Have you ever had a day where it started all fine, you think that it will continue going on fine but it gets worse before it gets fine again?
LOL! ConfuseD? Hmmm.. I'm sure you guys are smart enough to figure it out without me having to further explain myself... I have faith in you.. *starts to meditate*
Oh ya,
Hidayah - our usual thursdays date, hmmm unless you wanna meet me later or something.. then we shall continue with our dates, if not then we meet the next time the 3 of us goes out ok?
Rebecca (REBECKKY!!) - Sorry can't resist that! HA! Anywayz, i promised an outing with you rite? hmmm.. i'll definitely find a day that both of us are free since i just found out from your blog that you'll be working too... at the travel agency rite?
Sin Ni - [if you happen to read this while trying to de-stress from reading too much biomedical stuff] 13th April, i've yet to confirm. hehehhe..
Yup, i'm working at the moment... Hahaha.. feel like laughing at myself!! I'm actually working...
SO let me tell you about my day before i actually doze off in front of this machine...
i woke up early.. So hAPPY you knoE! I thought i was gonna be on time or even better! early!
So i bathe, and that was went my cat decided that its not gonna let me go to work.
it bite my feet not allowing me to walk out of the door, climb up my pants pulling me down, hoping i would sit and when i manage to get out of the room, it GUARDS the front door...
So i had to carry it back into the room, run out to the door unlock and faster went out to see it scurrying along to get to the door.. But TOO LATE for it! HA! SERVES IT RITE!
So, i rushed, got my bus the moment i got to the bus stop.. So i'm like.. PHEW~!
Then reached seng kang and then i realised that my ez-link got no money... so i had to top-up rite? And guess wat? My EZ-Link was stuck in the stupid machine and i had to wait for 15minutes before the lady appears to open the machine up and took out my Ez-Link for me..
So i was in the train... After a few stops, i realised... I'm gonna be late... so better take a cab... Went out of the train and ran to the taxi stand... to realise that there was no taxi in sight... i decided to try my luck to wait for a possible taxi to materialise... and after 5mins or so.. NONE appeared..
I went to the bus-stop in hopes that i get to take the bus or something, and realised that there was no bus there to City Hall.. At that point, i was really going to cry already... I was actually unconsciously cursing out loud.. untill i realise i was getting weird stares.. LOL!
so i had no other choice but to go back in the train and have to continue my journey like that till i reach my destination... And obviously, by the time i reach.. I was like around 15minutes late.. YA!
So i was briefed and work started... It wasn't that bad actually.. LOL! I think its coz there's someone along.. so the job is not so boring.. Yup! Can talk and laugh while doing our work.. LOL! Multi-tasking! I think i would die if i have to do it all alone.. whahahhaa...
And working's good! It makes me all tired and sleepy and able to make me sleep early! hahah.. the reason i'm up now is coz, i was woken up by my cat who was trying to bite my toe.. so ya..
But i'm off to dreamland now.. Good night everyone!
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
HAH! my mom's b-day is today..
Ya, i'm sure all you faithful blog readers of mine will know seeing how i publicize it as if its a national public holiday..
But anywayz, She likes the watch.. *Phew* I still have good taste.. lol!
Hmmm... I think i better go to sleep now.. i got nothing better to do online anywayz...
Ahhh Nooooo.. This is bad... It shows that my life is getting boring.. *screams & runs in circle* wahahahhaa...
Anywayz, i think i better go.. :P
Ya, i'm sure all you faithful blog readers of mine will know seeing how i publicize it as if its a national public holiday..
But anywayz, She likes the watch.. *Phew* I still have good taste.. lol!
Hmmm... I think i better go to sleep now.. i got nothing better to do online anywayz...
Ahhh Nooooo.. This is bad... It shows that my life is getting boring.. *screams & runs in circle* wahahahhaa...
Anywayz, i think i better go.. :P
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Ok.. i think i'm too free.. or too excited for nothing..
Anywayz, here's my mom's b-day card.. hahaha.. cute rite?

The words on the arms of the bear is.. errmm..
First time i see,
Last kiss good night,
Hugs in between,
Squeezing me tight.
Happy birthdaY
and this is how the present looks like after its being wrapped... nice rite? like chocolate! I just have good taste in choosing wrapper.. whahaha..
Anywayz, here's my mom's b-day card.. hahaha.. cute rite?

The words on the arms of the bear is.. errmm..
First time i see,
Last kiss good night,
Hugs in between,
Squeezing me tight.
Happy birthdaY
and this is how the present looks like after its being wrapped... nice rite? like chocolate! I just have good taste in choosing wrapper.. whahaha..

Monday, March 28, 2005
Sneak Preview
HA! I've bought my mom's present...
AIYO! Stupid City Chain.. Have to close for their annual dinner.. OF ALL DAYS.. it has to be TODAY!! nonsense... Well, tooo bad for my mom then... JUst not her luck in getting those more branded watches... And obviously lucky for my bank account! :P
Well, i've bought my mom a Swatch watch... Bought it at PS just now... There i was standing in the shop choosing for nearly an hour... took out like 6 watches! Ranging from $73 - $236... wahahaha...
Feel like punching the sales girl's face just now.. She was saying.. That's $106, are you sure you wanna see it? I was like... ya. *Stares at her*
But anywayz, ya.. took a long time choosing...
The first watch that caught my eye since yesterday was this one... So cute and colourful rite?

But then i realised that the face was too small, and can already imagine my mom complaining that she can't see the time....
then i made her took out this few...

and another one which i cant find the picture...
Then i was stuck of not knowing whether to choose the turqoise one or the white one.. and then remembered that my mom can pull off white... so i took the turqoise one.. whahahaha... so ya! Got the present already... I'm so proud of myself...
Now, for the b-day cake.. hmmmmzzz
HA! I've bought my mom's present...
AIYO! Stupid City Chain.. Have to close for their annual dinner.. OF ALL DAYS.. it has to be TODAY!! nonsense... Well, tooo bad for my mom then... JUst not her luck in getting those more branded watches... And obviously lucky for my bank account! :P
Well, i've bought my mom a Swatch watch... Bought it at PS just now... There i was standing in the shop choosing for nearly an hour... took out like 6 watches! Ranging from $73 - $236... wahahaha...
Feel like punching the sales girl's face just now.. She was saying.. That's $106, are you sure you wanna see it? I was like... ya. *Stares at her*
But anywayz, ya.. took a long time choosing...
The first watch that caught my eye since yesterday was this one... So cute and colourful rite?

But then i realised that the face was too small, and can already imagine my mom complaining that she can't see the time....
then i made her took out this few...

and another one which i cant find the picture...
Then i was stuck of not knowing whether to choose the turqoise one or the white one.. and then remembered that my mom can pull off white... so i took the turqoise one.. whahahaha... so ya! Got the present already... I'm so proud of myself...
Now, for the b-day cake.. hmmmmzzz
To you:
My dear friend.
You know how much i hate seeing you like this?
Yes, even though we seldom meet, we keep in touch with each other enough. You tell me about you, and vice versa - well, maybe you dont hear that much about me. But who cares?
8years worth of friendship have passed... Time and time again, i've told you dont compare us. Both of us = totally different. Me and you is as though, day & night, black & white, sun & moon, shoes & slippers.. OH well.. i'm sure you know what i'm trying to say... Each of us is unique in our own way. Don't think of yourself any less just because you think that you lack certain things.
You dont have to constantly reassure me that i mean alot to you... Friends don't need assurance on that... All that they wanna know is whether or not life's good for you? Basically, whether or not you're still alive. NOT whether or not i'm still your best friend, or some shit like i need to know where i stand in your ladder of friendships.
Friends naturally care. That's the reason why they're friends to begin with. The care regardless as to whether or not they're still your best friend or not. They care without you knowing. They just care. They may quarrel, pass sarcastic remarks, but they still do care.
Well, if you've met pple who's main priority is to know that & that's the reason you do that to me as well. Well, i understand. But, i'm disappointed. After 8 years, you still don't know any better?
I know you just wanna tell me that you appreciate this friendship, but sometimes, the time is just wrong.
Why do you keep on telling me that you're a failure?
Failure as stated in the dictionary is:
" (1)The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends: the failure of an experiment.
(2)One that fails: a failure at one's career.
(3)The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short: a crop failure.
(4)A cessation of proper functioning or performance: a power failure.
(5)Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; omission: failure to report a change of address.
(6)The act or fact of failing to pass a course, test, or assignment.
(7)A decline in strength or effectiveness.
(8)The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent. "
But, truthfully, can anyone really measure failure? Can anyone actually give me an exact measurement as to what equates to being a failure?
Is it due to the fact that you can't live up to your own expectations? Is it because you think that you've let everybody down? Is it because that you think that you're weak? Is it because you can't be like everybody else around you?
So, what makes you a failure? Sometimes, we're schooled like this since young to think that if we can't reach a certain goal, we're a failure. If we're doing badly and everyone else is doing well, you're a failure.
But have you realise that we are at a stage in life where you can't actually label yourself that. People who do badly now, have let lots of people down, can actually be a success when they're old? can actually be greatly admired later on in life?
You're constantly heartbroken... Don't ever blame yourself. Blaming yourself makes you regret lots of things... and regretting is definitely not for that department or whatever situation you are in now.
"Love mirrored in your soul, amour. God's gift to life's design, romance."
Beautiful ain't it?
My dear friend, to love, is not to regret. Tell me which love won't end with heartbreaks? Only when it hurts so much when it ends... then and only then you know that you have loved.
Don't put all the blame on youself. Don't say that its due to your stupidity. Coz, sometimes you think that your actions are right even if its wrong. Love is blind they say. Perhaps.
Dear friend, you're stronger than this. I know that and you know it as well.
Don't fret over this for long. Just keep on going. You know if you've done a mistake, don't keep on brooding over it. Learn from it. Stand up, and move on. There's nothing you can do to continue dwelling in the past. Nothing's left back there.
Just remember, people are there when you need support... Turn to Him if you need guidance, and you will not lose your way.
Dee Dee
My dear friend.
You know how much i hate seeing you like this?
Yes, even though we seldom meet, we keep in touch with each other enough. You tell me about you, and vice versa - well, maybe you dont hear that much about me. But who cares?
8years worth of friendship have passed... Time and time again, i've told you dont compare us. Both of us = totally different. Me and you is as though, day & night, black & white, sun & moon, shoes & slippers.. OH well.. i'm sure you know what i'm trying to say... Each of us is unique in our own way. Don't think of yourself any less just because you think that you lack certain things.
You dont have to constantly reassure me that i mean alot to you... Friends don't need assurance on that... All that they wanna know is whether or not life's good for you? Basically, whether or not you're still alive. NOT whether or not i'm still your best friend, or some shit like i need to know where i stand in your ladder of friendships.
Friends naturally care. That's the reason why they're friends to begin with. The care regardless as to whether or not they're still your best friend or not. They care without you knowing. They just care. They may quarrel, pass sarcastic remarks, but they still do care.
Well, if you've met pple who's main priority is to know that & that's the reason you do that to me as well. Well, i understand. But, i'm disappointed. After 8 years, you still don't know any better?
I know you just wanna tell me that you appreciate this friendship, but sometimes, the time is just wrong.
Why do you keep on telling me that you're a failure?
Failure as stated in the dictionary is:
" (1)The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends: the failure of an experiment.
(2)One that fails: a failure at one's career.
(3)The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short: a crop failure.
(4)A cessation of proper functioning or performance: a power failure.
(5)Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; omission: failure to report a change of address.
(6)The act or fact of failing to pass a course, test, or assignment.
(7)A decline in strength or effectiveness.
(8)The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent. "
But, truthfully, can anyone really measure failure? Can anyone actually give me an exact measurement as to what equates to being a failure?
Is it due to the fact that you can't live up to your own expectations? Is it because you think that you've let everybody down? Is it because that you think that you're weak? Is it because you can't be like everybody else around you?
So, what makes you a failure? Sometimes, we're schooled like this since young to think that if we can't reach a certain goal, we're a failure. If we're doing badly and everyone else is doing well, you're a failure.
But have you realise that we are at a stage in life where you can't actually label yourself that. People who do badly now, have let lots of people down, can actually be a success when they're old? can actually be greatly admired later on in life?
You're constantly heartbroken... Don't ever blame yourself. Blaming yourself makes you regret lots of things... and regretting is definitely not for that department or whatever situation you are in now.
"Love mirrored in your soul, amour. God's gift to life's design, romance."
Beautiful ain't it?
My dear friend, to love, is not to regret. Tell me which love won't end with heartbreaks? Only when it hurts so much when it ends... then and only then you know that you have loved.
Don't put all the blame on youself. Don't say that its due to your stupidity. Coz, sometimes you think that your actions are right even if its wrong. Love is blind they say. Perhaps.
Dear friend, you're stronger than this. I know that and you know it as well.
Don't fret over this for long. Just keep on going. You know if you've done a mistake, don't keep on brooding over it. Learn from it. Stand up, and move on. There's nothing you can do to continue dwelling in the past. Nothing's left back there.
Just remember, people are there when you need support... Turn to Him if you need guidance, and you will not lose your way.
Dee Dee
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Exams are over.... la la la la laaaa la~~!!!
Fam Law = TOOO MANY QUESTIONS! I think the setter was too free.. hahaha.. had a sudden rush of inspiration and does not know which one to put in.. so put in all! hahah
But anywayz, its over... and i'm glad!
I didnt go for my aunt's function thingy.. I missed all the great food!!! ARGH!
But its ok! Coz........ I went to see my grandfather instead...
Met my nephew on saturday!!!!!!!! AHHH! I'm in love with him!!! hahahhaa.. so naughty.. Well, he thinks he's power ranger at the moment...
and grandfather?
He's well.. he's not going to be ok... it saddens me to see him like that... His last few days? months? who knows... I even think, he wont make it to see this coming Hari Raya...
Even though, i hope to see him sitting there this coming Hari Raya when we visit him... Smiling, eating, gaining weight...
All he ever wants is to have dinner with his sons sitting there around him, eating together and actually being civilized towards each other and him.
I think i will definitely call dad to ask him to visit Atok soon. Maybe i should call each and every uncle.. and arrange for a time for them to meet and forget their disputes and just have dinner as other families do.
Well... i know that wont happen in a million years.. at least not for now... I even imagine the worse during my wedding (if there's one la) But then again, the point now is that -- GRANDFATHER IS DYING!!!!!
There i've said it.
Yup, he's dying and he misses his sons. Wat's the use you tell me? Having sons that don't care? Having sons that care about themselves more than him? Having sons that blame everything on him? Having sons that screams at him and do not even listen? WHAT'S THE USE?!?!
All he ever did was provide for them? From young too OLD! All he ever did was to give them a luxurious life! But wat is he getting now? Nothing! How is he living now? It's the grandchildren that cares. Yes! The grandchildren.
You know, the only thing mistake he ever did was... Not having enough time for his sons... coz, he was too busy finding money to provide for them. Education, clothes, food... everything.
If only i can tell them...
Fam Law = TOOO MANY QUESTIONS! I think the setter was too free.. hahaha.. had a sudden rush of inspiration and does not know which one to put in.. so put in all! hahah
But anywayz, its over... and i'm glad!
I didnt go for my aunt's function thingy.. I missed all the great food!!! ARGH!
But its ok! Coz........ I went to see my grandfather instead...
Met my nephew on saturday!!!!!!!! AHHH! I'm in love with him!!! hahahhaa.. so naughty.. Well, he thinks he's power ranger at the moment...
and grandfather?
He's well.. he's not going to be ok... it saddens me to see him like that... His last few days? months? who knows... I even think, he wont make it to see this coming Hari Raya...
Even though, i hope to see him sitting there this coming Hari Raya when we visit him... Smiling, eating, gaining weight...
All he ever wants is to have dinner with his sons sitting there around him, eating together and actually being civilized towards each other and him.
I think i will definitely call dad to ask him to visit Atok soon. Maybe i should call each and every uncle.. and arrange for a time for them to meet and forget their disputes and just have dinner as other families do.
Well... i know that wont happen in a million years.. at least not for now... I even imagine the worse during my wedding (if there's one la) But then again, the point now is that -- GRANDFATHER IS DYING!!!!!
There i've said it.
Yup, he's dying and he misses his sons. Wat's the use you tell me? Having sons that don't care? Having sons that care about themselves more than him? Having sons that blame everything on him? Having sons that screams at him and do not even listen? WHAT'S THE USE?!?!
All he ever did was provide for them? From young too OLD! All he ever did was to give them a luxurious life! But wat is he getting now? Nothing! How is he living now? It's the grandchildren that cares. Yes! The grandchildren.
You know, the only thing mistake he ever did was... Not having enough time for his sons... coz, he was too busy finding money to provide for them. Education, clothes, food... everything.
If only i can tell them...
Friday, March 25, 2005
OK.. Exams and Sick. They tend to come together in a package don't they?
After tomorrow.. i'm gonna go home and eat fever medicine and slp till the cows come home... Oh wait.. I have something going on tomorrow... *ponders* OH YA! There's prayers at my aunt's house... ARGH!! Then like that i have to postpone my slp... haiz..
Tmr's the last paper, and i really cant wait...
I'm dying of a headache, sore throat and a headache...
Hmmm.. dunno why it hasnt go away!! its driving me crazy!!
I really truly hope that i'll be fine while doing the paper tomorrow... *hopes really hard*
And i'm hungry again.. haiz...
After tomorrow.. i'm gonna go home and eat fever medicine and slp till the cows come home... Oh wait.. I have something going on tomorrow... *ponders* OH YA! There's prayers at my aunt's house... ARGH!! Then like that i have to postpone my slp... haiz..
Tmr's the last paper, and i really cant wait...
I'm dying of a headache, sore throat and a headache...
Hmmm.. dunno why it hasnt go away!! its driving me crazy!!
I really truly hope that i'll be fine while doing the paper tomorrow... *hopes really hard*
And i'm hungry again.. haiz...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
i wanna eat pizza hut! wahahhaa..
weird but i've been thinking abt it for days!!
I was thinking about the Splittza and the garlic bread and and... YUM YUM!!
Then there's seoul garden..
the last time i went there was 20th february 2004.. It's THAT LONG!!!
Ok so far thats all i've been thinking abt... must control must control!! wahahahhaa..
And i'm hungry already! aiyoh!
Oh did you know that it so easy to get into a commercial? YUP!
my cousin, omar, got into the stanfield college advert just by walking on the road, having the right person approaching him and asking him to go for an interview for the commercial...
not bad rite? and then just by that, the free publicity, might land you another place in another commercial!
So pple... walk around more!! lol!
Oh yes!
Besides eating.. i've been thinking about rollerblading tooo... so nice rite?!?!?!
oh and also the thought of doing 2 rounds of punggol park = 5km.. whahaha! *dream on la nad* but i might do it...
who knows, this hols might be quite interesting... :P
i wanna eat pizza hut! wahahhaa..
weird but i've been thinking abt it for days!!
I was thinking about the Splittza and the garlic bread and and... YUM YUM!!
Then there's seoul garden..
the last time i went there was 20th february 2004.. It's THAT LONG!!!
Ok so far thats all i've been thinking abt... must control must control!! wahahahhaa..
And i'm hungry already! aiyoh!
Oh did you know that it so easy to get into a commercial? YUP!
my cousin, omar, got into the stanfield college advert just by walking on the road, having the right person approaching him and asking him to go for an interview for the commercial...
not bad rite? and then just by that, the free publicity, might land you another place in another commercial!
So pple... walk around more!! lol!
Oh yes!
Besides eating.. i've been thinking about rollerblading tooo... so nice rite?!?!?!
oh and also the thought of doing 2 rounds of punggol park = 5km.. whahaha! *dream on la nad* but i might do it...
who knows, this hols might be quite interesting... :P
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Well.. HAHAHHAHA! OB IS DONE!! MUAHAHHAHA!!! i hope i'll pass.. yup yup yup.. left one more.. left one more!! i can dooo thisss.. muahahhahaa
well.. i had a terrible headache in school just now while waiting for azi to appear.. I was thinking that I was seriously going to die... the world.. was spinning round and round and round.. *I'm spinnninnnggg arounnnnddd*
then decided that i should go home....
so walk walk walk walk walk......
in the bus, then i realise.. i shouldnt go home so early.. later i'll slp and then i wont be able to slp later in the night... that have been happening alot lately...
Ya.. so i decided to find someone who will be willing to hang around with me...
Called Hidayah...
she was like.. you're 5minutes late.. i just made plans with azmie..
so next on the list was.. Jeng jeng jeng.. Deena..
well, she didn't answer... nothing new.. at times i do wonder why she owns the handphone if she doesn't intend to answer any calls....
Then i'm like.. wat should i do? wat should i do?? maybe i shall look for mum's b-day present...
then... an inspiration!
What's the use of having a cousin that stays in Tampines and not making use of her? So that's wat i did...
So i called her.. asking her whether or not wanna meet me? then she was like ok.. i'll meet you at TM.. and i'm gonna go bathe now.. it was agreed then...
Meeting place: TM
few minutes later.. phone rings... lets meet at the new Community Centre the cold storage there.. the food there quite nice you know... and obviously i was making so much noise already... since i'm already at TM and then ask me to u-turn.... but i gave in... the phone call ends with.. Ok i'm gonna go bathe now...
New Meeting place: Community Centre's Cold Storage
then i walked from TM to the interchange.. practically rushed to the interchange.. coz i needed to take 69 rite and hope that i won't be late coz, the CC is very near her house... Then the phone rings for the 3rd time...
asking me whether or not i'm fine with the new meeting place.. then we were debating on meeting places.. when she was like... ok ok ok.. i'll meet you at TM... *gosh! This woman seriously needs to learn to make up her mind* then she arguing with me for the next few more minutes... then she was like... ok bye.. gotta go now.. i'm going to bathe...
Revised meeting place: TM
I was like wat?!?!?! from just now till now still haven't bathe?? this girl ahh...
So i walked around TM by myself when i found them - Daph, Alvin, Yimei and Mel at Pastamania...
Well.. actually i took the bus with them to Tamp interchange...
so ya.. found them.. i was actually relieved to find some people that i know.. coz
1) My feet was aching
2) I needed to sit
3) I was beginning to get bored
so went in to disturb them.. and they were talking about.. well.. errr.. unmentionable stuffs? yup yup..
interesting but nevertheless unmentionable.. lol
ya well.. finally after like 40minutes, my dearest darling Nadia came...
went to KFC to eat... coz, she was like.. let's eat KFC i got coupons!! whahahaha.. well, not THAT cheapskate la.. we cant think of any other place to eat... so ya.. KFC it is..
and we talked and talked and talked and laugh and laugh and laugh... and then half way through... i realised something... she speaks malay more fluently than me and i'm correcting her english... SO damn salah man!! whahahahaha...
And well, today.. she was being the resident paranoid self conscious bimbo.. whahahaa.. she keep asking me why is she being stared at?? well.. i told her to stop being bimbotic and so self conscious.. muahahhahaa..
Not bad.. hahaha.. had fun today.. lol! its been awhile... and will be meeting her again soon.. Grandfather is extremely sick.. so might be visiting him with her... hmmmzzz...
well.. i had a terrible headache in school just now while waiting for azi to appear.. I was thinking that I was seriously going to die... the world.. was spinning round and round and round.. *I'm spinnninnnggg arounnnnddd*
then decided that i should go home....
so walk walk walk walk walk......
in the bus, then i realise.. i shouldnt go home so early.. later i'll slp and then i wont be able to slp later in the night... that have been happening alot lately...
Ya.. so i decided to find someone who will be willing to hang around with me...
Called Hidayah...
she was like.. you're 5minutes late.. i just made plans with azmie..
so next on the list was.. Jeng jeng jeng.. Deena..
well, she didn't answer... nothing new.. at times i do wonder why she owns the handphone if she doesn't intend to answer any calls....
Then i'm like.. wat should i do? wat should i do?? maybe i shall look for mum's b-day present...
then... an inspiration!
What's the use of having a cousin that stays in Tampines and not making use of her? So that's wat i did...
So i called her.. asking her whether or not wanna meet me? then she was like ok.. i'll meet you at TM.. and i'm gonna go bathe now.. it was agreed then...
Meeting place: TM
few minutes later.. phone rings... lets meet at the new Community Centre the cold storage there.. the food there quite nice you know... and obviously i was making so much noise already... since i'm already at TM and then ask me to u-turn.... but i gave in... the phone call ends with.. Ok i'm gonna go bathe now...
New Meeting place: Community Centre's Cold Storage
then i walked from TM to the interchange.. practically rushed to the interchange.. coz i needed to take 69 rite and hope that i won't be late coz, the CC is very near her house... Then the phone rings for the 3rd time...
asking me whether or not i'm fine with the new meeting place.. then we were debating on meeting places.. when she was like... ok ok ok.. i'll meet you at TM... *gosh! This woman seriously needs to learn to make up her mind* then she arguing with me for the next few more minutes... then she was like... ok bye.. gotta go now.. i'm going to bathe...
Revised meeting place: TM
I was like wat?!?!?! from just now till now still haven't bathe?? this girl ahh...
So i walked around TM by myself when i found them - Daph, Alvin, Yimei and Mel at Pastamania...
Well.. actually i took the bus with them to Tamp interchange...
so ya.. found them.. i was actually relieved to find some people that i know.. coz
1) My feet was aching
2) I needed to sit
3) I was beginning to get bored
so went in to disturb them.. and they were talking about.. well.. errr.. unmentionable stuffs? yup yup..
interesting but nevertheless unmentionable.. lol
ya well.. finally after like 40minutes, my dearest darling Nadia came...
went to KFC to eat... coz, she was like.. let's eat KFC i got coupons!! whahahaha.. well, not THAT cheapskate la.. we cant think of any other place to eat... so ya.. KFC it is..
and we talked and talked and talked and laugh and laugh and laugh... and then half way through... i realised something... she speaks malay more fluently than me and i'm correcting her english... SO damn salah man!! whahahahaha...
And well, today.. she was being the resident paranoid self conscious bimbo.. whahahaa.. she keep asking me why is she being stared at?? well.. i told her to stop being bimbotic and so self conscious.. muahahhahaa..
Not bad.. hahaha.. had fun today.. lol! its been awhile... and will be meeting her again soon.. Grandfather is extremely sick.. so might be visiting him with her... hmmmzzz...
OK.. I've decided to go to bed... and pray real hard that i'll be able to do it tomorrow.. haiz...
Coz, i keep on sidetracking... and end up giving my cat, crystal, streaks of purple and green on the body and pink and blue on the head... I'm gonna get scolded tomorrow once my aunt sees her cat punkified... heehee...
BUt watever, at least it allows me to release a little bit of my boredom on her... muahahahha
Coz, i keep on sidetracking... and end up giving my cat, crystal, streaks of purple and green on the body and pink and blue on the head... I'm gonna get scolded tomorrow once my aunt sees her cat punkified... heehee...
BUt watever, at least it allows me to release a little bit of my boredom on her... muahahahha
Received a nagging or scolding, i have no idea what its called at 5am this morning.. well.. it might explained the puffy-eyed me that came for exams today.. whahahahaha that is beside me being drowsy and having a slight heat? hmmzzz.. it was lucky that i didnt fall asleep half way through or feeling the need to vomit... muahahaha
I had to squint through out so that my eyes wont be painful.. muahaha.. terrible.. but i survived!!!
yes yes.. i survived accounts...
I hope to that it'll help me to pull up my grades... *prays really hard*
Then at least, this morning's scolding wont hurt that much...
Well... i definitely screwed up Cash Flow Statement.. seriously, i only remembered up till the working capitall changes part and i didnt know wat comes after that.. so ya.. definitely screwed up that part...
i can feel azi going to strangle me.. lol..
Sorry azi, i know its the only topic that came out of the 4 topics that you taught me... well, i really truly cant remember the rest of the things.. heee..
I had to squint through out so that my eyes wont be painful.. muahaha.. terrible.. but i survived!!!
yes yes.. i survived accounts...
I hope to that it'll help me to pull up my grades... *prays really hard*
Then at least, this morning's scolding wont hurt that much...
Well... i definitely screwed up Cash Flow Statement.. seriously, i only remembered up till the working capitall changes part and i didnt know wat comes after that.. so ya.. definitely screwed up that part...
i can feel azi going to strangle me.. lol..
Sorry azi, i know its the only topic that came out of the 4 topics that you taught me... well, i really truly cant remember the rest of the things.. heee..
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
i'll be having accounts paper in 7 1/2 hours...
This sucks!
Coz, i'm having a headache and runny nose...
Yup! I fell sick today...
I'm having no confidence in myself for later and i have not re-revise... how nice.. the weekends.. Saturdays i just cant remember wat i did.. i know i was suppose to go swimming but ended up not going.. and Sunday, well.. i decided to help my mom to do some cleaning.. Helped her set up her computer and felt totally drowsy while trying to reset her address and everything else...
Well, she thought the reason for it was because of the late nights i've been having...
And then, rite before i left her office i cant talk properly anymore.. My throat hurts.. Bad.. I could actually feel it bleeding...
And i woke up this morning not being able to talk at all and having a major headache.. and i'm aching everywhere...
Suppose to teach Deena A-maths tomorrow... luckilly she cancelled it, i dunno how i'd manage to explain to her with my throat being scratchy... What an irony, i suck at accounts or rather cant be bothered about it and i'm teaching others A-maths... *shakes head*
*Bounces off looking for cooling and soothing drinks*
This sucks!
Coz, i'm having a headache and runny nose...
Yup! I fell sick today...
I'm having no confidence in myself for later and i have not re-revise... how nice.. the weekends.. Saturdays i just cant remember wat i did.. i know i was suppose to go swimming but ended up not going.. and Sunday, well.. i decided to help my mom to do some cleaning.. Helped her set up her computer and felt totally drowsy while trying to reset her address and everything else...
Well, she thought the reason for it was because of the late nights i've been having...
And then, rite before i left her office i cant talk properly anymore.. My throat hurts.. Bad.. I could actually feel it bleeding...
And i woke up this morning not being able to talk at all and having a major headache.. and i'm aching everywhere...
Suppose to teach Deena A-maths tomorrow... luckilly she cancelled it, i dunno how i'd manage to explain to her with my throat being scratchy... What an irony, i suck at accounts or rather cant be bothered about it and i'm teaching others A-maths... *shakes head*
*Bounces off looking for cooling and soothing drinks*
Friday, March 18, 2005
Nur: Light / to illuminate (arabic)
Nadira: Rare (arabic)
One of a Kind (hebrew)
Ok, got curious on what my name meant in this kabalarian philosophy thingy.. so checked it out as well.. so below is the analysis la..
Although the name Nur creates the urge to be self-expressive and happy, it can cause a overbearing, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities if it is not combined with a balanced last name. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and reproductive organs.
The name of Nur has given you organizing ability as well as an expressive, positive, and self-confident nature. You are able to work well with people and can capably direct their activities. You enjoy music and art, and love to meet and mix with people. An appreciation for quality has prompted you to strive for the best standard in dress, material possessions, and choice of food.
Though the name Nadira creates the urge to understand and help others, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems.
Your name of Nadira makes you easy-going and refined, but detracts from your physical vitality. You desire all the finer things in life--lovely clothes, home, furniture, and environment. (Who doesnt?) However, procrastination is your worst enemy, and you find yourself lacking the ambition to make your dreams a reality often because of lack of confidence. People are inclined to take advantage of your sympathetic, tractable nature. You naturally attract people with problems who seek your understanding and advice.
I'm such a confused soul you know.. Even my names are contradicting each other.. lOL! dunno what i want also.. whahaha
Nur: Light / to illuminate (arabic)
Nadira: Rare (arabic)
One of a Kind (hebrew)
Ok, got curious on what my name meant in this kabalarian philosophy thingy.. so checked it out as well.. so below is the analysis la..
Although the name Nur creates the urge to be self-expressive and happy, it can cause a overbearing, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities if it is not combined with a balanced last name. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and reproductive organs.
The name of Nur has given you organizing ability as well as an expressive, positive, and self-confident nature. You are able to work well with people and can capably direct their activities. You enjoy music and art, and love to meet and mix with people. An appreciation for quality has prompted you to strive for the best standard in dress, material possessions, and choice of food.
Though the name Nadira creates the urge to understand and help others, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems.
Your name of Nadira makes you easy-going and refined, but detracts from your physical vitality. You desire all the finer things in life--lovely clothes, home, furniture, and environment. (Who doesnt?) However, procrastination is your worst enemy, and you find yourself lacking the ambition to make your dreams a reality often because of lack of confidence. People are inclined to take advantage of your sympathetic, tractable nature. You naturally attract people with problems who seek your understanding and advice.
I'm such a confused soul you know.. Even my names are contradicting each other.. lOL! dunno what i want also.. whahaha
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Finished studying OB.. Yes yes.. I'll be able to do this.. this is the first time during exams that i've been having nightmares & i cant sleep at night... But its not as though i'm having headache or something...
i'm just FUCKING worried about something..
i dunno..
oh ya.. went to the airport after studying 1.2parts of OB available.. lol.. to meet azi.. had no idea why on earth she was there alone with a group of guys though.. whahaha.. well, i came to her rescue.. and i heard enough porn stories to last me a yr?? LOL! Expect me to say a lifetime rite? whahahaha..
Oh ya, Hid and deena, we need to go out... and hidayah.. when we go out this time round.. PLS remember to bring for me the photoshop ok? i need it.. :P
Aiya.. forget it.. i've been staring at this stupid window for an hour.. and nothing will spill.. haiz.. forget it..
i'm just FUCKING worried about something..
i dunno..
oh ya.. went to the airport after studying 1.2parts of OB available.. lol.. to meet azi.. had no idea why on earth she was there alone with a group of guys though.. whahaha.. well, i came to her rescue.. and i heard enough porn stories to last me a yr?? LOL! Expect me to say a lifetime rite? whahahaha..
Oh ya, Hid and deena, we need to go out... and hidayah.. when we go out this time round.. PLS remember to bring for me the photoshop ok? i need it.. :P
Aiya.. forget it.. i've been staring at this stupid window for an hour.. and nothing will spill.. haiz.. forget it..
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Mom asked me few days ago whether or not i've made up my mind whether or not i'm going for the study trip... I just looked at her.. You still allow me to go? Then she said, "I've never hold you back from anything... if you wanna go, then go.. The decision is yours not mine.."
She said that from my choosing of CCAs in sec school, choosing of where to go after 'O's... All my school trips.. the only thing she didnt allow me to choose was the secondary schools.. That's my mom. She will ask me to decide everything, coz, its my life.. and she doesnt want me to regret not doing things i wanna do... So in other words, any regrets that i might feel, is due to my decision.. whahahhaa
End of sidetrack
Anywayz, back to the study trip... The tentative price is $2500 to $3000.... *faints*
Actually, come to think of it, quite reasonable... my prev. trip to UK was around that price too.. But anywayz, thats not the point... The point is that, last time there was subsidies of some kind from school.. but this particularly trip.. i think there isn't?? Seriously, too much to be coming out of own pocket without any subsidies...
I've decided that i'm not going, coz, even though mom allows, it'll be better if i dont go...
the only difference was that last time was a Literature trip and now is a law study trip... the only things that i'll be missing out is the law aspect of the trip la.. DUH~! lol! but i guess i wouldn't mind..
So to those who's going.....
Besides UK being dark and gloomy and every other building looks like the next one, where there's sheeps roaming on the fields and sports cars and limousines are common on the road... hahahaha...
you'll have a great time there... besides having to endure the weather la.. wahahaha.. and you'll definitely love the people.. I did! Even though some of my friends hated them... lol! To me, they're nice, they're kind and if i still remembered correctly.. some of the guys our age are HOT!! wahahahaha...
She said that from my choosing of CCAs in sec school, choosing of where to go after 'O's... All my school trips.. the only thing she didnt allow me to choose was the secondary schools.. That's my mom. She will ask me to decide everything, coz, its my life.. and she doesnt want me to regret not doing things i wanna do... So in other words, any regrets that i might feel, is due to my decision.. whahahhaa
End of sidetrack
Anywayz, back to the study trip... The tentative price is $2500 to $3000.... *faints*
Actually, come to think of it, quite reasonable... my prev. trip to UK was around that price too.. But anywayz, thats not the point... The point is that, last time there was subsidies of some kind from school.. but this particularly trip.. i think there isn't?? Seriously, too much to be coming out of own pocket without any subsidies...
I've decided that i'm not going, coz, even though mom allows, it'll be better if i dont go...
the only difference was that last time was a Literature trip and now is a law study trip... the only things that i'll be missing out is the law aspect of the trip la.. DUH~! lol! but i guess i wouldn't mind..
So to those who's going.....
Besides UK being dark and gloomy and every other building looks like the next one, where there's sheeps roaming on the fields and sports cars and limousines are common on the road... hahahaha...
you'll have a great time there... besides having to endure the weather la.. wahahaha.. and you'll definitely love the people.. I did! Even though some of my friends hated them... lol! To me, they're nice, they're kind and if i still remembered correctly.. some of the guys our age are HOT!! wahahahaha...
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Mom has officially declared that Hitch is not funny...
She cannot catch the sarcastic remarks passed then not my fault wat...
Hmmm.. should be studying.. i'll start soon... sometime tonight or just tomorrow.. Heee.. yup! exams next week.. we'll just see how i'll fair for it once the results come out.. i shall not predict anything.. :P
And i went out with my mom again today.. hahaha.. really truly deprived... LOL! or rather.. i'm being the fillial daughter that i always am.. *Ok pple, dont puke ah..*
That one also my grandmother was making so much noise... she was like.. Why are you always meeting up with your mom?? huh? huh? Dunno ohow to stay at home issit? I was like.. WTH! but i didnt say anything.. Silence is the best approach while talking to her...
Basically, its just that my mum and me will be busy starting from next week onwards... Yup yup yup.. busy busy busy... hehehehhee... i'm mad and bored.. and i should really start studying.. heeeee...
yes i will.. soon soon soon... *Smiles*
She cannot catch the sarcastic remarks passed then not my fault wat...
Hmmm.. should be studying.. i'll start soon... sometime tonight or just tomorrow.. Heee.. yup! exams next week.. we'll just see how i'll fair for it once the results come out.. i shall not predict anything.. :P
And i went out with my mom again today.. hahaha.. really truly deprived... LOL! or rather.. i'm being the fillial daughter that i always am.. *Ok pple, dont puke ah..*
That one also my grandmother was making so much noise... she was like.. Why are you always meeting up with your mom?? huh? huh? Dunno ohow to stay at home issit? I was like.. WTH! but i didnt say anything.. Silence is the best approach while talking to her...
Basically, its just that my mum and me will be busy starting from next week onwards... Yup yup yup.. busy busy busy... hehehehhee... i'm mad and bored.. and i should really start studying.. heeeee...
yes i will.. soon soon soon... *Smiles*
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Went out with ma mom today...
Watched a movie..
Is it me... or is it that movies nowadays are those lovey dovey kind? Its always the.. I'll stand by your side no matter wat kinda movie... Ish Ish Ish...
Went to Funan and bought her Windows XP upgrade.. Like Finally! therefore, today marks the end of the looking around for softwares day.. hahahah..
She was hinting to me that her b-day is around the corner... AIYO! she ah..
She's like wanting everything... 3weeks ago.. she was hinting to me that she wants the perfume.. Beyonce - True Star ($128) *Starts digging grave*
Then just now, she was like.. I want a PDA... Then i'm like.. I buy you PDA, you buy me the BenQ E53.. Deal? Whahaha..
then she ignored me la.. DUH! wat's new.. LOL!
then i started playing the Xbox at the shop there.. Killed all the aliens.. but have no idea where to go to proceed to the next stage... but thats not wat i'm gonna say..
The thing that i'm gonna say is that.. My mom thinks that she has found the perfect b-day present for me to buy for her... and guess wat?!?!!?
She wants a Mouse *faints & dies*
After listing all those expensive presents... in the end she insist on me buying for her a mouse... AIYO! i buy for her the $5 one than she know ah... Purposely buy the non-optical one.. muahahah.. *comes up with a cheapskate plan*
Since i'm not over the camera thingy.. (it'll take awhile before i function properly again.. whahaha) I started pointing out all BenQ products and refused to notice any other brands.. LOL! Drove her crazy...
And had to make me stop rite?
So she pulled me into Swensens complaining that she needs a break and that she thinks i need ice cream.. whahahaha... Poor Mum!
That was when she told me that she needs a lawyer.. hahaha.. nearly choked on the banana... Only to find out that she says that she needs to get her will done.. I was like.. Since when you have assets that i don't know off.. Wahahahah.. Very the mean rite? LOL!
But then she was like, its important la... Since you're my only child and you're a girl.. *rolls eyes* then that if she dies there'll be some sort of complications.. Then i was like, are you ill or something? is there SOMETHING THAT i'm SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT TELLING?? muahahaha
SO ya.. in the end i found out why la... Got myself so damn worked up there.. I tell you..
I'm so gonna re-write the law!! ARGH!!
Islamic International University, watch out, you might have a Nadira coming your way to take a part-time law degree in Islamic Law!!!! GRRRRrrrr...
Watched a movie..
Is it me... or is it that movies nowadays are those lovey dovey kind? Its always the.. I'll stand by your side no matter wat kinda movie... Ish Ish Ish...
Went to Funan and bought her Windows XP upgrade.. Like Finally! therefore, today marks the end of the looking around for softwares day.. hahahah..
She was hinting to me that her b-day is around the corner... AIYO! she ah..
She's like wanting everything... 3weeks ago.. she was hinting to me that she wants the perfume.. Beyonce - True Star ($128) *Starts digging grave*
Then just now, she was like.. I want a PDA... Then i'm like.. I buy you PDA, you buy me the BenQ E53.. Deal? Whahaha..
then she ignored me la.. DUH! wat's new.. LOL!
then i started playing the Xbox at the shop there.. Killed all the aliens.. but have no idea where to go to proceed to the next stage... but thats not wat i'm gonna say..
The thing that i'm gonna say is that.. My mom thinks that she has found the perfect b-day present for me to buy for her... and guess wat?!?!!?
She wants a Mouse *faints & dies*
After listing all those expensive presents... in the end she insist on me buying for her a mouse... AIYO! i buy for her the $5 one than she know ah... Purposely buy the non-optical one.. muahahah.. *comes up with a cheapskate plan*
Since i'm not over the camera thingy.. (it'll take awhile before i function properly again.. whahaha) I started pointing out all BenQ products and refused to notice any other brands.. LOL! Drove her crazy...
And had to make me stop rite?
So she pulled me into Swensens complaining that she needs a break and that she thinks i need ice cream.. whahahaha... Poor Mum!
That was when she told me that she needs a lawyer.. hahaha.. nearly choked on the banana... Only to find out that she says that she needs to get her will done.. I was like.. Since when you have assets that i don't know off.. Wahahahah.. Very the mean rite? LOL!
But then she was like, its important la... Since you're my only child and you're a girl.. *rolls eyes* then that if she dies there'll be some sort of complications.. Then i was like, are you ill or something? is there SOMETHING THAT i'm SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT TELLING?? muahahaha
SO ya.. in the end i found out why la... Got myself so damn worked up there.. I tell you..
I'm so gonna re-write the law!! ARGH!!
Islamic International University, watch out, you might have a Nadira coming your way to take a part-time law degree in Islamic Law!!!! GRRRRrrrr...
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Went to the IT Fair @ Suntec today...
It was freaakkkin' crowded! Sheesh... I seriously wonder how pple buy things...
Should have went earlier just now.. around 3 or something.. when there's no one, and actually you can bargain when that happens... coz, no one else is around to hear the special price given to you.. LOL! That's the tip.. whahaha..
But anywayz, went there to check out the laptops and cameras and to find some softwares...
Ended up not buying anything coz, it was just too crowded too move or see anything...
The Creative booth was crowded so was the Apple booth... So far.. I've seen like each colour of the Creative Zen Micro bought by at least 20 pple.. wahahaha! So was the Ipod Mini... Tsk tsk tsk..
I still dont see what's so nice about this 2 MP3s though..
I would prefer the 5GB, iriver MP3 PLayer - H10 anytime over this 2 MP3 Players.. yup! It comes in 4 different colours... Lounge Gray, Remix Blue, Trance Red and Triple Platinum (Silver)... hahaha..
Fell in love with the Red one the other time i went to Sim Lim Sq..
Here's the pic for those who have never seen it before...

Its cheaper than the previous 2 players mentioned, its stylish and its slimmer... whahaha.. its small too.. a little longer that creative zen micro but definitely shorter than the Ipod mini... Yeap.. It's touchpad tooo! heee...
And the best part is that, It has a colour LCD screen, You can store pictures in it... and show them to your friends.. And if i'm not mistaken.. you can read your word document from it too.. which other MP3 player can you do that with?? hahhaha.. that is beside ALL of the functions that you can get from an Ipod or the Zen Micro.. LOL!
If somebody would have gotten that.. Yeap.. I definitely would be freaking jealous.. hahahahahaha!!!
Anywayz, I wasnt looking out for MP3 players.. since i already have mine and my Mom also has an MP3 player... So, it was pointless to lookout for one... even though her b-day is around the corner.. *PHEW*
Lukilly she get already.. If not i truly have the feeling she'll pester me for a MP3 for her b-day... *DOUBLY PHEW~!*
I was eyeing for a digital camera... heeeee... typical me rite... Looking out for opportunities... MUAHAHHA!
Anywayz, passed by the canon booth, sony booth, panasonic booth.... And finally saw the one and only brand that i totally trust for cameras... PENTAX! HA!
my prev. cam, was Pentax... the picture quality.. was POWER! LOL! Near postcard quality.. Muahahha.. So i dragged my mom to the booth and start "playing" with the cams...
Its the Pentax Optio Series..
This one totally caught my eye, besides the metallic pink one that was around.. hahaha..

But that was before i turned my head to see that Pentax was sharing the booth with BenQ... And the digital cameras are like SO FREAKING SLIM AND STYLISH! (Those sleek and classy look) NICER THAN WHAT I'VE BEEN EYEING FROM CANON!! ARGH!!!!
So ya.. the first one that caught my eye was this particular one...

WOoohoooo.. It was NICE! It was like... Waaahhhhh!!!
But that was obviously before... i shifted my eyes to the next camera... That particular one stole my heart away!! hahaha... REALLY!! My mom had to practically drag me away from the booth!! hahahaha
Its the BenQ E53..

Its damn NICE! Freakin' slim! And its selling at ONLY $399!! Its a promotional price... ARGH!!! I know i wont get that price again after this stupid fair.. i think it'll be at least $500/600 or maybe even $700? Since it is not sold in Singapore yet.. Its like making its first appearance in the fair... So ya..
Kinda regretted going with my mom just now... Hahaha.. coz, i saw THAT camera.. The sales person was helping me to psycho my mom.. and i was happily psycho-ing her there.. to the extend that the sales person thinks that i'll make a great sales person.. hahahha
But... Mom dragged me away from the booth... LOL!
hahaha.. She was like.. Its nice.. i agree... good too.. but now's not the time... hahaha..
Aiyah... I understand la..
I knew that if i had gotten a digicam for my b-day... And dragged her to an MP3 booth today.. she would say the exact same thing and dragged me away from the booth, the way she dragged me away from the camera just now... LOL!
*But then again, if i got digicam on my b-day.. there was a higher chance of me getting the Iriver last Sunday when i went to Sim Lim Sq *Ponders*
BUT WATEVER... It's over and i love my current MP3 player.. so ya..
Just that the urge to get the Cam just now was GREAT! ARGH! anywayz..... IT IS NICE...
Maybe i shall just save money and see.. MUahahhaa..
It was freaakkkin' crowded! Sheesh... I seriously wonder how pple buy things...
Should have went earlier just now.. around 3 or something.. when there's no one, and actually you can bargain when that happens... coz, no one else is around to hear the special price given to you.. LOL! That's the tip.. whahaha..
But anywayz, went there to check out the laptops and cameras and to find some softwares...
Ended up not buying anything coz, it was just too crowded too move or see anything...
The Creative booth was crowded so was the Apple booth... So far.. I've seen like each colour of the Creative Zen Micro bought by at least 20 pple.. wahahaha! So was the Ipod Mini... Tsk tsk tsk..
I still dont see what's so nice about this 2 MP3s though..
I would prefer the 5GB, iriver MP3 PLayer - H10 anytime over this 2 MP3 Players.. yup! It comes in 4 different colours... Lounge Gray, Remix Blue, Trance Red and Triple Platinum (Silver)... hahaha..
Fell in love with the Red one the other time i went to Sim Lim Sq..
Here's the pic for those who have never seen it before...

Its cheaper than the previous 2 players mentioned, its stylish and its slimmer... whahaha.. its small too.. a little longer that creative zen micro but definitely shorter than the Ipod mini... Yeap.. It's touchpad tooo! heee...
And the best part is that, It has a colour LCD screen, You can store pictures in it... and show them to your friends.. And if i'm not mistaken.. you can read your word document from it too.. which other MP3 player can you do that with?? hahhaha.. that is beside ALL of the functions that you can get from an Ipod or the Zen Micro.. LOL!
If somebody would have gotten that.. Yeap.. I definitely would be freaking jealous.. hahahahahaha!!!
Anywayz, I wasnt looking out for MP3 players.. since i already have mine and my Mom also has an MP3 player... So, it was pointless to lookout for one... even though her b-day is around the corner.. *PHEW*
Lukilly she get already.. If not i truly have the feeling she'll pester me for a MP3 for her b-day... *DOUBLY PHEW~!*
I was eyeing for a digital camera... heeeee... typical me rite... Looking out for opportunities... MUAHAHHA!
Anywayz, passed by the canon booth, sony booth, panasonic booth.... And finally saw the one and only brand that i totally trust for cameras... PENTAX! HA!
my prev. cam, was Pentax... the picture quality.. was POWER! LOL! Near postcard quality.. Muahahha.. So i dragged my mom to the booth and start "playing" with the cams...
Its the Pentax Optio Series..
This one totally caught my eye, besides the metallic pink one that was around.. hahaha..

But that was before i turned my head to see that Pentax was sharing the booth with BenQ... And the digital cameras are like SO FREAKING SLIM AND STYLISH! (Those sleek and classy look) NICER THAN WHAT I'VE BEEN EYEING FROM CANON!! ARGH!!!!
So ya.. the first one that caught my eye was this particular one...

WOoohoooo.. It was NICE! It was like... Waaahhhhh!!!
But that was obviously before... i shifted my eyes to the next camera... That particular one stole my heart away!! hahaha... REALLY!! My mom had to practically drag me away from the booth!! hahahaha
Its the BenQ E53..

Its damn NICE! Freakin' slim! And its selling at ONLY $399!! Its a promotional price... ARGH!!! I know i wont get that price again after this stupid fair.. i think it'll be at least $500/600 or maybe even $700? Since it is not sold in Singapore yet.. Its like making its first appearance in the fair... So ya..
Kinda regretted going with my mom just now... Hahaha.. coz, i saw THAT camera.. The sales person was helping me to psycho my mom.. and i was happily psycho-ing her there.. to the extend that the sales person thinks that i'll make a great sales person.. hahahha
But... Mom dragged me away from the booth... LOL!
hahaha.. She was like.. Its nice.. i agree... good too.. but now's not the time... hahaha..
Aiyah... I understand la..
I knew that if i had gotten a digicam for my b-day... And dragged her to an MP3 booth today.. she would say the exact same thing and dragged me away from the booth, the way she dragged me away from the camera just now... LOL!
*But then again, if i got digicam on my b-day.. there was a higher chance of me getting the Iriver last Sunday when i went to Sim Lim Sq *Ponders*
BUT WATEVER... It's over and i love my current MP3 player.. so ya..
Just that the urge to get the Cam just now was GREAT! ARGH! anywayz..... IT IS NICE...
Maybe i shall just save money and see.. MUahahhaa..
Friday, March 11, 2005
Hmmm... I've found out that i have to check out my time properly to go swimming... if not i'll have to do a 7laps non-stop hits just to run away from someone or something.. ahahahhaa...
Had my psycho test today... SO THE KUTU-FIED i tell you! it was fine... but then i was suppose to meet hidayah at 615... the test start late so i was doing my test when my phone started vibrating non-stop... YA! Hidayah has reached Tampines... that's wat happens when she's early and she's alone... she'll give you 99 missed calls if she has too..
Anywayz, i managed to finish my test a little a early, practically run out of the IGS classroom... and out of ITAS sch... out of TP and down the stairs to chase the 23... LOL! *Hid, you better be grateful ah.. wahahah~!*
Went to watch Hitch with Hidayah today.. The poor girl was stressed up with project deadlines next week... hheheheh.. Poor thing! LOL!
Anywayz, HITCH was hilarious!!!! Cannot take it.. Laugh and laugh and laugh... hehehehe
And then the popcorn bucket is actually the winne the pooh honey jar!!! They're having the Hufflelump movie (Winne the pooh movie)promotion... AHHH!! So doubly cute! Cannot take it also... me and hidayah was gushing over popcorn buckets! Can you believe it? Popcorn buckets?!?! hahaha.. sounds truly deprived..
Its yellow, plastic, round, has a bee embossed on it.. and makes very good echos! hahaha.. well that was what i was doing in the bus ride home... then while walking to the interchange to take 72... guess wat happen?!?!?1
They played "I'll never break your heart - BSB" So the old skool rite? hahaha... Since it was NEARLY deserted (Pls Note: Keyword: NEARLY) Obviously the 2 toots of us... were singing along at the top of our voice... DAMN RETARDEEEDDD! hahaha
Then went all crazy already... reached hougang interchange... both of us started talking about serious stuff... 20 yrs down the road kinda conversation! hahaa.. DAMN CHITOTS! one by one down there stress like nobody's business...
Reached home at 1130pm... yeap! we were standing beside the big big canal discussing our future... very the original.. lol!
Had my psycho test today... SO THE KUTU-FIED i tell you! it was fine... but then i was suppose to meet hidayah at 615... the test start late so i was doing my test when my phone started vibrating non-stop... YA! Hidayah has reached Tampines... that's wat happens when she's early and she's alone... she'll give you 99 missed calls if she has too..
Anywayz, i managed to finish my test a little a early, practically run out of the IGS classroom... and out of ITAS sch... out of TP and down the stairs to chase the 23... LOL! *Hid, you better be grateful ah.. wahahah~!*
Went to watch Hitch with Hidayah today.. The poor girl was stressed up with project deadlines next week... hheheheh.. Poor thing! LOL!
Anywayz, HITCH was hilarious!!!! Cannot take it.. Laugh and laugh and laugh... hehehehe
And then the popcorn bucket is actually the winne the pooh honey jar!!! They're having the Hufflelump movie (Winne the pooh movie)promotion... AHHH!! So doubly cute! Cannot take it also... me and hidayah was gushing over popcorn buckets! Can you believe it? Popcorn buckets?!?! hahaha.. sounds truly deprived..
Its yellow, plastic, round, has a bee embossed on it.. and makes very good echos! hahaha.. well that was what i was doing in the bus ride home... then while walking to the interchange to take 72... guess wat happen?!?!?1
They played "I'll never break your heart - BSB" So the old skool rite? hahaha... Since it was NEARLY deserted (Pls Note: Keyword: NEARLY) Obviously the 2 toots of us... were singing along at the top of our voice... DAMN RETARDEEEDDD! hahaha
Then went all crazy already... reached hougang interchange... both of us started talking about serious stuff... 20 yrs down the road kinda conversation! hahaa.. DAMN CHITOTS! one by one down there stress like nobody's business...
Reached home at 1130pm... yeap! we were standing beside the big big canal discussing our future... very the original.. lol!
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
HA! My letters are done! lol! not THAT difficult after all.. Should have done it the day i missed class.. BUT WATEVER.. ITS DONE!! LOL!!
Now, i can blog with peace of mind.. muahahaha...
OHYA.. In-tray problem for Family Law is out this friday! YIPPEE!! I truly cant wait for it.. hahah.. really!! not being sarcastic.. *Nods head*
And its truly amazing how a movie that confuse the shit out of me... and yet.. i cant seem to get it out of mind.. Really... I'm still thinking about it.. Still wondering about it...
Well, i guess its a common love story... but the uncommon thing about it is that, it seemed to shout to the audience.. TRUE LOVE DOESNT EXIST! lol! really.. I kinda get that from the movie.. Coz, its like... its showing that they can "fall in love" in a wink.. with any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along..
I thought love was made from stronger stuff rite? not of things that your heart can easily be played with?
Well.. I guess.. i have to agree.. True love DOESNT exist.. But then again, maybe it does exist to some...
The movie really portrays reality... The desperate, the fickle-minded, the loyal and the egoist.. the four characters in the movie...
Making something that everyone thinks to be soo beautiful a joke.. The fickle minded people who doesnt seem to know wat they want and in the end hurting people that really truly cared about them...
Weird. Interesting. True.
That's reality.
Now, i can blog with peace of mind.. muahahaha...
OHYA.. In-tray problem for Family Law is out this friday! YIPPEE!! I truly cant wait for it.. hahah.. really!! not being sarcastic.. *Nods head*
And its truly amazing how a movie that confuse the shit out of me... and yet.. i cant seem to get it out of mind.. Really... I'm still thinking about it.. Still wondering about it...
Well, i guess its a common love story... but the uncommon thing about it is that, it seemed to shout to the audience.. TRUE LOVE DOESNT EXIST! lol! really.. I kinda get that from the movie.. Coz, its like... its showing that they can "fall in love" in a wink.. with any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along..
I thought love was made from stronger stuff rite? not of things that your heart can easily be played with?
Well.. I guess.. i have to agree.. True love DOESNT exist.. But then again, maybe it does exist to some...
The movie really portrays reality... The desperate, the fickle-minded, the loyal and the egoist.. the four characters in the movie...
Making something that everyone thinks to be soo beautiful a joke.. The fickle minded people who doesnt seem to know wat they want and in the end hurting people that really truly cared about them...
Weird. Interesting. True.
That's reality.
Monday, March 07, 2005
i think my comp just kena infected by viruz... suddenly out of the blue mass sending of files i dont even own... SIAO! SHIT!!! STUPID MSN!! Anywayz, peeps.. sorry about the inconvienience...
i'm so dead...
watched closer with the other 3 just now..
A rather interesting story... a little weird.. but still interesting in a way...
Hmmmm.... its rather slow moving.. but thats normal for english shows... the plot.. hmmm.. it was hmmm... i dunno wat.. LOL! but its the kinda show that requires concentration to understand the whole thing...
basically, it a normal day to day kinda story... i'm not too sure.. still kinda confused by the show actually...
i think my comp just kena infected by viruz... suddenly out of the blue mass sending of files i dont even own... SIAO! SHIT!!! STUPID MSN!! Anywayz, peeps.. sorry about the inconvienience...
i'm so dead...
watched closer with the other 3 just now..
A rather interesting story... a little weird.. but still interesting in a way...
Hmmmm.... its rather slow moving.. but thats normal for english shows... the plot.. hmmm.. it was hmmm... i dunno wat.. LOL! but its the kinda show that requires concentration to understand the whole thing...
basically, it a normal day to day kinda story... i'm not too sure.. still kinda confused by the show actually...
my cat is sitting directly in front of me.. extremely interested in seeing my fingers flying across the keyboard typing this entry.. and convieniently blocking my view of the keyboard... i think he thinks that he's invinsible or something...
and now, he is peering excitedly at the screen... as i'm typing and its trying to catch the text as i'm typing away at this entry... hahahahahhhahahahahahahah... and it doesnt know wat to catch.. the text flying across the screen or just my hand typing away...
that was my cat typing... lol.. actually...8544444454 there it goes again... she, i meant he was trying to catch the moving cursor on the screen... so ya..
and now, he is peering excitedly at the screen... as i'm typing and its trying to catch the text as i'm typing away at this entry... hahahahahhhahahahahahahah... and it doesnt know wat to catch.. the text flying across the screen or just my hand typing away...
that was my cat typing... lol.. actually...8544444454 there it goes again... she, i meant he was trying to catch the moving cursor on the screen... so ya..
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Tralalalallalalalaa.... ITS SUNDAY NIGHT!! WHAHAHA.. ok i'm mad..
Argued with my mom over the silliest things in the entire world!! guess wat?
Thumb Drive & Floppy disks...
Went to Sim Lim Sq today..
purpose was that my mom was getting herself an external hard disk...
So she asked me whether or not i have to get anything.. and i was like.. Ya, i need floppy disks... then she was like why on earth are you still using floppies? why never get yourself a thumb drive??? Then i was like.. i dont see the purpose in it..
Then she goes into a long lecture... about how she got me a thumb drive in the beginning of poly.. and that i returned it back to her.. coz, i lazy to bend down to find the usb port.. and that i was afraid that i might lose it.. *Headache*
I mean... excuse me, i was doing her a favour lor.. first of all 2 yrs ago, thumb drives are expensive.. and she got me a 512MB one.. i mean hello... i dont carry expensive gadgets around besides my handphone... That gave me enough heart attack.. Fear of misplacing it..
Anywayz, she was saying.. when i give you thumb drive you dont want.. when i not getting you one.. you need it... Then i was like.. MA!!! i never ask for thumb drive can!!! I asked for floppy disks... I dont need expensive thumb drives, just plain old conventional floppy disks... SHEESSH! *rolls eyes*
so ya.. that was how i spend my trip to sim lim today..
Argued with my mom over the silliest things in the entire world!! guess wat?
Thumb Drive & Floppy disks...
Went to Sim Lim Sq today..
purpose was that my mom was getting herself an external hard disk...
So she asked me whether or not i have to get anything.. and i was like.. Ya, i need floppy disks... then she was like why on earth are you still using floppies? why never get yourself a thumb drive??? Then i was like.. i dont see the purpose in it..
Then she goes into a long lecture... about how she got me a thumb drive in the beginning of poly.. and that i returned it back to her.. coz, i lazy to bend down to find the usb port.. and that i was afraid that i might lose it.. *Headache*
I mean... excuse me, i was doing her a favour lor.. first of all 2 yrs ago, thumb drives are expensive.. and she got me a 512MB one.. i mean hello... i dont carry expensive gadgets around besides my handphone... That gave me enough heart attack.. Fear of misplacing it..
Anywayz, she was saying.. when i give you thumb drive you dont want.. when i not getting you one.. you need it... Then i was like.. MA!!! i never ask for thumb drive can!!! I asked for floppy disks... I dont need expensive thumb drives, just plain old conventional floppy disks... SHEESSH! *rolls eyes*
so ya.. that was how i spend my trip to sim lim today..
This is an extremely boring saturday i'm going through here... AIYO.. But i should be studying for convey instead of doing god knows wat...
Hmmm... Saw my cousin on the stanfield college commercial... hahaha.. maybe he's in there rite now.. or maybe.. he's one of those picked off the streets to do a favour kinda thing.. lol! i shall ask his sis one of these days.. lol..
And once again i'm bored... to death... and i cant do much... having muscle cramps due to yesterday's swimming trip... and today's trip make it worse... and the new cat is a pest.. have i mentioned that before?
Oh well.. I'll gladly say it again..
THE NEW CAT'S A PEST! so ya.. There you go.. lol..
This is an extremely boring saturday i'm going through here... AIYO.. But i should be studying for convey instead of doing god knows wat...
Hmmm... Saw my cousin on the stanfield college commercial... hahaha.. maybe he's in there rite now.. or maybe.. he's one of those picked off the streets to do a favour kinda thing.. lol! i shall ask his sis one of these days.. lol..
And once again i'm bored... to death... and i cant do much... having muscle cramps due to yesterday's swimming trip... and today's trip make it worse... and the new cat is a pest.. have i mentioned that before?
Oh well.. I'll gladly say it again..
THE NEW CAT'S A PEST! so ya.. There you go.. lol..
Saturday, March 05, 2005
oh ya.. i had accounts today.. LOL!! Well the results are out.. Yes, the A' Levels results are out.. But i'm talking about the accounts class test.. whahahaha.. How anti-climax rite? i know! But watever...
so i shall proceed on talking about that particular results.. it was the most unexpected thing that ever happened to me! lol... may accounts might not be that bad after all..
And been suffering the headache again... throughout the day.. dunno wats wrong also.. went swimming after that.. swam and swam and lost count of how many laps... just to drive the headache away.. its bad...
Met my mom later on.. seriously think that she needs a break.. or i'm gonna have a word with her colleague/ex-boss/partner.. seriously. If he doesnt stop calling her slow and lowering her self- esteem, i would rather have her jobless than for her to have a daily dose of verbaly abuse.. yes, i'd definitely count that as verbal and mental abuse..
I gave her a tip though.. the next time he irritates her.. i told her to show him her middle finger or make violent hand gestures.. seriously think her middle finger is under utilised... so YA!
and after that i got a surprise of my life...
aiyo.. i thought crystal will be last.. i guess not then.. its Orange & White... Me and mom have decided to call it PATCHES.. yup.. it has an orange spot on its nose.. lol..
And now i'm walking around the house with tissue and sneezing all the way..
1) My allergic reaction to animal fur...
2) the cat's in love with me and follows me everywhere and expects me to pat it constantly...
And to BeCkY! Congrats on the results ya? :P
oh ya.. i had accounts today.. LOL!! Well the results are out.. Yes, the A' Levels results are out.. But i'm talking about the accounts class test.. whahahaha.. How anti-climax rite? i know! But watever...
so i shall proceed on talking about that particular results.. it was the most unexpected thing that ever happened to me! lol... may accounts might not be that bad after all..
And been suffering the headache again... throughout the day.. dunno wats wrong also.. went swimming after that.. swam and swam and lost count of how many laps... just to drive the headache away.. its bad...
Met my mom later on.. seriously think that she needs a break.. or i'm gonna have a word with her colleague/ex-boss/partner.. seriously. If he doesnt stop calling her slow and lowering her self- esteem, i would rather have her jobless than for her to have a daily dose of verbaly abuse.. yes, i'd definitely count that as verbal and mental abuse..
I gave her a tip though.. the next time he irritates her.. i told her to show him her middle finger or make violent hand gestures.. seriously think her middle finger is under utilised... so YA!
and after that i got a surprise of my life...
aiyo.. i thought crystal will be last.. i guess not then.. its Orange & White... Me and mom have decided to call it PATCHES.. yup.. it has an orange spot on its nose.. lol..
And now i'm walking around the house with tissue and sneezing all the way..
1) My allergic reaction to animal fur...
2) the cat's in love with me and follows me everywhere and expects me to pat it constantly...
And to BeCkY! Congrats on the results ya? :P
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Had my Psychology Presentation today...
It was.. fine and not so fine?
I have no idea how to describe this... i think it was perfectly fine.. but obviously one of my group members was stressed out... She was TOO stressed out i tell you.. And over psychology.. OF ALL THINGS.. but ya..
Too the extent that she find fault with nearly everything and obviously one of the guys became the victim.. whahahaa.. poor thing..
besides that, well.. i guess not to bad since, the so called nerd in the class didn't ask us anything about our presentation.. Call it our luck.. or maybe.. he was just plain nervous since his presentation was immediately after us...
HMMMM.. It was crappy.. but i have no comments.. the crappy part is commmenting on the class today generally, not to any particular thing, person, or group in particular...
GOSH! my headache is back... been suffering the entire of psychology class... i seriously think that there's something wrong... but watever...
i'm getting songs from one of my psycho classmates... BUT i'm having a slight problem in transferring it into my MP3...
HAIZ.. Technology... SO LECEH!
It was.. fine and not so fine?
I have no idea how to describe this... i think it was perfectly fine.. but obviously one of my group members was stressed out... She was TOO stressed out i tell you.. And over psychology.. OF ALL THINGS.. but ya..
Too the extent that she find fault with nearly everything and obviously one of the guys became the victim.. whahahaa.. poor thing..
besides that, well.. i guess not to bad since, the so called nerd in the class didn't ask us anything about our presentation.. Call it our luck.. or maybe.. he was just plain nervous since his presentation was immediately after us...
HMMMM.. It was crappy.. but i have no comments.. the crappy part is commmenting on the class today generally, not to any particular thing, person, or group in particular...
GOSH! my headache is back... been suffering the entire of psychology class... i seriously think that there's something wrong... but watever...
i'm getting songs from one of my psycho classmates... BUT i'm having a slight problem in transferring it into my MP3...
HAIZ.. Technology... SO LECEH!
I'm rotting here in ILaw with nothing much to do, nothing much to think and obviously nothing much to talk about...
Hmmm.. you know.. its the very first time that i have lots of time at hand and obviously that there's nothing to blog about...
let me think of something interesting...
Which is obviously a little difficult as i'm constantly distracted by conversations on how pple wanna watch Spongebob Squarepants the movie.. yes.. you hear the strangest things in ILaw Chambers...
Well... I've finally found something to do for myself.. *DUH~! who else if not me rite?*
And that mission is...
Which obviously i'm succeeding very well and she thinks that i desperately need mental health immediately... Its just so fun to keep on pressing the back space button when someone is trying to view the website dont you think?
And when the irritation level raises a notch, all you have to do is run away... and comes back when the time is right... which is anytime just about now? well.. i have to irritate her before she actually goes for lesson... so ya.. *Angelic Smiles*
OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo Azizahhh! *crepts up to azi's come..*
Hmmm.. you know.. its the very first time that i have lots of time at hand and obviously that there's nothing to blog about...
let me think of something interesting...
Which is obviously a little difficult as i'm constantly distracted by conversations on how pple wanna watch Spongebob Squarepants the movie.. yes.. you hear the strangest things in ILaw Chambers...
Well... I've finally found something to do for myself.. *DUH~! who else if not me rite?*
And that mission is...
Which obviously i'm succeeding very well and she thinks that i desperately need mental health immediately... Its just so fun to keep on pressing the back space button when someone is trying to view the website dont you think?
And when the irritation level raises a notch, all you have to do is run away... and comes back when the time is right... which is anytime just about now? well.. i have to irritate her before she actually goes for lesson... so ya.. *Angelic Smiles*
OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo Azizahhh! *crepts up to azi's come..*
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
*pulls hair desperately*
the feeling is like... ARGH!! Like as though i'm gonna die!!!
i think i'm gonna puke soon! Sheesh!
Oh ya... and to those that i talk to online and thinks that i was grumpy or something.. my apologies.. just that at the moment i cant be patient and keep repeating stuff that i've said previously... so ya..
I need to prepare for my psychology.. hmmm.. but never mind.. i'm even having difficulty typing this out...
Ah.. shit.. this is bad.. i think my head is breaking.. i think i'm gonna die.. AIYO! so pain!
*pulls hair desperately*
the feeling is like... ARGH!! Like as though i'm gonna die!!!
i think i'm gonna puke soon! Sheesh!
Oh ya... and to those that i talk to online and thinks that i was grumpy or something.. my apologies.. just that at the moment i cant be patient and keep repeating stuff that i've said previously... so ya..
I need to prepare for my psychology.. hmmm.. but never mind.. i'm even having difficulty typing this out...
Ah.. shit.. this is bad.. i think my head is breaking.. i think i'm gonna die.. AIYO! so pain!
I knew i had something just now... hmmm... My mind was like.. go to school.. go to school.. but i was obviously doing some other thing.. and was like.. but i have nothing in school...
Watever la nad... you already missed it.. You ocan just continue doing watever you're doing.. and just leave the house soon..
(Ok.. That was my mind bickering with each other.. LOL!)
Watever la nad... you already missed it.. You ocan just continue doing watever you're doing.. and just leave the house soon..
(Ok.. That was my mind bickering with each other.. LOL!)
ok i'm awake now... LOL!
I practically slept through a meeting and a lecture...
Well, i'll meet them tmr or something.. AIYO! and get today's lecture notes from some kind soul... *Gives Kay or Azi puppy dog eyes*
and i'm hungry again...
I better go find something to eat, bathe and then go to school for psychology lecture...
Good day all! Muahahaha.. Its a good day! Its a great day! Maybe its just that i just woke up! muahahaha... And its raining! My nose's runny! muahahhaha
Thank you and good bye! *orbs to the kitchen*
I practically slept through a meeting and a lecture...
Well, i'll meet them tmr or something.. AIYO! and get today's lecture notes from some kind soul... *Gives Kay or Azi puppy dog eyes*
and i'm hungry again...
I better go find something to eat, bathe and then go to school for psychology lecture...
Good day all! Muahahaha.. Its a good day! Its a great day! Maybe its just that i just woke up! muahahaha... And its raining! My nose's runny! muahahhaha
Thank you and good bye! *orbs to the kitchen*
Ok.. I'm feeling slightly better now... 3rd entry in a night.. not bad.. wahhaha..
Amazing wat hunger can do!
Just raided my fridge and gobbled down the most unhealthy food you can come across at 1.11am... (Namely 3pcs of Strawberry cake and 3 strawfuls of my grandmother's coke.. Hope she doesn't notice it depreciating.. =P)
Lemme post another pointless entry before i head for my date...
the topic rite now is Ryan Cabrera...
LOL~! I always have this picture that Mr. Cabrera here is OLD with graying blonde hair wears patterened denim shirts, a cowboy hat, pointed boots and tight leather pants making music videos with cactii in the background....
Well... Obviously, i just realised how wrong i was.. lOL!
He's young.. With boyish looking face and TOO long hair to be spiked up, but is still spiked up.. I'm starting to think that he's short or something.. and the hair is an illusion of additional height... LOL!
OK.. I think this entry here is pointless enough for my liking.. therefore, i shall end... and go for a date that i'm late for.. if not confirm cannot wake up tomorrow...
Amazing wat hunger can do!
Just raided my fridge and gobbled down the most unhealthy food you can come across at 1.11am... (Namely 3pcs of Strawberry cake and 3 strawfuls of my grandmother's coke.. Hope she doesn't notice it depreciating.. =P)
Lemme post another pointless entry before i head for my date...
the topic rite now is Ryan Cabrera...
LOL~! I always have this picture that Mr. Cabrera here is OLD with graying blonde hair wears patterened denim shirts, a cowboy hat, pointed boots and tight leather pants making music videos with cactii in the background....
Well... Obviously, i just realised how wrong i was.. lOL!
He's young.. With boyish looking face and TOO long hair to be spiked up, but is still spiked up.. I'm starting to think that he's short or something.. and the hair is an illusion of additional height... LOL!
OK.. I think this entry here is pointless enough for my liking.. therefore, i shall end... and go for a date that i'm late for.. if not confirm cannot wake up tomorrow...
I'm hungry!!!
At this time of the night??!?!1
The urge to raid my fridge is damn great!! ARGH!!! IDIOTS!!
But no no.. i shall stay away.. its unhealthy!! haiz.. So i shall type a pointless blog entry.. let's see what the hunger can do.. LOL!
Did i tell you that exams in around 2 weeks time? Hmmm.. Ya, only have 3 papers.. but its still exams...
but i'm more concentrating on the hols... i need a job.. desperately... To the extent that i dont even mind working during the school term... She asked me to call and ask...
Call it pride... call it ego... but who doesnt feel guilty when each time you call is to ask for something? It's a responsibility.. i should not be the one begging for it as though i'm in great need of it..
Yes i am in need of it... but no way am i gonna ask someone of something that they know is a must to give... I would rather work than to remind them of their duties...
Yes, PRIDE. that i cant deny.
Another thing; Fear.
Dissapointment? yes. that's another thing... Coz, i cant be bothered to be hopeful because of a promise that is never kept...
if only i could tell you, i no longer believed and hoped for anything you say or even promised... the pictures of great dreams, the colourful hopes, the fantastic fantasies. I've lost faith in that kinda love. To me its just mere fairy tales for kids. I've long outgrown your words.
Yes, its sad. But you've lost my trust time and time again. One thing i've learned painfully, even though i've always been reminded, is never to hope too much of anything from anyone...
She advised. I refused to listen even though deep within i knew.
But i've opened my eyes now.
You taught me that.
At this time of the night??!?!1
The urge to raid my fridge is damn great!! ARGH!!! IDIOTS!!
But no no.. i shall stay away.. its unhealthy!! haiz.. So i shall type a pointless blog entry.. let's see what the hunger can do.. LOL!
Did i tell you that exams in around 2 weeks time? Hmmm.. Ya, only have 3 papers.. but its still exams...
but i'm more concentrating on the hols... i need a job.. desperately... To the extent that i dont even mind working during the school term... She asked me to call and ask...
Call it pride... call it ego... but who doesnt feel guilty when each time you call is to ask for something? It's a responsibility.. i should not be the one begging for it as though i'm in great need of it..
Yes i am in need of it... but no way am i gonna ask someone of something that they know is a must to give... I would rather work than to remind them of their duties...
Yes, PRIDE. that i cant deny.
Another thing; Fear.
Dissapointment? yes. that's another thing... Coz, i cant be bothered to be hopeful because of a promise that is never kept...
if only i could tell you, i no longer believed and hoped for anything you say or even promised... the pictures of great dreams, the colourful hopes, the fantastic fantasies. I've lost faith in that kinda love. To me its just mere fairy tales for kids. I've long outgrown your words.
Yes, its sad. But you've lost my trust time and time again. One thing i've learned painfully, even though i've always been reminded, is never to hope too much of anything from anyone...
She advised. I refused to listen even though deep within i knew.
But i've opened my eyes now.
You taught me that.
I shouldnt have allowed my curiousity to take over.. Now i have a series of books to finish reading... ARGH!! Always you know nad.. Always the wrong timing!!
Hmmm .. Damn tired.. I'll be having group meeting tomorrow at 9.. not bad la my psycho members quite on.. in other words, we're trying to outdo the nerd's group.. damn irritating! wahhaha.. i wouldnt be surprised if they memorised the entire psychology text or something.. LOL! But nvm, i'll definitely find ways to shut him up from questioning.. hmmm... *Devilish grins*
Its been a long day, even though i have no idea what i did...
so ya...
Too many things on my mind i guess...
Oh ya before i forget.. please take care... good night.. sweet dreams everyone.. i'm off to my date with the prince charming of the night, MY BED.
Hmmm .. Damn tired.. I'll be having group meeting tomorrow at 9.. not bad la my psycho members quite on.. in other words, we're trying to outdo the nerd's group.. damn irritating! wahhaha.. i wouldnt be surprised if they memorised the entire psychology text or something.. LOL! But nvm, i'll definitely find ways to shut him up from questioning.. hmmm... *Devilish grins*
Its been a long day, even though i have no idea what i did...
so ya...
Too many things on my mind i guess...
Oh ya before i forget.. please take care... good night.. sweet dreams everyone.. i'm off to my date with the prince charming of the night, MY BED.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Had a very interesting conversation with hidayah yesterday... or was it this morning? hmmm..
Besides the conversation being lame and retarded! it was interesting in a way...
she was commenting on how she thinks that my current blog is not me.. because this are her exact words...
"Grey is just NOT you! You're a red or mysterious purple"
Well, having an art student as one of your best friends, i guess its inevitable.. whahaha.. i think she sees the world in a rainbow of colours...
But she managed to give me a reason for her choice of colours on me...
Red, is coz she finds me, Loud, bold and strong... her explaination was somewhere along the lines of me being decisive and independant...
and Mysterious Purple is due to the fact that she feels there's a mysterious aura about me.. lOL! she just feels that even though i'm cheery and nonsensical.. i still do keep things hidden... as in you know me but you dont know me kinda thing.. hmmm..
When she asked me the same question, i needed the toilet badly... which obviously i didnt answer it.. and NO, i was not dodging it.. LOL!
hmmm... to answer your qn...
I think that you're a yellow and pale peach...
Yellow is coz, you have always been chirpy, fun, loud.. I always thought that you have always suited being in St. Elizabeth.. hahaha.. that house is so you! lol!
and the pale peach? well, beside all that, there's a sensitive and caring side towards you that many have not realised.... you're sensitive in a way that nobody realises it... Your care is often masked by the cheerfulness... So ya.. Pale peach is the colour.. Soft yet Vibrant.. :P
Besides the conversation being lame and retarded! it was interesting in a way...
she was commenting on how she thinks that my current blog is not me.. because this are her exact words...
"Grey is just NOT you! You're a red or mysterious purple"
Well, having an art student as one of your best friends, i guess its inevitable.. whahaha.. i think she sees the world in a rainbow of colours...
But she managed to give me a reason for her choice of colours on me...
Red, is coz she finds me, Loud, bold and strong... her explaination was somewhere along the lines of me being decisive and independant...
and Mysterious Purple is due to the fact that she feels there's a mysterious aura about me.. lOL! she just feels that even though i'm cheery and nonsensical.. i still do keep things hidden... as in you know me but you dont know me kinda thing.. hmmm..
When she asked me the same question, i needed the toilet badly... which obviously i didnt answer it.. and NO, i was not dodging it.. LOL!
hmmm... to answer your qn...
I think that you're a yellow and pale peach...
Yellow is coz, you have always been chirpy, fun, loud.. I always thought that you have always suited being in St. Elizabeth.. hahaha.. that house is so you! lol!
and the pale peach? well, beside all that, there's a sensitive and caring side towards you that many have not realised.... you're sensitive in a way that nobody realises it... Your care is often masked by the cheerfulness... So ya.. Pale peach is the colour.. Soft yet Vibrant.. :P
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