Tuesday, August 10, 2004


I was late for work... Overslept... The thing is.. my mom forgot to wake me up.. coz she thinks that i wasnt working... And the thing is.. i had 2 alarm clocks.. I mean why in the world did i set 2 freaking alarm clocks?? It only has to be one reason rite?? That i'm working on that day... Aiyoh!

Then obviously, i was late!! Luckilly i wasnt scolded... Instead, my boss was laughing at me when i told her.. Haiz.. But nevermind... At least i wasnt scolded or warned or whatever.. The thing is.. She just told me.. Next time dun be late... Waste your money on cab fare only.. hehehe.. And she keeps thinking that i'm spoilt... Coz i took a cab to work.. I mean.. Hello!! I was late! What do you expect me to do?? Hmmzz....

Anywayz, I didnt expect that i'd be working late that day.. Coz i was told that went my shift ended at 230.. i would be able to go off... But i didnt expect to be driven over to Katong Mall and continue with work... And only get released at 730pm..

I was suppose to go out with the other 2 man.. And i brilliantly blew the outing.. coz, i had to work late.. Its been 3 mths since the 3 of us meet.. and i had to do that lah.. I mean.. Both of them went out.. with the thought that i'll be joining them for dinner later.. HAiz... Well... I cant possibily do that when i'm still at the EAST at 730pm... Well.. I guess that's what work will do... Screw your social life.. BUt nvm..

Sorry guys! I'm really really sorry.. I didnt expect that to happen.. i'm really sorry...

We shall go out some other time ok? I promise.. Only problem is that.. I'm having break.. and the 2 of you are not... and now.. I suppose.. weekends are out of question.. i'm just sorry lah for the other day...

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