, why is Nad making such a big fuss, esp when i'm usually a fuss-free person. Am i rite?
Well here's why:
1. I've never had a great experience on the Singapore-Malacca Express
1(a). There's always cockroaches
1(b). There's such to have some sort of defects with the air-con (its either to cold or the air con is non-existent)
1(c). The bus is either OLD or UGLY or BOTH!
Mom did try to make me happier by telling me that there's new buses under the company and its really great.
So when i reached the berth, there's 3 Singapore-Malacca express bus all departing at 8am.
3 buses.
3 different looks.
3 different conditions. (Oldest. New. Newest.)
Well, then.
Guess which one i've got?
If you guess............
Then here's 100 virtual kisses for you!
*Virtually kisses winner 100 times*
Yup. I've got the oldest, ugliest bus. The air-con was effing NON-EXISTENT! Some of the seats were falling apart, but thank god there wasn't any cockroaches.
And also the fact that the journey wasn't that long. So i didnt have to tolerate it for more than 5hrs or something you know. But then again, more than an hour should be torture already.
Thank god!
So once i've reached.
I've not eaten so much in the longest time. Pigged out at Kenny Rogers, sweets, Satay, all kinda things!
And later on in the evening was went i was bored to death.
I couldnt post my horrendous bus ride. At least, if i could post that, it would have taken like, an hour of my time? LOL! then i could take the opportunity of going online.
But then, my aunt's house doesnt have an internet connection.
so when night falls and everyone grew sleepy, i looked at the clock, thinking that it might be midnight.. and suprise surprise... ITS 9PM!!
so i was draggin myself around the house, wondering what to do and started messaging pple. 2 of my cousins was busy trying to complete their schoolwork coz, school's reopening on monday (later) and the other has disappeared to go watch a hip hop gig and i'm pretty sure he came back only early in the morning.
Guess what i did?
I ended up playing with their new kitten. Her name is Pussy. Seriously, what kinda name is that? i just find it VERY WRONG. wahahahaha...
And later on, i ended up watching VCDs with my cousins when my aunt, uncle, mom decided to send my grandmother to the village coz, somebody passed away.
I slept end up sleeping late, coz, we were waiting for the parents to bring home satay to pig out in front of the TV.
In the midst of all that distraction, i know one'll tend to wonder, HOW ON EARTH DID NAD MANAGE TO MISS PPLE?
There's such thing as time before going to sleep you know. I've never slept early in the recent yrs, and having to toss and turn before going to sleep and me end up staring into the dark makes my mind wonder you know.
But thank god for handphones! Built-in camera are just so useful sometimes. I missed my cats too!
i shall post up the pics of their kitten soon.
For now, i shall go to sleep.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
My internet connection sucked. Its been giving me shithead connection problems from yesterday. And i'm definitely not pleased. DUH!
Let's see... I wanted to blog about something yesterday...
*scratches head*
Oh well, I cant really remember wat it is now...
*Ponders some more before giving up*
I shall be back in 15-30mins time..
*Roll sleeves*
Ok i'm back.. I hope my internet connection wont fail me now! It seriously irritates the shit out of me la..
I went out with them just now. Both azi AND mel. LIKE FINALLY! hahahaha... YAY! I'm so happy!!! hehehehhee...
Its like.. hehehhe... fun, funny, i dunno.. enjoyed myself i suppose.. wahahhaa.. we have such weird and entertaining antics...
Ok before mel's head inflates any further... i shall stop...
Will be going Melaka later, I still have yet to find out what time i'm leaving singapore..
And i've not packed.. But then again, i'm only there for awhile.. I dont think there's a need to pack.. other than the following:
1. Extra Phone Batt (fully charged)
2. MP3 (fully charged)
3. Camera
4. Coming home top
5. Sleeping outfit
6. Lingerie
Now, that's really nothing. And i'm currently itching to take some chocolate from the goodie bag that's suppose to sustain me throughout the bus ride tmr! ARGH!
So unhealthy!!
Did i just say that? Oh god. *Smacks self*
But then again, i'm currently watching wat i eat wat... Cannot help it. To achieve something, you must sacrifice some things... Am i rite?? HAHAHHA.
Sidetrack: Do i sound schizo in this post or wat?
Anywayz, to those that's been worried about my employment status.
I'm just stating it here that... After 6 interviews, 3 offers and finally one that i've accepted.
I've gotten myself employed.
Thats all for now folks, i just cant seem to remember what to blog about... hahaha...
so before i type more nonsenscial stuff here.. I shall bid all ofyou goodnyte and sweet dreams!
My internet connection sucked. Its been giving me shithead connection problems from yesterday. And i'm definitely not pleased. DUH!
Let's see... I wanted to blog about something yesterday...
*scratches head*
Oh well, I cant really remember wat it is now...
*Ponders some more before giving up*
I shall be back in 15-30mins time..
*Roll sleeves*
Ok i'm back.. I hope my internet connection wont fail me now! It seriously irritates the shit out of me la..
I went out with them just now. Both azi AND mel. LIKE FINALLY! hahahaha... YAY! I'm so happy!!! hehehehhee...
Its like.. hehehhe... fun, funny, i dunno.. enjoyed myself i suppose.. wahahhaa.. we have such weird and entertaining antics...
Ok before mel's head inflates any further... i shall stop...
Will be going Melaka later, I still have yet to find out what time i'm leaving singapore..
And i've not packed.. But then again, i'm only there for awhile.. I dont think there's a need to pack.. other than the following:
1. Extra Phone Batt (fully charged)
2. MP3 (fully charged)
3. Camera
4. Coming home top
5. Sleeping outfit
6. Lingerie
Now, that's really nothing. And i'm currently itching to take some chocolate from the goodie bag that's suppose to sustain me throughout the bus ride tmr! ARGH!
So unhealthy!!
Did i just say that? Oh god. *Smacks self*
But then again, i'm currently watching wat i eat wat... Cannot help it. To achieve something, you must sacrifice some things... Am i rite?? HAHAHHA.
Sidetrack: Do i sound schizo in this post or wat?
Anywayz, to those that's been worried about my employment status.
I'm just stating it here that... After 6 interviews, 3 offers and finally one that i've accepted.
I've gotten myself employed.
Thats all for now folks, i just cant seem to remember what to blog about... hahaha...
so before i type more nonsenscial stuff here.. I shall bid all ofyou goodnyte and sweet dreams!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I went to SMU just now for some part time roadshow work. NOW, i might actually considering going there..
the people there are bloody nice. Haiyo!
Oh and guys in Unis are bloody flirtatious... I could smack one rite in the face.. but cannot help it la.. he quite good looking.. wahaha.. i happily play along lor.
Aiyah. I sound so bimbotic i feel like burying myself.
But seriously, *drools*!!! Aiyah. I'm such a deprived child. (I wish.)
But ah... i think i would definitely enjoy university life. Locally or overseas. Hehehehe.. *Devilish Grins*
So watch out Uni People... I might be coming soon. So look out for me!
Anywayz, i met Siok Lan in the end for an evening swim. I swear i have nothing better to do.
Fencing, go out, stay home, swim, fencing, swim, fencing, go out, stay home.
But anywayz, its been sucha a LONG time since the both of us crapped like that. She obviously was late.
Now, that girl ah. Gold Medal Bimbo.
Oh siok lan, if you're reading this, you still know that i love you rite?!?! hehehhee...
So, she asked me to update her with my life.. and well, i did. LOL! talked and talked and talked. We swam for awhile. Well, at least i did and she kept hinting dinner so we went to bathe. Then we ended up at the stadium looking at a bunch of Under-18 mats training soccer for the Singapore Team and talked about everything.
She said that i looked at peace with myself. Yes. I finally am. hahahah. Glad to realise that.
Talk some more when her mom called to ask her to go home.. so she made me promise her that i'll wait for her at Causeway Point for half an hour before she comes back for dinner. So, i took my time waiting for the bus and well, i didnt have to wait that long in the end.
Thanks to the ultra long bus ride i decided to take.
We pig out like free. She found caps and she couldnt make up her mind so we were at the shop for nearly an hour before she decided that she's not gonna buy anything. I nearly died by the end of it.
And and and, guess what happened next?
She took 161 all the way to Hougang with me and stopped at my bus stop.. Cross the road to take 161 all the way back to woodlands. Seriously, i've never had anyone do that to me before! WAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!
So by the end of it, I reached home at 1130pm. *faints*
OH! AND I CANT BELIEVE HIDAYAH STARTED DRAGONBOAT WITHOUT ME! CITOT! So much for her wanting to go together-gether!! ARGH!
And yes pple, i dont mind adding another sport into the list that currently has a weekly routine of Swimming and Fencing. I have a few others in mind. But oh well, we'll see... It might appear on the list sooner than expected. Who knoes! *shrugs*
But i'm still gonna strangle Hidayah.
I went to SMU just now for some part time roadshow work. NOW, i might actually considering going there..
the people there are bloody nice. Haiyo!
Oh and guys in Unis are bloody flirtatious... I could smack one rite in the face.. but cannot help it la.. he quite good looking.. wahaha.. i happily play along lor.
Aiyah. I sound so bimbotic i feel like burying myself.
But seriously, *drools*!!! Aiyah. I'm such a deprived child. (I wish.)
But ah... i think i would definitely enjoy university life. Locally or overseas. Hehehehe.. *Devilish Grins*
So watch out Uni People... I might be coming soon. So look out for me!
Anywayz, i met Siok Lan in the end for an evening swim. I swear i have nothing better to do.
Fencing, go out, stay home, swim, fencing, swim, fencing, go out, stay home.
But anywayz, its been sucha a LONG time since the both of us crapped like that. She obviously was late.
Now, that girl ah. Gold Medal Bimbo.
Oh siok lan, if you're reading this, you still know that i love you rite?!?! hehehhee...
So, she asked me to update her with my life.. and well, i did. LOL! talked and talked and talked. We swam for awhile. Well, at least i did and she kept hinting dinner so we went to bathe. Then we ended up at the stadium looking at a bunch of Under-18 mats training soccer for the Singapore Team and talked about everything.
She said that i looked at peace with myself. Yes. I finally am. hahahah. Glad to realise that.
Talk some more when her mom called to ask her to go home.. so she made me promise her that i'll wait for her at Causeway Point for half an hour before she comes back for dinner. So, i took my time waiting for the bus and well, i didnt have to wait that long in the end.
Thanks to the ultra long bus ride i decided to take.
We pig out like free. She found caps and she couldnt make up her mind so we were at the shop for nearly an hour before she decided that she's not gonna buy anything. I nearly died by the end of it.
And and and, guess what happened next?
She took 161 all the way to Hougang with me and stopped at my bus stop.. Cross the road to take 161 all the way back to woodlands. Seriously, i've never had anyone do that to me before! WAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!
So by the end of it, I reached home at 1130pm. *faints*
OH! AND I CANT BELIEVE HIDAYAH STARTED DRAGONBOAT WITHOUT ME! CITOT! So much for her wanting to go together-gether!! ARGH!
And yes pple, i dont mind adding another sport into the list that currently has a weekly routine of Swimming and Fencing. I have a few others in mind. But oh well, we'll see... It might appear on the list sooner than expected. Who knoes! *shrugs*
But i'm still gonna strangle Hidayah.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Today's training was rather interesting.
With me getting blue blacks and everything else...
Epecially one of my wrist that i think is gonna be totally nice there. I swear pple would mistake it for a wristband.. lol!
And the best part? I'm meeting Siok Lan in the evening for a swim.. I will either look abused or clumsy. LOL!
Went for my pri sch's best friend's b-day celebration on saturday.
Its amazing how much we've changed. We havent meet up in the longest time and the only other photo that she hold on too and remembered us with was taken 3yrs ago, when everyone was in yr1.
Boy, was i thinner or wat? LOL!
I was the only pri sch mate that was there. Well, one of the reasons why i went was due to the fact that her mom requested my presence. Yes, i know her family and well, they know me and my mom...
The moment i reached, her mom hug me so tight i thought i'm never ever able to breathe again.
Her 3rd brother is still as irritating as ever, her nieces are sooo cute and well-mannered. And her friends, the guys were hilarious. Well, i wasnt really comfortable.. they're.. well... way out of my league.
We talked so much as though the years never separated us.
Maybe we'll go out soon. Maybe.
I have something on tmr... i should just go to sleep already... and i cant believe i'm meeting Siok Lan later. Now, that is another one that i've not met in the longest time!
There's lots of things to look forward too..
I wonder.. whether is friday still happening?
With me getting blue blacks and everything else...
Epecially one of my wrist that i think is gonna be totally nice there. I swear pple would mistake it for a wristband.. lol!
And the best part? I'm meeting Siok Lan in the evening for a swim.. I will either look abused or clumsy. LOL!
Went for my pri sch's best friend's b-day celebration on saturday.
Its amazing how much we've changed. We havent meet up in the longest time and the only other photo that she hold on too and remembered us with was taken 3yrs ago, when everyone was in yr1.
Boy, was i thinner or wat? LOL!
I was the only pri sch mate that was there. Well, one of the reasons why i went was due to the fact that her mom requested my presence. Yes, i know her family and well, they know me and my mom...
The moment i reached, her mom hug me so tight i thought i'm never ever able to breathe again.
Her 3rd brother is still as irritating as ever, her nieces are sooo cute and well-mannered. And her friends, the guys were hilarious. Well, i wasnt really comfortable.. they're.. well... way out of my league.
We talked so much as though the years never separated us.
Maybe we'll go out soon. Maybe.
I have something on tmr... i should just go to sleep already... and i cant believe i'm meeting Siok Lan later. Now, that is another one that i've not met in the longest time!
There's lots of things to look forward too..
I wonder.. whether is friday still happening?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
LOOK! I'm blogging!
wahahaha.. ok ok.. i'm suppose to have training... but i'm told to come down at 3pm.. so that leaves me around 20 minutes or something before i convieniently will have to rush out of the house.
I forgot what i wanna blog about again!
Oh ya.. here it is..
I've been blog hopping... And i realised that nearly everyone i blogging about how Mathilda has been voted out of Singapore Idol.
As well as, Siti Nurhaliza's solemnization yesterday.
Now about Mathilda, its kinda expected dont you think that she'll get voted out one of these days?
Its about time people have to stop being so shocked about who gets voted out. Well, Joakim and Jasmine has stayed in there longer than anyone expected. But then again, it can't be helped can it?
Being an idol, you have to have that really really stroong fan base. I mean thats what an idol is, You have the looks, the personality or whatever they call the X-factor, the screaming fans and sometimes, people always have this thinking that voice can be trained.
That's the reason why certain pple go out before others.
Maybe they just dont have the looks desired by all the fans here... Maybe they dont have the personality of what people think an idol should have.
Well, i've no longer really followed Singapore Idol as religiously as before.. esp after Jay got voted out. Well, at least Jonathan is still in.
Hmm.. i think i must have something with "J"s... hahahhaa..
But anywayz, even though its a singing competition... it is still an idol-thing.
Across the causeway, Pop-diva Siti Nurhaliza finally tied the knots yesterday with the one and only Datok K.
One news that hit the media world like wild fire.
But seriously, it is shocking for the diva to get married to a divorcee with 4 kids. But they always say love is blind. If she's happy.. everyone's happy. LOL! And i cant stop laughing when i read someone's blog stating that she can't believe that Siti is gonna give her FIRST EVERYTHING to him...
Well, she knows what she's getting herself into. Even though it creates controversial news. its her life. Nobody cares if a normal person gets married to someone 20yrs older than them... so why bother if its her that got married to a man 20yrs older than her.
Ok fine. So its Siti we're talking about here. The demure lady. The lady who rejected all the offers of royalty and yet still ends up marrying Datok K. Oh well. She's married already.
At least Datok K, unlike most men, is rich enough to maintain her, his children and his ex-wife. I mean seriously pple, if not the wedding expenses wont be RM 12 million.
So pple have to stop making a mockery out of the wedding. They're just a couple, like any other couple in love wanting to get married and live happily ever after.
Live with it.
LOOK! I'm blogging!
wahahaha.. ok ok.. i'm suppose to have training... but i'm told to come down at 3pm.. so that leaves me around 20 minutes or something before i convieniently will have to rush out of the house.
I forgot what i wanna blog about again!
Oh ya.. here it is..
I've been blog hopping... And i realised that nearly everyone i blogging about how Mathilda has been voted out of Singapore Idol.
As well as, Siti Nurhaliza's solemnization yesterday.
Now about Mathilda, its kinda expected dont you think that she'll get voted out one of these days?
Its about time people have to stop being so shocked about who gets voted out. Well, Joakim and Jasmine has stayed in there longer than anyone expected. But then again, it can't be helped can it?
Being an idol, you have to have that really really stroong fan base. I mean thats what an idol is, You have the looks, the personality or whatever they call the X-factor, the screaming fans and sometimes, people always have this thinking that voice can be trained.
That's the reason why certain pple go out before others.
Maybe they just dont have the looks desired by all the fans here... Maybe they dont have the personality of what people think an idol should have.
Well, i've no longer really followed Singapore Idol as religiously as before.. esp after Jay got voted out. Well, at least Jonathan is still in.
Hmm.. i think i must have something with "J"s... hahahhaa..
But anywayz, even though its a singing competition... it is still an idol-thing.
Across the causeway, Pop-diva Siti Nurhaliza finally tied the knots yesterday with the one and only Datok K.
One news that hit the media world like wild fire.
But seriously, it is shocking for the diva to get married to a divorcee with 4 kids. But they always say love is blind. If she's happy.. everyone's happy. LOL! And i cant stop laughing when i read someone's blog stating that she can't believe that Siti is gonna give her FIRST EVERYTHING to him...
Well, she knows what she's getting herself into. Even though it creates controversial news. its her life. Nobody cares if a normal person gets married to someone 20yrs older than them... so why bother if its her that got married to a man 20yrs older than her.
Ok fine. So its Siti we're talking about here. The demure lady. The lady who rejected all the offers of royalty and yet still ends up marrying Datok K. Oh well. She's married already.
At least Datok K, unlike most men, is rich enough to maintain her, his children and his ex-wife. I mean seriously pple, if not the wedding expenses wont be RM 12 million.
So pple have to stop making a mockery out of the wedding. They're just a couple, like any other couple in love wanting to get married and live happily ever after.
Live with it.
Ok.. my create-blog-post-window has been here since 5hrs ago.
To tell you the truth,
I'm sick and tired of a certain something... Its just so weird. Sometimes, i just feel as though i'm wasting my time with it.. Seriously, it gets on my nerves sometimes. And the weird part? I'm not even in it for very long.. Haiya.. I guess i should just get use to it, since i might be gone after its done.
Anywayz, i was reading Syima's Blog. Her chinese lectures seemed fun! It was totally hilarious reading it... I hope she doesnt mind me quoting it here..
"Chi. Lecturer: 'Ren' is man. What would you call 'Ren Ren'? Anyone?
This German guy behind me: Twins?"
Hahahhaha.. that was seriously a classic one la.. wahahahha...
I have a truckload of pics to post up here.. but somehow, blogger isn't co-operating with me! ISH! Its really irritating! I mean i really have really really really long overdue pics! And i really wanna share it with the world! lol. And make me and whoever in the picture with me equally famous. LOL!!
But shit. I dont think it'll be happening anytime soon i suppose.
I'm so easily irritated nowadays that its even making myself scared of myself! How weird is that?
REALLY! I can get irritated with someone, something, sounds, objects, existence.. its scary! I'm even irritated with a song sometimes. haiyo!
i better learn to control my irritation before it gets out of control and i get into trouble in the process.
*Smacks self!*
I'm having training tmr. Now, that is another thing that is scaring me out of my wits. I look forward to it as though its my tank of oxygen. Its really scary! Coz, after one session ends and once i've gotten to know when's my next session, i'll be looking forward to it as though its some drug that i cant live without!
Its seriously seemed like an addiction. Like smoking or heroin or sleeping pills or weed or maybe alcohol? I dont know! and i have no idea what's making me look forward to it like that!
Like how i get itchy to swim when i havent swim for a week? Only you multiply that by 100 and thats my itchiness towards fencing after each session ends! ARGH!
Its like as though other days doesnt seem to exist. I look forward to things and all those other days that exist in between disappears into thin air. Its really unhealthy. But i seriously cant help it.
*Snap out of it Nad!!*
Maybe there's more to the addiction then i've realised? Maybe.
I'm getting out of the country this coming weekend coz, i have to send my grandmother back to the Kampong. HAIZ!
I have yet to inform Taufik.
Seriously, i thought my mom would not make me go esp when she said that she can go by herself if i dont wanna go..
Ok.. seriously, there's a few things that made me give that kinda reaction..
1. I have no idea whether or not i'll get into trouble for not being able to attend rehearsal
2. I can't attend Sunday's duelling! Ah.. SHIT! (See.. i told you its an addiction..)
3. I swear i wont have any form of internet, computer or technology there other than my phone!! And i cant seem to be able to blog thru my phone. I've been trying.. but its not working! And and and.. I wont have MSN! haiz...
Ok fine.. maybe i'm exaggerating.. its not as if i'm there for a week.. i'm only there for a day..
*Smacks Self*
Hmmm... let's see what else i wanna blog about?
I think that's all for now.
Peace out!
To tell you the truth,
I'm sick and tired of a certain something... Its just so weird. Sometimes, i just feel as though i'm wasting my time with it.. Seriously, it gets on my nerves sometimes. And the weird part? I'm not even in it for very long.. Haiya.. I guess i should just get use to it, since i might be gone after its done.
Anywayz, i was reading Syima's Blog. Her chinese lectures seemed fun! It was totally hilarious reading it... I hope she doesnt mind me quoting it here..
"Chi. Lecturer: 'Ren' is man. What would you call 'Ren Ren'? Anyone?
This German guy behind me: Twins?"
Hahahhaha.. that was seriously a classic one la.. wahahahha...
I have a truckload of pics to post up here.. but somehow, blogger isn't co-operating with me! ISH! Its really irritating! I mean i really have really really really long overdue pics! And i really wanna share it with the world! lol. And make me and whoever in the picture with me equally famous. LOL!!
But shit. I dont think it'll be happening anytime soon i suppose.
I'm so easily irritated nowadays that its even making myself scared of myself! How weird is that?
REALLY! I can get irritated with someone, something, sounds, objects, existence.. its scary! I'm even irritated with a song sometimes. haiyo!
i better learn to control my irritation before it gets out of control and i get into trouble in the process.
*Smacks self!*
I'm having training tmr. Now, that is another thing that is scaring me out of my wits. I look forward to it as though its my tank of oxygen. Its really scary! Coz, after one session ends and once i've gotten to know when's my next session, i'll be looking forward to it as though its some drug that i cant live without!
Its seriously seemed like an addiction. Like smoking or heroin or sleeping pills or weed or maybe alcohol? I dont know! and i have no idea what's making me look forward to it like that!
Like how i get itchy to swim when i havent swim for a week? Only you multiply that by 100 and thats my itchiness towards fencing after each session ends! ARGH!
Its like as though other days doesnt seem to exist. I look forward to things and all those other days that exist in between disappears into thin air. Its really unhealthy. But i seriously cant help it.
*Snap out of it Nad!!*
Maybe there's more to the addiction then i've realised? Maybe.
I'm getting out of the country this coming weekend coz, i have to send my grandmother back to the Kampong. HAIZ!
I have yet to inform Taufik.
Seriously, i thought my mom would not make me go esp when she said that she can go by herself if i dont wanna go..
Ok.. seriously, there's a few things that made me give that kinda reaction..
1. I have no idea whether or not i'll get into trouble for not being able to attend rehearsal
2. I can't attend Sunday's duelling! Ah.. SHIT! (See.. i told you its an addiction..)
3. I swear i wont have any form of internet, computer or technology there other than my phone!! And i cant seem to be able to blog thru my phone. I've been trying.. but its not working! And and and.. I wont have MSN! haiz...
Ok fine.. maybe i'm exaggerating.. its not as if i'm there for a week.. i'm only there for a day..
*Smacks Self*
Hmmm... let's see what else i wanna blog about?
I think that's all for now.
Peace out!
Monday, August 21, 2006
I had the most interesting weekends ever...
One of the things i look forward for during the weekends is Fencing.
This particular weekend? I had it on both days (Sat & Sun).
It was one of those things that kept me rooted i suppose...
Well.. as i was saying that i was looking forward for Sunday's duelling... Well... I did look forward and end up having a hell lot of fun if not for my aching left leg joints that didnt really make me feel as though i did my best.
But my points were a surprise to a lot of pple and maybe not to all...
Got my body wire, lamee (Pronounced as la-meh), new jacket...
I'm so dead..
anywayz, i think some people are nice.. as in really nice.. he seriously made my day by being nice.. WAHAHAHA!
they should have more like him in the world... The world would definitely be a much better place to live in. WAHAHHAHAHAHAA~!
I guess i'll be looking forward to tuesday then.. hahahhaa.. *grins*
and shit.. i think i'll have to disappear from singapore this coming weekend.. my mom ah... haiz.
One of the things i look forward for during the weekends is Fencing.
This particular weekend? I had it on both days (Sat & Sun).
It was one of those things that kept me rooted i suppose...
Well.. as i was saying that i was looking forward for Sunday's duelling... Well... I did look forward and end up having a hell lot of fun if not for my aching left leg joints that didnt really make me feel as though i did my best.
But my points were a surprise to a lot of pple and maybe not to all...
Got my body wire, lamee (Pronounced as la-meh), new jacket...
I'm so dead..
anywayz, i think some people are nice.. as in really nice.. he seriously made my day by being nice.. WAHAHAHA!
they should have more like him in the world... The world would definitely be a much better place to live in. WAHAHHAHAHAHAA~!
I guess i'll be looking forward to tuesday then.. hahahhaa.. *grins*
and shit.. i think i'll have to disappear from singapore this coming weekend.. my mom ah... haiz.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I'm so tired...
I wanna go to the beach and play with the sand and build sand castles!!!
I wanna swim in the sea with the dolphins!!!
I wanna fly high up there with the eagles!!!
OK... i must be sleep-typing..
I have my normal weekend routine tomorrow... Only prob is later on in the day for Saturday... haiya!! I shall just go to sleep and make my decision later...
Oh and have i mentioned it? I love the colour of my blogskin!
I'm so sleepy...
I've forgotten wat i wanna blog about..
Hmmm.. oh ya! i remembered.
The other day i went swimming with azi and we end up having dinner at Techno... I was about to cross the road towards 291 bus stop when azi ask me to wait for her.. she was still at the table.
Guess what she was doing?
She was switching her sandals... coz, when she stood up to catch up with me.. she realised she was wearing the left sandal on her right foot and vice versa!! HAHAHAHAH!!!
Ok nvm.. i need to sleep now...
*Yawns again*
I wanna go to the beach and play with the sand and build sand castles!!!
I wanna swim in the sea with the dolphins!!!
I wanna fly high up there with the eagles!!!
OK... i must be sleep-typing..
I have my normal weekend routine tomorrow... Only prob is later on in the day for Saturday... haiya!! I shall just go to sleep and make my decision later...
Oh and have i mentioned it? I love the colour of my blogskin!
I'm so sleepy...
I've forgotten wat i wanna blog about..
Hmmm.. oh ya! i remembered.
The other day i went swimming with azi and we end up having dinner at Techno... I was about to cross the road towards 291 bus stop when azi ask me to wait for her.. she was still at the table.
Guess what she was doing?
She was switching her sandals... coz, when she stood up to catch up with me.. she realised she was wearing the left sandal on her right foot and vice versa!! HAHAHAHAH!!!
Ok nvm.. i need to sleep now...
*Yawns again*
Friday, August 18, 2006
I was taking the bus back home today.. when i remembered the first year of my poly life...
I couldnt believe it...
Maybe coz, the song in my mp3 and the nothingness of the night sky made my mind wonder... Or maybe it was the places that the bus was passing through...
But yeah.. i remembered the beginning of my year 1...
I remembered who i first shared the news of what course i'm in with...
How i wish that i could turn back time and do certain things differently. We were not suppose to end up like this... Silence.
God, gave both of us a second chance. Yeah, i believe that was it. A second chance. But we both threw it away and took different paths...
I'm sorry.
But how i wish things were not like this. If only you'd be reading this. If only.
Before i stop remembering of what we shared... I will take this opportunity to just type it here before i'll close the chapter.. and hope that it will not resurface again... or maybe, you wont resurface again?
Here it is:
I've known you for the longest time. We took different paths and i apologize for not trying when you were reaching out. I apologize for not staying by when i know you wanted me to. I know certain things happened that made you uncomfortable in public esp with me. However, I apologize for not being there even out of peers sight when you were in trouble. I miss your nonsensical chatter. I miss your illogical yet logical philosophy.
Its amazing how i was not there for you, but you were for me. I've only realised it now when i was looking back. You were there. Everytime. When i look out in the crowd, you were there, smiling back at me and when i turn to look back... you were gone.
But knowing you were there was enough for me. You knew that. You have always been. Even though we did not talk. I thank you for that.
Basically, I've missed you. And i hope we'll converse again one day.
I know it was partly my fault and i acknowledge the fact that i didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry.
Let's hope its the end of me thinking of this.
I shall close this chapter.
I wish you well.
I couldnt believe it...
Maybe coz, the song in my mp3 and the nothingness of the night sky made my mind wonder... Or maybe it was the places that the bus was passing through...
But yeah.. i remembered the beginning of my year 1...
I remembered who i first shared the news of what course i'm in with...
How i wish that i could turn back time and do certain things differently. We were not suppose to end up like this... Silence.
God, gave both of us a second chance. Yeah, i believe that was it. A second chance. But we both threw it away and took different paths...
I'm sorry.
But how i wish things were not like this. If only you'd be reading this. If only.
Before i stop remembering of what we shared... I will take this opportunity to just type it here before i'll close the chapter.. and hope that it will not resurface again... or maybe, you wont resurface again?
Here it is:
I've known you for the longest time. We took different paths and i apologize for not trying when you were reaching out. I apologize for not staying by when i know you wanted me to. I know certain things happened that made you uncomfortable in public esp with me. However, I apologize for not being there even out of peers sight when you were in trouble. I miss your nonsensical chatter. I miss your illogical yet logical philosophy.
Its amazing how i was not there for you, but you were for me. I've only realised it now when i was looking back. You were there. Everytime. When i look out in the crowd, you were there, smiling back at me and when i turn to look back... you were gone.
But knowing you were there was enough for me. You knew that. You have always been. Even though we did not talk. I thank you for that.
Basically, I've missed you. And i hope we'll converse again one day.
I know it was partly my fault and i acknowledge the fact that i didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry.
Let's hope its the end of me thinking of this.
I shall close this chapter.
I wish you well.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
OK. I love the song that i'm posting below... Its been playing in loops on my media player... The song is just sooo.. errr.. KIND? yup.. i guess kind's the word. LOL! Its an all stars song. There's Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, N'Sync, Aaron Carter, Nick Carter, etc...
Those never hear of the song before can just ask it from me.. wahahaha
Lyrics: What More Can I Give?
written & composed by Michael Jackson
(Aaah, yeah, yeah, oh, no, no...)
How many people will have to die
before we will take a stand?
How many children will have to cry,
before we do all we can?
If sending your love is all you can give
To help one live
How many times can we turn our heads
and pretend we cannot see
healing the wounds of our broken earth
we are one global family
just sending your prayers
is something you'll feel
helping one heal
What have I got that I can give?
(What have I got that I can give? Tell me)
What have I got that I can give?
(Yeah, yeah, uh, uh)
to love and to teach you
to hold and to need you
What more can I give?
Now let's rather lay down our fears
and reach out and make a pact
show him the love that is in our hearts
let us bring salvation back
just sending your love has the power to heal
so let's all give
What have I got that I can give?
(Is not allowed to give just a little bit)
What have I got that I can give?
(Everyone should be a part of it)
to love and to teach you
to hold and to need you
What more can I give?
Say the words
I'll lay me down for you
just call my name I am your friend
See, then why do they keep teaching us
such hate and cruelty?
We should give over and over again
What have I got that I can give?
(We should give over and over again!)
What have I got that I can give?
(Oh my god, oh my God)
See, to love and to teach you
to hold and to need you
What more can I give?
What have I got that I can give?
What have I got that I can give?
(give you, give to you)
See, to love and to teach you
to hold and to need you
What more can I give?
What have I got that I can give?
(What More Can I give?)
What have I got that I can give?
(I wanna give to you, give it to you)
See, to love and to teach you
to hold and to need you
What more can I give
(they think I'm crazy but I'm not!)
[2nd Chorus]
What have I got that I can give?
(to give it to you, we wanna give to you!)
What have I got that I can give?
to hold and conceal you
(Oh, no, yeah, yeah, yeah)
to love and to heal you
What more can I give?
(Give me, give me one time more)
What have I got that I can give?
(What I got, what have I got)
(Say your prayers)
What have I got that I can give?
(Show the world how much you really care)
to love and to teach you
(To love you, teach you)
to hold and to need you
(to hold you, to need you)
(What more?)
What more can I give?
What have I got that I can give?
(What can I give? Tell me what can I give you)
What have I got that I can give?
To hold and conceal you
to love and to heal you
What more can I give?
[2nd Chorus until end]
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Had training yesterday (Tuesday).
It was one of the most interesting trainings i've had.
Seriously, it was fun! wahahahahaa...
I'm on my road to winning again!
*Boogies ard*
I even have my own victory dance now... lol!! its dumb.. but i'm having fun.. wahaha. i'm so noisy during trainings that its hard for others NOT to join me... wahahhaa.. i should try singing out loud one day and i'll see who would be singing along... Wahahahah!!
Made new friends. Brian and Edward. They're really funny guys.
I cant wait for sunday's duelling, i hope they'll come.
*looking forward to coming sunday*
It was one of the most interesting trainings i've had.
Seriously, it was fun! wahahahahaa...
I'm on my road to winning again!
*Boogies ard*
I even have my own victory dance now... lol!! its dumb.. but i'm having fun.. wahaha. i'm so noisy during trainings that its hard for others NOT to join me... wahahhaa.. i should try singing out loud one day and i'll see who would be singing along... Wahahahah!!
Made new friends. Brian and Edward. They're really funny guys.
I cant wait for sunday's duelling, i hope they'll come.
*looking forward to coming sunday*
Ok now i shall blog properly.
Hmmm. I have drama rehearsals. hmmm that one i shall not comment much about it la...
I cant believe i missed Team France's fireworks just because my cousin's solemnization was that day as well in the evening. I really feel like wanting to skip her wedding and watch the fireworks.
Then i remembered. I cancelled my Bangkok Trip becoz of the wedding. If i went for the fireworks display, i should have went to Bangkok as well. So ya.
let me just post some pics up then..
*rolls up sleeves*
The Wedding Cake. (Hanim's my cousin)

Hmmm. I have drama rehearsals. hmmm that one i shall not comment much about it la...
I cant believe i missed Team France's fireworks just because my cousin's solemnization was that day as well in the evening. I really feel like wanting to skip her wedding and watch the fireworks.
Then i remembered. I cancelled my Bangkok Trip becoz of the wedding. If i went for the fireworks display, i should have went to Bangkok as well. So ya.
let me just post some pics up then..
*rolls up sleeves*
The Wedding Cake. (Hanim's my cousin)

The Niece & The Aunt
The Void Deck - So cute rite the Dais? Got crown!
The only uncle that accepted the challenge to sing. I dunno wat's so difficult all the brothers could sing. ish ish ish.
The Dais in the house
Things in the Bride's Room
The Potpurri or otherwise known as the bunga rampai. Ok i'm the bunga rampai girl! I was helping to fill in the sachet and i even went home smelling like one.
One of the best things about weddings is that for you to take over the Dais and start camwhoring. Well, you can only do that at your relatives wedding not those that you dont know la.. so thats why i did.. and this is my final picture for this entry.
Good nyte all!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I'm at a stand still.
I've had the most interesting of conversations for the past few days.
To tell you the truth, i'm confused.
Over alot of things.
I'm afraid of something that will happen again.
Opportunity came again. But i'm so afraid. Afraid of it.
I wanted to go back to all that familiarity.
To go back to the things that i know i'm able to do so well or rather competently.
Am i to accept it?
I'm actually afraid to start.
There. I've said it.
For reasons that some might have suspect.
There's so many things i could say.
I hate the fact that i cant be independent at the moment.
I hate the possibility of that i'm not able to give when asked.
Is that the only reason for me to accept it?
So that i'm able to provide? for myself and whoever that might ask?
It hurts. The pain, the sorrow, the disappointment, the fear.
I long for warmth.
Its been such a long time since i hide in a corner and just allow the tears to fall.
Its been just too long.
Alot of things have happened.
And i asked myself again, why am i still here?
I've had the most interesting of conversations for the past few days.
To tell you the truth, i'm confused.
Over alot of things.
I'm afraid of something that will happen again.
Opportunity came again. But i'm so afraid. Afraid of it.
I wanted to go back to all that familiarity.
To go back to the things that i know i'm able to do so well or rather competently.
Am i to accept it?
I'm actually afraid to start.
There. I've said it.
For reasons that some might have suspect.
There's so many things i could say.
I hate the fact that i cant be independent at the moment.
I hate the possibility of that i'm not able to give when asked.
Is that the only reason for me to accept it?
So that i'm able to provide? for myself and whoever that might ask?
It hurts. The pain, the sorrow, the disappointment, the fear.
I long for warmth.
Its been such a long time since i hide in a corner and just allow the tears to fall.
Its been just too long.
Alot of things have happened.
And i asked myself again, why am i still here?
Monday, August 14, 2006
A glimpse into my Weekend.
Drama Rehearsal at "10am"
Cousin's Solemnization at night... And i reached home at 1+ if i'm not mistaken
Cousin's wedding.. suppose to go there early.. but thanks to my grandma.. we ended up reaching there at 120pm like that
Went for fencing training at 3pm to 5pm when i was suppose to be there at 1. *strangles grandmother*
Went for drama rehearsals at 6pm - 10pm.
I shall blog more about it later... but now i'm meeting my mom for dinner. good bye all!
Drama Rehearsal at "10am"
Cousin's Solemnization at night... And i reached home at 1+ if i'm not mistaken
Cousin's wedding.. suppose to go there early.. but thanks to my grandma.. we ended up reaching there at 120pm like that
Went for fencing training at 3pm to 5pm when i was suppose to be there at 1. *strangles grandmother*
Went for drama rehearsals at 6pm - 10pm.
I shall blog more about it later... but now i'm meeting my mom for dinner. good bye all!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The above might be considered for my new blog skin...
Below are some of the entertaining and interesting websites i've found with my late nights... tralalalalallaa..
For those who's addicted to everything cute. here's the perfect website. lol
I've never seen a bunch of most Perasan bulldogs in my life. But i've seen it here.. seriously.
Disaster bride wear.. well some of them are not that bad.. but this lady's comments are hilarious. lol!!
The above might be considered for my new blog skin...
Below are some of the entertaining and interesting websites i've found with my late nights... tralalalalallaa..
For those who's addicted to everything cute. here's the perfect website. lol
I've never seen a bunch of most Perasan bulldogs in my life. But i've seen it here.. seriously.
Disaster bride wear.. well some of them are not that bad.. but this lady's comments are hilarious. lol!!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Ish. I have to go do something healthy tomorrow!
Gosh. I cant believe i just witness myself typing that.
*faints some more*
I wanna get meself a perfume.
i'm going out tmr. wheeee..
The next person who points that little fact out will just be smacked by me. seriously. if you're constantly busy, do you expect me to have an outing with you?
Yes. this might be PMS me talking. but i'm just stating facts.
If you cant be bothered to just do simple things. Then don't expect me to do it. I'm done giving but not expecting anything. Coz, it has always brought me nothing but disappointment. Nothing but trouble. So goodbye to me just giving. I'll only give when i see some effort being put in. other than that.
Dream on.
If you wanna avoid. fine by me. but dont complain later on about how your life is so utterly lonely and the fact that no one seemed to be caring about your existance. Only that someone did care but you were to blind to notice that.
yes. i have lots of things that i can go on and on about.
So dont get me started. you'll just regret it.
Again, i repeat.
This might be my alter-ego that comes out when i'm PMS-ing. But this doesnt mean i dont mean what i say.
Ish. I have to go do something healthy tomorrow!
Gosh. I cant believe i just witness myself typing that.
*faints some more*
I wanna get meself a perfume.
i'm going out tmr. wheeee..
The next person who points that little fact out will just be smacked by me. seriously. if you're constantly busy, do you expect me to have an outing with you?
Yes. this might be PMS me talking. but i'm just stating facts.
If you cant be bothered to just do simple things. Then don't expect me to do it. I'm done giving but not expecting anything. Coz, it has always brought me nothing but disappointment. Nothing but trouble. So goodbye to me just giving. I'll only give when i see some effort being put in. other than that.
Dream on.
If you wanna avoid. fine by me. but dont complain later on about how your life is so utterly lonely and the fact that no one seemed to be caring about your existance. Only that someone did care but you were to blind to notice that.
yes. i have lots of things that i can go on and on about.
So dont get me started. you'll just regret it.
Again, i repeat.
This might be my alter-ego that comes out when i'm PMS-ing. But this doesnt mean i dont mean what i say.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Remember the guy who constantly annoys me? ARGH! this is the 2nd time in the week that i bumped into him. I literally ran away. WAHAHAHAH
You know..
I really thought that my computer speakers failed on me again. Till i realise that the main speaker volume was on the lowest.
OMG. *Faints*
Anywayz, went to watch click just now.
well, its a good show. But i dont like it. wahahahhaha
I dont really like things with really nice dads in movies.
Ok. i might be odd or weird or watever but seriously.
Nice dads are just like those really romantic love stories.
They only exist in films.
Are there really nice dads who truly honestly care? Are there dads who really realise their mistake and try to make amends? Are there dads who would put their family before everything else? Are there dads who really go out of their way to make everyone happy?
Are there husbands who really truly love their wives? Are there husbands who truly understands? Are there husbands who allow their family to be the pivot of their life?
Are there real people who's like the above? Real men? Men that doesnt exist only in films and tv series. Men that are not fictional. Men that are not mere characters to be watched.
Real men with real problems with real responsibilities with real feelings with real issues who still fall under the catergory of nice dads and devoted husband and that they really realise their mistake.
Such men. Do they exist?
Are there really dads who's on the verge of death chasing after their son in the pouring rain just to remind him not to repeat the mistakes he had done? are there? Dads whose last words to his family is that "Family Comes First"? Husbands whose last words to his wife is, "would you still love me in the morning?"?? Dad's who actually regret the fact if he missed a big portion of their child's life?
I dont really like such shows.
Its heartwarming. yes.
But it makes me wonder whether do such people exist.
It makes me envious. Unfortunately.
Why cant i ever feel such love and devotion?
Even if its just once. I would be satisfied.
I'm beginning to believe that i dont think i will expect much of my future husband (that is if i ever get married), just the fact that he stayed and cared.
maybe, just maybe, that would be enough.
Maybe i no longer hope much.
Hopes, dreams.
It is afterall the things that only exist on screen. arent they?
You know..
I really thought that my computer speakers failed on me again. Till i realise that the main speaker volume was on the lowest.
OMG. *Faints*
Anywayz, went to watch click just now.
well, its a good show. But i dont like it. wahahahhaha
I dont really like things with really nice dads in movies.
Ok. i might be odd or weird or watever but seriously.
Nice dads are just like those really romantic love stories.
They only exist in films.
Are there really nice dads who truly honestly care? Are there dads who really realise their mistake and try to make amends? Are there dads who would put their family before everything else? Are there dads who really go out of their way to make everyone happy?
Are there husbands who really truly love their wives? Are there husbands who truly understands? Are there husbands who allow their family to be the pivot of their life?
Are there real people who's like the above? Real men? Men that doesnt exist only in films and tv series. Men that are not fictional. Men that are not mere characters to be watched.
Real men with real problems with real responsibilities with real feelings with real issues who still fall under the catergory of nice dads and devoted husband and that they really realise their mistake.
Such men. Do they exist?
Are there really dads who's on the verge of death chasing after their son in the pouring rain just to remind him not to repeat the mistakes he had done? are there? Dads whose last words to his family is that "Family Comes First"? Husbands whose last words to his wife is, "would you still love me in the morning?"?? Dad's who actually regret the fact if he missed a big portion of their child's life?
I dont really like such shows.
Its heartwarming. yes.
But it makes me wonder whether do such people exist.
It makes me envious. Unfortunately.
Why cant i ever feel such love and devotion?
Even if its just once. I would be satisfied.
I'm beginning to believe that i dont think i will expect much of my future husband (that is if i ever get married), just the fact that he stayed and cared.
maybe, just maybe, that would be enough.
Maybe i no longer hope much.
Hopes, dreams.
It is afterall the things that only exist on screen. arent they?
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
If you wonder what's softer than jelly? There's a few choices... 1. tofu... 2. my legs after training.
And now? my body's aching like a bitch.
Yup. i cant walk and thats not really the best thing to happen.
Even typing is a chore. But its ok... I shall get over this.
ANYWAYZ, i really think that the dog is dead! Coz, yest, (Wed), i went for a last min scheduled training and the dog is not there as well!! SO... i think its a good sign for me.
(Argh! this is a sidetrack. But i'm hungry!!!)
So what did i do yest?
Oh ya.. Went to a job interview.. with me trying to balance on my heels.
One note for girls, if your legs are aching due to too much running or something along those lines, just dont bother wearing heels. Seriously, you will just have this feeling that you're gonna fall off everywhere.
Met azi later on coz she wanted to collect something from CLEO. So she was telling me that she won a few things.. but when i read the letter.. i pointed out to her that she mis read the letter. Coz, it stated that she won a CLEO key chain.
So in other words, if she didnt intend to meet me, she would have travelled all the way to Raffles Place just to collect a keychain that has taken up the form of an orange flower with the word CLEO printed on the back.. WAHAHAHHAH!!
i still dont see why they just didnt mail it to her.
Went home with azi to collect my stuff.
I swear alot of stupid things happen whenever i go out with azi. I either turn utterly bimbotic or stupidly clumsy or just plain (dunno what to describe me as).
Well, my main reason to go home with her was that we could have dinner once i've collected my stuff from home. So, we decided to have dinner at Inspirasi at Bedok Interchange there.
So we were on the bus, and guess what? by the time we reached Bedok Interchange i realised that if i were to have dinner, i'll be late for training.
Basically, i reached Bedok Interchange to go down the bus and take the other bus back to Ubi. So ya.
Talk about being too free.
Met Mato on the bus after my training. Ok i so didnt recognize him without his hair gelled back! and also the fact that i was tired and my MP3 was on near to full blast. wahahahaha.. The guy's really funny. thats for sure. always have been.
One thing for sure, i dont like being in the centre of attention. All those eyes staring at me and when the room grows quiet when people start eavesdropping esp when the topic of conversation is me or when you turn you realise that someone will stop talking and resume talking when they think that you're not focusing on them.
Yup. That kinda attention. I hate it.
There's always some kinda expectation to live up to and disappointment is definitely something that no one would wanna see.
Having someone believing in me is one thing but isnt it a little too soon?
i dunno. maybe i just dont believe in myself that much.
If only you knew how much i'm missing you.
"Why can't you just let me, Do the things I wanna do, I just wanna be me, I don't understand why, Would you wanna bring me down"
"i'm tired of rumours starting, i'm sick of being followed, I'm tired of people lying, Saying what they want about me, Why can't they back up off me, Why can't they let me live"
Ps: I know i've quoted this song in one of my prev entries.
Suddenly, there's alot of things waiting for me. things that i thought wasnt possible before seemed possible to me in the near future. Yerp. I would try and do it. Who knows. *shrugs* Nope. i would not state what it is here. I would not bring it up in conversations either.
I've told it to someone before. But i think no one remembered. so we'll see whether or not it'll happen. I mean no use for me telling it to the world and end up not doing it rite? LOL!
I'm utterly broke. Tmr's might be going for Law Goes To The Movies. 1. let's hope i'm able to go down the stairs... 2. that i get money from my mom.
I shall go to sleep now. It's been a long entry.
Good night world and i'll see you again when the sun has risen.
And now? my body's aching like a bitch.
Yup. i cant walk and thats not really the best thing to happen.
Even typing is a chore. But its ok... I shall get over this.
ANYWAYZ, i really think that the dog is dead! Coz, yest, (Wed), i went for a last min scheduled training and the dog is not there as well!! SO... i think its a good sign for me.
(Argh! this is a sidetrack. But i'm hungry!!!)
So what did i do yest?
Oh ya.. Went to a job interview.. with me trying to balance on my heels.
One note for girls, if your legs are aching due to too much running or something along those lines, just dont bother wearing heels. Seriously, you will just have this feeling that you're gonna fall off everywhere.
Met azi later on coz she wanted to collect something from CLEO. So she was telling me that she won a few things.. but when i read the letter.. i pointed out to her that she mis read the letter. Coz, it stated that she won a CLEO key chain.
So in other words, if she didnt intend to meet me, she would have travelled all the way to Raffles Place just to collect a keychain that has taken up the form of an orange flower with the word CLEO printed on the back.. WAHAHAHHAH!!
i still dont see why they just didnt mail it to her.
Went home with azi to collect my stuff.
I swear alot of stupid things happen whenever i go out with azi. I either turn utterly bimbotic or stupidly clumsy or just plain (dunno what to describe me as).
Well, my main reason to go home with her was that we could have dinner once i've collected my stuff from home. So, we decided to have dinner at Inspirasi at Bedok Interchange there.
So we were on the bus, and guess what? by the time we reached Bedok Interchange i realised that if i were to have dinner, i'll be late for training.
Basically, i reached Bedok Interchange to go down the bus and take the other bus back to Ubi. So ya.
Talk about being too free.
Met Mato on the bus after my training. Ok i so didnt recognize him without his hair gelled back! and also the fact that i was tired and my MP3 was on near to full blast. wahahahaha.. The guy's really funny. thats for sure. always have been.
One thing for sure, i dont like being in the centre of attention. All those eyes staring at me and when the room grows quiet when people start eavesdropping esp when the topic of conversation is me or when you turn you realise that someone will stop talking and resume talking when they think that you're not focusing on them.
Yup. That kinda attention. I hate it.
There's always some kinda expectation to live up to and disappointment is definitely something that no one would wanna see.
Having someone believing in me is one thing but isnt it a little too soon?
i dunno. maybe i just dont believe in myself that much.
If only you knew how much i'm missing you.
"Why can't you just let me, Do the things I wanna do, I just wanna be me, I don't understand why, Would you wanna bring me down"
"i'm tired of rumours starting, i'm sick of being followed, I'm tired of people lying, Saying what they want about me, Why can't they back up off me, Why can't they let me live"
Ps: I know i've quoted this song in one of my prev entries.
Suddenly, there's alot of things waiting for me. things that i thought wasnt possible before seemed possible to me in the near future. Yerp. I would try and do it. Who knows. *shrugs* Nope. i would not state what it is here. I would not bring it up in conversations either.
I've told it to someone before. But i think no one remembered. so we'll see whether or not it'll happen. I mean no use for me telling it to the world and end up not doing it rite? LOL!
I'm utterly broke. Tmr's might be going for Law Goes To The Movies. 1. let's hope i'm able to go down the stairs... 2. that i get money from my mom.
I shall go to sleep now. It's been a long entry.
Good night world and i'll see you again when the sun has risen.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I ended up going for it. And the best part? The dog wasn't around! I hope its dead. seriously, i hate the damn dog. it used to "chase" me out of the compound and i can never reach my destination.
Anywayz, my legs and arms are soft. I've definitely forgot how streneous it was. And obviously resulted in my darling of a coach laughing at me!
Seriously, my legs were wobbly... and i was trying to walk steadily to my bag to get my water bottle and retrieve my mask and guess what my coach thought? he thought i was sashaying around.
Me: *Trying to walk*
Him: "Wah, you gelek gelek only ah"
Bloody hell. Some things just never change i guess. I just shot him a death stare. And of course he laugh at me AGAIN!
Then later on, after training.. i just sat there... unable to move with my coach constantly reminding me to stretch to cool down so that i wont have cramps tomorrow. so i actually end up stretching while sitting there.
Then i wanna go home already rite, i sling my orange nike bag on me and tried to stand up which obviously ends up with me trying to stand up unceremoniously and my coach sure was having fun watching my antics.
Me: *tries to stand up*
Him: "Cannot stand ah? This is what i call a returning athlete" *Bursts into fits of laughter*
Me: *Ignores comment* "Bye SIR! See you on Tuesday!"
Him: "no no, you're coming on saturday and sunday i'll re confirm the tuesday's timing with you later."
Yup. So basically that's the gist of my training.
That plus some sort of bitching plus some sarcasm plus some expectations that were not erased plus lots of fun.
Its flattering to have your coach remember your antics from secondary school. Esp when you've disappeared for 3 (2.5) yrs.
I guess, he's one of those who believed.
I ended up going for it. And the best part? The dog wasn't around! I hope its dead. seriously, i hate the damn dog. it used to "chase" me out of the compound and i can never reach my destination.
Anywayz, my legs and arms are soft. I've definitely forgot how streneous it was. And obviously resulted in my darling of a coach laughing at me!
Seriously, my legs were wobbly... and i was trying to walk steadily to my bag to get my water bottle and retrieve my mask and guess what my coach thought? he thought i was sashaying around.
Me: *Trying to walk*
Him: "Wah, you gelek gelek only ah"
Bloody hell. Some things just never change i guess. I just shot him a death stare. And of course he laugh at me AGAIN!
Then later on, after training.. i just sat there... unable to move with my coach constantly reminding me to stretch to cool down so that i wont have cramps tomorrow. so i actually end up stretching while sitting there.
Then i wanna go home already rite, i sling my orange nike bag on me and tried to stand up which obviously ends up with me trying to stand up unceremoniously and my coach sure was having fun watching my antics.
Me: *tries to stand up*
Him: "Cannot stand ah? This is what i call a returning athlete" *Bursts into fits of laughter*
Me: *Ignores comment* "Bye SIR! See you on Tuesday!"
Him: "no no, you're coming on saturday and sunday i'll re confirm the tuesday's timing with you later."
Yup. So basically that's the gist of my training.
That plus some sort of bitching plus some sarcasm plus some expectations that were not erased plus lots of fun.
Its flattering to have your coach remember your antics from secondary school. Esp when you've disappeared for 3 (2.5) yrs.
I guess, he's one of those who believed.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
There's always a first time for everything.
Like how its the first time (or at least that's what we think) that we're (me & azi) spent the entire day together purely on the basis of hanging out and not over the fact that we met for things regarding school.
Which was utter coolness.
let's see what we did today?
1. Swimming.
2. Eat
3. Come my house. (coz, i needed to change)
4. Go TP to clear locker. (yes mel, you dont have to clear it anymore all your stuff with me)
5. Go Azi's house to dump stuff.
6. watch movie.
7. eat dinner.
8. look at books.
Seriously, its one of those jam packed day... only that you do it with one person for the entire day.. wahahahhaha...
and of course if any of you have went to azi's blog, you would have read my stupid moment quoted there. talk about hilarious.
Lots of stupid things happen today... wahahhaa.. like... err... alot of things la.. i cant really remember at the moment.. wahahhaa.. that's how blank i am at the moment.
And its the first time (well, at the moment since i cant remember anything) that a stranger is ultra nice to me.
Well, some of you might know how Carrefour's having those dicounts thingy rite?
well, i was stuck at the storybook area looking around and talking at high speed to azi while obviously eyeing for something interesting.
This was also went i spotted some books, so that azi could read the summary on the cover and resummary it for me. WAHAHAHAH!
And when azi wonders why on earth is she doing it? i just told her coz, she's being a nice friend and i'm being lazy. wahahhaa.. and also various other excuses like how i dont read while standing coz, i'll get seasick. I know, totally no link rite? LOL~
Then i was going on and on about how i wanna try reading other books by other authors but of the same concept as David Eddings, you know those kinda fantasy, sci-fi kinda things...
and i was blabbering about how i have this thing about if i own one book from a series, i would have the urge to buy the entire series so as to make it complete.
And also i was requesting for azi to buy for me the entire David Eddings collection for my birthday and how nice it will look on my book shelf even though i've read some of the books thrice.
And also how i was going on and on about how i should ask the guys about the other books like that.. coz, i'm too curious about it since it is nice to begin with..
And also how i'm only going to buy one book coz, i dont have enough cash with me.. so i'm gonna choose carefully.
Me and azi was also bickering over books coz, she found all the diet books or the cooking books or the dalai lama books and showed it to me.. *FAINTS!*
In other words, i was doing my random nonsensical blabbering to azi while my hand reaching out for books.
The irony of it all was that i automatically picked out murder mysteries or mysteries or things along those lines.
when this caucasian guy standing beside me took a book out of his stack and show it to me and said, "This is Sci-Fi, you can have it if you wanna try reading it. the author's really good"
I was shocked that i actually stopped at mid sentence of my blabbering and looked from the book to him and back to the book and back at him. LOL!
then he continued saying,"But its a series though, if you really wanna try it, you can have the entire series." And he proceeds to take out the remaining 2 books from his stack.
That was went i actually decide to reply him (Cannot help it wat, i was shocked),"It's good? It's ok. You can have it, i'm only intending to buy one today." *smiles*
He: You sure?
Me: Very sure
He: Ok then, i've never seen a girl interested in these kinda books... *at this pt, his mom called him and he had to stop looking for more books and had to pay for it, so he just smiled and left*
See wat i mean by a stranger being extra nice?
I mean, he was standing beside me for the longest time looking thru the stacks of books and he actually offered to pass the books to me (the ones that he's been looking thru the stacks for) coz, he overheard the fact that i wanna try something new and from a different author.
Its really nice to have someone who dont know you at all being nice to you.
And then you realise, the world's not so bad afterall. LOL!
Like how its the first time (or at least that's what we think) that we're (me & azi) spent the entire day together purely on the basis of hanging out and not over the fact that we met for things regarding school.
Which was utter coolness.
let's see what we did today?
1. Swimming.
2. Eat
3. Come my house. (coz, i needed to change)
4. Go TP to clear locker. (yes mel, you dont have to clear it anymore all your stuff with me)
5. Go Azi's house to dump stuff.
6. watch movie.
7. eat dinner.
8. look at books.
Seriously, its one of those jam packed day... only that you do it with one person for the entire day.. wahahahhaha...
and of course if any of you have went to azi's blog, you would have read my stupid moment quoted there. talk about hilarious.
Lots of stupid things happen today... wahahhaa.. like... err... alot of things la.. i cant really remember at the moment.. wahahhaa.. that's how blank i am at the moment.
And its the first time (well, at the moment since i cant remember anything) that a stranger is ultra nice to me.
Well, some of you might know how Carrefour's having those dicounts thingy rite?
well, i was stuck at the storybook area looking around and talking at high speed to azi while obviously eyeing for something interesting.
This was also went i spotted some books, so that azi could read the summary on the cover and resummary it for me. WAHAHAHAH!
And when azi wonders why on earth is she doing it? i just told her coz, she's being a nice friend and i'm being lazy. wahahhaa.. and also various other excuses like how i dont read while standing coz, i'll get seasick. I know, totally no link rite? LOL~
Then i was going on and on about how i wanna try reading other books by other authors but of the same concept as David Eddings, you know those kinda fantasy, sci-fi kinda things...
and i was blabbering about how i have this thing about if i own one book from a series, i would have the urge to buy the entire series so as to make it complete.
And also i was requesting for azi to buy for me the entire David Eddings collection for my birthday and how nice it will look on my book shelf even though i've read some of the books thrice.
And also how i was going on and on about how i should ask the guys about the other books like that.. coz, i'm too curious about it since it is nice to begin with..
And also how i'm only going to buy one book coz, i dont have enough cash with me.. so i'm gonna choose carefully.
Me and azi was also bickering over books coz, she found all the diet books or the cooking books or the dalai lama books and showed it to me.. *FAINTS!*
In other words, i was doing my random nonsensical blabbering to azi while my hand reaching out for books.
The irony of it all was that i automatically picked out murder mysteries or mysteries or things along those lines.
when this caucasian guy standing beside me took a book out of his stack and show it to me and said, "This is Sci-Fi, you can have it if you wanna try reading it. the author's really good"
I was shocked that i actually stopped at mid sentence of my blabbering and looked from the book to him and back to the book and back at him. LOL!
then he continued saying,"But its a series though, if you really wanna try it, you can have the entire series." And he proceeds to take out the remaining 2 books from his stack.
That was went i actually decide to reply him (Cannot help it wat, i was shocked),"It's good? It's ok. You can have it, i'm only intending to buy one today." *smiles*
He: You sure?
Me: Very sure
He: Ok then, i've never seen a girl interested in these kinda books... *at this pt, his mom called him and he had to stop looking for more books and had to pay for it, so he just smiled and left*
See wat i mean by a stranger being extra nice?
I mean, he was standing beside me for the longest time looking thru the stacks of books and he actually offered to pass the books to me (the ones that he's been looking thru the stacks for) coz, he overheard the fact that i wanna try something new and from a different author.
Its really nice to have someone who dont know you at all being nice to you.
And then you realise, the world's not so bad afterall. LOL!
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