Monday, August 30, 2004
Well, its been 5days? I think its around there... Around 5 days since i lasted updated... Break record already... Waahahhaa.. When was the last time that i didn't update for so long?? I think it was during the MG season rite?? Coz, i remembered Kay pestering me update most of the time..
But anywayz, I shall really have to stop digressing like this...
So what am i suppose to say???
Oh ya... People who doesn't watch TV..
Its sad.. Coz, it means that i have no reason to stay up late already... Grrrr... Nvm.... I shall learn how to sleep early normally all over again...
Let's see what i have been up to for the past 5 days...
Nothing much actually.. Had CCA on Friday. Did OK for the Contest. Oh ya. Had a really interesting conversation on my way home. Went home with my IPP. So ya.. Had an unexpected conversation. I mean, Its not unexpected to have a conversation. But the topic of the conversation was unexpected esp with someone you dont really know well...
Am i even making sense?? Hmmm nvm.. As long as i understand can already... So where was i??
Oh ya... Topic of conversation: RELATIONSHIPS. I think its the age.. Coz, each time i talk to some around that age, it seems as if that is all they ever talk abt.. RELATIONSHIPS. tsk tsk tsk.. Very the limited you know...
But anywayz, it was a really interesting topic... Met him again the next day to go TPJC... Haiz. I was later late for my Crim Pro Meeting. Thanks to him.. Busy physchoing me there to leave TPJC later.. NVM..
So ya.. Where was i?? Oh yes yes.. I was late for my Crim Pro Meeting.. VERY late for it.. So ya.. I'm like any normal slack member that anyone could ever come across.. Late for meetings.. Never contribute anything during meetings.. SO ya.. Beware people..
Had a million scoldings in in the past week.. Screaming from my grandmother for waking up late on a stupid sunday.. Got scolding from my aunt for something that my STUPID cat did.
Nothing seems rite does it??
The journey of a thousand miles, begins with the first step
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Today was great... Met my mom.. my mom got pissed over something... but that will be further elaborated in another entry... Coz, i shall not digress now... Really have something in mind... So better type it before i start ranting on and on in another pointless blog entry... hehehe
I ever mentioned in one of prev entries.. Have you ever felt that you were opening up so much, telling everything to someone you're not close with... but you just clam up and can't do the exact same thing to a person you regard as friend??
Well.. What if the thing is now... you dont know how to tell people certain things... How much do people know about me?? That i have no idea... How much do i know about my friends?? Well.. I guess that's for them to judge how much they have actually revealed to me about themselves... But back to the topic... Have you ever wondered whether or not you should tell certain things to a friend...
But the only thing that is keeping you back is the fear of what others might think???
Well, to me... i guess.. it is difficult... True.. Everybody have their little secrets... Even me... But as for me... I tell... well.. not all of it... at least not yet... I'm currently comfortable revealing parts of me to some people... I guess thats the only way for people to get to know me...
I always wonder... Have someone actually hang around me minus the mask... Just them, without any secrets... as i'm aware of the secret... I really wonder that... if yes.. How many??
Some things are just so difficult to tell... I totally agree with that... but i guess, it is the case of who you actually tell... I mean its difficult to keep things and to actually tell things when you have a group of friends... but the thing is... Not everybody in that group knows each other.. as some might feel more comfortable with the other... and some do not... some even know more about the other than another friend in the same group... So ya...
It really is the question of who you are comfortable with.. and who you actually choose to share that secret without having to severe anything of any sort and who would actually share and no leave you alone to face any confusions... am i rite??
I wonder.. i really do.. For how many have chosen or will be choosing me to let out their deepest secrets that they will never share with anyone else as they're comfortable with the fact that it is me and only will be me that know the thing??
Some of my friends... They know who they are.. have chosen me... to reveal things without the fear of having me shunning them away... to them.. i thank you for choosing and sharing with me your deepest thoughts, your darkest secrets.. and having the trust in me, taking the risk hoping that i will not push you away and keep things to myself and only me.... And obviously not allow you to drown in your confusion alone..
I really thank you guys.. for taking the risk to test me for who i really am... :)
I hate NAPOLEON.... Why can't he just lead a simple life so that i can just read about him w/o having to scan through a 26pg biography all about his wars.. ARGH!!! So freaking confusing..
I'm so gonna kill him...
Oh wait.. I forgot...
He's dead...
WASTED... Haiz...
And My cutest teacher ever... nvm.. I shall not complain... I shall be a sweet little angel and smile sweetly and innocently....
Oh ya... i havent updated on wat happened to my OP rite?? After how much i complained about it rite??? Well Well Well.. Our theme was doing the unplanned planned thingy... LOL!! Coz, we gave up on trying to make it rehearsed... so we did the unplanned.. to make it look planned... makes sense??? NVM... Actually, the OP as well as the Q&A session was fine... Agreed with Wahidah... Have no idea why pple were complaining abt it...
I guess that's abt it...
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Stepford Wives
Hmmmm... Its the stupidest show i ever watched... Its ok.. but its dumb.. lol... And i think being a Bimbo at times is just so fun... wahahhahaha.... The show is kinda sexist... wahhahaha... Women are abusing their men... and the Men.. well.. They go to great measures to try to boost their self-esteem... SIAO! But it was funny though... Especially with the fact that Azi & Kay neglected the popcorns half way into the show... Making me and Mel having to finish up the popcorns...We nearly succeeded in finishing it... Left another half box out of 2 whole box... and i still have the popcorny feeling in my stomach.. *Bleargh* |
Monday, August 23, 2004
Oh wait... I'm not alone.. I've found Kay... Or rather Kay's found me...
And kay's throwing tantrum beside me... Poor Kabby...
And i'm hungry... I have a group meeting at 12!!!! Doing wat?? Rehearse... Clever rite?? Confirm ah never rehearse again..
Wanna know why??
coz nearly everybody will start singing... singing and more singing...
Oh ya.. Yesterday i had the most terrifying times on the MSN... Wahahhaa... That nuraini ah... Waaaaaaa!!! I think can make a MSN addict hate MSN man... Tsk tsk tsk... or maybe her hormones were running wild yesterday...
Ok.. what shall i write about?? Hmmm.. Oh ya.. I also JUST realised something... My blog looks like an Olympics news update.. No need watch tv.. Just read my blog will be equally sufficient.. wahhahaa...
Sunday, August 22, 2004
when suddenly my grandmother..
Appeared at the doorway.. hands on her hips... "all you know is talk talk talk.. GO AND COOK!!" So ya.. that's what i did.. i had to cook... Wahaha.. Fear not pple.. I have not poisoned anyone.. Well.. everybody in this house is still alive... DAMN! wahaha.. kidding kidding.. lol..
Stayed awake to watch the Table Tennis Match... and guess wat?? I fell asleep rite before the match and woke up rite after the match ended... wahhahha... Well.. as i expected she lost... she... nvm... as a CERTAIN friend of mine is gonna make noise if he sees me commenting her... I'll get strangled for sure.. lol..
Anywayz, Saw the badminton match between Indonesia and Korea.. PHEEWIT!! POWER TO DA MAX! lol! That Taufik Hidayat really goes all out to win a medal for his country... and he just broke down and cry when he got the gold.. so.. nice.. I mean.. you tend to do that if you're representing your own country rite?? Go all out??
Anywayz, what was i suppose to blog??
Ahhh... Stared at the TV.. You know wat.. I realise something... Eversince Olympics started, that's the only thing i've been watching...
Come back from school... Turn on TV... Watch Olympics... Middle of the night while doing work.. TV is on.. Channel 5... watching Olympics... Before going to school.. waiting for time to go.. On TV.. Watch Olympics.. WAT THE HELL RITE??
Soon, i'll be watching olympics... eating olympics... sleeping olympics... bathing olympics and breathing olympics... oh man.. Tsk tsk tsk tsk...
Oh oh... Guess what... I love the seasons quiz.. LOL!! i mean my answer lah.. The picture so nice... So erm.. ermm... mysteriouss... Yes that's it.. Mysterious... sooo Whheeee... wahahhaha...
Oh ya.. Watched the Table Tennis Match... SIN Vs. PRK
Bravo to LJW for the effort!! I mean eventhough i have something against them... She did well just now... It was tough... But well.. she wasnt mentally prepared for the full 7game.. But still she put up a tough fight.. So ya.. Well Done!! hehehehe...
Did i mention?
I lost my freaking EZ LINK... wahahha... And i made it just now... Cost me $21... Sheesh... $21 for a stupid card... and the worst part.. i pd $21 for a blank card.. I still have to top it up... Grrr... and the WORST part is that... I lost my ez link on friday... and i just topped up my concession stamp.. 52 freaking dollars.. GONE WITH THE WIND....
So ya.. All those pple who owe me money.. betta watch out.. i'm becoming a loanshark... asking pple to pay me back.. so that i can replace the concession stamp without my mom finding out... So.. Better run and hide before i find you... lol!!
Haiz.. You know wat!! My OP is this MONDAY!! YAY YAY!! YIPPEE!! WHY?? COZ I'M DEAD! I'm gonna kill myself for OP... But i'll be dead even before Monday.. I'm gonna get chopped by my president... HAIZ... She's gonna warn me again... I think at the rate i'm going, i'll be dismissed w/o even have to think hard wat to tell certain pple..
Oh yes.. Haiz.. Need to slp.. Have a feeling i'm working tmr...
Speaking of work..
Did you know that some pple find me rude.. becoz i didnt return a hello?? I mean like hello.. There's such thing as the tone of voice for you to consider you know... and you even dare to call me rude???? And you say that i have an attitude problem just becoz i didnt say a hello??? I mean who the hell is having the freaking attitude problem here?? You or me?? IDIOTS!!
And who are you to warn me to pick up my phone... I mean.. are you even paying for my freaking phone bill??? When you yourself dont pick up my calls!!! Why?? Just becoz you're higher than me.. You have the rite to ignore any calls... and only select certain calls to answer?!?!?!
argh!! Nvm... If you want to see attitude problem.. I'll give you attitude problem...
Saturday, August 21, 2004
i was awake yesterday..
Till god knows what time.. Guess what i was doing??
I was watching TV... The Olympics is seriously succeeding turning me into an owl...
Watched both the table tennis games.. Singapore Vs. PRK and the other one is Singapore Vs. China...
Singapore Vs. China OMG!! I so totally didnt expect them to win!! *FAINTS* By them, I meant Singapore... Seriously, didnt expect them too.. wahahha.. I mean i support the Singapore Team.. But ah.. They havent been performing eversince ice age... So i gave up on them.. really!!
whahaha.. And she wont.. Yes.. I admit.. I wasnt hyped up about it.. Why? Coz, the fact that she wasnt born here.. I mean the feeling will be different if the player is a true-born-singaporean instead of imported-given citizenship immediately-singaporean.. I think you guys know what i'm trying to say.. so ya..
Anywayz, We'll see how long she'll last.. The track events have started!!! Wheeee... wahahhaa... Oh ya.. and the russian gymnast.. Khorkina or something.. So sad.. first time she didnt get gold sia... but nvm.. she already have tons of Gold Medals from Olympics..
And i think i should start doing something abt something.. doncha think??
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...
You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really
Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Wheee.. Its the fifth day of Olympics.. Its damn happening.. Especially the swimming events.. POWER!! Yesterday's 200X4 Men Freestyle Relay was damn happening.. USA & Australia was damn close!!!
Oh ya... And the Ladies Volleyball!! PHeeewwwiitt!! Soo sexy!! Wahahahah... especially the italian team.. Waaa.. so pretty.. LOL!! Oh ya.. and the ukraine swimmer.. and the romanian swimmer as well.. WAAAA... Ok ok.. GET A GRIP NAD!! wahahahaha.... But... ya... Damn happening... so nice.. hehehe |
And i'm having a freaking headache rite now.. My eyes are just about to close anytime soon..
Shouldn't have come to school today.. Really not in tune with the world.. Trust me... I'm going to die.. wahahha... But ah.. I never go to the doctor.. so ya.. Have to come to school.. Miss Lim was giving me the LOOK when i told her i didnt have an MC.. wahhaha..
And the best part is that I'm late.. One more late or absent without MC from me.. I can kiss LComm goodbye.. wahahha.. Really.. debarment.. that is if my calculations are rite lah.. hehehe..
The air-con is seriously not helping.. grr grr grr... Its freezing my brain at the same time its boiling it.. Argh.. Go away.. stupid headache...
Ok.. I'm suppose to be writing letter rite now.. Write write write... Type type type... Draft draft draft.. Enter enter enter.. Check check check.. And guess what?? Its still a blank page.. whahaha..
Ok.. i better go now.. LOL!!
Can't believe it man.. I fell sick.. ARGH!! but nvm... I shall try to go to school tomorrow... But you see lah.. So clever rite?? 1248AM already and i'm still at the computer blogging away... Sheesh.. stupid headache coming back..
Anywayz, What did i do today?
Tried to get better..
Ignored my grandmother's nagging...
Later, Ignored my aunt's nagging...
Sometimes, I just dread staying at home... Grrr.. I mean what kinda person scolds you and then puts a nice tone at the end of the long nagging asking who you were... The abovementioned pple did that.. Grr... You know.. LCOMM naggings doesnt work.. I'm using complicated english... whahaha
Woke up today with my grandmother screaming in my ear every half an hour to wake me up reminding me that i'll be late for class.. And at that point of time.. I had a splitting headache... Haiz..Sometimes, STAYING AT HOME DOESNT HELP... Got scolded for the stupidest stuff..
You wanna know what?? For changing the switch into a different socket!! WHO in the world scolds people for that.. The abovementioned pple did... ARGH!! I was just heating up a freaking bread.. And the prev. socket couldnt work.. so i switched the plug into the next socket.. And i got scolding becoz i didnt change it back... ARGH!!!
Why did i get the scolding?? Coz, the other socket was for the rice cooker.. obviously, the rice cooker didnt work.. coz its not plugged in.. And my grandmother thought that its spoilt.. Aunt came home.. Complained to aunt abt the rice cooker and something else.. Aunt got irritated.. Found out that the plug is my doing.. Scolded me.. And my grandmother helped...
And ya.. All i did was heating up a freaking bread coz i was hungry...
Monday, August 16, 2004
Wahaha... Coz, my grandmother was back too..
Just as i was enjoying staying alone at home during the hols.. And just when school started... My grandmother have to come home...
I mean.. Is that just a coincidence?? Or its a sign?? Argh.. My luck just seems to get worse by the day..
Hate everything at the moment... Hmmm.. Except my friends.. They're the only one that has been keeping me sane rite now (Besides my mom)... Did i mention that they're the greatest? Ya.. they're the greatest.. wahahaha..Really thankful to them.. THANK YOU GUYZ!! hahaha.. i dont think they even realize that lah... but nvm.. i shall thank them anyway.. so once again.. THANK YOU GUYZ!! wahaha.. i sound like a spoilt tape recorder... lol..
Haiz.. Today first day of term 2... Some people having their OP today... I mean.. Is that just plain bad luck? or maybe its good in a way.. But the thing is.. Just as you finished your hols.. you have a project deadline today.. Aiyo!
But ah... HOLIDAYS JUST EVAPORATED IN THIN AIR WITHOUT YOU EVEN REALIZING IT!!! haaa.. Feel so much better now that i've screamed it out.. LOL!! i'm going mad... tralallalaa... I wanna buy digicam.. tralalala.. so can take more dustbin worshipping photos.. tralallaa...
Sunday, August 15, 2004
went to watch THE VILLAGE with them the other day.. (Thursday)
Them = Azi & Mel Why did i watched village when i dun even watch thrillers? Well... Coz, as usual, I was tricked... This is the 3rd time... OMG... 3rd time that i got tricked into watching something i dun wanna watch!! Haiz, its been a long while since that happened.. I thought that it will never happen again... Well well well.. Guess i'm wrong... As usual... I was on the phone with Kay before i met them... She already warned me that i might be tricked again.. Then i said to her... Cant be lah... Since mel said that Azi wanna watch catwoman.. GRR!!! I TRUST MY FRIENDS TO EASILY!!! GRR!! But nvm, i shall continue trusting them... wahahhaha.. I mean its not like its anything important or wat.. The most i might just die of FRIGHT if they happens to trick me into a really scary movie.. wahhahaha |
If some of you have read azi's blog... Well.. you'd get a gist of the story... But its not all that lovey dovey... Its just twisted and weird and dumb and hilarious at times... OMG.. The scene where girl proclaimed her love.. LOL!! Damn FUNNY!! I've never seen a girl do that... maybe i should do that... whahhaa.. I shall proclaim my love to azi and kay and deena and hidayah... whahahaha.. Tryouts.. LOL!!
Really had fun actually... despite all the disco lights and interruptions my phone was giving... I managed to keep my mind of things... hehehe
Ok i have no idea, why the violet didnt come out... but anywayz, Yesterday, FRIDAY 13th As i predicted, i'd have the SUCKIEST of days... The worst that i've actually come across... WHY? Coz, i SCREW UP!! Was suppose to do my 1st speech... Well, that i did perfectly fine... Even though it was last minute without any preparation and rehearsal.... I still did fine... WHY? Coz, everyone commented on how well-rehearsed i was... What an irony huh... But, i screwed up the rest of it... So much for trying to make things better.. I just screwed it up... I try to see reasons... Reasons that will not make the fault mine... But even though i see it, I just know that deep down... I could have done much much better... deep down.. i know that the fault IS mine.. WHY? Its because of the responsibilites given... It will be my fault.. No matter what.. By the end of the night.. I was on the verge of tears... but nevermind... What's done is done... All i can do is try to do better the next time round... But the bottomline is: I suck... I screwed up & it could have been better without me... I'M SORRY |
#EE82EE |
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan. Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything. |
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Coz, I'm in school library happily typing away in another pointless blog entry...
Had crim meeting today... Wahaha.. We met at 3pm.. And then.. we only get down to work like around 5pm.. And we ended at 530pm.. Not bad rite?? So.. What did we do for the past 2 hrs?? Wahaha.. We were corrupting the mind of the innocent... While one of my groupmates were looking around for eye candies... And We were updating on our gossip library.. LOL!!
It was the most happening group ever.. Then when we realise that its already 5pm, we started blaming each other for putting each other in the group.. causing us to digress so much... LOL!! Funny sia.. Ya.. love my crim... WAhahah!!
What else eh?
Oh ya, Having cca this friday... I'm just about to give up on them.. Haiz.. But whatever it is.. I must persevere... and endure.. yes yes.. Nad! Perservere! Endure! You can do it! Yes! I can do this! But seriously, i dunno how long i'll last before i actually made up my mind to pull out...
Anywayz, what was i up to today??
Well... didnt do anything much.. Rotted at home... till deena came over.. wahaha.. hilarious.. and then hidayah came too.. Well.. she wasnt suppose to... dunno what made her change her mind to come over... LOL!! It was damn hilarious.. wahhahaa...
We were crapping all the way... And hidayah was singing her rendition of.. what song was it ah?? oh ya.. right here waiting?? I think that was the song.. wahaha.. it was hilarious!! really enjoyed ourselves there.. and the thing is.. we didnt even do anything.. just came to my house.. and rotted.. and chilled... and slacked... I think they're stress with school.. My house is a de-stress outlet... it has always been the case with everyone...
Human: Haiz... So stress sia.. Must hang out somewhere... must go out.. I know... Go Nad's house... (looks for me...) Nadiraaa OOoooo Nadiraaaa... Can go over your house or not today?? need to de-stress sia..
Wahahhaa... cute... i dunno why they look for my house also... Come over sometime.. its not like they slacked... They read books.. play with my bears... and sometimes even continued studying... madness i tell ya...
Anywayz, where was i?? Oh ya,.... Then we were drinking cups and cups of strawberry tea... With hidayah going on and on how it is not sweet... but still.. she keeps on drinking... Wahahaha...
Aku buntu. Tidak mempunyai jawapan dan juga tidak mempunyai sesiapa untuk bertanya atau meluahkan segalanya. Aku resah. Kadang kala, aku geram kerana aku tidak pernah dapat apa yang ku cari untuk menamatkan segala kebuntuan yang ku hadapi ini.
Adakah ia suatu cerita yg telah lama ku tanamkan di pelusuk fikiran ku? Ataupun, ia adalah suatu karya yg tidak ingin ku sambungi? Mungkinkah ia suatu rahsia yg tak patut di timbulkan semula? Apakah soalan ini suatu tanda ataupun ia suatu bukti bahawa aku berperasaan? Aku berperasaan perikemanusiaan yang ku jangka tiada lagi di lubuk hati ku. Ataupun ia muncul akibat perasaan serba salah?
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
That my cat is sick...
I think she's having a fever... Coz, she is like shivering... and her body is damn hot.. and she is like sneezing where ever she goes... And i have no idea why she stays up at night to accompany me while i am busy blogging away...
She really needs to sleep... She needs the rest.. hehhee.. Poor cat... Sneezing like nobody's business.. I think she has a headache too.. Coz, she keeps sleeping.. and when she walks... she cant even walk in a straight line... She walks all over the place.. and the next thing you know.. she just sleeps...
Tsk tsk tsk.. Poor thing.. I guess the flu season is in.. I'm surrounded by infectious pple or things or animals..
Today is National Day!! Wahaha.. I mean... Everyone so patriotic today... People wearing red everywhere... Its like.. the national day mood was there...
What did i do today??
I went to my aunt's house...
For what??
To celebrate her maid's birthday.. So cute rite?? Hahaha.. it was so much fun lah... so much laughter going around...
Its like.. celebrating her birthday when the parade started.. they started singing birthday song and cutting the cake.. and it looks as if.. we were celebrating Singapore's birthday instead of hers.. lol!!
But only thing was that.. The parade this year.. Well.. It was just.. WRONG in every way!! It was such a mess man.. tsk tsk tsk... Like nothing special like that..
Anywayz, watched Singapore Idol... LOL!!! It was damn hilarous.. I was HAPPILY making fun of people.. dammit! i'm so mean.. But who cares?.. I enjoyed myself.. and so did everybody.. lol!!
Anywayz, before the parade... Aunts were sitting around the table.. I was there... happily munching away.. *Ps:This is my mom's side... all the iron chefs!!* Anywayz, The party was great in a way.. Coz, the host doesnt have to cook.. all the aunts will bring something.. And the best part was that...
It is all homemade!! LOL!!
There was this bread that i thought my cousin bought it from some confectionary.. and it turns out that my aunt baked it.. wahhaah...
There was... chicken chop, satay, sausage rolls, sushi, cream puff, chocolate chip pancakes, tuna bun, noodles, popiah, fruits, drinks, jelly... And NOTHING was bought!! It was ALL HOMEMADE! That's the best part... And it was great...
So where was i?? Oh ya.. I was happily munching away and talking to my mom... When they brought up the topic that i nearly choked on... No no.. Not that they asked me whether or not i have a boyfriend.. I'd be to used to that to actually choke on it... It about HIM! SHEESH!! ARGH!!.. I just look at my mom with my eyes nearly popping out... and my watermelon was in mid air..
Since it was so noisy, at first i thought i didnt hear properly... But then, my aunt apologise and repeated herself.. that was when i just stared at her... and then i nearly snapped back... when i realise that some people who were sitting there are not my relatives.. they are family friends... That's when i just shut up, switched off.. and concentrated on my bun... Haiz...
There are just some things that even years passed... and the anger will not subside.... Nothing will extinguish the burning anger... the stubborness and worst of all the FEAR towards him...
Anywayz, that was all before my cousin arrived... I havent seen him in the longest time... He used to be one of those that i'm really close with.. Well, obviously now... grow up already... we're actually shy to be seen in each others' company.. LOL!! That was lame.. but its true.. That was how we got distanced... Anywayz, he is like DAMN TALL!! Grrr... And then i just stared at him...
Stare and stare and stare and stare... I was like.. Oh man.. Usher is in da house!! Wahahaha.. Idiot.. so good looking and so damn tall also dunno for what... lol!! But ya.. Usher... my cousin is an usher look alike.. wahaha... or rather.. in the malay music industry.. he looks like ferhad...
Anywayz, busy looking at him and telling my mom... Gossiping away on who he looks... and had to entertain his younger brother who is like totally in lurve with me... i think... Coz, each time i'm around... He'll blush... wahhahahaha... Look at me and start smiling... and turn all shy.. and blush... and run behind a chair and hide.. and peeking at me from there... Then whisper to the mother that he wanna sit beside me.. wahahaha...
Then once comfortable already... He'll be like.. I wanna sit with Kak Didi... I wanna eat what she's eating.. I want Kak Didi... I want to hold Kak Didi's hand! So ya.. hahahaha.. But he is damn cute lah... Hair so curly... and he is soo small.. And i forgot how old he is... hehehe.. Hopeless rite?? I know...
Overall, I had a really enjoyable time... hehehe..
I was late for work... Overslept... The thing is.. my mom forgot to wake me up.. coz she thinks that i wasnt working... And the thing is.. i had 2 alarm clocks.. I mean why in the world did i set 2 freaking alarm clocks?? It only has to be one reason rite?? That i'm working on that day... Aiyoh!
Then obviously, i was late!! Luckilly i wasnt scolded... Instead, my boss was laughing at me when i told her.. Haiz.. But nevermind... At least i wasnt scolded or warned or whatever.. The thing is.. She just told me.. Next time dun be late... Waste your money on cab fare only.. hehehe.. And she keeps thinking that i'm spoilt... Coz i took a cab to work.. I mean.. Hello!! I was late! What do you expect me to do?? Hmmzz....
Anywayz, I didnt expect that i'd be working late that day.. Coz i was told that went my shift ended at 230.. i would be able to go off... But i didnt expect to be driven over to Katong Mall and continue with work... And only get released at 730pm..
I was suppose to go out with the other 2 man.. And i brilliantly blew the outing.. coz, i had to work late.. Its been 3 mths since the 3 of us meet.. and i had to do that lah.. I mean.. Both of them went out.. with the thought that i'll be joining them for dinner later.. HAiz... Well... I cant possibily do that when i'm still at the EAST at 730pm... Well.. I guess that's what work will do... Screw your social life.. BUt nvm..
Sorry guys! I'm really really sorry.. I didnt expect that to happen.. i'm really sorry...
We shall go out some other time ok? I promise.. Only problem is that.. I'm having break.. and the 2 of you are not... and now.. I suppose.. weekends are out of question.. i'm just sorry lah for the other day...
Havent been blogging that much... Well.. Most prob... I think its just because that my stupid blog refuse to turn out the way it suppose to turn out.. SO ugly one!! Stupid fonts...
Haiz.. anywayz, lemme begin on FRIDAY... Went to Causeway Point to meet my mom after contract meeting... Walked around... Went to watch MEAN GIRLS... The show was oklah.. Normal teenage story... Bitchiness can still be improved.. When you actually think about it.. The bitchy factor was rather mild.. Then wat happen ah?? Oh ya... I was complaining to her about something.. that i can no longer remember... Before we went for the show, looked for present... Kept worrying that she wouldn't like it.. Oh well.. Whatever it is.. It's already bought.. so ya... I think thats the end of friday... Lemme move on to SATURDAY... Saturday was the chalet.. I was late lah actually.. And i was damn tired and sleepy.. Rushed to Pasir Ris to meet them rite after work.. Oh ya.. I'm working now.. Hilarious.. Didnt expect to work while schooling.. well.. surprise surprise.. I'm doing it.. Anywayz, crapped all the way at the chalet.. Singing National Day songs... at the top of our voices... Me and SC... proving to the world how patriotic we can actually be! whahaha... Besides that, We took tons of photos.. Making ivan vomit blood and making azi.. continously rolling her eyes that i was afraid it would actually fall out off her eye socket or something.. LOL!! Then before all the photo-taking.. we were at the playground.. I was playing on the bridge thingy.. then i was on this thing.. you sit on it... and it goes round and round and round.. well.. i closed my eyes you see.. and the next thing i know.. i was on the ground.. LOL! Went home all tired.. and fell str. asleep... |
Saturday, August 07, 2004
i dunno what to say... I dunno what to blog... How many times have such things happen? Tons rite? Wanting to blog... but it doesnt seem to flow... Why do you have to ask me why in the world i made that decision? I mean am i wrong to decide what i've decided? Maybe i'm too nice? Maybe its time for a change? Maybe its time i'll become more mean? Maybe its time for people to hate me? Maybe its time for something? I thought i was already mean... But i guess, not mean enough huh? Well.. wateverlah... Maybe i'm just out to prove a point... That even though after everything... I'm not the person that people thought i'd be... Not the person that was rumoured to be... Just the kinda person that they never expect i'd be.. Well.. |
Friday, August 06, 2004
Having my contract meeting... My crim meeting just ended... LOL!!
I had the most interesting crim pro meeting ever sia... All the gossips of the world!! I think i'm so gonna love my crim group man... So funny! The four of us are like schizos there... Its just damn hilarious...
The gossips are damn priceless man...
I cant believe this!!
If only they know... Secrets... Tsk tsk tsk...
Topic of gossip was damn unexpected...
It even started the beginning of school...
Wahahahha... I wanna die of laughter already...
Now i know why some people are uncomfortable around me... LOL!!!!! Wahahahahaha!!! Priceless man.. Damn priceless!!
You are also active and very cheerful. You also possess feminine attraction and have distinguished atmosphere. You are very popular, and tend to be with lots of people. You value your friends too. But unlike your outlook, you don't like to loose and are a strong-minded person. You possess strong will-power, and are independent enough to carry things out without getting the help of the others. You have great creativity sense and are much talented in this. You act simply, but you possess complicated inner emotions. You may be thought little bit eccentric. You like to lead varied life, and try to change the atmosphere yourself too. You can make quick decisions, and possess courage. You are well liked by both men and women. You have great sense of instinct and can get right at the point of things. You can affect people as well. You are very strict on money. You will not go buying things on impulse. Someone you love and your love life is what is most important to you in your life. You possess great natural skill to manipulate men. You should not rush into marriage after a passionate love. |
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
My phone!! My phone!! My phone!! *chants away*
I'm so in LURVE with it!!! Wheee...
My mom wants to steal it... The green eyed monster in her is out!! Wahahaha
Anywayz, enough about my phone.. I shall blog about something else...
*thinks* Oh shyte... I forgot what to blog about.. thanks to my phone.. hmmmm
Monday, August 02, 2004
But i dunno whether my mom remembers or not... I've been telling her that over and over and over again... tralalalalala......
I need to go buy batteries tooo... And why am i even writing it here?? Hmm no idea... dont ask me why.... Checklist?? Its not as if i can bring it to popular to remind me...
Oh sht.. Talking abt checklist... I need to submit LCOMM checklist.. OH SHYTE.... Oh Ducking fish!!! Argh... nvm... chill.. i shall go do it now...
~Peace out~