Sunday, August 06, 2006




Ish. I have to go do something healthy tomorrow!

Gosh. I cant believe i just witness myself typing that.

*faints some more*

I wanna get meself a perfume.

i'm going out tmr. wheeee..


The next person who points that little fact out will just be smacked by me. seriously. if you're constantly busy, do you expect me to have an outing with you?

Yes. this might be PMS me talking. but i'm just stating facts.

If you cant be bothered to just do simple things. Then don't expect me to do it. I'm done giving but not expecting anything. Coz, it has always brought me nothing but disappointment. Nothing but trouble. So goodbye to me just giving. I'll only give when i see some effort being put in. other than that.

Dream on.

If you wanna avoid. fine by me. but dont complain later on about how your life is so utterly lonely and the fact that no one seemed to be caring about your existance. Only that someone did care but you were to blind to notice that.

yes. i have lots of things that i can go on and on about.

So dont get me started. you'll just regret it.

Again, i repeat.

This might be my alter-ego that comes out when i'm PMS-ing. But this doesnt mean i dont mean what i say.

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