Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm so tired...

I wanna go to the beach and play with the sand and build sand castles!!!

I wanna swim in the sea with the dolphins!!!

I wanna fly high up there with the eagles!!!

OK... i must be sleep-typing..


I have my normal weekend routine tomorrow... Only prob is later on in the day for Saturday... haiya!! I shall just go to sleep and make my decision later...

Oh and have i mentioned it? I love the colour of my blogskin!


I'm so sleepy...

I've forgotten wat i wanna blog about..

Hmmm.. oh ya! i remembered.

The other day i went swimming with azi and we end up having dinner at Techno... I was about to cross the road towards 291 bus stop when azi ask me to wait for her.. she was still at the table.

Guess what she was doing?

She was switching her sandals... coz, when she stood up to catch up with me.. she realised she was wearing the left sandal on her right foot and vice versa!! HAHAHAHAH!!!

Ok nvm.. i need to sleep now...

*Yawns again*

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