Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm hungry!!!

At this time of the night??!?!1

The urge to raid my fridge is damn great!! ARGH!!! IDIOTS!!

But no no.. i shall stay away.. its unhealthy!! haiz.. So i shall type a pointless blog entry.. let's see what the hunger can do.. LOL!

Did i tell you that exams in around 2 weeks time? Hmmm.. Ya, only have 3 papers.. but its still exams...

but i'm more concentrating on the hols... i need a job.. desperately... To the extent that i dont even mind working during the school term... She asked me to call and ask...

Call it pride... call it ego... but who doesnt feel guilty when each time you call is to ask for something? It's a responsibility.. i should not be the one begging for it as though i'm in great need of it..

Yes i am in need of it... but no way am i gonna ask someone of something that they know is a must to give... I would rather work than to remind them of their duties...

Yes, PRIDE. that i cant deny.

Another thing; Fear.

Dissapointment? yes. that's another thing... Coz, i cant be bothered to be hopeful because of a promise that is never kept...

if only i could tell you, i no longer believed and hoped for anything you say or even promised... the pictures of great dreams, the colourful hopes, the fantastic fantasies. I've lost faith in that kinda love. To me its just mere fairy tales for kids. I've long outgrown your words.

Yes, its sad. But you've lost my trust time and time again. One thing i've learned painfully, even though i've always been reminded, is never to hope too much of anything from anyone...

She advised. I refused to listen even though deep within i knew.

But i've opened my eyes now.

You taught me that.


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